t('Entity property or field (via Entity Metadata Wrapper)'), 'description' => t('Creates any kind of context for entity properties and fields.'), 'context' => 'entity_entity_property_context', 'required context' => new ctools_context_required(t('Entity'), 'entity'), 'edit form' => 'entity_entity_property_edit_form', 'edit form validate' => 'entity_entity_property_edit_form_validate', 'defaults' => array( 'selector' => '', 'target_context' => 'entity', 'concatenator' => ',' ), ); /** * Return a new context based on an existing context. */ function entity_entity_property_context($context, $conf) { $plugin = $conf['name']; // If unset it wants a generic, unfilled context, which is just NULL. if (empty($context->data)) { return ctools_context_create_empty(isset($conf['target_context']) ? $conf['target_context'] : 'entity', NULL); } list($part1, $entity_type) = explode(':', $context->plugin); if (isset($context->data) && $entity = $context->data) { // Apply the selector. $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper($entity_type, $entity); $parts = explode(':', $conf['selector']); try { foreach ($parts as $part) { if (!($wrapper instanceof EntityStructureWrapper || $wrapper instanceof EntityListWrapper)) { $wrapper = NULL; $value = NULL; continue; } $wrapper = $wrapper->get($part); } } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) { $wrapper = NULL; $value = NULL; } if (isset($wrapper)) { $value = $wrapper->value(); } // Massage list values. if ($wrapper instanceof EntityListWrapper) { $value = $wrapper[0]->value(); $argument = implode($conf['concatenator'], $wrapper->value(array('identifier' => TRUE))); } elseif ($wrapper instanceof EntityDrupalWrapper) { $argument = $wrapper->getIdentifier(); } // Bail out if we were unable to retrieve the value. if (!isset($value)) { return ctools_context_create_empty(isset($conf['target_context']) ? $conf['target_context'] : 'entity', NULL); } $context = ctools_context_create($conf['target_context'], $value); // Provide a suiting argument if context is used as argument. if (isset($argument)) { $context->argument = $argument; } return $context; } } function entity_entity_property_edit_form($form, &$form_state) { $conf = $form_state['conf']; $form['selector'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Data selector'), '#description' => t('Any valid data selector, e.g. "title" to select a node\'s title, or "field_tags:1" to select the second tag.'), '#default_value' => $conf['selector'], '#required' => TRUE, ); $form['concatenator'] = array( '#title' => t('Concatenator (if multiple)'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => array(',' => ', (AND)', '+' => '+ (OR)'), '#default_value' => $conf['concatenator'], '#prefix' => '