name . '/reset'] = array( 'title' => $theme->info['name'], 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('omega_tools_theme_reset_confirm', $theme->name), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access callback' => '_system_themes_access', 'access arguments' => array($theme), 'file' => 'includes/', ); $items['admin/appearance/omega-tools/download/' . $theme->name] = array( 'title' => $theme->info['name'], 'page callback' => 'omega_tools_theme_download', 'page arguments' => array($theme->name), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access callback' => 'user_access', 'access arguments' => array('administer themes'), 'file' => 'includes/', ); $items['admin/appearance/settings/' . $theme->name . '/export'] = array( 'title' => $theme->info['name'], 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('omega_tools_theme_export', $theme->name), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access callback' => '_system_themes_access', 'access arguments' => array($theme), 'file' => 'includes/', ); } $items['admin/appearance/omega-tools/add'] = array( 'title' => 'Create new Omega subtheme', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('omega_tools_subtheme_add'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_ACTION, 'access arguments' => array('administer themes'), 'file' => 'includes/', 'weight' => 100, ); $items['admin/appearance/omega-tools/edit/%omega_tools_cache'] = array( 'title' => 'Configure subtheme', 'page callback' => 'omega_tools_subtheme_wizard', 'page arguments' => array(4), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access callback' => '_omega_tools_theme_access', 'access arguments' => array(4), 'file' => 'includes/', ); $items['admin/appearance/omega-tools/edit/%omega_tools_cache/%'] = $items['admin/appearance/omega-tools/edit/%omega_tools_cache']; $items['admin/appearance/omega-tools/edit/%omega_tools_cache/%']['page arguments'] = array(4, 5); return $items; } /** * Implements hook_file_download(). */ function omega_tools_file_download($uri) { if (strpos(file_uri_target($uri), 'omega-tools/') === 0) { return array( 'Content-Type' => file_get_mimetype($uri), 'Content-Length' => filesize(drupal_realpath($uri)), 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="' . basename($uri) . '"', ); } } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). */ function omega_tools_form_system_theme_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state) { $form['#validate'][] = 'omega_tools_theme_settings_form_validate'; $form['actions']['omega_tools_reset'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Revert theme settings'), '#submit' => array('omega_tools_theme_settings_form_submit'), ); $form['actions']['omega_tools_export'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Export theme settings'), '#submit' => array('omega_tools_theme_settings_form_submit'), ); $form['actions']['omega_tools_download'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Download this theme'), '#submit' => array('omega_tools_theme_settings_form_submit'), ); } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_theme_settings_form_validate($form, &$form_state) { unset($form_state['values']['omega_tools_reset'], $form_state['values']['omega_tools_export'], $form_state['values']['omega_tools_download']); } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_theme_settings_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $theme = $form_state['build_info']['args'][0]; unset($form_state['values']['omega_tools_reset'], $form_state['values']['omega_tools_export'], $form_state['values']['omega_tools_download']); switch ($form_state['triggering_element']['#value']) { case t('Revert theme settings'): $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/appearance/settings/' . $theme . '/reset'; break; case t('Export theme settings'): $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/appearance/settings/' . $theme . '/export'; break; case t('Download this theme'): $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/appearance/omega-tools/download/' . $theme; break; } } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_cache_load($name) { return omega_tools_cache_get($name); } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_cache_get($name) { ctools_include('object-cache'); $cache = ctools_object_cache_get('omega_tools', $name); if (!