t('Block settings'), 'feature_source' => TRUE, 'default_hook' => 'default_' . $key, 'default_file' => FEATURES_DEFAULTS_INCLUDED, ); $key = 'fe_block_boxes'; $info[$key] = array( 'name' => t('Block contents (boxes)'), 'feature_source' => TRUE, 'default_hook' => 'default_' . $key, 'default_file' => FEATURES_DEFAULTS_INCLUDED, ); return $info; } /** * Implements hook_features_export_options(). */ function fe_block_settings_features_export_options() { $options = array(); $blocks = _fe_block_get_blocks(); usort($blocks, '_fe_block_compare'); foreach ($blocks as $block) { // @see features.block.inc if (strpos($block['module'], '-') !== FALSE) { continue; } $block_id = _fe_block_build_id($block); if (empty($block_id)) { continue; } $options[$block_id] = '[' . $block_id . '] ' . $block['info']; } return $options; } /** * Implements hook_features_export(). */ function fe_block_settings_features_export($data, &$export, $module_name = '') { $pipe = array(); $export['dependencies']['fe_block'] = 'fe_block'; $component = 'fe_block_settings'; // Add the components. foreach ($data as $object_name) { $export['features'][$component][$object_name] = $object_name; // Boxes. if (strpos($object_name, 'block-') === 0) { $machine_name = substr($object_name, strlen('block-')); $pipe['fe_block_boxes'][$machine_name] = $machine_name; } // @todo Export menu blocks. // Others. else { $pipe['block'][$object_name] = $object_name; } } return $pipe; } /** * Implements hook_features_export_render(). */ function fe_block_settings_features_export_render($module_name = '', $data) { $code = array(); $code[] = ' $export = array();'; $code[] = ''; // The way the blocks are exported has changed throughout the history of the // module. We provide an export format version string to provide backwards // compatibility. Note that it is ok to use the array key "version" here. // Block ids always have a '-' in their string. $code[] = ' $export[\'version\'] = \'' . FE_BLOCK_VERSION . '\';'; $code[] = ''; // Get a list of all active themes to cycle through. $themes = _fe_block_get_active_themes(); // Retrieve block settings for all blocks in all active themes. $blocks = array(); foreach ($themes as $theme) { $blocks[$theme] = _fe_block_info_by_theme($theme); } // We use the first theme's block settings as master settings. Some settings // are specific to each theme, but these are processed later in the loop. $default_theme = reset($themes); // We try to build an export for each defined data element. foreach ($data as $name) { // Check if the block still exists in the block definitions. if (!empty($blocks[$default_theme][$name])) { $block = $blocks[$default_theme][$name]; // We start to build the export object for this block. // First we retrieve data that is valid for any theme. $export_block = _fe_block_get_global_settings($block); // Ensure core custom block export keys are transformed. $export_block = _fe_block_prepare_custom_blocks_for_export($export_block); // Add node type settings. $export_block['node_types'] = _fe_block_get_block_node_types($block); // Add role visibility settings. $export_block['roles'] = _fe_block_get_block_roles($block); // Add theme specific settings for every active theme. $export_block['themes'] = array(); foreach ($themes as $theme) { $export_block['themes'][$theme] = _fe_block_get_theme_specific_settings($blocks[$theme][$name]); } // Sort export array keys. ksort($export_block); // Export to code. $code[] = ' $export[\'' . $name . '\'] = ' . features_var_export($export_block, ' ') . ';'; // Add an empty line. $code[] = ''; } } $code[] = ' return $export;'; $code = implode("\n", $code); return array('default_fe_block_settings' => $code); } /** * Returns the block definitions for a specific theme. * * @param string $theme * Machine name of the theme. * * @return array * Array of block definitions. */ function _fe_block_info_by_theme($theme) { $blocks = array(); foreach (_fe_block_get_blocks($theme) as $block) { // Blocks are only valid for export if we got a machine name for them. if ($id = _fe_block_build_id($block)) { $blocks[$id] = $block; } } // Sort blocks by keys to get a consistent order. ksort($blocks); return $blocks; } /** * Retrieve