package { import flash.display.BlendMode; import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer; import flash.display.Loader; import flash.display.Stage; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.StageAlign; import flash.display.StageScaleMode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import flash.external.ExternalInterface; import flash.system.Security; import flash.text.AntiAliasType; import flash.text.GridFitType; import flash.text.StaticText; import flash.text.StyleSheet; import flash.text.TextDisplayMode; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFieldType; import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize; import flash.text.TextFormat; import flash.ui.Mouse; import flash.utils.Timer; import FileItem; import ExternalCall; public class SWFUpload extends Sprite { // Cause SWFUpload to start as soon as the movie starts public static function main():void { var SWFUpload:SWFUpload = new SWFUpload(); } private const build_number:String = "SWFUPLOAD 2.2.0"; // State tracking variables private var fileBrowserMany:FileReferenceList = new FileReferenceList(); private var fileBrowserOne:FileReference = null; // This isn't set because it can't be reused like the FileReferenceList. It gets setup in the SelectFile method private var file_queue:Array = new Array(); // holds a list of all items that are to be uploaded. private var current_file_item:FileItem = null; // the item that is currently being uploaded. private var file_index:Array = new Array(); private var successful_uploads:Number = 0; // Tracks the uploads that have been completed private var queue_errors:Number = 0; // Tracks files rejected during queueing private var upload_errors:Number = 0; // Tracks files that fail upload private var upload_cancelled:Number = 0; // Tracks number of cancelled files private var queued_uploads:Number = 0; // Tracks the FileItems that are waiting to be uploaded. private var valid_file_extensions:Array = new Array();// Holds the parsed valid extensions. private var serverDataTimer:Timer = null; private var assumeSuccessTimer:Timer = null; private var restoreExtIntTimer:Timer; private var hasCalledFlashReady:Boolean = false; // Callbacks private var flashReady_Callback:String; private var fileDialogStart_Callback:String; private var fileQueued_Callback:String; private var fileQueueError_Callback:String; private var fileDialogComplete_Callback:String; private var uploadStart_Callback:String; private var uploadProgress_Callback:String; private var uploadError_Callback:String; private var uploadSuccess_Callback:String; private var uploadComplete_Callback:String; private var debug_Callback:String; private var testExternalInterface_Callback:String; private var cleanUp_Callback:String; // Values passed in from the HTML private var movieName:String; private var uploadURL:String; private var filePostName:String; private var uploadPostObject:Object; private var fileTypes:String; private var fileTypesDescription:String; private var fileSizeLimit:Number; private var fileUploadLimit:Number = 0; private var fileQueueLimit:Number = 0; private var useQueryString:Boolean = false; private var requeueOnError:Boolean = false; private var httpSuccess:Array = []; private var assumeSuccessTimeout:Number = 0; private var debugEnabled:Boolean; private var buttonLoader:Loader; private var buttonTextField:TextField; private var buttonCursorSprite:Sprite; private var buttonImageURL:String; private var buttonWidth:Number; private var buttonHeight:Number; private var buttonText:String; private var buttonTextStyle:String; private var buttonTextTopPadding:Number; private var buttonTextLeftPadding:Number; private var buttonAction:Number; private var buttonCursor:Number; private var buttonStateOver:Boolean; private var buttonStateMouseDown:Boolean; private var buttonStateDisabled:Boolean; // Error code "constants" // Size check constants private var SIZE_TOO_BIG:Number = 1; private var SIZE_ZERO_BYTE:Number = -1; private var SIZE_OK:Number = 0; // Queue errors private var ERROR_CODE_QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED:Number = -100; private var ERROR_CODE_FILE_EXCEEDS_SIZE_LIMIT:Number = -110; private var ERROR_CODE_ZERO_BYTE_FILE:Number = -120; private var ERROR_CODE_INVALID_FILETYPE:Number = -130; // Upload Errors private var ERROR_CODE_HTTP_ERROR:Number = -200; private var ERROR_CODE_MISSING_UPLOAD_URL:Number = -210; private var ERROR_CODE_IO_ERROR:Number = -220; private var ERROR_CODE_SECURITY_ERROR:Number = -230; private var ERROR_CODE_UPLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED:Number = -240; private var ERROR_CODE_UPLOAD_FAILED:Number = -250; private var ERROR_CODE_SPECIFIED_FILE_ID_NOT_FOUND:Number = -260; private var ERROR_CODE_FILE_VALIDATION_FAILED:Number = -270; private var ERROR_CODE_FILE_CANCELLED:Number = -280; private var ERROR_CODE_UPLOAD_STOPPED:Number = -290; // Button Actions private var BUTTON_ACTION_SELECT_FILE:Number = -100; private var BUTTON_ACTION_SELECT_FILES:Number = -110; private var BUTTON_ACTION_START_UPLOAD:Number = -120; private var BUTTON_CURSOR_ARROW:Number = -1; private var BUTTON_CURSOR_HAND:Number = -2; public function SWFUpload() { // Do the feature detection. Make sure this version of Flash supports the features we need. If not // abort initialization. if (! || ! || ! || !flash.external.ExternalInterface || !flash.external.ExternalInterface.available || !DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA) { return; } Security.allowDomain("*"); // Allow uploading to any domain // Keep Flash Player busy so it doesn't show the "flash script is running slowly" error var counter:Number = 0; root.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, function ():void { if (++counter > 100) counter = 0; }); // Setup file FileReferenceList events this.fileBrowserMany.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, this.Select_Many_Handler); this.fileBrowserMany.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, this.DialogCancelled_Handler); this.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; this.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; // Setup the button and text label this.buttonLoader = new Loader(); var doNothing:Function = function ():void { }; this.buttonLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, doNothing ); this.buttonLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, doNothing ); this.stage.addChild(this.buttonLoader); var self:SWFUpload = this; this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (event:MouseEvent):void { self.UpdateButtonState(); self.ButtonClickHandler(event); }); this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function (event:MouseEvent):void { self.buttonStateMouseDown = true; self.UpdateButtonState(); }); this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, function (event:MouseEvent):void { self.buttonStateMouseDown = false; self.UpdateButtonState(); }); this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, function (event:MouseEvent):void { self.buttonStateMouseDown = event.buttonDown; self.buttonStateOver = true; self.UpdateButtonState(); }); this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, function (event:MouseEvent):void { self.buttonStateMouseDown = false; self.buttonStateOver = false; self.UpdateButtonState(); }); // Handle the mouse leaving the flash movie altogether this.stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, function (event:Event):void { self.buttonStateMouseDown = false; self.buttonStateOver = false; self.UpdateButtonState(); }); this.buttonTextField = new TextField(); this.buttonTextField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; this.buttonTextField.