' . variable_get('lightbox2_download_link_text', 'Download Original') . '';
// Title End
$rel .= ']';
$path['options']['attributes']['rel'] = $rel;
$path['options']['attributes']['title'] = $item['title'];
return theme('image_formatter', array( 'item' => $item, 'path' => $path, 'image_style' => $image_style ) );
* Handler for Lightbox2 display of imagecache + imagefield CCK fields.
* The compact view shows only the first image in a multiple imagefield but
* shows all images in the lightbox.
* @param $element
* The CCK field element.
* @return
* HTML output for displaying the image and link.
/*function theme_lightbox2_formatter_imagefield($variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];
if (!module_exists("image")) {
$field_name = $element['#field_name'];
$item = $element['#item'];
$formatter = $element['#formatter'];
$node = node_load($element['#item']['nid']);
if (strpos($formatter, '__lightbox2__') !== FALSE || strpos($formatter, '__lightshow2__') !== FALSE || strpos($formatter, '__lightframe2__') !== FALSE
|| strpos($formatter, '__lightbox2_compact__') !== FALSE || strpos($formatter, '__lightshow2_compact__') !== FALSE || strpos($formatter, '__lightframe2_compact__') !== FALSE) {
list($tmp, $lightbox_type, $view_preset, $lightbox_preset) = explode('__', $formatter, 4);
return lightbox2_imagefield_image_imagecache($field_name, $item, $formatter, $node, $view_preset, $lightbox_preset);
* Function to set up the data needed for
* theme_imagefield_image_imagecache_lightbox2().
* @param $field_name
* The field name the action is being performed on.
* @param $item
* An array, keyed by column, of the data stored for this item in this field.
* @param $formatter
* The formatter to use for the field.
* @param $node
* The node object.
* @param $view_preset
* The imagecache preset to be displayed on the node or in the view.
* @param $lightbox_preset
* The imagecache preset to be displayed in the lightbox.
* @return
* The themed imagefield + imagecache image and link.
/*function lightbox2_imagefield_image_imagecache($variables) {
$field_name = $variables['field_name'];
$item = $variables['item'];
$formatter = $variables['formatter'];
$node = $variables['node'];
$view_preset = $variables['view_preset'];
$lightbox_preset = $variables['lightbox_preset'];
// Load file data if missing
if (!isset($item['filepath']) && !empty($item['fid'])) {
$file = field_file_load($item['fid']);
$item = array_merge($item, (array)$file);
elseif (!isset($item['filepath'])) {
// No file in field, return.
return '';
$args['lightbox_preset'] = $lightbox_preset;
// Check view_preset for existence.
$rules = array();
if (function_exists('imagecache_presets')) {
$presets = imagecache_presets();
foreach ($presets as $preset_id => $preset_info) {
$rules[$preset_id] = $preset_info['presetname'];
else {
$rules = _imagecache_get_presets();
if ($view_preset == 'link' || $view_preset == 'original' || in_array($view_preset, (array) $rules)) {
$rel = 'lightbox';
if (strpos($formatter, '__lightshow2__') !== FALSE) {
$rel = 'lightshow';
elseif (strpos($formatter, '__lightshow2_compact__') !== FALSE) {
$rel = 'lightshow';
$args['compact'] = TRUE;
elseif (strpos($formatter, '__lightframe2__') !== FALSE) {
$rel = 'lightframe';
// Check if this is a compact display.
list($tmp, $lightbox_type, $tmp) = explode('__', $formatter, 3);
if ($lightbox_type == 'lightbox2_compact') {
$args['compact'] = TRUE;
return theme('imagefield_image_imagecache_lightbox2', array( 'view_preset' => $view_preset, 'field_name' => $field_name, 'item' => $item, 'node' => $node, 'rel' => $rel, 'args' => $args ) );
* Generate the HTML output for imagefield + imagecache images so they can be
* opened in a lightbox by clicking on the image on the node page or in a view.
* This actually also handles filefields + imagecache images too.
* @param $view_preset
* The imagecache preset to be displayed on the node or in the view.
* @param $field_name
* The field name the action is being performed on.