the global (non-theme-specific) part of a block definition. * * @param array $block * A block definition. * * @return array * The block definition filtered on non-theme-specific settings. */ function _fe_block_get_global_settings($block) { $theme_specific_defaults = _fe_block_theme_specific_defaults(); // Filter on any keys other than the theme specific ones. $return = array_diff_key($block, $theme_specific_defaults); // Remove the serial. if (isset($return['bid'])) { unset($return['bid']); } // Remove the info from hook_block_info(). if (isset($return['info'])) { unset($return['info']); } return $return; } /** * Helper to prepare a core custom block for export. * * Replaces the block delta that is used by the core block module with a unique * machine name. * * @param array $block * Block definition - can be only part of the original definition. * * @return array * Altered block array. */ function _fe_block_prepare_custom_blocks_for_export($block) { if ($block['module'] == 'block') { $block['machine_name'] = fe_block_get_machine_name($block['delta']); unset($block['delta']); } return $block; } /** * Helper function. Prepares an exported core custom block for import. * * @param array $block * Block definition from the import code. * * @return array * Altered array with machine_name replaced by delta. */ function _fe_block_prepare_custom_blocks_for_import($block) { if ($block['module'] == 'block') { $block['delta'] = fe_block_get_bid($block['machine_name'], TRUE); unset($block['machine_name']); } return $block; } /** * Helper function to get the theme specific settings for a block. * * @param array $block * A single block definition. * * @return array * A filtered block definition with only theme-specific settings. */ function _fe_block_get_theme_specific_settings($block) { $defaults = _fe_block_theme_specific_defaults(); $settings = array_intersect_key($block, $defaults); // Region. if ($settings['region'] == BLOCK_REGION_NONE) { $settings['status'] = 0; $settings['region'] = ''; } ksort($settings); return $settings; } /** * Helper function for filtering theme specific settings. * * @see _fe_block_get_global_settings() * @see _fe_block_get_theme_specific_settings() * * @return array * An array of default settings, keyed by name. */ function _fe_block_theme_specific_defaults() { return array( 'theme' => '', 'status' => '', 'weight' => 0, 'region' => '', ); } /** * Get node type visibility settings for the specified block. * * @param array $block * Block definition array. * * @return array * Array of node types associated with the block. */ function _fe_block_get_block_node_types($block) { $query = db_select('block_node_type', 'bnt') ->condition('module', $block['module']) ->condition('delta', $block['delta']) ->fields('bnt', array('type')) ->orderBy('bnt.type', 'ASC'); return $query->execute()->fetchCol(); } /** * Returns the blocks currently exported by modules. * * This is derived from _block_rehash(). * * @param $theme * The theme to retrieve blocks for. If not provided, defaults to the * currently used theme. * * @return * Blocks currently exported by modules. */ function _fe_block_get_blocks($theme = NULL) { global $theme_key; $blocks = array(); drupal_theme_initialize(); if (!isset($theme)) { // If theme is not specifically set, rehash for the current theme. $theme = $theme_key; } $regions = system_region_list($theme); // These are the blocks defined by code and modified by the database. $current_blocks = array(); // These are {block}.bid values to be kept. $bids = array(); $or = db_or(); // Gather the blocks defined by modules. foreach (module_implements('block_info') as $module) { $module_blocks = module_invoke($module, 'block_info'); foreach ($module_blocks as $delta => $block) { // Compile a condition to retrieve this block from the database. $condition = db_and() ->condition('module', $module) ->condition('delta', $delta); $or->condition($condition); // Add identifiers. $block['module'] = $module; $block['delta'] = $delta; $block['theme'] = $theme; $current_blocks[$module][$delta] = $block; } } // Retrieve database settings for all blocks that are defined by modules. $code_blocks = $current_blocks; $database_blocks = db_select('block', 'b') ->fields('b') ->condition($or) ->condition('theme', $theme) ->execute(); foreach ($database_blocks as $block) { // Preserve info which is not in the database. $block->info = $current_blocks[$block->module][$block->delta]['info']; // The cache mode can only by set from hook_block_info(), so that has // precedence over the database's value. if (isset($current_blocks[$block->module][$block->delta]['cache'])) { $block->cache = $current_blocks[$block->module][$block->delta]['cache']; } // Blocks stored in the database override the blocks defined in code. $current_blocks[$block->module][$block->delta] = get_object_vars($block); // Preserve this block. $bids[$block->bid] = $block->bid; } drupal_alter('block_info', $current_blocks, $theme, $code_blocks); foreach ($current_blocks as $module => $module_blocks) { foreach ($module_blocks as $delta => $block) { if (!isset($block['pages'])) { // {block}.pages is type 'text', so it cannot have a // default value, and not null, so we need to provide // value if the module did not. $block['pages'] = ''; } // Make sure weight is set. if (!isset($block['weight'])) { $block['weight'] = 0; } // Disable blocks that are not assigned to a region in the theme. if (!empty($block['region']) && $block['region'] != BLOCK_REGION_NONE && !isset($regions[$block['region']]) && $block['status'] == 1) { // Disabled modules are moved into the BLOCK_REGION_NONE later so no // need to move the block to another region. $block['status'] = 0; } // Set region to none if not enabled and make sure status is set. if (empty($block['status'])) { $block['status'] = 0; $block['region'] = BLOCK_REGION_NONE; } // Add to the list of blocks we return. $blocks[] = $block; } } return $blocks; } /** * Returns a list of machine names of active themes. * * @return array * An array of theme machine names. */ function _fe_block_get_active_themes() { $theme_names = array(); foreach (list_themes() as $machine_name => $theme) { if (!empty($theme->status)) { $theme_names[] = $machine_name; } } sort($theme_names); return $theme_names; } /** * Implements hook_features_revert(). */ function fe_block_settings_features_revert($module_name = NULL) { $component = 'fe_block_settings'; $defaults = features_get_default($component, $module_name); if (empty($defaults)) { return; } // We remove the version, as we now want to deal with actual block settings. unset($defaults['version']); $themes_rehashed = array(); $active_themes = _fe_block_get_active_themes(); // The fallback theme for theme specific settings. $theme_default = variable_get('theme_default', 'bartik'); foreach ($defaults as $block) { // Core custom blocks are prepared with a delta value. $block = _fe_block_prepare_custom_blocks_for_import($block); // Remove the additional settings from the block array, to process them // later. We explicitely set NULL, if no setting was given in the defaults. $block_themes = $block['themes']; $block_node_types = isset($block['node_types']) ? $block['node_types'] : NULL; $block_roles = isset($block['roles']) ? $block['roles'] : NULL; unset($block['themes']); unset($block['node_types']); unset($block['roles']); // Restore theme specific settings for every active theme. foreach ($active_themes as $theme) { // Rehash if we did not yet. if (empty($themes_rehashed[$theme])) { _block_rehash($theme); $themes_rehashed[$theme] = TRUE; } // Get the theme specific setting for the active theme. if (isset($block_themes[$theme])) { $key = $theme; } // Or fallback on the default theme. elseif (isset($block_themes[$theme_default])) { $key = $theme_default; } // Or fallback on the first available theme spec. else { $key = key($block_themes); } // Write block settings. $write = array_merge($block, $block_themes[$key]); drupal_write_record('block', $write, array('module', 'delta', 'theme')); } // Ensure global settings. _fe_block_settings_update_global_settings($block); // Set node type settings // (only if there were some defined, to avoid overwriting not yet exported // data). if (isset($block_node_types)) { _fe_block_settings_update_block_node_type_settings($block, $block_node_types); } // Apply role visibility settings. if (isset($block_roles)) { _fe_block_settings_update_block_roles($block, $block_roles); } } // Clear block cache. cache_clear_all(NULL, 'cache_block'); return TRUE; } /** * Helper to update global block settings for a specific block. * * @param array $block * block definition */ function _fe_block_settings_update_global_settings($block) { $globals = _fe_block_get_global_settings($block); db_update('block') ->fields($globals) ->condition('module', $block['module']) ->condition('delta', $block['delta']) ->execute(); } /** * Helper to update node type settings for a given block. * * @param array $block * block definition * @param array $node_types * array of node types */ function _fe_block_settings_update_block_node_type_settings($block, $node_types) { // First delete the old node type settings. db_delete('block_node_type') ->condition('module', $block['module']) ->condition('delta', $block['delta']) ->execute(); if (!empty($node_types)) { $insert = db_insert('block_node_type') ->fields(array('module', 'delta', 'type')); foreach ($node_types as $type) { $insert->values(array( 'module' => $block['module'], 'delta' => $block['delta'], 'type' => $type, )); } $insert->execute(); } } /** * Helper to update the block role settings for a given block. * * @param array $block *   block definiton * @param array $roles *   Associative array of roles *   - key: role name *   - value: (foreign) role id */ function _fe_block_settings_update_block_roles($block, $block_roles) { static $roles; // First get the current set of roles, so we can match role names to rids. if (!isset($roles)) { $roles = db_select('role', 'r') ->fields('r', array('rid', 'name')) ->execute() ->fetchAllKeyed(1, 0); } // First delete the old block role settings. db_delete('block_role') ->condition('module', $block['module']) ->condition('delta', $block['delta']) ->execute(); // Then write the new settings, if any are present. if (!empty($block_roles)) { $insert = db_insert('block_role') ->fields(array('module', 'delta', 'rid')); // We use a found flag, to avoid empty inserts if no role names match. $found = FALSE; foreach ($block_roles as $name => $rid) { // We only write for roles, matching the given role name. if (isset($roles[$name])) { $insert->values(array( 'module' => $block['module'], 'delta' => $block['delta'], 'rid' => $roles[$name], )); $found = TRUE; } } if ($found) { $insert->execute(); } } } /** * Implements hook_features_disable_feature(). */ function fe_block_settings_features_disable_feature($module) { } /** * Implements hook_features_enable_feature(). */ function fe_block_settings_features_enable_feature($module) { fe_block_settings_features_revert($module); } /** * Implements hook_features_rebuild(). */ function fe_block_settings_features_rebuild($module) { fe_block_settings_features_revert($module); } /** * Implements hook_features_export_options(). */ function fe_block_boxes_features_export_options() { $table = 'fe_block_boxes'; $options = array(); // Defaults. $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($table); $export = $schema['export']; $defaults = _ctools_export_get_defaults($table, $export); foreach ($defaults as $obj) { $options[$obj->machine_name] = t('@name [@machine_name]', array('@name' => $obj->info, '@machine_name' => $obj->machine_name)); } // Normals. $query = "SELECT * FROM {{$table}} {$table} INNER JOIN {block_custom} b ON b.bid = {$table}.bid ORDER BY b.bid ASC"; $result = db_query($query); foreach ($result as $obj) { $options[$obj->machine_name] = t('@name [@machine_name]', array('@name' => $obj->info, '@machine_name' => $obj->machine_name)); } ksort($options); return $options; } /** * Implements hook_features_export(). */ function fe_block_boxes_features_export($data, &$export, $module_name = '') { $pipe = array(); $export['dependencies']['fe_block'] = 'fe_block'; $table = 'fe_block_boxes'; // Add the components foreach ($data as $object_name) { $export['features'][$table][$object_name] = $object_name; } return $pipe; } /** * Implements hook_features_export_render(). */ function fe_block_boxes_features_export_render($module_name = '', $data) { ctools_include('export'); $component = 