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED; this.buttonTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.NONE; this.buttonTextField.cacheAsBitmap = true; this.buttonTextField.multiline = true; this.buttonTextField.wordWrap = false; this.buttonTextField.tabEnabled = false; this.buttonTextField.background = false; this.buttonTextField.border = false; this.buttonTextField.selectable = false; this.buttonTextField.condenseWhite = true; this.stage.addChild(this.buttonTextField); this.buttonCursorSprite = new Sprite();, 0);, 0, 1, 1);; this.buttonCursorSprite.buttonMode = true; this.buttonCursorSprite.x = 0; this.buttonCursorSprite.y = 0; this.buttonCursorSprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doNothing); this.stage.addChild(this.buttonCursorSprite); // Get the movie name this.movieName = root.loaderInfo.parameters.movieName; // **Configure the callbacks** // The JavaScript tracks all the instances of SWFUpload on a page. We can access the instance // associated with this SWF file using the movieName. Each callback is accessible by making // a call directly to it on our instance. There is no error handling for undefined callback functions. // A developer would have to deliberately remove the default functions,set the variable to null, or remove // it from the init function. this.flashReady_Callback = "SWFUpload.instances[\"" + this.movieName + "\"].flashReady"; this.fileDialogStart_Callback = "SWFUpload.instances[\"" + this.movieName + "\"].fileDialogStart"; this.fileQueued_Callback = "SWFUpload.instances[\"" + this.movieName + "\"].fileQueued"; this.fileQueueError_Callback = "SWFUpload.instances[\"" + this.movieName + "\"].fileQueueError"; this.fileDialogComplete_Callback = "SWFUpload.instances[\"" + this.movieName + "\"].fileDialogComplete"; this.uploadStart_Callback = "SWFUpload.instances[\"" + this.movieName + "\"].uploadStart"; this.uploadProgress_Callback = "SWFUpload.instances[\"" + this.movieName + "\"].uploadProgress"; this.uploadError_Callback = "SWFUpload.instances[\"" + this.movieName + "\"].uploadError"; this.uploadSuccess_Callback = "SWFUpload.instances[\"" + this.movieName + "\"].uploadSuccess"; this.uploadComplete_Callback = "SWFUpload.instances[\"" + this.movieName + "\"].uploadComplete"; this.debug_Callback = "SWFUpload.instances[\"" + this.movieName + "\"].debug"; this.testExternalInterface_Callback = "SWFUpload.instances[\"" + this.movieName + "\"].testExternalInterface"; this.cleanUp_Callback = "SWFUpload.instances[\"" + this.movieName + "\"].cleanUp"; // Get the Flash Vars this.uploadURL = root.loaderInfo.parameters.uploadURL; this.filePostName = root.loaderInfo.parameters.filePostName; this.fileTypes = root.loaderInfo.parameters.fileTypes; this.fileTypesDescription = root.loaderInfo.parameters.fileTypesDescription + " (" + this.fileTypes + ")"; this.loadPostParams(root.loaderInfo.parameters.params); if (!this.filePostName) { this.filePostName = "Filedata"; } if (!this.fileTypes) { this.fileTypes = "*.*"; } if (!this.fileTypesDescription) { this.fileTypesDescription = "All Files"; } this.LoadFileExensions(this.fileTypes); try { this.debugEnabled = root.loaderInfo.parameters.debugEnabled == "true" ? true : false; } catch (ex:Object) { this.debugEnabled = false; } try { this.SetFileSizeLimit(String(root.loaderInfo.parameters.fileSizeLimit)); } catch (ex:Object) { this.fileSizeLimit = 0; } try { this.fileUploadLimit = Number(root.loaderInfo.parameters.fileUploadLimit); if (this.fileUploadLimit < 0) this.fileUploadLimit = 0; } catch (ex:Object) { this.fileUploadLimit = 0; } try { this.fileQueueLimit = Number(root.loaderInfo.parameters.fileQueueLimit); if (this.fileQueueLimit < 0) this.fileQueueLimit = 0; } catch (ex:Object) { this.fileQueueLimit = 0; } // Set the queue limit to match the upload limit when the queue limit is bigger than the upload limit if (this.fileQueueLimit > this.fileUploadLimit && this.fileUploadLimit != 0) this.fileQueueLimit = this.fileUploadLimit; // The the queue limit is unlimited and the upload limit is not then set the queue limit to the upload limit if (this.fileQueueLimit == 0 && this.fileUploadLimit != 0) this.fileQueueLimit = this.fileUploadLimit; try { this.useQueryString = root.loaderInfo.parameters.useQueryString == "true" ? true : false; } catch (ex:Object) { this.useQueryString = false; } try { this.requeueOnError = root.loaderInfo.parameters.requeueOnError == "true" ? true : false; } catch (ex:Object) { this.requeueOnError = false; } try { this.SetHTTPSuccess(String(root.loaderInfo.parameters.httpSuccess)); } catch (ex:Object) { this.SetHTTPSuccess([]); } try { this.SetAssumeSuccessTimeout(Number(root.loaderInfo.parameters.assumeSuccessTimeout)); } catch (ex:Object) { this.SetAssumeSuccessTimeout(0); } try { this.SetButtonDimensions(Number(root.loaderInfo.parameters.buttonWidth), Number(root.loaderInfo.parameters.buttonHeight)); } catch (ex:Object) { this.SetButtonDimensions(0, 0); } try { this.SetButtonImageURL(String(root.loaderInfo.parameters.buttonImageURL)); } catch (ex:Object) { this.SetButtonImageURL(""); } try { this.SetButtonText(String(root.loaderInfo.parameters.buttonText)); } catch (ex:Object) { this.SetButtonText(""); } try { this.SetButtonTextPadding(Number(root.loaderInfo.parameters.buttonTextLeftPadding), Number(root.loaderInfo.parameters.buttonTextTopPadding)); } catch (ex:Object) { this.SetButtonTextPadding(0, 0); } try { this.SetButtonTextStyle(String(root.loaderInfo.parameters.buttonTextStyle)); } catch (ex:Object) { this.SetButtonTextStyle(""); } try { this.SetButtonAction(Number(root.loaderInfo.parameters.buttonAction)); } catch (ex:Object) { this.SetButtonAction(this.BUTTON_ACTION_SELECT_FILES); } try { this.SetButtonDisabled(root.loaderInfo.parameters.buttonDisabled == "true" ? true : false); } catch (ex:Object) { this.SetButtonDisabled(Boolean(false)); } try { this.SetButtonCursor(Number(root.loaderInfo.parameters.buttonCursor)); } catch (ex:Object) { this.SetButtonCursor(this.BUTTON_CURSOR_ARROW); } this.SetupExternalInterface(); this.Debug("SWFUpload Init Complete"); this.PrintDebugInfo(); if (ExternalCall.Bool(this.testExternalInterface_Callback)) { ExternalCall.Simple(this.flashReady_Callback); this.hasCalledFlashReady = true; } // Start periodically checking the external interface var oSelf:SWFUpload = this; this.restoreExtIntTimer = new Timer(1000, 0); this.restoreExtIntTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function ():void { oSelf.CheckExternalInterface();} ); this.restoreExtIntTimer.start(); } // Used