t('Link'), 'content' => ucfirst(styleguide_word(3)) . ' ' . l(styleguide_word(3), 'node') . ' ' . styleguide_word(4) . '.', ); $items['em'] = array( 'title' => t('Emphasis'), 'content' => ucfirst(styleguide_word(3)) . ' ' . styleguide_word(3) . ' ' . styleguide_word(4) . '.', ); $items['strong'] = array( 'title' => t('Strong'), 'content' => ucfirst(styleguide_word(3)) . ' ' . styleguide_word(3) . ' ' . styleguide_word(4) . '.', ); $items['ul'] = array( 'title' => t('Unordered list'), 'theme' => 'item_list', 'variables' => array('items' => styleguide_list(), 'type' => 'ul'), 'group' => t('Lists'), ); $items['ol'] = array( 'title' => t('Ordered list'), 'theme' => 'item_list', 'variables' => array('items' => styleguide_list(), 'type' => 'ol'), 'group' => t('Lists'), ); $items['ul_title'] = array( 'title' => t('Unordered list, with title'), 'theme' => 'item_list', 'variables' => array('items' => styleguide_list(), 'type' => 'ul', 'title' => ucwords(styleguide_word())), 'group' => t('Lists'), ); $items['ol_title'] = array( 'title' => t('Ordered list, with title'), 'theme' => 'item_list', 'variables' => array('items' => styleguide_list(), 'type' => 'ol', 'title' => ucwords(styleguide_word())), 'group' => t('Lists'), ); $items['menu_tree'] = array( 'title' => t('Menu tree'), 'content' => menu_tree('management'), 'group' => t('Menus'), ); $items['table'] = array( 'title' => t('Table'), 'theme' => 'table', 'variables' => array('header' => styleguide_header(), 'rows' => styleguide_rows()), 'group' => t('Tables'), ); $items['text'] = array( 'title' => t('Text block'), 'content' => styleguide_paragraph(3), 'group' => t('Text'), ); $items['image-horizontal'] = array( 'title' => t('Image, horizontal'), 'theme' => 'image', 'variables' => array('path' => styleguide_image('horizontal'), 'alt' => t('My image'), 'title' => t('My image')), 'group' => t('Media'), ); $items['image-vertical'] = array( 'title' => t('Image, vertical'), 'theme' => 'image', 'variables' => array('path' => styleguide_image('vertical'), 'alt' => t('My image'), 'title' => t('My image')), 'group' => t('Media'), ); $items['image-inset-horizontal'] = array( 'title' => t('Image, horizontal, within text'), 'content' => styleguide_paragraph(1) . theme('image', array('path' => styleguide_image('horizontal'), 'alt' => t('My image'), 'title' => t('My image'))) . styleguide_paragraph(2), 'group' => t('Media'), ); $items['image-inset-vertical'] = array( 'title' => t('Image, vertical, within text'), 'content' => styleguide_paragraph(1) . theme('image', array('path' => styleguide_image('vertical'), 'alt' => t('My image'), 'title' => t('My image'))) . styleguide_paragraph(2), 'group' => t('Media'), ); $content = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <=6; $i++) { $content .= "" . "h$i: " . implode(' ', styleguide_list()) . ""; } $items['headings'] = array( 'title' => "Headings", 'content' => $content, 'group' => t('Text'), ); $content = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <=6; $i++) { $content .= "" . "h$i: " . implode(' ', styleguide_list()) . "" . styleguide_paragraph(1); } $items['headings_text'] = array( 'title' => "Headings with text", 'content' => $content, 'group' => t('Text'), ); $messages = array('status', 'warning', 'error'); foreach ($messages as $message) { $items[$message . '-message'] = array( 'title' => ucwords($message) . ' message', 'content' => '

Status message

' . styleguide_sentence() . '
', ); } // Form elements. $fake = $form_state = array(); $elements = styleguide_form($fake, $form_state); $basic = array(); $fieldsets = array(); $tabs = array(); $markup = array(); foreach (element_children($elements) as $key) { if (!isset($elements[$key]['#type']) || $elements[$key]['#type'] == 'item') { $markup[] = $key; } elseif ($elements[$key]['#type'] == 'fieldset') { $fieldsets[] = $key; } elseif ($key == 'vertical_tabs') { $tabs[] = $key; } // We skip these. elseif (in_array($elements[$key]['#type'], array('button', 'submit', 'image_button'))) { $buttons[] = $key; } else { $basic[] = $key; } } $items['form'] = array( 'title' => t('Forms, basic'), 'content' => drupal_get_form('styleguide_form', $basic), 'group' => t('Forms'), ); $items['form-submit'] = array( 'title' => t('Forms, submit'), 'content' => drupal_get_form('styleguide_form', array('submit')), 'group' => t('Forms'), ); $items['form-button'] = array( 'title' => t('Forms, button'), 'content' => drupal_get_form('styleguide_form', array('button')), 'group' => t('Forms'), ); $items['form-image-button'] = array( 'title' => t('Forms, image button'), 'content' => drupal_get_form('styleguide_form', array('image_button')), 'group' => t('Forms'), ); $items['form-markup'] = array( 'title' => t('Forms, markup'), 'content' => drupal_get_form('styleguide_form', $markup), 'group' => t('Forms'), ); $items['form-fieldsets'] = array( 'title' => t('Forms, fieldsets'), 'content' => drupal_get_form('styleguide_form', $fieldsets), 'group' => t('Forms'), ); $items['form-vertical-tabs'] = array( 'title' => t('Forms, vertical tabs'), 'content' => drupal_get_form('styleguide_form', $tabs), 'group' => t('Forms'), ); return $items; }