/** * @file: Popup dialog interfaces for the media project. * * Drupal.media.popups.mediaBrowser * Launches the media browser which allows users to pick a piece of media. * * Drupal.media.popups.mediaStyleSelector * Launches the style selection form where the user can choose * what format / style they want their media in. * */ (function ($) { namespace('Drupal.media.popups'); /** * Media browser popup. Creates a media browser dialog. * * @param {function} * onSelect Callback for when dialog is closed, received (Array * media, Object extra); * @param {Object} * globalOptions Global options that will get passed upon initialization of the browser. * @see Drupal.media.popups.mediaBrowser.getDefaults(); * * @param {Object} * pluginOptions Options for specific plugins. These are passed * to the plugin upon initialization. If a function is passed here as * a callback, it is obviously not passed, but is accessible to the plugin * in Drupal.settings.variables. * * Example * pluginOptions = {library: {url_include_patterns:'/foo/bar'}}; * * @param {Object} * widgetOptions Options controlling the appearance and behavior of the * modal dialog. * @see Drupal.media.popups.mediaBrowser.getDefaults(); */ Drupal.media.popups.mediaBrowser = function (onSelect, globalOptions, pluginOptions, widgetOptions) { var options = Drupal.media.popups.mediaBrowser.getDefaults(); options.global = $.extend({}, options.global, globalOptions); options.plugins = pluginOptions; options.widget = $.extend({}, options.widget, widgetOptions); // Create it as a modal window. var browserSrc = options.widget.src; if ($.isArray(browserSrc) && browserSrc.length) { browserSrc = browserSrc[browserSrc.length - 1]; } // Params to send along to the iframe. WIP. var params = {}; $.extend(params, options.global); params.plugins = options.plugins; browserSrc += '&' + $.param(params); var mediaIframe = Drupal.media.popups.getPopupIframe(browserSrc, 'mediaBrowser'); // Attach the onLoad event mediaIframe.bind('load', options, options.widget.onLoad); /** * Setting up the modal dialog */ var ok = 'OK'; var cancel = 'Cancel'; var notSelected = 'You have not selected anything!'; if (Drupal && Drupal.t) { ok = Drupal.t(ok); cancel = Drupal.t(cancel); notSelected = Drupal.t(notSelected); } // @todo: let some options come through here. Currently can't be changed. var dialogOptions = options.dialog; dialogOptions.buttons[ok] = function () { var selected = this.contentWindow.Drupal.media.browser.selectedMedia; if (selected.length < 1) { alert(notSelected); return; } onSelect(selected); $(this).dialog("destroy"); $(this).remove(); }; dialogOptions.buttons[cancel] = function () { $(this).dialog("destroy"); $(this).remove(); }; Drupal.media.popups.setDialogPadding(mediaIframe.dialog(dialogOptions)); // Remove the title bar. mediaIframe.parents(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-dialog-titlebar").remove(); Drupal.media.popups.overlayDisplace(mediaIframe.parents(".ui-dialog")); return mediaIframe; }; Drupal.media.popups.mediaBrowser.mediaBrowserOnLoad = function (e) { var options = e.data; if (this.contentWindow.Drupal.media.browser.selectedMedia.length > 0) { var ok = $(this).dialog('option', 'buttons')['OK']; ok.call(this); return; } }; Drupal.media.popups.mediaBrowser.getDefaults = function () { return { global: { types: [], // Types to allow, defaults to all. activePlugins: [] // If provided, a list of plugins which should be enabled. }, widget: { // Settings for the actual iFrame which is launched. src: Drupal.settings.media.browserUrl, // Src of the media browser (if you want to totally override it) onLoad: Drupal.media.popups.mediaBrowser.mediaBrowserOnLoad // Onload function when iFrame loads. }, dialog: Drupal.media.popups.getDialogOptions() }; }; Drupal.media.popups.mediaBrowser.finalizeSelection = function () { var selected = this.contentWindow.Drupal.media.browser.selectedMedia; if (selected.length < 1) { alert(notSelected); return; } onSelect(selected); $(this).dialog("destroy"); $(this).remove(); } /** * Style chooser Popup. Creates a dialog for a user to choose a media style. * * @param mediaFile * The mediaFile you are requesting this formatting form for. * @todo: should this be fid? That's actually all we need now. * * @param Function * onSubmit Function to be called when the user chooses a media * style. Takes one parameter (Object formattedMedia). * * @param Object * options Options for the mediaStyleChooser dialog. */ Drupal.media.popups.mediaStyleSelector = function (mediaFile, onSelect, options) { var defaults = Drupal.media.popups.mediaStyleSelector.getDefaults(); // @todo: remove this awful hack :( defaults.src = defaults.src.replace('-media_id-', mediaFile.fid); options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); // Create it as a modal window. var mediaIframe = Drupal.media.popups.getPopupIframe(options.src, 'mediaStyleSelector'); // Attach the onLoad event mediaIframe.bind('load', options, options.onLoad); /** * Set up the button text */ var ok = 'OK'; var cancel = 'Cancel'; var notSelected = 'Very sorry, there was an unknown error