base_table = $view->base_table; $this->base_field = $view->base_field; } /** * Helper function to find the date argument handler for this view. */ function date_argument_handler() { foreach ($this->view->argument as $name => $handler) { if (date_views_handler_is_date($handler, 'argument')) { return $handler; } } } function option_definition() { $options = parent::option_definition(); $options['date_fields'] = array('default' => array()); $options['calendar_date_link'] = array('default' => ''); $options['colors'] = array( 'contains' => array( 'legend' => array('default' => ''), 'calendar_colors_type' => array('default' => array()), 'taxonomy_field' => array('default' => ''), 'calendar_colors_vocabulary' => array('default' => array()), 'calendar_colors_taxonomy' => array('default' => array()), 'calendar_colors_group' => array('default' => array()), )); return $options; } /** * Provide a form for setting options. */ function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) { parent::options_form($form, $form_state); $form['markup']['#markup'] = t("The calendar row plugin will format view results as calendar items. Make sure this display has a 'Calendar' format and uses a 'Date' contextual filter, or this plugin will not work correctly."); $form['calendar_date_link'] = array( '#title' => t('Add new date link'), '#type' => 'select', '#default_value' => $this->options['calendar_date_link'], '#options' => array('' => t('No link')) + node_type_get_names(), '#description' => t('Display a link to add a new date of the specified content type. Displayed only to users with appropriate permissions.'), ); $form['colors'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Legend Colors'), '#description' => t('Set a hex color value (like #ffffff) to use in the calendar legend for each content type. Items with empty values will have no stripe in the calendar and will not be added to the legend.'), ); $options = array( '' => t('None') ); if ($this->view->base_table == 'node') { $options['type'] = t('Based on Content Type'); } if (module_exists('taxonomy')) { $options['taxonomy'] = t('Based on Taxonomy'); } if (module_exists('og')) { $options['group'] = t('Based on Organic Group'); } // If none of the options but the None option is available, stop here. if (count($options) == 1) { return; } $form['colors']['legend'] = array( '#title' => t('Stripes'), '#description' => t('Add stripes to calendar items.'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $this->options['colors']['legend'], ); if ($this->view->base_table == 'node') { $colors = $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_type']; $type_names = node_type_get_names(); foreach ($type_names as $key => $name) { $form['colors']['calendar_colors_type'][$key] = array( '#title' => check_plain($name), '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => isset($colors[$key]) ? $colors[$key] : '#ffffff', '#size' => 7, '#maxlength' => 7, '#element_validate' => array('calendar_validate_hex_color'), '#dependency' => array('edit-row-options-colors-legend' => array('type')), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('edit-calendar-colorpicker')), '#attached' => array( // Add Farbtastic color picker. 'library' => array( array('system', 'farbtastic'), ), // Add javascript to trigger the colorpicker. 'js' => array(drupal_get_path('module', 'calendar') . '/js/calendar_colorpicker.js'), ), ); } } if (module_exists('taxonomy')) { $vocab_field_options = array(); $fields = $this->display->handler->get_option('fields'); foreach ($fields as $name => $field) { if (!empty($field['type']) && $field['type'] == 'taxonomy_term_reference_link') { $vocab_field_options[$field['field']] = $field['field']; } } $form['colors']['taxonomy_field'] = array( '#title' => t('Term field'), '#type' => !empty($vocab_field_options) ? 'select' : 'hidden', '#default_value' => $this->options['colors']['taxonomy_field'], '#description' => t("Select the taxonomy term field to use when setting stripe colors. This works best for vocabularies with only a limited number of possible terms."), '#options' => $vocab_field_options, '#dependency' => array('edit-row-options-colors-legend' => array('taxonomy')), ); if (empty($vocab_field_options)) { $form['colors']['taxonomy_field']['#options'] = array('' => ''); $form['colors']['taxonomy_field']['#suffix'] = t('You must add a term field to this view to use taxonomy stripe values. This works best for vocabularies with only a limited number of possible terms.'); } $taxonomy_field = field_info_field($this->options['colors']['taxonomy_field']); $vocab_names[] = array(); foreach ((array) $taxonomy_field['settings']['allowed_values'] as $delta => $options) { $vocab_names[] = $options['vocabulary']; } $taxonomies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies(); foreach ($taxonomies as $vid => $vocab) { if (in_array($vocab->machine_name, $vocab_names)) { $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_vocabulary'][] = $vid; } } $form['colors']['calendar_colors_vocabulary'] = array( '#title' => t('Vocabulary Legend Types'), '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_vocabulary'], ); $vocabularies = (array) $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_vocabulary']; $term_colors = $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_taxonomy']; foreach ($vocabularies as $vid) { $vocab = taxonomy_get_tree($vid); foreach ($vocab as $tid => $term) { $form['colors']['calendar_colors_taxonomy'][$term->tid] = array( '#title' => check_plain(t($term->name)), '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => isset($term_colors[$term->tid]) ? $term_colors[$term->tid] : '#ffffff', '#size' => 7, '#maxlength' => 7, '#access' => !empty($vocab_field_options), '#dependency' => array('edit-row-options-colors-legend' => array('taxonomy')), '#element_validate' => array('calendar_validate_hex_color'), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('edit-calendar-colorpicker')), '#attached' => array( // Add Farbtastic color picker. 'library' => array( array('system', 'farbtastic'), ), // Add javascript to trigger the colorpicker. 'js' => array(drupal_get_path('module', 'calendar') . '/js/calendar_colorpicker.js'), ), ); } } } if (module_exists('og')) { $colors_group = $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_group']; $groups = og_get_all_group(); foreach ($groups as $gid) { $form['colors']['calendar_colors_group'][$gid] = array( '#title' => check_plain(t(og_label($gid))), '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => isset($colors_group[$gid]) ? $colors_group[$gid] : '#ffffff', '#dependency' => array('edit-row-options-colors-legend' => array('group')), '#element_validate' => array('calendar_validate_hex_color'), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('edit-calendar-colorpicker')), '#attached' => array( // Add Farbtastic color picker. 'library' => array( array('system', 'farbtastic'), ), // Add javascript to trigger the colorpicker. 'js' => array(drupal_get_path('module', 'calendar') . '/js/calendar_colorpicker.js'), ), ); } } } function options_submit(&$form, &$form_state) { parent::options_submit($form, $form_state); if ($this->view->base_table == 'node') { $path = $this->view->display_handler->get_option('path'); calendar_clear_link_path($path); if (!empty($form_state['values']['row_options']['calendar_date_link'])) { $node_type = $form_state['values']['row_options']['calendar_date_link']; calendar_set_link('node', $node_type, $path); } } } function pre_render($values) { // @TODO When the date is coming in through a relationship, the nid // of the view is not the right node to use, then we need the related node. // Need to sort out how that should be handled. // Preload each entity used in this view from the cache. // Provides all the entity values relatively cheaply, and we don't // need to do it repeatedly for the same entity if there are // multiple results for one entity. $ids = array(); foreach ($values as $row) { // Use the $id as the key so we don't create more than one value per entity. $id = $row->{$this->field_alias}; // Node revisions need special loading. if ($this->view->base_table == 'node_revision') { $this->entities[$id] = node_load(NULL, $id); } // For other entities we just create an array of ids to pass // to entity_load(). else { $ids[$id] = $id; } } $base_tables = date_views_base_tables(); $this->entity_type = $base_tables[$this->view->base_table]; if (!empty($ids)) { $this->entities = entity_load($this->entity_type, $ids); } // Let the style know if a link to create a new date is required. $this->view->date_info->calendar_date_link = $this->options['calendar_date_link']; // Identify the date argument and fields that apply to this view. // Preload the Date Views field info for each field, keyed by the // field name, so we know how to retrieve field values from the cached node. $data = date_views_fields($this->view->base_table); $data = $data['name']; $date_fields = array(); foreach ($this->view->argument as $handler) { if (date_views_handler_is_date($handler, 'argument')) { // If this is the complex Date argument, the date fields are stored in the handler options, // otherwise we are using the simple date field argument handler. if ($handler->definition['handler'] != 