to periodically check that the External Interface functions are still working private function CheckExternalInterface():void { if (!ExternalCall.Bool(this.testExternalInterface_Callback)) { this.SetupExternalInterface(); this.Debug("ExternalInterface reinitialized"); if (!this.hasCalledFlashReady) { ExternalCall.Simple(this.flashReady_Callback); this.hasCalledFlashReady = true; } } } // Called by JS to see if it can access the external interface private function TestExternalInterface():Boolean { return true; } private function SetupExternalInterface():void { try { ExternalInterface.addCallback("SelectFile", this.SelectFile); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SelectFiles", this.SelectFiles); ExternalInterface.addCallback("StartUpload", this.StartUpload); ExternalInterface.addCallback("ReturnUploadStart", this.ReturnUploadStart); ExternalInterface.addCallback("StopUpload", this.StopUpload); ExternalInterface.addCallback("CancelUpload", this.CancelUpload); ExternalInterface.addCallback("RequeueUpload", this.RequeueUpload); ExternalInterface.addCallback("GetStats", this.GetStats); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetStats", this.SetStats); ExternalInterface.addCallback("GetFile", this.GetFile); ExternalInterface.addCallback("GetFileByIndex", this.GetFileByIndex); ExternalInterface.addCallback("AddFileParam", this.AddFileParam); ExternalInterface.addCallback("RemoveFileParam", this.RemoveFileParam); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetUploadURL", this.SetUploadURL); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetPostParams", this.SetPostParams); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetFileTypes", this.SetFileTypes); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetFileSizeLimit", this.SetFileSizeLimit); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetFileUploadLimit", this.SetFileUploadLimit); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetFileQueueLimit", this.SetFileQueueLimit); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetFilePostName", this.SetFilePostName); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetUseQueryString", this.SetUseQueryString); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetRequeueOnError", this.SetRequeueOnError); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetHTTPSuccess", this.SetHTTPSuccess); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetAssumeSuccessTimeout", this.SetAssumeSuccessTimeout); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetDebugEnabled", this.SetDebugEnabled); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetButtonImageURL", this.SetButtonImageURL); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetButtonDimensions", this.SetButtonDimensions); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetButtonText", this.SetButtonText); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetButtonTextPadding", this.SetButtonTextPadding); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetButtonTextStyle", this.SetButtonTextStyle); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetButtonAction", this.SetButtonAction); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetButtonDisabled", this.SetButtonDisabled); ExternalInterface.addCallback("SetButtonCursor", this.SetButtonCursor); ExternalInterface.addCallback("TestExternalInterface", this.TestExternalInterface); } catch (ex:Error) { this.Debug("Callbacks where not set: " + ex.message); return; } ExternalCall.Simple(this.cleanUp_Callback); } /* ***************************************** * FileReference Event Handlers * *************************************** */ private function DialogCancelled_Handler(event:Event):void { this.Debug("Event: fileDialogComplete: File Dialog window cancelled."); ExternalCall.FileDialogComplete(this.fileDialogComplete_Callback, 0, 0, this.queued_uploads); } private function Open_Handler(event:Event):void { this.Debug("Event: uploadProgress (OPEN): File ID: " +; ExternalCall.UploadProgress(this.uploadProgress_Callback, this.current_file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(), 0, this.current_file_item.file_reference.size); } private function FileProgress_Handler(event:ProgressEvent):void { // On early than Mac OS X 10.3 bytesLoaded is always -1, convert this to zero. Do bytesTotal for good measure. // var bytesLoaded:Number = event.bytesLoaded < 0 ? 0 : event.bytesLoaded; var bytesTotal:Number = event.bytesTotal < 0 ? 0 : event.bytesTotal; // Because Flash never fires a complete event if the server doesn't respond after 30 seconds or on Macs if there // is no content in the response we'll set a timer and assume that the upload is successful after the defined amount of // time. If the timeout is zero then we won't use the timer. if (bytesLoaded === bytesTotal && bytesTotal > 0 && this.assumeSuccessTimeout > 0) { if (this.assumeSuccessTimer !== null) { this.assumeSuccessTimer.stop(); this.assumeSuccessTimer = null; } this.assumeSuccessTimer = new Timer(this.assumeSuccessTimeout * 1000, 1); this.assumeSuccessTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, AssumeSuccessTimer_Handler); this.assumeSuccessTimer.start(); } this.Debug("Event: uploadProgress: File ID: " + + ". Bytes: " + bytesLoaded + ". Total: " + bytesTotal); ExternalCall.UploadProgress(this.uploadProgress_Callback, this.current_file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(), bytesLoaded, bytesTotal); } private function AssumeSuccessTimer_Handler(event:TimerEvent):void { this.Debug("Event: AssumeSuccess: " + this.assumeSuccessTimeout + " passed without server response"); this.UploadSuccess(this.current_file_item, "", false); } private function Complete_Handler(event:Event):void { /* Because we can't do COMPLETE or DATA events (we have to do both) we can't * just call uploadSuccess from the complete handler, we have to wait for * the Data event which may never come. However, testing shows it always comes * within a couple milliseconds if it is going to come so the solution is: * * Set a timer in the COMPLETE event (which always fires) and if DATA is fired * it will stop the timer and call uploadComplete * * If the timer expires then DATA won't be fired and we call uploadComplete * */ // Set the timer if (serverDataTimer != null) { this.serverDataTimer.stop(); this.serverDataTimer = null; } this.serverDataTimer = new Timer(100, 1); //var self:SWFUpload = this; this.serverDataTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.ServerDataTimer_Handler); this.serverDataTimer.start(); } private function ServerDataTimer_Handler(event:TimerEvent):void { this.UploadSuccess(this.current_file_item, ""); } private function ServerData_Handler(event:DataEvent):void { this.UploadSuccess(this.current_file_item,; } private function UploadSuccess(file:FileItem, serverData:String, responseReceived:Boolean = true):void { if (this.serverDataTimer !== null) { this.serverDataTimer.stop(); this.serverDataTimer = null; } if (this.assumeSuccessTimer !== null) { this.assumeSuccessTimer.stop(); this.assumeSuccessTimer = null; } this.successful_uploads++; file.