$cache) { $themes = list_themes(); if (isset($themes[$name])) { $path = drupal_get_path('theme', $name); $info = drupal_parse_info_file($path . '/' . $name . '.info'); $cache = new stdClass(); $cache->new = FALSE; $cache->machine_name = $name; $cache->automated = file_prepare_directory($path, NULL) && file_prepare_directory(dirname($path), NULL); $cache->destination = $path; $cache->name = $info['name']; $cache->info = $info; $cache->status = $themes[$name]->status; $cache->default = variable_get('theme_default') == $name; $cache->locked = ctools_object_cache_test('omega_tools', $name); $cache->path = 'temporary://omega-tools/' . $name . '-' . substr(hash('sha256', serialize($cache) . microtime()), 0, 8); file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($cache->path); omega_tools_copy_recursive($cache->destination, $cache->path); } } return $cache; } /** * Store changes to a task handler in the object cache. */ function omega_tools_cache_set($name, $subtheme) { ctools_include('object-cache'); ctools_object_cache_set('omega_tools', $name, $subtheme); } /** * Remove an item from the object cache. */ function omega_tools_cache_clear($name) { ctools_include('object-cache'); ctools_object_cache_clear('omega_tools', $name); } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_system_themes_page_alter(&$info) { foreach (array('enabled', 'disabled') as $status) { if (isset($info[$status])) { foreach ($info[$status] as &$item) { if (_omega_tools_is_editable($item->name)) { $item->operations[] = array( 'title' => t('Edit'), 'href' => 'admin/appearance/omega-tools/edit/' . $item->name, 'attributes' => array('title' => t('This theme belongs to the Omega framework and can be edited.')), ); } $item->operations[] = array( 'title' => t('Download'), 'href' => 'admin/appearance/omega-tools/download/' . $item->name, 'attributes' => array('title' => t('Download an archive of this theme.')), ); } } } } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_base_themes() { $themes = list_themes(); $options = array(); foreach (array('alpha', 'omega') as $theme) { if (isset($themes[$theme])) { $options[$theme] = $themes[$theme]->info['name']; } } foreach ($themes as $theme) { if (isset($theme->info['base theme']) && empty($theme->info['starterkit'])) { $base = system_find_base_themes($themes, $theme->name); if (isset($base['alpha'])) { $options[$theme->name] = $theme->info['name']; } } } return $options; } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_starterkits($base = NULL) { $bases = omega_tools_base_themes(); $options = array(); foreach (list_themes() as $name => $theme) { $info = $theme->info; if (!empty($info['starterkit']) && isset($info['base theme']) && array_key_exists($info['base theme'], $bases) && ($info['base theme'] == $base || !isset($base))) { $options[$name] = $info['name'] . '
' . $info['description'] . '
'; } } return $options; } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_copy_recursive($source, $destination) { if (is_dir($source)) { if (!file_prepare_directory($destination, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) { return FALSE; } $directory = dir($source); while (FALSE !== ($read = $directory->read())) { if ($read != '.' && $read != '..' ) { if (!omega_tools_copy_recursive($source . '/' . $read, $destination . '/' . $read)) { return FALSE; } } } $directory->close(); } else { file_unmanaged_copy($source, $destination); } return TRUE; } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_move($source, $destination) { if (omega_tools_copy_recursive($source, $destination)) { file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($source); return $destination; } return FALSE; } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_rewrite_recursive($path, $search, $replace, $rename) { if ($path !== ($new = str_replace($search, $rename, $path))) { if (!$path = file_unmanaged_move($path, $new, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE)) { return FALSE; }; } if (is_dir($path)) { $directory = dir($path); while (FALSE !== ($read = $directory->read())) { if ($read != '.' && $read != '..' ) { if (!omega_tools_rewrite_recursive($path . '/' . $read, $search, $replace, $rename)) { return FALSE; } } } $directory->close(); } else { omega_tools_replace_contents($path, $search, $replace); } return TRUE; } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_replace_contents($file, $search, $replace) { if (is_file($file) && filesize($file) > 0) { $before = file_get_contents($file); if ($before != ($after = str_replace($search, $replace, $before))) { file_unmanaged_save_data($after, $file, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); } } } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_build_info_file($array, $prefix = FALSE) { $info = ''; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $info .