* @param $item
* An array, keyed by column, of the data stored for this item in this field.
* @param $node
* The node object.
* @param $rel
* The type of lightbox to open: lightbox, lightshow or lightframe.
* @param $args
* Args may override internal processes: caption, rel_grouping.
* @return
* The themed imagefield + imagecache image and link.
/*function theme_imagefield_image_imagecache_lightbox2($variables) {
$view_preset = $variables['view_preset'];
$field_name = $variables['field_name'];
$item = $variables['item'];
$node = $variables['node'];
$rel = $variables['rel'];
$args = $variables['args'];
if (!isset($args['lightbox_preset'])) {
$args['lightbox_preset'] = 'original';
// Can't show current node page in a lightframe on the node page.
// Switch instead to show it in a lightbox.
$on_image_node = (arg(0) == 'node') && (arg(1) == $node->nid);
if ($rel == 'lightframe' && $on_image_node) {
$rel = 'lightbox';
$orig_rel = $rel;
// Unserialize into original - if sourced by views.
$item_data = $item['data'];
if (is_string($item['data'])) {
$item_data = unserialize($item['data']);
// Set up the title.
$image_title = $item_data['description'];
$image_title = (!empty($image_title) ? $image_title : $item_data['title']);
$image_title = (!empty($image_title) ? $image_title : $item_data['alt']);
if (empty($image_title) || variable_get('lightbox2_imagefield_use_node_title', FALSE)) {
$node = node_load($node->nid);
$image_title = $node->title;
$image_tag_title = '';
if (!empty($item_data['title'])) {
$image_tag_title = $item_data['title'];
// Enforce image alt.
$image_tag_alt = '';
if (!empty($item_data['alt'])) {
$image_tag_alt = $item_data['alt'];
elseif (!empty($image_title)) {
$image_tag_alt = $image_title;
// Set up the caption.
$node_links = array();
if (!empty($item['nid'])) {
$attributes = array();
$attributes['id'] = 'lightbox2-node-link-text';
$target = variable_get('lightbox2_node_link_target', FALSE);
if (!empty($target)) {
$attributes['target'] = $target;
$node_link_text = variable_get('lightbox2_node_link_text', 'View Image Details');
if (!$on_image_node && !empty($node_link_text)) {
$node_links[] = l($node_link_text, 'node/'. $item['nid'], array('attributes' => $attributes));
$download_link_text = check_plain(variable_get('lightbox2_download_link_text', 'Download Original'));
if (!empty($download_link_text) && user_access('download original image')) {
$node_links[] = l($download_link_text, file_create_url($item['filepath']), array('attributes' => array('target' => '_blank', 'id' => 'lightbox2-download-link-text')));
$caption = $image_title;
if (count($node_links)) {
$caption .= '
'. implode(" - ", $node_links);
if (isset($args['caption'])) {
$caption = $args['caption']; // Override caption.
if ($orig_rel == 'lightframe') {
$frame_width = variable_get('lightbox2_default_frame_width', 600);
$frame_height = variable_get('lightbox2_default_frame_height', 400);
$frame_size = 'width:'. $frame_width .'px; height:'. $frame_height .'px;';
$rel = preg_replace('/\]$/', "|$frame_size]", $rel);
// Set up the rel attribute.
$full_rel = '';
$imagefield_grouping = variable_get('lightbox2_imagefield_group_node_id', 1);
if (isset($args['rel_grouping'])) {
$full_rel = $rel .'['. $args['rel_grouping'] .']['. $caption .']';
elseif ($imagefield_grouping == 1) {
$full_rel = $rel .'['. $field_name .']['. $caption .']';
elseif ($imagefield_grouping == 2 && !empty($item['nid'])) {
$full_rel = $rel .'['. $item['nid'] .']['. $caption .']';
elseif ($imagefield_grouping == 3 && !empty($item['nid'])) {
$full_rel = $rel .'['. $field_name .'_'. $item['nid'] .']['. $caption .']';
elseif ($imagefield_grouping == 4 ) {
$full_rel = $rel .'[allnodes]['. $caption .']';
else {
$full_rel = $rel .'[]['. $caption .']';
$class = '';
if ($view_preset != 'original') {
$class = 'imagecache imagecache-' . $field_name . ' imagecache-' . $view_preset . ' imagecache-' . $field_name . '-' . $view_preset;
$link_attributes = array(
'rel' => $full_rel,
'class' => 'imagefield imagefield-lightbox2 imagefield-lightbox2-' . $view_preset . ' imagefield-' . $field_name . ' ' . $class,
$attributes = array();
if (isset($args['compact']) && $item['#delta']) {
$image = '';
elseif ($view_preset == 'original') {
$image = theme('lightbox2_image', array( 'path' => $item['filepath'], 'alt' => $image_tag_alt, 'title' => $image_tag_title, 'attributes' => $attributes ) );
elseif ($view_preset == 'link') {
// Not actually an image, just a text link.
