* Get all the available backup schedules.
function backup_migrate_get_schedules() {
static $schedules = NULL;
// Get the list of schedules and cache them locally.
if ($schedules === NULL) {
$schedules = backup_migrate_crud_get_items('schedule');
return $schedules;
* Get the schedule info for the schedule with the given ID, or NULL if none exists.
function backup_migrate_get_schedule($schedule_id) {
$schedules = backup_migrate_get_schedules();
return @$schedules[$schedule_id];
* A schedule class for crud operations.
class backup_migrate_schedule extends backup_migrate_item {
var $db_table = "backup_migrate_schedules";
var $type_name = 'schedule';
var $singular = 'schedule';
var $plural = 'schedules';
var $default_values = array();
* This function is not supposed to be called. It is just here to help the po extractor out.
function strings() {
// Help the pot extractor find these strings.
* Get the default values for this item.
function get_default_values() {
return array(
'name' => t("Untitled Schedule"),
'source_id' => 'db',
'enabled' => 1,
'keep' => 0,
'period' => 60 * 60 * 24,
* Get the columns needed to list the type.
function get_list_column_info() {
$out = parent::get_list_column_info();
$out = array(
'name' => array('title' => t('Name')),
'destination_name' => array('title' => t('Destination'), 'html' => TRUE),
'profile_name' => array('title' => t('Profile'), 'html' => TRUE),
'frequency_description' => array('title' => t('Frequency')),
'keep_description' => array('title' => t('Keep')),
'enabled_description' => array('title' => t('Enabled')),
'last_run_description' => array('title' => t('Last run')),
) + $out;
return $out;
* Get a row of data to be used in a list of items of this type.
function get_list_row() {
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'backup_migrate') .'/backup_migrate.css');
$row = parent::get_list_row();
if (!$this->is_enabled()) {
foreach ($row as $key => $field) {
$row[$key] = array('data' => $field, 'class' => 'schedule-list-disabled');
return $row;
* Is the schedule enabled and valid.
function is_enabled() {
$destination = $this->get_destination();
$profile = $this->get_profile();
return (!empty($this->enabled) && !empty($destination) && !empty($profile));
* Get the destination object of the schedule.
function get_destination() {
return backup_migrate_get_destination($this->get('destination_id'));
* Get the name of the destination.
function get_destination_name() {
if ($destination = $this->get_destination()) {
return check_plain($destination->get_name());
return '
'. t("Missing") .'
* Get the destination of the schedule.
function get_profile() {
return backup_migrate_get_profile($this->get('profile_id'));
* Get the name of the source.
function get_profile_name() {
if ($profile = $this->get_profile()) {
return check_plain($profile->get_name());
return ''. t("Missing") .'
* Format a frequency in human-readable form.
function get_frequency_description() {
$period = $this->get_frequency_period();
$out = format_plural(($this->period / $period['seconds']), $period['singular'], $period['plural']);
return $out;
* Format the number to keep in human-readable form.
function get_keep_description() {
return !empty($this->keep) ? $this->keep : t('All');
* Format the enabled status in human-readable form.
function get_enabled_description() {
return !empty($this->enabled) ? t('Enabled') : t('Disabled');
* Format the enabled status in human-readable form.
function get_last_run_description() {
$last_run = $this->get('last_run');
return !empty($last_run) ? format_date($last_run, 'small') : t('Never');
* Get the number of excluded tables.
function get_exclude_tables_count() {
return count($this->exclude_tables) ? count($this->exclude_tables) : t("No tables excluded");
* Get the number of excluded tables.
function get_nodata_tables_count() {
return count($this->nodata_tables) ? count($this->nodata_tables) : t("No data omitted");
* Get the edit form.
function edit_form() {
$form = parent::edit_form();
backup_migrate_include('destinations', 'profiles');
$form['enabled'] = array(
"#type" => "checkbox",
"#title" => t("Enabled"),
"#default_value" => $this->get('enabled'),
$form['name'] = array(
"#type" => "textfield",
"#title" => t("Schedule Name"),
"#default_value" => $this->get('name'),
$form += _backup_migrate_get_source_form($this->get('source_id'));
$form['profile_id'] = array(
"#type" => "select",
"#title" => t("Settings Profile"),
"#options" => _backup_migrate_get_profile_form_item_options(),
"#default_value" => $this->get('profile_id'),
$form['profile_id']['#description'] = ' '. l(t("Create new profile"), BACKUP_MIGRATE_MENU_PATH . "/profile/add");
if (!$form['profile_id']['#options']) {
$form['profile_id']['#options'] = array('0' => t('-- None Available --'));
$period_options = array();
foreach ($this->frequency_periods() as $type => $period) {
$period_options[$type] = $period['title'];
$default_period = $this->get_frequency_period();
$default_period_num = $this->get('period') / $default_period['seconds'];
$form['period'] = array(
"#type" => "item",
"#title" => t("Backup every"),
"#prefix" => '',
"#suffix" => '
"#tree" => TRUE,
$form['period']['number'] = array(
"#type" => "textfield",
"#size" => 6,
"#default_value" => $default_period_num,
$form['period']['type'] = array(
"#type" => "select",
"#options" => $period_options,
"#default_value" => $default_period['type'],
$form['keep'] = array(
"#type" => "textfield",
"#size" => 6,
"#title" => t("Number of Backup files to keep"),
"#description" => t("The number of backup files to keep before deleting old ones. Use 0 to never delete backups. Other files in the destination directory will get deleted if you specify a limit."),
"#default_value" => $this->get('keep'),
$destination_options = _backup_migrate_get_destination_form_item_options('scheduled backup');
$form['destination_id'] = array(
"#type" => "select",
"#title" => t("Destination"),
"#description" => t("Choose where the backup file will be saved. Backup files contain sensitive data, so be careful where you save them."),
"#options" => $destination_options,
"#default_value" => $this->get('destination_id'),
$form['destination_id']['#description'] .= ' '. l(t("Create new destination"), BACKUP_MIGRATE_MENU_PATH . "/destination/add");
return $form;
* Submit the edit form.