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_SUCCESS; this.Debug("Event: uploadSuccess: File ID: " + + " Response Received: " + responseReceived.toString() + " Data: " + serverData); ExternalCall.UploadSuccess(this.uploadSuccess_Callback, file.ToJavaScriptObject(), serverData, responseReceived); this.UploadComplete(false); } private function HTTPError_Handler(event:HTTPStatusEvent):void { var isSuccessStatus:Boolean = false; for (var i:Number = 0; i < this.httpSuccess.length; i++) { if (this.httpSuccess[i] === event.status) { isSuccessStatus = true; break; } } if (isSuccessStatus) { this.Debug("Event: httpError: Translating status code " + event.status + " to uploadSuccess"); var serverDataEvent:DataEvent = new DataEvent(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, event.bubbles, event.cancelable, ""); this.ServerData_Handler(serverDataEvent); } else { this.upload_errors++; this.current_file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_ERROR; this.Debug("Event: uploadError: HTTP ERROR : File ID: " + + ". HTTP Status: " + event.status + "."); ExternalCall.UploadError(this.uploadError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_HTTP_ERROR, this.current_file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(), event.status.toString()); this.UploadComplete(true); // An IO Error is also called so we don't want to complete the upload yet. } } // Note: Flash Player does not support Uploads that require authentication. Attempting this will trigger an // IO Error or it will prompt for a username and password and may crash the browser (FireFox/Opera) private function IOError_Handler(event:IOErrorEvent):void { // Only trigger an IO Error event if we haven't already done an HTTP error if (this.current_file_item.file_status != FileItem.FILE_STATUS_ERROR) { this.upload_errors++; this.current_file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_ERROR; this.Debug("Event: uploadError : IO Error : File ID: " + + ". IO Error: " + event.text); ExternalCall.UploadError(this.uploadError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_IO_ERROR, this.current_file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(), event.text); } this.UploadComplete(true); } private function SecurityError_Handler(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void { this.upload_errors++; this.current_file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_ERROR; this.Debug("Event: uploadError : Security Error : File Number: " + + ". Error text: " + event.text); ExternalCall.UploadError(this.uploadError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_SECURITY_ERROR, this.current_file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(), event.text); this.UploadComplete(true); } private function Select_Many_Handler(event:Event):void { this.Select_Handler(this.fileBrowserMany.fileList); } private function Select_One_Handler(event:Event):void { var fileArray:Array = new Array(1); fileArray[0] = this.fileBrowserOne; this.Select_Handler(fileArray); } private function Select_Handler(file_reference_list:Array):void { this.Debug("Select Handler: Received the files selected from the dialog. Processing the file list..."); var num_files_queued:Number = 0; // Determine how many queue slots are remaining (check the unlimited (0) settings, successful uploads and queued uploads) var queue_slots_remaining:Number = 0; if (this.fileUploadLimit == 0) { queue_slots_remaining = this.fileQueueLimit == 0 ? file_reference_list.length : (this.fileQueueLimit - this.queued_uploads); // If unlimited queue make the allowed size match however many files were selected. } else { var remaining_uploads:Number = this.fileUploadLimit - this.successful_uploads - this.queued_uploads; if (remaining_uploads < 0) remaining_uploads = 0; if (this.fileQueueLimit == 0 || this.fileQueueLimit >= remaining_uploads) { queue_slots_remaining = remaining_uploads; } else if (this.fileQueueLimit < remaining_uploads) { queue_slots_remaining = this.fileQueueLimit - this.queued_uploads; } } if (queue_slots_remaining < 0) queue_slots_remaining = 0; // Check if the number of files selected is greater than the number allowed to queue up. if (queue_slots_remaining < file_reference_list.length) { this.Debug("Event: fileQueueError : Selected Files (" + file_reference_list.length + ") exceeds remaining Queue size (" + queue_slots_remaining + ")."); ExternalCall.FileQueueError(this.fileQueueError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, null, queue_slots_remaining.toString()); } else { // Process each selected file for (var i:Number = 0; i < file_reference_list.length; i++) { var file_item:FileItem = new FileItem(file_reference_list[i], this.movieName, this.file_index.length); this.file_index[file_item.index] = file_item; // Verify that the file is accessible. Zero byte files and possibly other conditions can cause a file to be inaccessible. var jsFileObj:Object = file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(); var is_valid_file_reference:Boolean = (jsFileObj.filestatus !== FileItem.FILE_STATUS_ERROR); if (is_valid_file_reference) { // Check the size, if it's within the limit add it to the upload list. var size_result:Number = this.CheckFileSize(file_item); var is_valid_filetype:Boolean = this.CheckFileType(file_item); if(size_result == this.SIZE_OK && is_valid_filetype) { file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_QUEUED; this.file_queue.push(file_item); this.queued_uploads++; num_files_queued++; this.Debug("Event: fileQueued : File ID: " +; ExternalCall.FileQueued(this.fileQueued_Callback, file_item.ToJavaScriptObject()); } else if (!is_valid_filetype) { file_item.file_reference = null; // Cleanup the object this.queue_errors++; this.Debug("Event: fileQueueError : File not of a valid type."); ExternalCall.FileQueueError(this.fileQueueError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_INVALID_FILETYPE, file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(), "File is not an allowed file type."); } else if (size_result == this.SIZE_TOO_BIG) { file_item.file_reference = null; // Cleanup the object this.queue_errors++; this.Debug("Event: fileQueueError : File exceeds size limit."); ExternalCall.FileQueueError(this.fileQueueError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_FILE_EXCEEDS_SIZE_LIMIT, file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(), "File size exceeds allowed limit."); } else if (size_result == this.SIZE_ZERO_BYTE) { file_item.file_reference = null; // Cleanup the object this.queue_errors++; this.Debug("Event: fileQueueError : File is zero bytes."); ExternalCall.FileQueueError(this.fileQueueError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_ZERO_BYTE_FILE, file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(), "File is zero bytes and cannot be uploaded."); } } else { file_item.file_reference = null; // Cleanup the object this.queue_errors++; this.Debug("Event: fileQueueError : File is zero bytes or FileReference is invalid."); ExternalCall.FileQueueError(this.fileQueueError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_ZERO_BYTE_FILE, file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(), "File is zero bytes or cannot be accessed and cannot be uploaded."); } } } this.Debug("Event: fileDialogComplete : Finished processing selected files. Files selected: " + file_reference_list.length + ". Files Queued: " + num_files_queued); ExternalCall.FileDialogComplete(this.fileDialogComplete_Callback, file_reference_list.length, num_files_queued, this.queued_uploads); } /* **************************************************************** Externally exposed functions ****************************************************************** */ // Opens a file browser dialog that allows one file to be selected. private function SelectFile():void { this.fileBrowserOne = new FileReference(); this.fileBrowserOne.