'fe_block_boxes'; $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($component); $objects = ctools_export_load_object($component); $code = array(); $code[] = ' $export = array();'; $code[] = ''; foreach ($data as $machine_name) { // The object to be exported. if (isset($objects[$machine_name]) && $object = $objects[$machine_name]) { $additions = array(); // Load box. if (!empty($object->bid) && $box = block_custom_block_get($object->bid)) { $additions = (array) $box; unset($additions['bid'], $additions['body']); // Code. $identifier = $schema['export']['identifier']; $code[] = ctools_export_object($component, $object, ' ', $identifier, $additions) . ' $' . $identifier . '->body = ' . features_var_export($box['body']) . ';'; $code[] = ''; $code[] = ' $export[\'' . $machine_name . '\'] = $' . $identifier . ';'; $code[] = ''; } } } $code[] = ' return $export;'; $code = implode("\n", $code); return array($schema['export']['default hook'] => $code); } /** * Implements hook_features_revert(). */ function fe_block_boxes_features_revert($module_name = NULL) { $defaults = features_get_default('fe_block_boxes', $module_name); if (empty($defaults)) { return; } // Revert. foreach ($defaults as $object) { if (empty($object->machine_name)) { continue; } $bid = fe_block_get_bid($object->machine_name); if (empty($bid) || !($box = block_custom_block_get($bid))) { $result = _fe_block_save_box((array) $object); if (!empty($result['bid'])) { $or = db_or() ->condition('bid', $result['bid']) ->condition('machine_name', $object->machine_name); db_delete('fe_block_boxes') ->condition($or) ->execute(); db_insert('fe_block_boxes') ->fields(array( 'bid' => $result['bid'], 'machine_name' => $object->machine_name, )) ->execute(); } } else { $object->bid = $bid; $result = _fe_block_save_box((array) $object); } } // Clear block cache cache_clear_all(NULL, 'cache_block'); return TRUE; } /** * Implements hook_features_disable_feature(). */ function fe_block_boxes_features_disable_feature($module) { } /** * Implements hook_features_enable_feature(). */ function fe_block_boxes_features_enable_feature($module) { fe_block_boxes_features_revert($module); } /** * Implements hook_features_rebuild(). */ function fe_block_boxes_features_rebuild($module) { fe_block_boxes_features_revert($module); } /** * Implements hook_form_alter(). */ function fe_block_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { $default_values = array(); if ($form_id == 'block_add_block_form' && $form['module']['#value'] == 'block' && user_access('administer features')) { $default_values['machine_name'] = ''; $default_values['bid'] = 0; } elseif ($form_id == 'block_admin_configure' && $form['module']['#value'] == 'block' && user_access('administer features')) { $bid = $form['delta']['#value']; $machine_name = fe_block_get_machine_name($bid); $default_values['machine_name'] = empty($machine_name) ? '' : $machine_name; $default_values['bid'] = $bid; } // Delete a block. elseif ($form_id == 'block_box_delete') { $form['#submit'][] = 'fe_block_machine_name_delete'; } // Add & edit if (!empty($default_values)) { $form['settings']['machine_name'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Machine name'), '#default_value' => $default_values['machine_name'], '#maxlength' => 32, '#description' => t('Give the block a machine name to make it exportable with "!features" module.', array('!features' => l('Features', 'http://drupal.org/project/features'))), '#weight' => -50, ); $form['bid'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $default_values['bid'], ); // Validate & submit. $form['#validate'][] = 'fe_block_machine_name_validate'; $form['#submit'][] = 'fe_block_machine_name_submit'; } } /** * Validate machine name. */ function fe_block_machine_name_validate($form, &$form_state) { if (empty($form_state['values']['machine_name'])) { return; } $table = 'fe_block_boxes'; $query = db_select($table) ->condition('bid', $form_state['values']['bid'], '<>') ->condition('machine_name', $form_state['values']['machine_name']); $count = $query->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField(); if (!preg_match('!