embedding media.'; if (Drupal && Drupal.t) { ok = Drupal.t(ok); cancel = Drupal.t(cancel); notSelected = Drupal.t(notSelected); } // @todo: let some options come through here. Currently can't be changed. var dialogOptions = Drupal.media.popups.getDialogOptions(); dialogOptions.buttons[ok] = function () { var formattedMedia = this.contentWindow.Drupal.media.formatForm.getFormattedMedia(); if (!formattedMedia) { alert(notSelected); return; } onSelect(formattedMedia); $(this).dialog("destroy"); $(this).remove(); }; dialogOptions.buttons[cancel] = function () { $(this).dialog("destroy"); $(this).remove(); }; Drupal.media.popups.setDialogPadding(mediaIframe.dialog(dialogOptions)); // Remove the title bar. mediaIframe.parents(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-dialog-titlebar").remove(); Drupal.media.popups.overlayDisplace(mediaIframe.parents(".ui-dialog")); return mediaIframe; }; Drupal.media.popups.mediaStyleSelector.mediaBrowserOnLoad = function (e) { }; Drupal.media.popups.mediaStyleSelector.getDefaults = function () { return { src: Drupal.settings.media.styleSelectorUrl, onLoad: Drupal.media.popups.mediaStyleSelector.mediaBrowserOnLoad }; }; /** * Style chooser Popup. Creates a dialog for a user to choose a media style. * * @param mediaFile * The mediaFile you are requesting this formatting form for. * @todo: should this be fid? That's actually all we need now. * * @param Function * onSubmit Function to be called when the user chooses a media * style. Takes one parameter (Object formattedMedia). * * @param Object * options Options for the mediaStyleChooser dialog. */ Drupal.media.popups.mediaFieldEditor = function (fid, onSelect, options) { var defaults = Drupal.media.popups.mediaFieldEditor.getDefaults(); // @todo: remove this awful hack :( defaults.src = defaults.src.replace('-media_id-', fid); options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); // Create it as a modal window. var mediaIframe = Drupal.media.popups.getPopupIframe(options.src, 'mediaFieldEditor'); // Attach the onLoad event // @TODO - This event is firing too early in IE on Windows 7, // - so the height being calculated is too short for the content. mediaIframe.bind('load', options, options.onLoad); /** * Set up the button text */ var ok = 'OK'; var cancel = 'Cancel'; var notSelected = 'Very sorry, there was an unknown error embedding media.'; if (Drupal && Drupal.t) { ok = Drupal.t(ok); cancel = Drupal.t(cancel); notSelected = Drupal.t(notSelected); } // @todo: let some options come through here. Currently can't be changed. var dialogOptions = Drupal.media.popups.getDialogOptions(); dialogOptions.buttons[ok] = function () { alert('hell yeah'); return "poo"; var formattedMedia = this.contentWindow.Drupal.media.formatForm.getFormattedMedia(); if (!formattedMedia) { alert(notSelected); return; } onSelect(formattedMedia); $(this).dialog("destroy"); $(this).remove(); }; dialogOptions.buttons[cancel] = function () { $(this).dialog("destroy"); $(this).remove(); }; Drupal.media.popups.setDialogPadding(mediaIframe.dialog(dialogOptions)); // Remove the title bar. mediaIframe.parents(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-dialog-titlebar").remove(); Drupal.media.popups.overlayDisplace(mediaIframe.parents(".ui-dialog")); return mediaIframe; }; Drupal.media.popups.mediaFieldEditor.mediaBrowserOnLoad = function (e) { }; Drupal.media.popups.mediaFieldEditor.getDefaults = function () { return { // @todo: do this for real src: '/media/-media_id-/edit?render=media-popup', onLoad: Drupal.media.popups.mediaFieldEditor.mediaBrowserOnLoad }; }; /** * Generic functions to both the media-browser and style selector */ /** * Returns the commonly used options for the dialog. */ Drupal.media.popups.getDialogOptions = function () { return { buttons: {}, dialogClass: 'media-wrapper', modal: true, draggable: false, resizable: false, minWidth: 600, width: 800, height: 550, position: 'center', overlay: { backgroundColor: '#000000', opacity: 0.4 } }; }; /** * Created padding on a dialog * * @param jQuery dialogElement * The element which has .dialog() attached to it. */ Drupal.media.popups.setDialogPadding = function (dialogElement) { // @TODO: Perhaps remove this hardcoded reference to height. // - It's included to make IE on Windows 7 display the dialog without // collapsing. 550 is the height that displays all of the tab panes // within the Add Media overlay. This is either a bug in the jQuery // UI library, a bug in IE on Windows 7 or a bug in the way the // dialog is instantiated. Or a combo of the three. // All browsers except IE on Win7 ignore these defaults and adjust // the height of the iframe correctly to match the content in the panes dialogElement.height(dialogElement.dialog('option', 'height')); dialogElement.width(dialogElement.dialog('option', 'width')); }; /** * Get an iframe to serve as the dialog's contents. Common to both plugins. */ Drupal.media.popups.getPopupIframe = function (src, id, options) { var defaults = {width: '800px', scrolling: 'no'}; var options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); return $('