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, this.Select_One_Handler); this.fileBrowserOne.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, this.DialogCancelled_Handler); // Default file type settings var allowed_file_types:String = "*.*"; var allowed_file_types_description:String = "All Files"; // Get the instance settings if (this.fileTypes.length > 0) allowed_file_types = this.fileTypes; if (this.fileTypesDescription.length > 0) allowed_file_types_description = this.fileTypesDescription; this.Debug("Event: fileDialogStart : Browsing files. Single Select. Allowed file types: " + allowed_file_types); ExternalCall.Simple(this.fileDialogStart_Callback); try { this.fileBrowserOne.browse([new FileFilter(allowed_file_types_description, allowed_file_types)]); } catch (ex:Error) { this.Debug("Exception: " + ex.toString()); } } // Opens a file browser dialog that allows multiple files to be selected. private function SelectFiles():void { var allowed_file_types:String = "*.*"; var allowed_file_types_description:String = "All Files"; if (this.fileTypes.length > 0) allowed_file_types = this.fileTypes; if (this.fileTypesDescription.length > 0) allowed_file_types_description = this.fileTypesDescription; this.Debug("Event: fileDialogStart : Browsing files. Multi Select. Allowed file types: " + allowed_file_types); ExternalCall.Simple(this.fileDialogStart_Callback); try { this.fileBrowserMany.browse([new FileFilter(allowed_file_types_description, allowed_file_types)]); } catch (ex:Error) { this.Debug("Exception: " + ex.toString()); } } // Cancel the current upload and stops. Doesn't advance the upload pointer. The current file is requeued at the beginning. private function StopUpload():void { if (this.current_file_item != null) { // Cancel the upload and re-queue the FileItem this.current_file_item.file_reference.cancel(); // Remove the event handlers this.removeFileReferenceEventListeners(this.current_file_item); this.current_file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_QUEUED; this.file_queue.unshift(this.current_file_item); var js_object:Object = this.current_file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(); this.current_file_item = null; this.Debug("Event: uploadError: upload stopped. File ID: " + js_object.ID); ExternalCall.UploadError(this.uploadError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_UPLOAD_STOPPED, js_object, "Upload Stopped"); this.Debug("Event: uploadComplete. File ID: " + js_object.ID); ExternalCall.UploadComplete(this.uploadComplete_Callback, js_object); this.Debug("StopUpload(): upload stopped."); } else { this.Debug("StopUpload(): No file is currently uploading. Nothing to do."); } } /* Cancels the upload specified by file_id * If the file is currently uploading it is cancelled and the uploadComplete * event gets called. * If the file is not currently uploading then only the uploadCancelled event is fired. * */ private function CancelUpload(file_id:String, triggerErrorEvent:Boolean = true):void { var file_item:FileItem = null; // Check the current file item if (this.current_file_item != null && ( == file_id || !file_id)) { this.current_file_item.file_reference.cancel(); this.current_file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_CANCELLED; this.upload_cancelled++; if (triggerErrorEvent) { this.Debug("Event: uploadError: File ID: " + + ". Cancelled current upload"); ExternalCall.UploadError(this.uploadError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_FILE_CANCELLED, this.current_file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(), "File Upload Cancelled."); } else { this.Debug("Event: cancelUpload: File ID: " + + ". Cancelled current upload. Suppressed uploadError event."); } this.UploadComplete(false); } else if (file_id) { // Find the file in the queue var file_index:Number = this.FindIndexInFileQueue(file_id); if (file_index >= 0) { // Remove the file from the queue file_item = FileItem(this.file_queue[file_index]); file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_CANCELLED; this.file_queue[file_index] = null; this.queued_uploads--; this.upload_cancelled++; // Cancel the file (just for good measure) and make the callback file_item.file_reference.cancel(); this.removeFileReferenceEventListeners(file_item); file_item.file_reference = null; if (triggerErrorEvent) { this.Debug("Event: uploadError : " + + ". Cancelled queued upload"); ExternalCall.UploadError(this.uploadError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_FILE_CANCELLED, file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(), "File Cancelled"); } else { this.Debug("Event: cancelUpload: File ID: " + + ". Cancelled current upload. Suppressed uploadError event."); } // Get rid of the file object file_item = null; } } else { // Get the first file and cancel it while (this.file_queue.length > 0 && file_item == null) { // Check that File Reference is valid (if not make sure it's deleted and get the next one on the next loop) file_item = FileItem(this.file_queue.shift()); // Cast back to a FileItem if (typeof(file_item) == "undefined") { file_item = null; continue; } } if (file_item != null) { file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_CANCELLED; this.queued_uploads--; this.upload_cancelled++; // Cancel the file (just for good measure) and make the callback file_item.file_reference.cancel(); this.removeFileReferenceEventListeners(file_item); file_item.file_reference = null; if (triggerErrorEvent) { this.Debug("Event: uploadError : " + + ". Cancelled queued upload"); ExternalCall.UploadError(this.uploadError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_FILE_CANCELLED, file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(), "File Cancelled"); } else { this.Debug("Event: cancelUpload: File ID: " + + ". Cancelled current upload. Suppressed uploadError event."); } // Get rid of the file object file_item = null; } } } /* Requeues the indicated file. Returns true if successful or if the file is * already in the queue. Otherwise returns false. * */ private function RequeueUpload(fileIdentifier:*):Boolean { var file:FileItem = null; if (typeof(fileIdentifier) === "number") { var fileIndex:Number = Number(fileIdentifier); if (fileIndex >= 0 && fileIndex < this.file_index.length) { file = this.file_index[fileIndex]; } } else if (typeof(fileIdentifier) === "string") { file = FindFileInFileIndex(String(fileIdentifier)); } else { return false; } if (file !