'xmlsitemap_taxonomy_xmlsitemap_process_taxonomy_term_links', ); } /** * Implements hook_xmlsitemap_link_info_alter(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_xmlsitemap_link_info_alter(&$link_info) { foreach (taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names() as $machine_name => $vocabulary) { // Adjust the edit path to the *real* edit path. $link_info['taxonomy_term']['bundles'][$machine_name]['admin']['path'] .= '/edit'; $link_info['taxonomy_term']['bundles'][$machine_name]['admin']['real path'] .= '/edit'; } } /** * Implements hook_cron(). * * Process old taxonomy terms not found in the {xmlsitemap} table. */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_cron() { xmlsitemap_taxonomy_xmlsitemap_index_links(xmlsitemap_var('batch_limit')); } /** * Implements hook_xmlsitemap_index_links(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_xmlsitemap_index_links($limit) { if ($bundles = xmlsitemap_get_link_type_enabled_bundles('taxonomy_term')) { $tids = db_query_range("SELECT t.tid FROM {taxonomy_term_data} t INNER JOIN {taxonomy_vocabulary} tv USING (vid) LEFT JOIN {xmlsitemap} x ON x.type = 'taxonomy_term' AND t.tid = x.id WHERE x.id IS NULL AND tv.machine_name IN (:bundles) ORDER BY t.tid DESC", 0, $limit, array(':bundles' => $bundles))->fetchCol(); xmlsitemap_taxonomy_xmlsitemap_process_taxonomy_term_links($tids); } } /** * Process taxonomy term sitemap links. * * @param array $tids * An array of taxonomy term IDs. */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_xmlsitemap_process_taxonomy_term_links(array $tids) { $terms = taxonomy_term_load_multiple($tids); foreach ($terms as $term) { $link = xmlsitemap_taxonomy_create_link($term); xmlsitemap_link_save($link, array($link['type'] => $term)); } } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). * * @see taxonomy_form_vocabulary() * @see xmlsitemap_add_link_bundle_settings() */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_form_taxonomy_form_vocabulary_alter(&$form, $form_state) { if (in_array('taxonomy_vocabulary_confirm_delete_submit', $form['#submit'])) { // If this is the delete form, do not add our form elements. return; } module_load_include('inc', 'xmlsitemap', 'xmlsitemap.admin'); xmlsitemap_add_link_bundle_settings($form, $form_state, 'taxonomy_term', $form['#vocabulary']->machine_name); } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_form_taxonomy_form_term_alter(&$form, $form_state) { if ($form['name']['#type'] == 'value') { // If this is the delete form, do not add our form elements. return; } // Add the link options. module_load_include('inc', 'xmlsitemap', 'xmlsitemap.admin'); xmlsitemap_add_form_link_options($form, 'taxonomy_term', $form['#term']['vocabulary_machine_name'], $form['tid']['#value']); } /** * Implements hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_insert(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_vocabulary_insert(stdClass $vocabulary) { if (isset($vocabulary->xmlsitemap)) { xmlsitemap_link_bundle_settings_save('taxonomy_term', $vocabulary->machine_name, $vocabulary->xmlsitemap); } } /** * Implements hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_update(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_vocabulary_update(stdClass $vocabulary) { if (isset($vocabulary->xmlsitemap)) { xmlsitemap_link_bundle_settings_save('taxonomy_term', $vocabulary->machine_name, $vocabulary->xmlsitemap); } } /** * Implements hook_taxonomy_term_insert(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_term_insert(stdClass $term) { $link = xmlsitemap_taxonomy_create_link($term); xmlsitemap_link_save($link, array($link['type'] => $term)); } /** * Implements hook_taxonomy_term_update(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_term_update(stdClass $term) { $link = xmlsitemap_taxonomy_create_link($term); xmlsitemap_link_save($link, array($link['type'] => $term)); } /** * Implements hook_taxonomy_term_delete(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_term_delete(stdClass $term) { xmlsitemap_link_delete('taxonomy_term', $term->tid); } /** * Implements hook_field_extra_fields(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_field_extra_fields() { $extras = array(); foreach (taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names() as $machine_name => $vocabulary) { $extras['taxonomy_term'][$machine_name]['form']['xmlsitemap'] = array( 