$image = variable_get('lightbox2_view_image_text', 'View image');
else {
$image = theme('imagecache', array( 'style_name' => $view_preset, 'path' => $item['filepath'], 'alt' => $image_tag_alt, 'title' => $image_tag_title, 'attributes' => $attributes ) );
if ($args['lightbox_preset'] == 'node') {
$output = l($image, 'node/'. $node->nid .'/lightbox2', array('attributes' => $link_attributes, 'html' => TRUE));
elseif ($args['lightbox_preset'] == 'original') {
$output = l($image, file_create_url($item['filepath']), array('attributes' => $link_attributes, 'html' => TRUE));
else {
$output = l($image, imagecache_create_url($args['lightbox_preset'], $item['filepath']), array('attributes' => $link_attributes, 'html' => TRUE));
return $output;
* Theme function for the lightbox iframe filefield formatter.
* @param $element
* The CCK field element.
* @return
* The themed link to the file, with lightframe support.
/*function theme_lightbox2_formatter_filefield_lightframe($variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];
$file = $element['#item'];
$field = content_fields($element['#field_name']);
if (!filefield_view_access($field['field_name']) || empty($file['list'])) {
return '';
if (empty($file['fid']) || !is_file($file['filepath'])) {
return '';
$file = (object)$file;
if (!lightbox2_check_filefield_extension($file, $field)) {
return '';
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'filefield') .'/filefield.css');
return ''. theme('lightbox2_file_formatter_lightbox2_iframe', array( 'file' => $file, 'field' => $field, 'file_formatter_settings' => NULL ) ) .'
* Theme function for the lightbox iframe filefield formatter.
* @param $file
* Filefield file object.
* @param $field
* The CCK field the action is being performed on.
* @param $file_formatter_settings
* File formatter settings; ignored.
* @return
* Themed link to filefield.
/*function theme_lightbox2_file_formatter_lightbox2_iframe($variables) {
$file = $variables['file'];
$field = $varbiables['field'];
$file_formatter_settings = $variables['file_formatter_settings'];
$path = $file->filepath;
$url = file_create_url($path);
$icon = theme('file_icon', array( 'file' => $file ) );
$file_data = $file->data;
if (is_string($file_data)) {
$file_data = unserialize($file->data);
$description = $file_data['description'];
if (empty($description)) {
$description = $file->filename;
$attributes = array();
$attributes['id'] = 'lightbox2-node-link-text';
$target = variable_get('lightbox2_node_link_target', FALSE);
if (!empty($target)) {
$attributes['target'] = $target;
$node_link = '';
$node_link_text = check_plain(variable_get('lightbox2_node_link_text', 'View Image Details'));
if (!empty($node_link_text)) {
$node_link .= '
'. l($node_link_text, $url, array('attributes' => $attributes));
// Only files with supported extensions make it this far, so no need to check here.
$link_attributes = array('rel' => 'lightframe[]['. $description . $node_link .']');
return ''. $icon . l($description, $url, array('attributes' => $link_attributes)) .'
* Generate the HTML output to open embedded cck images in a lightbox.
* @param $element
* The CCK field element.
* @return
* The themed link to the embedded image.