== null) { if (file.file_status === FileItem.FILE_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS || file.file_status === FileItem.FILE_STATUS_NEW) { return false; } else if (file.file_status !== FileItem.FILE_STATUS_QUEUED) { file.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_QUEUED; this.file_queue.unshift(file); this.queued_uploads++; } return true; } else { return false; } } private function GetStats():Object { return { in_progress : this.current_file_item == null ? 0 : 1, files_queued : this.queued_uploads, successful_uploads : this.successful_uploads, upload_errors : this.upload_errors, upload_cancelled : this.upload_cancelled, queue_errors : this.queue_errors }; } private function SetStats(stats:Object):void { this.successful_uploads = typeof(stats["successful_uploads"]) === "number" ? stats["successful_uploads"] : this.successful_uploads; this.upload_errors = typeof(stats["upload_errors"]) === "number" ? stats["upload_errors"] : this.upload_errors; this.upload_cancelled = typeof(stats["upload_cancelled"]) === "number" ? stats["upload_cancelled"] : this.upload_cancelled; this.queue_errors = typeof(stats["queue_errors"]) === "number" ? stats["queue_errors"] : this.queue_errors; } private function GetFile(file_id:String):Object { var file_index:Number = this.FindIndexInFileQueue(file_id); if (file_index >= 0) { var file:FileItem = this.file_queue[file_index]; } else { if (this.current_file_item != null) { file = this.current_file_item; } else { for (var i:Number = 0; i < this.file_queue.length; i++) { file = this.file_queue[i]; if (file != null) break; } } } if (file == null) { return null; } else { return file.ToJavaScriptObject(); } } private function GetFileByIndex(index:Number):Object { if (index < 0 || index > this.file_index.length - 1) { return null; } else { return this.file_index[index].ToJavaScriptObject(); } } private function AddFileParam(file_id:String, name:String, value:String):Boolean { var item:FileItem = this.FindFileInFileIndex(file_id); if (item != null) { item.AddParam(name, value); return true; } else { return false; } } private function RemoveFileParam(file_id:String, name:String):Boolean { var item:FileItem = this.FindFileInFileIndex(file_id); if (item != null) { item.RemoveParam(name); return true; } else { return false; } } private function SetUploadURL(url:String):void { if (typeof(url) !== "undefined" && url !== "") { this.uploadURL = url; } } private function SetPostParams(post_object:Object):void { if (typeof(post_object) !== "undefined" && post_object !== null) { this.uploadPostObject = post_object; } } private function SetFileTypes(types:String, description:String):void { this.fileTypes = types; this.fileTypesDescription = description; this.LoadFileExensions(this.fileTypes); } // Sets the file size limit. Accepts size values with units: 100 b, 1KB, 23Mb, 4 Gb // Parsing is not robust. "100 200 MB KB B GB" parses as "100 MB" private function SetFileSizeLimit(size:String):void { var value:Number = 0; var unit:String = "kb"; // Trim the string var trimPattern:RegExp = /^\s*|\s*$/; size = size.toLowerCase(); size = size.replace(trimPattern, ""); // Get the value part var values:Array = size.match(/^\d+/); if (values !== null && values.length > 0) { value = parseInt(values[0]); } if (isNaN(value) || value < 0) value = 0; // Get the units part var units:Array = size.match(/(b|kb|mb|gb)/); if (units != null && units.length > 0) { unit = units[0]; } // Set the multiplier for converting the unit to bytes var multiplier:Number = 1024; if (unit === "b") multiplier = 1; else if (unit === "mb") multiplier = 1048576; else if (unit === "gb") multiplier = 1073741824; this.fileSizeLimit = value * multiplier; } private function SetFileUploadLimit(file_upload_limit:Number):void { if (file_upload_limit < 0) file_upload_limit = 0; this.fileUploadLimit = file_upload_limit; } private function SetFileQueueLimit(file_queue_limit:Number):void { if (file_queue_limit < 0) file_queue_limit = 0; this.fileQueueLimit = file_queue_limit; } private function SetFilePostName(file_post_name:String):void { if (file_post_name != "") { this.filePostName = file_post_name; } } private function SetUseQueryString(use_query_string:Boolean):void { this.useQueryString = use_query_string; } private function SetRequeueOnError(requeue_on_error:Boolean):void { this.requeueOnError = requeue_on_error; } private function SetHTTPSuccess(http_status_codes:*):void { this.httpSuccess = []; if (typeof http_status_codes === "string") { var status_code_strings:Array = http_status_codes.replace(" ", "").split(","); for each (var http_status_string:String in status_code_strings) { try { this.httpSuccess.push(Number(http_status_string)); } catch (ex:Object) { // Ignore errors this.Debug("Could not add HTTP Success code: " + http_status_string); } } } else if (typeof http_status_codes === "object" && typeof http_status_codes.length === "number") { for each (var http_status:* in http_status_codes) { try { this.Debug("adding: " + http_status); this.httpSuccess.push(Number(http_status)); } catch (ex:Object) { this.Debug("Could not add HTTP Success code: " + http_status); } } } } private function SetAssumeSuccessTimeout(timeout_seconds:Number):void { this.assumeSuccessTimeout = timeout_seconds < 0 ? 0 : timeout_seconds; } private function SetDebugEnabled(debug_enabled:Boolean):void { this.debugEnabled = debug_enabled; } /* ************************************************************* Button Handling Functions *************************************************************** */ private function SetButtonImageURL(button_image_url:String):void { this.buttonImageURL = button_image_url; try { if (this.buttonImageURL !== null && this.buttonImageURL !== "") { this.buttonLoader.load(new URLRequest(this.buttonImageURL)); } } catch (ex:Object) { } } private function ButtonClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void { if (!this.buttonStateDisabled) { if (this.buttonAction === this.BUTTON_ACTION_SELECT_FILE) { this.SelectFile(); } else if (this.buttonAction === this.BUTTON_ACTION_START_UPLOAD) { this.StartUpload(); } else { this.SelectFiles(); } } } private function UpdateButtonState():void { var xOffset:Number = 0; var yOffset:Number = 0; this.buttonLoader.x = xOffset; this.buttonLoader.y = yOffset; if (this.buttonStateDisabled) { this.buttonLoader.y = this.buttonHeight * -3 + yOffset; } else if (this.buttonStateMouseDown) { this.buttonLoader.y = this.buttonHeight * -2 + yOffset; } else if (this.buttonStateOver) { this.buttonLoader.y = this.buttonHeight * -1 + yOffset; } else { this.buttonLoader.y = -yOffset; } }; private function SetButtonDimensions(width:Number = -1, height:Number = -1):void { if (width >= 0) { this.buttonWidth = width; } if (height >= 0) { this.buttonHeight = height; } this.buttonTextField.width = this.buttonWidth; this.buttonTextField.height = this.buttonHeight; this.buttonCursorSprite.width = this.buttonWidth; this.buttonCursorSprite.height = this.buttonHeight; this.UpdateButtonState(); } private function