'Locale upgrade path', 'description' => 'Upgrade path tests for the Locale module.', 'group' => 'Upgrade path', ); } public function setUp() { // Path to the database dump files. $this->databaseDumpFiles = array( drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/tests/upgrade/drupal-6.filled.database.php', drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/tests/upgrade/drupal-6.locale.database.php', ); parent::setUp(); $this->uninstallModulesExcept(array('locale', 'comment')); } /** * Test a successful upgrade (no negotiation). */ public function testLocaleUpgrade() { $this->assertTrue($this->performUpgrade(), 'The upgrade was completed successfully.'); // The home page should be in French. $this->assertPageInLanguage('', 'fr'); // No prefixed page should exist. $this->drupalGet('en'); $this->assertResponse(404); $this->drupalGet('fr'); $this->assertResponse(404); } /** * Test an upgrade with path-based negotiation. */ public function testLocaleUpgradePathDefault() { // LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_PATH_DEFAULT. $this->variable_set('language_negotiation', 1); $this->assertTrue($this->performUpgrade(), 'The upgrade was completed successfully.'); // The home page should be in French. $this->assertPageInLanguage('', 'fr'); // The language switcher block should be displayed. $this->assertRaw('block-locale-language', 'The language switcher block is displayed.'); // The French prefix should not be active because French is the default language. $this->drupalGet('fr'); $this->assertResponse(404); // The English prefix should be active. $this->assertPageInLanguage('en', 'en'); } /** * Test an upgrade with path-based (with fallback) negotiation. */ public function testLocaleUpgradePathFallback() { // LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_PATH. $this->variable_set('language_negotiation', 2); // Set the language of the admin user to English. db_update('users') ->fields(array('language' => 'en')) ->condition('uid', 1) ->execute(); $this->assertTrue($this->performUpgrade(), 'The upgrade was completed successfully.'); // Both prefixes should be active. $this->assertPageInLanguage('fr', 'fr'); $this->assertPageInLanguage('en', 'en'); // The home page should be in the admin user language. $this->assertPageInLanguage('', 'en'); // The language switcher block should be displayed. $this->assertRaw('block-locale-language', 'The language switcher block is displayed.'); } /** * Test an upgrade with domain-based negotiation. */ public function testLocaleUpgradeDomain() { // LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DOMAIN. $this->variable_set('language_negotiation', 3); $this->assertTrue($this->performUpgrade(), 'The upgrade was completed successfully.'); // The home page should be in French. $this->assertPageInLanguage('', 'fr'); // The language switcher block should be displayed. $this->assertRaw('block-locale-language', 'The language switcher block is displayed.'); // The language switcher block should point to http://en.example.com. $language_links = $this->xpath('//ul[contains(@class, :class)]/li/a', array(':class' => 'language-switcher-locale-url')); $found_english_link = FALSE; foreach ($language_links as $link) { if ((string) $link['href'] == 'http://en.example.com/') { $found_english_link = TRUE; } } $this->assertTrue($found_english_link, 'The English link points to the correct domain.'); // Both prefixes should be inactive. $this->drupalGet('en'); $this->assertResponse(404); $this->drupalGet('fr'); $this->assertResponse(404); } /** * Asserts that a page exists and is in the specified language. */ public function assertPageInLanguage($path, $langcode) { if (isset($path)) { $this->drupalGet($path); } if (!$this->assertResponse(200)) { return FALSE; } if ($this->parse()) { return $this->assertIdentical($langcode, (string) $this->elements['xml:lang']); } else { return FALSE; } } }