/*function theme_lightbox2_formatter_emimage($variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];
$field = content_fields($element['#field_name'], $element['#type_name']);
$item = $element['#item'];
$formatter = $element['#formatter'];
$node = node_load($element['#node']->nid);
list($tmp, $lightbox_type) = explode('_', $formatter, 2);
$field['lightbox_type'] = $lightbox_type;
$formatter = "emimage";
return module_invoke('emfield', 'emfield_field_formatter', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, 'lightbox2');
* Generate the HTML output to open embedded cck images in a lightbox.
* @param $field
* The CCK field the action is being performed on.
* @param $item
* An array, keyed by column, of the data stored for this item in this field.
* @param $formatter
* The formatter to use for the field.
* @param $node
* The node object.
* @param $args
* Args may override internal processes: caption, rel_grouping.
* @return
* Themed embedded media field image and link.
/*function theme_lightbox2_emimage($variables) {
$field = $variables['field'];
$item = $variables['item'];
$formatter = $variables['formatter'];
$node = $variables['node'];
$args = $variables['args'];
$lightbox_type = $field['lightbox_type'];
if ($item['value'] && $item['provider']) {
$rel = 'lightbox';
if ($lightbox_type == 'lightshow2') {
$rel = 'lightshow';
elseif ($lightbox_type == 'lightframe2') {
$rel = 'lightframe';
if ($rel == 'lightframe' && arg(0) == 'node' && arg(1) == $node->nid) {
$rel = 'lightbox';
$orig_rel = $rel;
$code = $item['value'];
$width = $field['widget']['thumbnail_width'] == '' ? variable_get('emimage_default_full_width', EMIMAGE_DEFAULT_FULL_WIDTH) : $field['widget']['thumbnail_width'];
$height = $field['widget']['thumbnail_height'] == '' ? variable_get('emimage_default_full_height', EMIMAGE_DEFAULT_FULL_HEIGHT) : $field['widget']['thumbnail_height'];
$link = $field['widget']['thumbnail_link'] ? $field['widget']['thumbnail_link'] : variable_get('emimage_default_thumbnail_link', EMIMAGE_DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_LINK);
if ($link == EMIMAGE_LINK_CONTENT) {
$link = 'node/'. $node->nid;
elseif ($link == EMIMAGE_LINK_PROVIDER) {
$link = module_invoke('emfield', 'include_invoke', 'emimage', $item['provider'], 'embedded_link', $code, $item['data']);
else {
$link = NULL;
$attributes = array();
$attributes['id'] = 'lightbox2-node-link-text';
if ($width) {
$attributes['width'] = $width;
if ($height) {
$attributes['height'] = $height;
$target = variable_get('lightbox2_node_link_target', FALSE);
if (!empty($target)) {
$attributes['target'] = $target;
// Set up the title.
$title = module_invoke('emfield', 'include_invoke', 'emimage', $item['provider'], 'image_title', $code, $item['data']);
// Set up the caption.
$node_link = '';
$node_link_text = variable_get('lightbox2_node_link_text', 'View Image Details');
if (!empty($node_link_text) && !empty($link)) {
$node_link = '
'. l($node_link_text, $link, array('attributes' => $attributes));
// @TODO original download link possible with emfield?
$caption = $title . $node_link;
if (isset($args['caption'])) {
$caption = $args['caption']; // Override caption.
// Set up url and image.
$url = module_invoke('emfield', 'include_invoke', 'emimage', $item['provider'], 'image_url', $code, $width, $height, "emimage", $field, $item, $node);
$image = theme('image', array( 'path' => $url, 'alt' => $title, 'title' => $title, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'getsize' => FALSE ) );
// Set up full rel attribute.