= omega_tools_build_info_file($value, (!$prefix ? $key : "{$prefix}[{$key}]")); } else { $info .= $prefix ? ("{$prefix}[" . $key .']') : $key; $info .= " = '" . str_replace("'", "\'", $value) . "'\n"; } } return $info; } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_write_info_file($name, $info, $destination = NULL) { $destination = isset($destination) ? $destination : drupal_get_path('theme', $name); if (!empty($destination)) { return file_unmanaged_save_data(omega_tools_build_info_file($info), $destination . '/' . $name . '.info', FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); } return FALSE; } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_subtheme_create(&$subtheme) { if (is_dir($subtheme->path)) { file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($subtheme->path); } if (!file_prepare_directory($subtheme->path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) { drupal_set_message(t('Omega Tools could not create the directory %dir.', array('%dir' => $subtheme->path)), 'error'); watchdog('Omega Tools', t('Omega Tools could not create the directory %dir.', array('%dir' => $subtheme->path)), array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return FALSE; } if ($subtheme->starterkit) { if (!omega_tools_copy_recursive(drupal_get_path('theme', $subtheme->starterkit), $subtheme->path)) { $themes = list_themes(); drupal_set_message(t('Omega Tools could not copy the starterkit %starterkit.', array('%starterkit' => $themes[$subtheme->starterkit]->info['name'])), 'error'); watchdog('Omega Tools', t('Omega Tools could not copy the starterkit %starterkit.', array('%starterkit' => $themes[$subtheme->starterkit]->info['name'])), array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return FALSE; } $subtheme->info = drupal_parse_info_file($subtheme->path . '/' . $subtheme->starterkit . '.info'); file_unmanaged_delete($subtheme->path . '/' . $subtheme->starterkit . '.info'); } else { if (!omega_tools_copy_recursive(drupal_get_path('module', 'omega_tools') . '/default', $subtheme->path)) { drupal_set_message(t('Omega Tools could not copy the default pattern.'), 'error'); watchdog('Omega Tools', t('Omega Tools could not copy the default pattern.'), array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return FALSE; } $base = drupal_parse_info_file(drupal_get_path('theme', $subtheme->base) . '/' . $subtheme->base . '.info'); $subtheme->info = drupal_parse_info_file($subtheme->path . '/default.pattern'); $subtheme->info['regions'] = isset($base['regions']) ? $base['regions'] : array(); $subtheme->info['zones'] = isset($base['zones']) ? $base['zones'] : array(); $subtheme->info['settings'] = isset($base['settings']) ? $base['settings'] : array(); file_unmanaged_delete($subtheme->path . '/default.pattern'); } unset($subtheme->info['starterkit'], $subtheme->info['hidden'], $subtheme->info['locked'], $subtheme->info['project'], $subtheme->info['datestamp']); $subtheme->info['name'] = $subtheme->name; $subtheme->info['description'] = ''; $subtheme->info['base theme'] = $subtheme->base; $subtheme->info['engine'] = 'phptemplate'; $subtheme->info['core'] = DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY; $subtheme->info['version'] = '1.x'; $subtheme->info['screenshot'] = 'screenshot.png'; $subtheme->info['regions'] = array_merge(_omega_tools_core_regions(), $subtheme->info['regions']); $subtheme->info['zones'] = array_merge(_omega_tools_default_zones(), $subtheme->info['zones']); omega_tools_write_info_file($subtheme->machine_name, $subtheme->info, $subtheme->path); omega_tools_rewrite_recursive($subtheme->path, 'YOURTHEME', $subtheme->machine_name, str_replace('_', '-', $subtheme->machine_name)); drupal_set_message(t('You have successfully created the theme %name.', array('%name' => $subtheme->name))); return TRUE; } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_subtheme_process($subtheme) { drupal_theme_rebuild(); system_rebuild_theme_data(); if ($subtheme->status) { theme_enable(array($subtheme->machine_name)); if ($subtheme->default) { variable_set('theme_default', $subtheme->machine_name); drupal_set_message(t('%name