t('Quicktabs tests'), 'description' => t('Add, edit and delete quicktabs.'), 'group' => t('Quicktabs'), ); } /** * Implementation of setUp(). */ function setUp() { parent::setUp('ctools','quicktabs'); // Create and login user $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('access administration pages', 'administer quicktabs', 'administer nodes')); $this->drupalLogin($admin_user); // Create some nodes that we can populate our tabs with. for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $node = new stdClass(); $node->type = 'page'; $node->title = 'This is node number '. ($i+1); $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $this->randomString(255); node_object_prepare($node); node_save($node); } } /** * Create a Quicktabs instance through the UI and ensure that it is saved properly. */ function testQuicktabsAdmin() { // Add a new Quicktabs instance using the UI. $edit = array( 'machine_name' => strtolower($this->randomName()), 'title' => $this->randomName(), 'ajax' => 0, 'hide_empty_tabs' => FALSE, 'renderer' => 'quicktabs', ); $saved = $edit; // We'll be using the $saved array to compare against the Quicktabs instance // that gets created. However, hierarchical form elements are dealt with // differenly so we can't include them in the $saved array like this. $tab_title_first = $this->randomName(); $tab_title_second = $this->randomName(); $edit += array( 'tabs[0][type]' => 'node', 'tabs[0][node][nid]' => 1, 'tabs[0][title]' => $tab_title_first, 'tabs[0][weight]' => 0, 'tabs[1][type]' => 'node', 'tabs[1][node][nid]' => 2, 'tabs[1][title]' => $tab_title_second, 'tabs[1][weight]' => 1, ); // Now add on the tabs info to the $saved array - it's the same as what we // put in the edit form but we need it in proper array format. $saved['tabs'] = array(0 => array('type' => 'node', 'nid' => 1, 'title' => $tab_title_first, 'weight' => 0), 1 => array('type' => 'node', 'nid' => 2, 'title' => $tab_title_second, 'weight' => 1)); $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/quicktabs/add', $edit, t('Save')); // Check that the quicktabs object is in the database. $quicktabs = quicktabs_load($edit['machine_name']); $this->assertTrue($quicktabs != FALSE, t('Quicktabs instance found in database')); // Check each individual property of the quicktabs and make sure it was set. foreach ($saved as $property => $value) { if ($property == 'tabs') { // Add some extra default values that we didn't include on the form, for // the sake of comparing the two tabs arrays. foreach ($value as &$val) { $val += array('teaser' => 0, 'hide_title' => 1); } } $this->assertEqual($quicktabs->$property, $value, t('Quicktabs property %property properly saved.', array('%property' => $property))); } // Edit the Quicktabs instance through the UI. $edit = array( 'title' => $this->randomName(), 'ajax' => 1, 'hide_empty_tabs' => TRUE, 'renderer' => 'ui_tabs', 'default_tab' => 1, ); $saved = $edit; $tab_title_first = $this->randomName(); $tab_title_second = $this->randomName(); $edit += array( 'tabs[0][title]' => $tab_title_first, 'tabs[0][weight]' => 1, 'tabs[0][node][nid]' => 3, 'tabs[0][node][teaser]' => 1, 'tabs[0][node][hide_title]' => FALSE, 'tabs[1][title]' => $tab_title_second, 'tabs[1][weight]' => 0, 'tabs[1][node][nid]' => 4, 'tabs[1][node][teaser]' => FALSE, 'tabs[1][node][hide_title]' => 1, ); $saved['tabs'] = array(0 => array('type' => 'node', 'nid' => 4, 'title' => $tab_title_second, 'weight' => 0, 'teaser' => 0, 'hide_title' => 1), 1 => array('type' => 'node', 'nid' => 3, 'title' => $tab_title_first, 'weight' => 1, 'teaser' => 1, 'hide_title' => 0)); $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/quicktabs/manage/'. $quicktabs->machine_name .'/edit', $edit, t('Save')); // Reset static vars because ctools will have cached the original $quicktabs object drupal_static_reset(); // Check that the quicktabs object is in the database. $edited_qt = quicktabs_load($quicktabs->machine_name); $this->assertTrue($edited_qt != FALSE, t('Quicktabs instance found in database')); // Check each individual property of the quicktabs and make sure it was set. foreach ($saved as $property => $value) { $this->assertEqual($edited_qt->$property, $value, t('Quicktabs property %property properly saved.', array('%property' => $property))); } // Delete the Quicktabs instance through the UI. $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/quicktabs/manage/'. $quicktabs->machine_name .'/delete', array(), t('Delete')); // Reset static vars because ctools will have cached the original $quicktabs object drupal_static_reset(); // Check that the quicktabs object is no longer in the database. $this->assertNull(quicktabs_load($quicktabs->machine_name), t('Quicktabs instance not found in database')); } }