^[a-z0-9_]+$!', $form_state['values']['machine_name'])) { form_set_error('machine_name', t('The machine-readable name must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.')); } elseif ($count > 0) { form_set_error('machine_name', t('The machine-readable name has been taken. Please pick another one.')); } } /** * Save machine name. */ function fe_block_machine_name_submit($form, &$form_state) { // Insert if (empty($form_state['values']['bid'])) { $form_state['values']['bid'] = db_select('block_custom') ->fields('block_custom', array('bid')) ->condition('info', $form_state['values']['info']) ->execute()->fetch()->bid; } if (empty($form_state['values']['bid'])) { return; } $table = 'fe_block_boxes'; db_delete($table) ->condition('bid', $form_state['values']['bid']) ->execute(); if (!empty($form_state['values']['machine_name'])) { drupal_write_record($table, $form_state['values']); } } /** * Delete machine name. */ function fe_block_machine_name_delete($form, &$form_state) { $table = 'fe_block_boxes'; db_delete($table)->condition('bid', $form_state['values']['bid']); } /** * Public APIs. * * TODO */ /** * Internal functions. */ /** * Sort blocks with "module" and "delta". */ function _fe_block_compare($a, $b) { $module_cmp = strcmp($a['module'], $b['module']); if (!empty($module_cmp)) { return $module_cmp; } return strcmp($a['delta'], $b['delta']); } /** * Provided for backwards compatibility. Use fe_block_get_machine_name(). */ function _fe_block_get_machine_name($bid) { debug(t('The function @function is deprecated.', array('@function' => __FUNCTION__ . '()'))); return fe_block_get_machine_name($bid); } /** * Returns the machine name that corresponds to a given block id. * * @param int $bid * The block id for which to retrieve the machine name. * * @return string | FALSE * The machine name, or FALSE if it could not be found. */ function fe_block_get_machine_name($bid) { $machine_names = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($machine_names[$bid])) { $result = db_select('fe_block_boxes') ->fields('fe_block_boxes', array('machine_name')) ->condition('bid', $bid) ->execute() ->fetch(); if (empty($result)) { return FALSE; } $machine_names[$bid] = $result->machine_name; } return $machine_names[$bid]; } /** * Provided for backwards compatibility. Use fe_block_get_bid() instead. */ function _fe_block_get_bid($machine_name, $reset = FALSE) { debug(t('The function @function is deprecated.', array('@function' => __FUNCTION__ . '()'))); return fe_block_get_bid($machine_name, $reset); } /** * Returns the block id that corresponds to a given machine name. * * @param string $machine_name * The machine name of a block for which to retrieve the block id. * * @return int | FALSE * The block id, or FALSE if the machine name was not found. */ function fe_block_get_bid($machine_name, $reset = FALSE) { $bids = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($bids[$machine_name]) || $reset) { $result = db_select('fe_block_boxes') ->fields('fe_block_boxes', array('bid')) ->condition('machine_name', $machine_name) ->execute() ->fetch(); if (empty($result)) { return FALSE; } $bids[$machine_name] = (int) $result->bid; } return $bids[$machine_name]; } /** * Generate block ID. */ function _fe_block_build_id($block) { if (empty($block['module']) || (empty($block['delta']) && !is_numeric($block['delta']))) { return NULL; } if ($block['module'] == 'block') { $machine_name = fe_block_get_machine_name($block['delta']); if (empty($machine_name)) { return NULL; } return $block['module'] . '-' . $machine_name; } else { return $block['module'] . '-' . $block['delta']; } } /** * Save a box. * * @param $settings * @return array */ function _fe_block_save_box($settings = array()) { if (empty($settings['info'])) { return FALSE; } // 'info' must be unique. if (empty($settings['bid'])) { $conflict = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM {block_custom} WHERE info = :info", array('info' => $settings['info'])); } else { $conflict = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM {block_custom} WHERE info = :info AND bid <> :bid", array('info' => $settings['info'], ':bid' => $settings['bid'])); } if (!empty($conflict->fetch()->count)) { return FALSE; } // Defaults $default_settings = array( 'info' => '', 