SetButtonText(button_text:String):void { this.buttonText = button_text; this.SetButtonTextStyle(this.buttonTextStyle); } private function SetButtonTextStyle(button_text_style:String):void { this.buttonTextStyle = button_text_style; var style:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(); style.parseCSS(this.buttonTextStyle); this.buttonTextField.styleSheet = style; this.buttonTextField.htmlText = this.buttonText; } private function SetButtonTextPadding(left:Number, top:Number):void { this.buttonTextField.x = this.buttonTextLeftPadding = left; this.buttonTextField.y = this.buttonTextTopPadding = top; } private function SetButtonDisabled(disabled:Boolean):void { this.buttonStateDisabled = disabled; this.UpdateButtonState(); } private function SetButtonAction(button_action:Number):void { this.buttonAction = button_action; } private function SetButtonCursor(button_cursor:Number):void { this.buttonCursor = button_cursor; this.buttonCursorSprite.useHandCursor = (button_cursor === this.BUTTON_CURSOR_HAND); } /* ************************************************************* File processing and handling functions *************************************************************** */ private function StartUpload(file_id:String = ""):void { // Only upload a file uploads are being processed. if (this.current_file_item != null) { this.Debug("StartUpload(): Upload already in progress. Not starting another upload."); return; } this.Debug("StartUpload: " + (file_id ? "File ID: " + file_id : "First file in queue")); // Check the upload limit if (this.successful_uploads >= this.fileUploadLimit && this.fileUploadLimit != 0) { this.Debug("Event: uploadError : Upload limit reached. No more files can be uploaded."); ExternalCall.UploadError(this.uploadError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_UPLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, null, "The upload limit has been reached."); this.current_file_item = null; return; } // Get the next file to upload if (!file_id) { while (this.file_queue.length > 0 && this.current_file_item == null) { this.current_file_item = FileItem(this.file_queue.shift()); if (typeof(this.current_file_item) == "undefined") { this.current_file_item = null; } } } else { var file_index:Number = this.FindIndexInFileQueue(file_id); if (file_index >= 0) { // Set the file as the current upload and remove it from the queue this.current_file_item = FileItem(this.file_queue[file_index]); this.file_queue[file_index] = null; } else { this.Debug("Event: uploadError : File ID not found in queue: " + file_id); ExternalCall.UploadError(this.uploadError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_SPECIFIED_FILE_ID_NOT_FOUND, null, "File ID not found in the queue."); } } if (this.current_file_item != null) { // Trigger the uploadStart event which will call ReturnUploadStart to begin the actual upload this.Debug("Event: uploadStart : File ID: " +; this.current_file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS; ExternalCall.UploadStart(this.uploadStart_Callback, this.current_file_item.ToJavaScriptObject()); } // Otherwise we've would have looped through all the FileItems. This means the queue is empty) else { this.Debug("StartUpload(): No files found in the queue."); } } // This starts the upload when the user returns TRUE from the uploadStart event. Rather than just have the value returned from // the function we do a return function call so we can use the setTimeout work-around for Flash/JS circular calls. private function ReturnUploadStart(start_upload:Boolean):void { if (this.current_file_item == null) { this.Debug("ReturnUploadStart called but no file was prepped for uploading. The file may have been cancelled or stopped."); return; } var js_object:Object; if (start_upload) { try { // Set the event handlers this.current_file_item.file_reference.addEventListener(Event.OPEN, this.Open_Handler); this.current_file_item.file_reference.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, this.FileProgress_Handler); this.current_file_item.file_reference.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, this.IOError_Handler); this.current_file_item.file_reference.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, this.SecurityError_Handler); this.current_file_item.file_reference.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, this.HTTPError_Handler); this.current_file_item.file_reference.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, this.Complete_Handler); this.current_file_item.file_reference.addEventListener(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, this.ServerData_Handler); // Get the request (post values, etc) var request:URLRequest = this.BuildRequest(); if (this.uploadURL.length == 0) { this.Debug("Event: uploadError : IO Error : File ID: " + + ". Upload URL string is empty."); // Remove the event handlers this.removeFileReferenceEventListeners(this.current_file_item); this.current_file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_QUEUED; this.file_queue.unshift(this.current_file_item); js_object = this.current_file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(); this.current_file_item = null; ExternalCall.UploadError(this.uploadError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_MISSING_UPLOAD_URL, js_object, "Upload URL string is empty."); } else { this.Debug("ReturnUploadStart(): File accepted by startUpload event and readied for upload. Starting upload to " + request.url + " for File ID: " +; this.current_file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS; this.current_file_item.file_reference.upload(request, this.filePostName, false); } } catch (ex:Error) { this.Debug("ReturnUploadStart: Exception occurred: " + message); this.upload_errors++; this.current_file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_ERROR; var message:String = ex.errorID + "\n" + + "\n" + ex.message + "\n" + ex.getStackTrace(); this.Debug("Event: uploadError(): Upload Failed. Exception occurred: " + message); ExternalCall.UploadError(this.uploadError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_UPLOAD_FAILED, this.current_file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(), message); this.UploadComplete(true); } } else { // Remove the event handlers this.removeFileReferenceEventListeners(this.current_file_item); // Re-queue the FileItem this.current_file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_QUEUED; js_object = this.current_file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(); this.file_queue.unshift(this.current_file_item); this.current_file_item = null; this.Debug("Event: uploadError : Call to uploadStart returned false. Not uploading the file."); ExternalCall.UploadError(this.uploadError_Callback, this.ERROR_CODE_FILE_VALIDATION_FAILED, js_object, "Call to uploadStart return false. Not uploading file."); this.Debug("Event: uploadComplete : Call to uploadStart returned false. Not uploading the file."); ExternalCall.UploadComplete(this.uploadComplete_Callback, js_object); } } // Completes the file upload by deleting it's reference, advancing the pointer. // Once this event fires a new upload can be started. private function UploadComplete(eligible_for_requeue:Boolean):void { var jsFileObj:Object = this.current_file_item.ToJavaScriptObject(); this.removeFileReferenceEventListeners(this.current_file_item); if (!eligible_for_requeue || this.requeueOnError == false) { this.current_file_item.file_reference = null; this.queued_uploads--; } else if (this.requeueOnError == true) { this.current_file_item.