 * (c) Patrick Hayes
 * This code is open-source and licenced under the Modified BSD License.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

 * PHP Geometry/WKB encoder/decoder
class WKB extends GeoAdapter

  private $dimension = 2;
  private $z = FALSE;
  private $m = FALSE;

   * Read WKB into geometry objects
   * @param string $wkb
   *   Well-known-binary string
   * @param bool $is_hex_string
   *   If this is a hexedecimal string that is in need of packing
   * @return Geometry
  public function read($wkb, $is_hex_string = FALSE) {
    if ($is_hex_string) {
      $wkb = pack('H*',$wkb);

    if (empty($wkb)) {
      throw new Exception('Cannot read empty WKB geometry. Found ' . gettype($wkb));

    $mem = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
    fwrite($mem, $wkb);
    fseek($mem, 0);

    $geometry = $this->getGeometry($mem);
    return $geometry;

  function getGeometry(&$mem) {
    $base_info = unpack("corder/ctype/cz/cm/cs", fread($mem, 5));
    if ($base_info['order'] !== 1) {
      throw new Exception('Only NDR (little endian) SKB format is supported at the moment');

    if ($base_info['z']) {
      $this->z = TRUE;
    if ($base_info['m']) {
      $this->m = TRUE;

    // If there is SRID information, ignore it - use EWKB Adapter to get SRID support
    if ($base_info['s']) {
      fread($mem, 4);

    switch ($base_info['type']) {
      case 1:
        return $this->getPoint($mem);
      case 2:
        return $this->getLinstring($mem);
      case 3:
        return $this->getPolygon($mem);
      case 4:
        return $this->getMulti($mem,'point');
      case 5:
        return $this->getMulti($mem,'line');
      case 6:
        return $this->getMulti($mem,'polygon');
      case 7:
        return $this->getMulti($mem,'geometry');

  function getPoint(&$mem) {
    $point_coords = unpack("d*", fread($mem,$this->dimension*8));
    return new Point($point_coords[1],$point_coords[2]);

  function getLinstring(&$mem) {
    // Get the number of points expected in this string out of the first 4 bytes
    $line_length = unpack('L',fread($mem,4));

    // Return an empty linestring if there is no line-length
    if (!$line_length[1]) return new LineString();

    // Read the nubmer of points x2 (each point is two coords) into decimal-floats
    $line_coords = unpack('d*', fread($mem,$line_length[1]*$this->dimension*8));

    // We have our coords, build up the linestring
    $components = array();
    $i = 1;
    $num_coords = count($line_coords);
    while ($i <= $num_coords) {
      $components[] = new Point($line_coords[$i],$line_coords[$i+1]);
      $i += 2;
    return new LineString($components);

  function getPolygon(&$mem) {
    // Get the number of linestring expected in this poly out of the first 4 bytes
    $poly_length = unpack('L',fread($mem,4));

    $components = array();
    $i = 1;
    while ($i <= $poly_length[1]) {
      $components[] = $this->getLinstring($mem);
    return new Polygon($components);

  function getMulti(&$mem, $type) {
    // Get the number of items expected in this multi out of the first 4 bytes
    $multi_length = unpack('L',fread($mem,4));

    $components = array();
    $i = 1;
    while ($i <= $multi_length[1]) {
      $components[] = $this->getGeometry($mem);
    switch ($type) {
      case 'point':
        return new MultiPoint($components);
      case 'line':
        return new MultiLineString($components);
      case 'polygon':
        return new MultiPolygon($components);
      case 'geometry':
        return new GeometryCollection($components);

   * Serialize geometries into WKB string.
   * @param Geometry $geometry
   * @return string The WKB string representation of the input geometries
  public function write(Geometry $geometry, $write_as_hex = FALSE) {
    // We always write into NDR (little endian)
    $wkb = pack('c',1);

    switch ($geometry->getGeomType()) {
      case 'Point';
        $wkb .= pack('L',1);
        $wkb .= $this->writePoint($geometry);
      case 'LineString';
        $wkb .= pack('L',2);
        $wkb .= $this->writeLineString($geometry);
      case 'Polygon';
        $wkb .= pack('L',3);
        $wkb .= $this->writePolygon($geometry);
      case 'MultiPoint';
        $wkb .= pack('L',4);
        $wkb .= $this->writeMulti($geometry);
      case 'MultiLineString';
        $wkb .= pack('L',5);
        $wkb .= $this->writeMulti($geometry);
      case 'MultiPolygon';
        $wkb .= pack('L',6);
        $wkb .= $this->writeMulti($geometry);
      case 'GeometryCollection';
        $wkb .= pack('L',7);
        $wkb .= $this->writeMulti($geometry);

    if ($write_as_hex) {
      $unpacked = unpack('H*',$wkb);
      return $unpacked[1];
    else {
      return $wkb;

  function writePoint($point) {
    // Set the coords
    $wkb = pack('dd',$point->x(), $point->y());

    return $wkb;

  function writeLineString($line) {
    // Set the number of points in this line
    $wkb = pack('L',$line->numPoints());

    // Set the coords
    foreach ($line->getComponents() as $point) {
      $wkb .= pack('dd',$point->x(), $point->y());

    return $wkb;

  function writePolygon($poly) {
    // Set the number of lines in this poly
    $wkb = pack('L',$poly->numGeometries());

    // Write the lines
    foreach ($poly->getComponents() as $line) {
      $wkb .= $this->writeLineString($line);

    return $wkb;

  function writeMulti($geometry) {
    // Set the number of components
    $wkb = pack('L',$geometry->numGeometries());

    // Write the components
    foreach ($geometry->getComponents() as $component) {
      $wkb .= $this->write($component);

    return $wkb;