'body' => '', 'format' => 'FILTER_FORMAT_DEFAULT', ); $settings = array_merge($default_settings, $settings); // Save if (empty($settings['bid'])) { drupal_write_record('block_custom', $settings); } else { drupal_write_record('block_custom', $settings, 'bid'); } return $settings; } /** * Implements hook_module_implements_alter(). */ function fe_block_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) { if ($hook == 'default_fe_block_settings_alter') { // Ensure fe_block is the first imlementation to be called, so we can // convert to the newest format. $group = $implementations['fe_block']; unset($implementations['fe_block']); $rest = array_reverse($implementations, TRUE); $rest['fe_block'] = $group; $implementations = array_reverse($rest, TRUE); } } /** * Implements hook_default_fe_block_settings_alter(). */ function fe_block_default_fe_block_settings_alter(&$defaults) { // Convert the settings in the newest format. $defaults = _fe_block_settings_convert($defaults); } /** * Helper function to get the block roles visibility settings. * * @param array $block * the block definition array * * @return array * associated role settings for the block * - key: role name * - value: role id */ function _fe_block_get_block_roles($block) { $query = db_select('block_role', 'br') ->condition('br.module', $block['module']) ->condition('br.delta', $block['delta']); $query->innerJoin('role', 'r', 'r.rid = br.rid'); $query->fields('r', array('name', 'rid')) ->orderBy('r.name', 'ASC'); $roles = $query->execute()->fetchAllKeyed(0, 1); return $roles; } /** * Helper function to convert an older export into the new format. * * @param array $defaults * array of fe_block_settings definition. * * @return array * array of current fe_block_settings definition */ function _fe_block_settings_convert($defaults) { $version = (isset($defaults['version'])) ? $defaults['version'] : 0; // Directly return if the version is the current one. if ($version == FE_BLOCK_VERSION) { return $defaults; } elseif ($version == '1.0') { // We try to get the default theme for the global definitions, else we take // the first. $theme_default = variable_get('theme_default', 'bartik'); if (!isset($defaults['theme'][$theme_default])) { $theme_default = key($defaults['theme']); } $blocks = array(); // We get the basic blocks from the visibility array. foreach ($defaults['visibility'] as $block_id => $base) { $node_types = array(); if (isset($base['node_type'])) { // Node types were specified in node_type => TRUE/FALSE. Now we simply // list the selected node types. $node_types = array_keys(array_filter($base)); unset($base['node_type']); } $block = $base; $block['node_types'] = $node_types; // Global settings. $globals = _fe_block_get_global_settings($defaults['theme'][$theme_default][$block_id]); $block = array_merge($globals, $block); // Build theme specific array. $block['themes'] = array(); foreach ($defaults['theme'] as $theme => $items) { $block['themes'][$theme] = _fe_block_get_theme_specific_settings($items[$block_id]); } $blocks[$block_id] = $block; } // Set current version so we can compare it with current version defaults. $blocks['version'] = FE_BLOCK_VERSION; return $blocks; } // The oldest version. // There we got an array of themes that holded the block settings. elseif ($version == 0) { // We try to get the default theme for the global definitions, else we take // the first. $theme_default = variable_get('theme_default', 'bartik'); if (!isset($defaults[$theme_default])) { $theme_default = key($defaults); } $blocks = array(); foreach ($defaults as $theme => $items) { foreach ($items as $block_id => $item) { // Avoid php notices. if (!isset($blocks[$block_id])) { $blocks[$block_id] = array( 'themes' => array(), ); } // Set theme specific settings. $blocks[$block_id]['themes'][$theme] = _fe_block_get_theme_specific_settings($item); // We add the global settings for the default theme. if ($theme == $theme_default) { $globals = _fe_block_get_global_settings($item); $blocks[$block_id] = array_merge($blocks[$block_id], $globals); } } } // Set current version so we can compare it with current version defaults. $blocks['version'] = FE_BLOCK_VERSION; return $blocks; } }