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_QUEUED; this.file_queue.unshift(this.current_file_item); } this.current_file_item = null; this.Debug("Event: uploadComplete : Upload cycle complete."); ExternalCall.UploadComplete(this.uploadComplete_Callback, jsFileObj); } /* ************************************************************* Utility Functions *************************************************************** */ // Check the size of the file against the allowed file size. If it is less the return TRUE. If it is too large return FALSE private function CheckFileSize(file_item:FileItem):Number { if (file_item.file_reference.size == 0) { return this.SIZE_ZERO_BYTE; } else if (this.fileSizeLimit != 0 && file_item.file_reference.size > this.fileSizeLimit) { return this.SIZE_TOO_BIG; } else { return this.SIZE_OK; } } private function CheckFileType(file_item:FileItem):Boolean { // If no extensions are defined then a *.* was passed and the check is unnecessary if (this.valid_file_extensions.length == 0) { return true; } var fileRef:FileReference = file_item.file_reference; var last_dot_index:Number ="."); var extension:String = ""; if (last_dot_index >= 0) { extension = + 1).toLowerCase(); } var is_valid_filetype:Boolean = false; for (var i:Number=0; i < this.valid_file_extensions.length; i++) { if (String(this.valid_file_extensions[i]) == extension) { is_valid_filetype = true; break; } } return is_valid_filetype; } private function BuildRequest():URLRequest { // Create the request object var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(); request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; var file_post:Object = this.current_file_item.GetPostObject(); if (this.useQueryString) { var pairs:Array = new Array(); for (key in this.uploadPostObject) { this.Debug("Global URL Item: " + key + "=" + this.uploadPostObject[key]); if (this.uploadPostObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) { pairs.push(escape(key) + "=" + escape(this.uploadPostObject[key])); } } for (key in file_post) { this.Debug("File Post Item: " + key + "=" + file_post[key]); if (file_post.hasOwnProperty(key)) { pairs.push(escape(key) + "=" + escape(file_post[key])); } } request.url = this.uploadURL + (this.uploadURL.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?") + pairs.join("&"); } else { var key:String; var post:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); for (key in this.uploadPostObject) { this.Debug("Global Post Item: " + key + "=" + this.uploadPostObject[key]); if (this.uploadPostObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) { post[key] = this.uploadPostObject[key]; } } for (key in file_post) { this.Debug("File Post Item: " + key + "=" + file_post[key]); if (file_post.hasOwnProperty(key)) { post[key] = file_post[key]; } } request.url = this.uploadURL; = post; } return request; } private function Debug(msg:String):void { try { if (this.debugEnabled) { var lines:Array = msg.split("\n"); for (var i:Number=0; i < lines.length; i++) { lines[i] = "SWF DEBUG: " + lines[i]; } ExternalCall.Debug(this.debug_Callback, lines.join("\n")); } } catch (ex:Error) { // pretend nothing happened trace(ex); } } private function PrintDebugInfo():void { var debug_info:String = "\n----- SWF DEBUG OUTPUT ----\n"; debug_info += "Build Number: " + this.build_number + "\n"; debug_info += "movieName: " + this.movieName + "\n"; debug_info += "Upload URL: " + this.uploadURL + "\n"; debug_info += "File Types String: " + this.fileTypes + "\n"; debug_info += "Parsed File Types: " + this.valid_file_extensions.toString() + "\n"; debug_info += "HTTP Success: " + this.httpSuccess.join(", ") + "\n"; debug_info += "File Types Description: " + this.fileTypesDescription + "\n"; debug_info += "File Size Limit: " + this.fileSizeLimit + " bytes\n"; debug_info += "File Upload Limit: " + this.fileUploadLimit + "\n"; debug_info += "File Queue Limit: " + this.fileQueueLimit + "\n"; debug_info += "Post Params:\n"; for (var key:String in this.uploadPostObject) { if (this.uploadPostObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) { debug_info += " " + key + "=" + this.uploadPostObject[key] + "\n"; } } debug_info += "----- END SWF DEBUG OUTPUT ----\n"; this.Debug(debug_info); } private function FindIndexInFileQueue(file_id:String):Number { for (var i:Number = 0; i < this.file_queue.length; i++) { var item:FileItem = this.file_queue[i]; if (item != null && == file_id) return i; } return -1; } private function FindFileInFileIndex(file_id:String):FileItem { for (var i:Number = 0; i < this.file_index.length; i++) { var item:FileItem = this.file_index[i]; if (item != null && == file_id) return item; } return null; } // Parse the file extensions in to an array so we can validate them agains // the files selected later. private function LoadFileExensions(filetypes:String):void { var extensions:Array = filetypes.split(";"); this.valid_file_extensions = new Array(); for (var i:Number=0; i < extensions.length; i++) { var extension:String = String(extensions[i]); var dot_index:Number = extension.lastIndexOf("."); if (dot_index >= 0) { extension = extension.substr(dot_index + 1).toLowerCase(); } else { extension = extension.toLowerCase(); } // If one of the extensions is * then we allow all files if (extension == "*") { this.valid_file_extensions = new Array(); break; } this.valid_file_extensions.push(extension); } } private function loadPostParams(param_string:String):void { var post_object:Object = {}; if (param_string != null) { var name_value_pairs:Array = param_string.split("&"); for (var i:Number = 0; i < name_value_pairs.length; i++) { var name_value:String = String(name_value_pairs[i]); var index_of_equals:Number = name_value.indexOf("="); if (index_of_equals > 0) { post_object[decodeURIComponent(name_value.substring(0, index_of_equals))] = decodeURIComponent(name_value.substr(index_of_equals + 1)); } } } this.uploadPostObject = post_object; } private function removeFileReferenceEventListeners(file_item:FileItem):void { if (file_item != null && file_item.file_reference != null) { file_item.file_reference.removeEventListener(Event.OPEN, this.Open_Handler); file_item.file_reference.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, this.FileProgress_Handler); file_item.file_reference.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, this.IOError_Handler); file_item.file_reference.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, this.SecurityError_Handler); file_item.file_reference.removeEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, this.HTTPError_Handler); file_item.file_reference.removeEventListener(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, this.ServerData_Handler); } } } }