
Easy to use and customizable popover plugin for jQuery.

Take a look at this blog post for more details.

Table of Contents



With default settings, calling $(element).popover(); will initalize an empty popover on the element.

I have a popover, but you can't see me. Yet.

When you click the link above, the popover is shown. This is achieved by using { trigger: 'click' } in the parameters. You can hide the popover by clicking anywhere there's not a popover. The source code for the above example is:

	trigger: 'click'

When this code was executed, the popover was created but not shown. A click event was bound to the a-tag with which the popover is “connected”. When that element is clicked, the popover is shown.

But hows an empty popover any fun? Let's try this:

Please, let me speak!

Now we've put some content in our popover using the parameters { title: "Hello", content: "Finally, I can speak!" }, like so:

	title: "Hello",
	content: "Finally, I can speak!"

Note that I've ommited { trigger: 'click' } in this example. It's the default setting for popovers.

Pulling the trigger manually

You can show, hide and fade out an initialized popover manually by calling popover('show'), popover('hide') and popover('fadeOut') on the element the popover was initialized over.

Nope, can't be triggered, bro. Oh yes you can!

The code for this example is as follows. Click a code box to expand it.

	title: "<_<",
	content: "Damn.",
	trigger: 'none'
$("#ex3b").click(function(event) {

You must must call event.preventDefault() and event. stopPropagation() on the triggeree (?) / element that triggers the popover, otherwise click-event will bubble up to the document and the popover will immediately be hidden.

You can call popover('fadeOut') and popover('hide') to hide popovers with and without a fade animation.

Hide and destroy

Use popover('hide'), popover('fadeOut') and popover('destory') to hide, fade out and destroy popovers. Call these methods on the element where the popover was initialized over.

I have a popover.
Show | Hide | Fade out | Destroy

These methods can be seen as the API for jQuery.popover. Here the code for this example:

	title: "Guess what this is...",
	content: "Pa's wijze lynx bezag vroom het fikse aquaduct.",
	trigger: 'none'
$("#ex4b").click(function(event) {
$("#ex4c").click(function(event) {
$("#ex4d").click(function(event) {
$("#ex4e").click(function(event) {
		.text("Nooo! What have you done?!");

It could probably be a bit shorter, but I'll let you figure that out.

Modifying on the fly


You can change the title on the fly with by using popover('title', "Text").

PHP or Ruby? PHP | Ruby
	title: "Hmm...",
$("#ex5b, #ex5c").click(function(event) {
		$(this).text()+" is your friend"


You can change the title on the fly with by using popover('content', "Text").

Click here first | change content
	title: "Dynamic content",
	content: "At least a popover that makes some sense..."
$("#ex6b").click(function(event) {
		"At least a popover that makes some sense... Don't get used to it."

Loading AJAX content

You can load a webpage as content via AJAX by using popover('ajax', "http://example.com/" [, options]).

Click here first | load ajax content

Please note this only works when running on a webserver.

	title: "What's this",
	content: "...",
	classes: "wider"
$("#ex7b").click(function(event) {
	).popover('title', "It's AJAX content!").popover('show');

Alternatively, you can set an URL in the initialization parameters to load an URL immediately on setup, like so:

	url: "test.html"


You may've noticed the { classes: "wider" } parameter in the previous example. The value of the classes-parameter is applied to the popover by jQuery's addClass() method. You can use this to add classes for different sizes of popovers.

There are other parameters you can pass to the popover() method. Following is a list of them.

Option Preffered type Description Default Since
verticalOffset int Offset the popover by y px vertically (movement depends on position of popover. If position == 'bottom', positive numbers are down) 10 v1.0.0
horizontalOffset int Offset the popover by x px horizontally (movement depends on position of popover. If position == 'right', positive numbers are right) 10 v1.0.0
title bool|string Contents of the heading. Set to false for no title. false v1.0.0
content bool|string Contents of the body of the popover. Set to false for no body. false v1.0.0
url bool|string Automatically load an URL into the content field on initialization, if set to an url. false v1.0.0
classes string Add stylesheet classes to the popover box on initalization, for example "large". "" v1.0.0
position string Determine place of the popover. Set to "auto" for automatic placement. Yet to be implemented "auto" 1.0.8
fadeSpeed int How fast to fade this popover out when fading out. 160 v1.0.0
trigger string How to trigger the popover. "click" activates the popover when the linked-to element is clicked, "hover" when it's hovered on, "focus" shows it when focused and hides the popover when unfocused/blurred, and everything else sets it to manual. "click" v1.0.0
preventDefault bool Execute event.preventDefault() method on the element the popover is called on. Set this to false if you want the element (for example an a-element) to still execute code already bound with .click(). true v1.0.0
stopChildrenPropagation bool Execute event.preventPropagation() method on all children of the popover, so click events won't bubble up and hide the popover. true v1.0.5
hideOnHTMLClick bool Hide all popovers when clicked outside of them. true v1.0.0
animateChange bool Animate a popover reposition. Yet to be implemented. true -
autoReposition bool Automatically reposition popover on popover change and window resize. true v1.0.8
anchor bool|string|jQuery Use this parameter to anchor the popover to a different element than it's invoked on. This is useful when using { trigger: 'hover' }. false v1.0.2

For convienience, here is this plugin's defaults prototype.

var defaults = {
	verticalOffset: 10,
	horizontalOffset: 10,
	title: false,
	content: false,
	url: false,
	classes: '',
	position: 'auto',
	fadeSpeed: 160,
	trigger: 'click',
	preventDefault: true,
	hideOnHTMLClick: true,
	animateChange: true,
	autoReposition: true,
	anchor: false: false


Following is a reference of all methods you can call. Every method returns a jQuery result set, to maintain chainability.

Method Returns Description Usage
init jQuery (default method) Initializes a popover on elements. Reads defaults (see above), combines them with parameters and makes and links the popover. $("#selector").popover(["init", ] { title: "Test" });
destroy jQuery Removes the linked popover(s) from the DOM, as well as it's data/settings. $("#selector").popover('destroy');
show jQuery Show a linked popover, if it exists. $("#selector").popover('show');
hide jQuery Hide a linked popover, if it exists. $("#selector").popover('hide');
fadeOut jQuery Fade out a linked popover, if it exists, in as many milliseconds you set the fadeSpeed parameter to on initialization, or how many as you passed to the method. $("#selector").popover('fadeOut' [, 1000]);
hideAll jQuery Hide all initialized popovers. $("#selector").popover('hideAll');
fadeOutAll jQuery Fade out all initialized popovers. The duration is set by using the parameter fadeSpeed when initiaizing, or passing this to the method. $("#selector").popover('fadeOutAll' [, 1000]);
setTrigger jQuery Sets a popover's trigger method (see this for information on triggers). Also unbinds the previous trigger(s). $("#selector").popover('setTrigger', 'hover');
setOption jQuery Sets an option to the specified value. $("#selector").popover('setOption', 'fadeSpeed', 500);
getData mixed Get a popover's data. If multiple elements are targeted, the function returns an array of objects. $("#selector").popover('getData');


You can download jQuery.popover by cloning it from Github:

git clone git@github.com:klaas4/jQuery.popover.git

Or simply download the zip-package.

Please also check out my blog at http://daveyyzermans.nl/, and if you want, shoot me an e-mail.