is now the default theme.', array('%name' => $subtheme->name))); } } else { theme_disable(array($subtheme->machine_name)); } } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_sites() { $sites = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($sites)) { $sites = array(); if (file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/sites.php')) { include(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/sites.php'); } $sites = array('all') + array_values($sites); } return $sites; } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_sites_options() { $options = array(); if ($sites = omega_tools_sites()) { $options += array_combine($sites, $sites); } $options['all'] = t('Default destination (all)'); return $options; } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_write_archive($source, $name, $destination = NULL) { $destination = isset($destination) ? $destination : 'temporary://omega-tools'; if (!file_prepare_directory($destination, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) { drupal_set_message(t('Omega Tools could not create the directory %dir', array('%dir' => $destination)), 'error'); watchdog('Omega Tools', t('Omega Tools could not create the directory %dir', array('%dir' => $destination)), array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return FALSE; } $destination = $destination . '/' . $name . '.tar'; $current = getcwd(); chdir(drupal_realpath(dirname($source))); $archiver = new Archive_Tar(drupal_realpath($destination)); $archiver->create(basename(rtrim($source, '/'))); chdir($current); return $destination; } /** * @todo */ function omega_tools_revert_theme_settings($theme) { $themes = list_themes(); variable_del('theme_' . $theme . '_settings'); drupal_theme_rebuild(); system_rebuild_theme_data(); watchdog('theme', t('Theme settings for %theme reset to default values.', array('%theme' => $themes[$theme]->info['name']))); drupal_set_message(t('The theme settings for %theme have been purged from the database and are now being loaded from the .info file of this theme.', array('%theme' => $themes[$theme]->info['name']))); } /** * @todo */ function _omega_tools_core_regions() { return array( 'page_top' => 'Page Top', 'page_bottom' => 'Page Bottom', 'content' => 'Content', ); } /** * @todo */ function _omega_tools_default_zones() { return array( 'header' => 'Header', 'content' => 'Content', 'footer' => 'Footer', ); } /** * @todo */ function _omega_tools_theme_exists($theme) { $themes = list_themes(); return isset($themes[$theme]); } /** * @todo */ function _omega_tools_validate_theme_name($element, &$form_state) { system_rebuild_theme_data(); if (!preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$/', $element['#value'])) { form_error($element, t('The theme name is invalid. It may only contain lowercase numbers, letters and underscores and must start with a letter.')); } else if (_omega_tools_theme_exists($element['#value'])) { form_error($element, t('A theme with that name already exists. The machine-readable name must be unique.')); } } /** * @todo */ function _omega_tools_validate_theme_settings($element, &$form_state) { $settings = drupal_parse_info_format($element['#value']); foreach ($settings as $key => $value) { if ($key !== 'settings') { form_error($element, t('You may only submit theme settings with this form.')); } } } /** * @todo */ function _omega_tools_transform_theme_name($name) { $name = preg_replace('/^[^a-z]+/', '', strtolower($name)); $name = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_]+/', '_', $name); $name = str_replace('__', '_', $name); $name = trim($name, '_'); return $name; } /** * @todo */ function _omega_tools_theme_access($theme) { if ($theme && user_access('administer themes')) { $themes = list_themes(); if (!isset($themes[$theme->name]) || _omega_tools_is_editable($theme->name)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * @todo */ function _omega_tools_is_starterkit($theme) { return array_key_exists($theme, omega_tools_starterkits()); } /** * @todo */ function _omega_tools_is_editable($theme) { $themes = list_themes(); if (!in_array($theme, array('omega', 'alpha')) && strpos(drupal_get_path('theme', $theme), 'themes') !== 0) { if (isset($themes[$theme]->info['base theme'])) { $base = system_find_base_themes($themes, $theme); if (!empty($base) && isset($base['alpha']) && empty($themes[$theme]->info['locked'])) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; }