function edit_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
if (!is_numeric($form_state['values']['period']['number']) || $form_state['values']['period']['number'] <= 0) {
form_set_error('period][number', t('Backup period must be a number greater than 0.'));
if (!is_numeric($form_state['values']['keep']) || $form_state['values']['keep'] < 0) {
form_set_error('keep', t('Number to keep must be an integer greater than or equal to 0.'));
parent::edit_form_validate($form, $form_state);
* Submit the edit form.
function edit_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$periods = $this->frequency_periods();
$period = $periods[$form_state['values']['period']['type']];
$form_state['values']['period'] = $form_state['values']['period']['number'] * $period['seconds'];
parent::edit_form_submit($form, $form_state);
* Get the period of the frequency (ie: seconds, minutes etc.)
function get_frequency_period() {
foreach (array_reverse($this->frequency_periods()) as $period) {
if ($period['seconds'] && ($this->period % $period['seconds']) === 0) {
return $period;
* Get a list of available backup periods. Only returns time periods which have a
* (reasonably) consistent number of seconds (ie: no months).
function frequency_periods() {
return array(
'seconds' => array('type' => 'seconds', 'seconds' => 1, 'title' => t('Seconds'), 'singular' => t('Once a second'), 'plural' => t('Every @count seconds')),
'minutes' => array('type' => 'minutes', 'seconds' => 60, 'title' => t('Minutes'), 'singular' => t('Once a minute'), 'plural' => t('Every @count minutes')),
'hours' => array('type' => 'hours', 'seconds' => 3600, 'title' => t('Hours'), 'singular' => t('Once an hour'), 'plural' => t('Every @count hours')),
'days' => array('type' => 'days', 'seconds' => 86400, 'title' => t('Days'), 'singular' => t('Once a day'), 'plural' => t('Every @count days')),
'weeks' => array('type' => 'weeks', 'seconds' => 604800, 'title' => t('Weeks'), 'singular' => t('Once a week'), 'plural' => t('Every @count weeks')),
* Get the message to send to the user when confirming the deletion of the item.
function delete_confirm_message() {
return t('Are you sure you want to delete the profile %name? Any schedules using this profile will be disabled.', array('%name' => $this->get('name')));
* Perform the cron action. Run the backup if enough time has elapsed.
function cron() {
$now = time();
// Add a small negative buffer (1% of the entire period) to the time to account for slight difference in cron run length.
$wait_time = $this->period - ($this->period * variable_get('backup_migrate_schedule_buffer', 0.01));
if ($this->is_enabled() && ($now - $this->get('last_run')) >= $wait_time) {
if ($settings = $this->get_profile()) {
$settings->destination_id = $this->destination_id;
$settings->source_id = $this->source_id;
else {
backup_migrate_backup_fail("Schedule '%schedule' could not be run because requires a profile which is missing.", array('%schedule' => $schedule->get_name()), $settings);
* Set the last run time of a schedule to the given timestamp, or now if none specified.
function update_last_run($timestamp = NULL) {
if ($timestamp === NULL) {
$timestamp = time();
variable_set('backup_migrate_schedule_last_run_' . $this->get('id'), $timestamp);
* Set the last run time of a schedule to the given timestamp, or now if none specified.
function get_last_run($timestamp = NULL) {
return variable_get('backup_migrate_schedule_last_run_' . $this->get('id'), 0);
* Remove older backups keeping only the number specified by the aministrator.
function remove_expired_backups() {
$num_to_keep = $this->keep;
// If num to keep is not 0 (0 is infinity).
if ($num_to_keep && ($destination = $this->get_destination())) {
$i = 0;
if ($destination->op('delete') && $destination_files = $destination->list_files()) {
// Sort the files by modified time.
foreach ($destination_files as $file) {
if ($file->is_recognized_type() && $destination->can_delete_file($file->file_id())) {
$files[str_pad($file->info('filetime'), 10, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) ."-". $i++] = $file;
// If we are beyond our limit, remove as many as we need.
$num_files = count($files);
if ($num_files > $num_to_keep) {
$num_to_delete = $num_files - $num_to_keep;
// Sort by date.
// Delete from the start of the list (earliest).
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_to_delete; $i++) {
$file = array_shift($files);