$image_grouping = variable_get('lightbox2_emimage_group_node_id', 1);
if ($image_grouping == 1) {
$full_rel = $rel .'['. $field['field_name'] .']['. $caption .']';
elseif ($image_grouping == 2 && !empty($node->nid)) {
$full_rel = $rel .'['. $node->nid .']['. $caption .']';
elseif ($image_grouping == 3 && !empty($node->nid)) {
$full_rel = $rel .'['. $field['field_name'] .'_'. $node->nid .']['. $caption .']';
elseif (isset($args['rel_grouping'])) {
$full_rel = $rel .'['. $args['rel_grouping'] .']['. $caption .']';
else {
$rel = $full_rel .'[]['. $caption .']';
if ($orig_rel != 'lightframe') {
$link_attributes = array('rel' => $full_rel);
$full_width = $field['widget']['full_width'] == '' ? variable_get('emimage_default_full_width', EMIMAGE_DEFAULT_FULL_WIDTH) : $field['widget']['full_width'];
$full_height = $field['widget']['full_height'] == '' ? variable_get('emimage_default_full_height', EMIMAGE_DEFAULT_FULL_HEIGHT) : $field['widget']['full_height'];
$full_image_url = module_invoke('emfield', 'include_invoke', 'emimage', $item['provider'], 'image_url', $code, $full_width, $full_height, "emimage", $field, $item, $node);
$output = l($image, $full_image_url, array('attributes' => $link_attributes, 'html' => TRUE));
else {
$frame_width = variable_get('lightbox2_default_frame_width', 600);
$frame_height = variable_get('lightbox2_default_frame_height', 400);
$frame_size = 'width:'. $frame_width .'px; height:'. $frame_height .'px;';
$full_rel = preg_replace('/\]\[/', "|$frame_size][", $full_rel);
$link_attributes = array('rel' => $full_rel);
$output = l($image, $link .'/lightbox2', array('attributes' => $link_attributes, 'html' => TRUE));
return $output;
* Generate the HTML output to open embedded cck videos in a lightbox.
* @param $element
* The CCK field element.
* @return
* HTML output for displaying the video and link.
/*function theme_lightbox2_formatter_emvideo_lightvideo($variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];
if (!variable_get('lightbox2_enable_video', FALSE)) {
$field = content_fields($element['#field_name'], $element['#type_name']);
$item = $element['#item'];
$formatter = "emvideo";
$node = node_load($element['#node']->nid);
return module_invoke('emfield', 'emfield_field_formatter', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, 'lightbox2');
* Generate the HTML output to open embedded cck videos in a lightbox.
* @param $field
* The CCK field the action is being performed on.
* @param $item
* An array, keyed by column, of the data stored for this item in this field.
* @param $formatter
* The formatter to use for the field.
* @param $node
* The node object.
* @param $options
* Options array.
* @return
* Themed link to the embedded media field video.
/*function theme_lightbox2_emvideo($variables) {
$field = $variables['field'];
$item = $variables['item'];
$formatter = $variables['formatter'];
$node = $variables['node'];
$thumbnail = isset($options['thumbnail']) ? $options['thumbnail'] : theme('emvideo_video_thumbnail', $field, $item, 'video_thumbnail', $node, TRUE, $options);
// if options title set use that, otherwise use video title if set in node,
// otherwise try node title, then widget thumbnail setting and fallback to
// default string.
$title = isset($options['title']) ? $options['title'] : (isset($item['data']['emthumb']['emthumb_title']) ? $item['data']['emthumb']['emthumb_title'] : (isset($node->title) ? $node->title : (isset($field['widget']['thumbnail_link_title']) ? $field['widget']['thumbnail_link_title'] : variable_get('emvideo_default_thumbnail_link_title', t('See video')))));
$destination = 'video-cck/lightbox2/'. $node->nid .'/'. $field['widget']['video_width'] .'/'. $field['widget']['video_height'] .'/'. $field['field_name'] .'/'. $item['provider'] .'/'. $item['value'];
$width = $field['widget']['video_width'] + 20;
$height = $field['widget']['video_height'] + 20;
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== FALSE)) {
$width = $field['widget']['video_width'] + 40;
$height = $field['widget']['video_height'] + 40;
$rel_full = 'lightframe['. $field['type_name'] . '|width:'. $width .'px; height:'. $height .'px; overflow:visible;]';
$attributes = array(
'attributes' => array(
'title' => $title,
'class' => $field['type_name'],
'rel' => $rel_full,
'query' => NULL,
'fragment' => NULL,
'absolute' => FALSE,
'html' => TRUE,
$output = l($thumbnail, $destination, $attributes);
return $output;