isEmpty()) return 0; if ($this->geos() && $exterior_only == FALSE) { return $this->geos()->area(); } $exterior_ring = $this->components[0]; $pts = $exterior_ring->getComponents(); $c = count($pts); if((int)$c == '0') return NULL; $a = '0'; foreach($pts as $k => $p){ $j = ($k + 1) % $c; $a = $a + ($p->getX() * $pts[$j]->getY()) - ($p->getY() * $pts[$j]->getX()); } if ($signed) $area = ($a / 2); else $area = abs(($a / 2)); if ($exterior_only == TRUE) { return $area; } foreach ($this->components as $delta => $component) { if ($delta != 0) { $inner_poly = new Polygon(array($component)); $area -= $inner_poly->area(); } } return $area; } public function centroid() { if ($this->isEmpty()) return NULL; if ($this->geos()) { return geoPHP::geosToGeometry($this->geos()->centroid()); } $exterior_ring = $this->components[0]; $pts = $exterior_ring->getComponents(); $c = count($pts); if((int)$c == '0') return NULL; $cn = array('x' => '0', 'y' => '0'); $a = $this->area(TRUE, TRUE); // If this is a polygon with no area. Just return the first point. if ($a == 0) { return $this->exteriorRing()->pointN(1); } foreach($pts as $k => $p){ $j = ($k + 1) % $c; $P = ($p->getX() * $pts[$j]->getY()) - ($p->getY() * $pts[$j]->getX()); $cn['x'] = $cn['x'] + ($p->getX() + $pts[$j]->getX()) * $P; $cn['y'] = $cn['y'] + ($p->getY() + $pts[$j]->getY()) * $P; } $cn['x'] = $cn['x'] / ( 6 * $a); $cn['y'] = $cn['y'] / ( 6 * $a); $centroid = new Point($cn['x'], $cn['y']); return $centroid; } /** * Find the outermost point from the centroid * * @returns Point The outermost point */ public function outermostPoint() { $centroid = $this->getCentroid(); $max = array('length' => 0, 'point' => null); foreach($this->getPoints() as $point) { $lineString = new LineString(array($centroid, $point)); if($lineString->length() > $max['length']) { $max['length'] = $lineString->length(); $max['point'] = $point; } } return $max['point']; } public function exteriorRing() { if ($this->isEmpty()) return new LineString(); return $this->components[0]; } public function numInteriorRings() { if ($this->isEmpty()) return 0; return $this->numGeometries()-1; } public function interiorRingN($n) { return $this->geometryN($n+1); } public function dimension() { if ($this->isEmpty()) return 0; return 2; } public function isSimple() { if ($this->geos()) { return $this->geos()->isSimple(); } $segments = $this->explode(); foreach ($segments as $i => $segment) { foreach ($segments as $j => $check_segment) { if ($i != $j) { if ($segment->lineSegmentIntersect($check_segment)) { return FALSE; } } } } return TRUE; } // Not valid for this geometry type // -------------------------------- public function length() { return NULL; } }