'label' => t('XML sitemap'), 'description' => t('XML sitemap module element'), 'weight' => 30, ); } return $extras; } /** * Create a sitemap link from a taxonomy term. * * @param object $term * A taxonomy term object. * * @return array * An array representing a sitemap link. */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_create_link(stdClass &$term) { if (!isset($term->xmlsitemap)) { $term->xmlsitemap = array(); if ($term->tid && $link = xmlsitemap_link_load('taxonomy_term', $term->tid)) { $term->xmlsitemap = $link; } } $settings = xmlsitemap_link_bundle_load('taxonomy_term', $term->vocabulary_machine_name); $uri = entity_uri('taxonomy_term', $term); $term->xmlsitemap += array( 'id' => $term->tid, 'type' => 'taxonomy_term', 'subtype' => $term->vocabulary_machine_name, 'status' => $settings['status'], 'status_default' => $settings['status'], 'status_override' => 0, 'priority' => $settings['priority'], 'priority_default' => $settings['priority'], 'priority_override' => 0, ); // The following values must always be checked because they are volatile. // @todo How can/should we check taxonomy term access? $term->xmlsitemap['loc'] = $uri['path']; $term->xmlsitemap['access'] = 1; $term->xmlsitemap['language'] = isset($term->language) ? $term->language : LANGUAGE_NONE; return $term->xmlsitemap; } /** * Calculate the priority of a taxonomy term based on depth and weight. * * Function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_calculate_term_priority(stdClass $term) { * // Calculate priority. * // Min weight = -128 * // Max weight = 127 * // Max depth = ? * } */ /** * Find the tree depth of a taxonomy term. * * @param object $term * A taxonomy term object. * * @return array * The tree depth of the term. */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_get_term_depth(stdClass $term) { static $depths = array(); if (!isset($depths[$term->tid])) { if ($parent = db_query("SELECT parent FROM {taxonomy_term_hierarchy} WHERE tid = %d", $term->tid)->fetchField()) { // If the term has a parent, the term's depth is the parent's depth + 1. if (!isset($depths[$parent])) { $depths[$parent] = xmlsitemap_taxonomy_get_term_depth($parent); } $depths[$term->tid] = $depths[$parent] + 1; } else { // Term has no parents, so depth is 0. $depths[$term->tid] = 0; } } return $depths[$term->tid]; } /** * Find the number of nodes that are associated with a taxonomy term. * * @param obejct $term * A taxonomy term object. * * @return int * The number of nodes associated with the term. * * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_get_node_count(stdClass $term) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd // @todo Use db_rewrite_sql() w/ switch user. return db_query_range("SELECT COUNT(ti.nid) FROM {taxonomy_index} ti LEFT JOIN {node n} USING (nid) WHERE ti.tid = :tid AND n.status = 1", 0, 1, array(':tid' => $term->tid))->fetchField(); } /** * Implements hook_entity_query_alter(). * * @todo Remove when https://www.drupal.org/node/1054162 is fixed. */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_entity_query_alter($query) { $conditions = &$query->entityConditions; // Alter taxonomy term queries only. if (isset($conditions['entity_type']) && $conditions['entity_type']['value'] == 'taxonomy_term' && isset($conditions['bundle'])) { // We can only support the operators that are explicit in values. if (in_array($conditions['bundle']['operator'], array( NULL, '=', '!=', 'IN', 'NOT IN', ))) { $vids = array(); // Convert vocabulary machine names to vocabulary IDs. if (is_array($conditions['bundle']['value'])) { foreach ($conditions['bundle']['value'] as $vocabulary_machine_name) { $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vocabulary_machine_name); $vids[] = $vocabulary->vid; } } else { $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($conditions['bundle']['value']); $vids = $vocabulary->vid; } $query->propertyCondition('vid', $vids, $conditions['bundle']['operator']); unset($conditions['bundle']); } } } /** * Implements hook_features_pipe_COMPONENT_alter(). * * Add variables to exported taxonomy vocabularies. */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_features_pipe_taxonomy_alter(&$pipe, $data, $export) { if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $vocabulary_name) { $pipe['variable'][] = "xmlsitemap_settings_taxonomy_term_{$vocabulary_name}"; } } }