'date_views_argument_handler') { $alias = $handler->table_alias . '.' . $handler->field; $info = $data[$alias]; $field_name = str_replace(array('_value2', '_value'), '', $info['real_field_name']); $date_fields[$field_name] = $info; } else { foreach ($handler->options['date_fields'] as $alias) { $info = $data[$alias]; $field_name = str_replace(array('_value2', '_value'), '', $info['real_field_name']); // This is ugly and hacky but I can't figure out any generic way to // recognize that the node module is going to give some the revision timestamp // a different field name on the entity than the actual column name in the database. if ($this->view->base_table == 'node_revision' && $field_name == 'timestamp') { $field_name = 'revision_timestamp'; } $date_fields[$field_name] = $info; } } $this->date_argument = $handler; $this->date_fields = $date_fields; } } // Get the language for this view. $this->language = $this->display->handler->get_option('field_language'); $substitutions = views_views_query_substitutions($this->view); if (array_key_exists($this->language, $substitutions)) { $this->language = $substitutions[$this->language]; } } function render($row) { global $base_url; $rows = array(); $date_info = $this->date_argument->view->date_info; $id = $row->{$this->field_alias}; if (!is_numeric($id)) { return $rows; } // There could be more than one date field in a view // so iterate through all of them to find the right values // for this view result. foreach ($this->date_fields as $field_name => $info) { // Load the specified node: // We have to clone this or nodes on other views on this page, // like an Upcoming block on the same page as a calendar view, // will end up acquiring the values we set here. $entity = clone($this->entities[$id]); if (empty($entity)) { return $rows; } $table_name = $info['table_name']; $delta_field = $info['delta_field']; $tz_handling = $info['tz_handling']; $tz_field = $info['timezone_field']; $rrule_field = $info['rrule_field']; $is_field = $info['is_field']; $info = entity_get_info($this->entity_type); $this->id_field = $info['entity keys']['id']; $this->id = $entity->{$this->id_field}; $this->type = !empty($info['entity keys']['bundle']) ? $info['entity keys']['bundle'] : $this->entity_type; $this->title = entity_label($this->entity_type, $entity); $uri = entity_uri($this->entity_type, $entity); $uri['options']['absolute'] = TRUE; $this->url = url($uri['path'], $uri['options']); // Retrieve the field value(s) that matched our query from the cached node. // Find the date and set it to the right timezone. $entity->date_id = array(); $item_start_date = NULL; $item_end_date = NULL; $granularity = 'second'; $increment = 1; if ($is_field) { $delta = isset($row->$delta_field) ? $row->$delta_field : 0; $items = field_get_items($this->view->base_table, $entity, $field_name, $this->language); $item = $items[$delta]; $db_tz = date_get_timezone_db($tz_handling, isset($item->$tz_field) ? $item->$tz_field : $date_info->display_timezone_name); $to_zone = date_get_timezone($tz_handling, isset($item->$tz_field) ? $item->$tz_field : $date_info->display_timezone_name); // Set the date_id for the node, used to identify which field value to display for // fields that have multiple values. The theme expects it to be an array. $entity->date_id = array('calendar.' . $id . '.' . $field_name . '.' . $delta); if (!empty($item['value'])) { $item_start_date = new dateObject($item['value'], $db_tz); $item_end_date = array_key_exists('value2', $item) ? new dateObject($item['value2'], $db_tz) : $item_start_date; } $cck_field = field_info_field($field_name); $instance = field_info_instance($this->view->base_table, $field_name, $entity->type); $granularity = date_granularity_precision($cck_field['settings']['granularity']); $increment = $instance['widget']['settings']['increment']; } elseif (!empty($entity->$field_name)) { $item = $entity->$field_name; $db_tz = date_get_timezone_db($tz_handling, isset($item->$tz_field) ? $item->$tz_field : $date_info->display_timezone_name); $to_zone = date_get_timezone($tz_handling, isset($item->$tz_field) ? $item->$tz_field : $date_info->display_timezone_name); $item_start_date = new dateObject($item, $db_tz); $item_end_date = $item_start_date; $entity->date_id = array('calendar.' . $id . '.' . $field_name . '.0'); } // If we don't have a date value, go no further. if (empty($item_start_date)) { continue; } // Set the item date to the proper display timezone; $item_start_date->setTimezone(new dateTimezone($to_zone)); $item_end_date->setTimezone(new dateTimezone($to_zone)); $event = new stdClass(); $event->id = $this->id; $event->title = $this->title; $event->type = $this->type; $event->date_start = $item_start_date; $event->date_end = $item_end_date; $event->db_tz = $db_tz; $event->to_zone = $to_zone; $event->granularity = $granularity; $event->increment = $increment; $event->field = $is_field ? $item : NULL; $event->url = $this->url; $event->row = $row; $event->entity = $entity; // All calendar row plugins should provide a date_id that the theme can use. $event->date_id = $entity->date_id[0]; $entities = $this->explode_values($event); foreach ($entities as $entity) { switch ($this->options['colors']['legend']) { case 'type': $this->calendar_node_type_stripe($entity); break; case 'taxonomy': $this->calendar_taxonomy_stripe($entity); break; case 'group': $this->calendar_group_stripe($entity); break; } $rows[] = $entity; } } return $rows; } function explode_values($event) { $rows = array(); $date_info = $this->date_argument->view->date_info; $item_start_date = $event->date_start; $item_end_date = $event->date_end; $to_zone = $event->to_zone; $db_tz = $event->db_tz; $granularity = $event->granularity; $increment = $event->increment; // Now that we have an 'entity' for each view result, we need // to remove anything outside the view date range, // and possibly create additional nodes so that we have a 'node' // for each day that this item occupies in this view. $now = max($date_info->min_zone_string, $item_start_date->format(DATE_FORMAT_DATE)); $to = min($date_info->max_zone_string, $item_end_date->format(DATE_FORMAT_DATE)); $next = new DateObject($now . ' 00:00:00', $date_info->display_timezone); if ($date_info->display_timezone_name != $to_zone) { // Make $start and $end (derived from $node) use the timezone $to_zone, just as the original dates do. date_timezone_set($next, timezone_open($to_zone)); } if (empty($to) || $now > $to) { $to = $now; } // $now and $next are midnight (in display timezone) on the first day where node will occur. // $to is midnight on the last day where node will occur. // All three were limited by the min-max date range of the view. $pos = 0; while (!empty($now) && $now <= $to) { $entity = clone($event); // Get start and end of current day. $start = $next->format(DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME); date_modify($next, '+1 day'); date_modify($next, '-1 second'); $end = $next->format(DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME); // Get start and end of item, formatted the same way. $item_start = $item_start_date->format(DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME); $item_end = $item_end_date->format(DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME); // Get intersection of current day and the node value's duration (as strings in $to_zone timezone). $entity->calendar_start = $item_start < $start ? $start : $item_start; $entity->calendar_end = !empty($item_end) ? ($item_end > $end ? $end : $item_end) : $node->calendar_start; // Make date objects $entity->calendar_start_date = date_create($entity->calendar_start, timezone_open($to_zone)); $entity->calendar_end_date = date_create($entity->calendar_end, timezone_open($to_zone)); // Change string timezones into // calendar_start and calendar_end are UTC dates as formatted strings $entity->calendar_start = date_format($entity->calendar_start_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME); $entity->calendar_end = date_format($entity->calendar_end_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME); $entity->calendar_all_day = date_is_all_day($entity->calendar_start, $entity->calendar_end, $granularity, $increment); unset($entity->calendar_fields); if (isset($entity) && (empty($entity->calendar_start))) { // if no date for the node and no date in the item // there is no way to display it on the calendar unset($entity); } else { $entity->date_id .= '.' . $pos; $rows[] = $entity; unset($entity); } date_modify($next, '+1 second'); $now = date_format($next, DATE_FORMAT_DATE); $pos++; } return $rows; } /** * Create a stripe base on node type. */ function calendar_node_type_stripe(&$entity) { $colors = isset($this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_type']) ? $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_type'] : array(); if (empty($colors)) { return; } if (empty($entity->type)) { return; } $type_names = node_type_get_names(); $type = $entity->type; $label = ''; $stripe = ''; if (!(isset($entity->stripe))) { $entity->stripe = array(); $entity->stripe_label = array(); } if (array_key_exists($type, $type_names)) { $label = $type_names[$type]; } if (array_key_exists($type, $colors)) { $stripe = $colors[$type]; } $entity->stripe[] = $stripe; $entity->stripe_label[] = $label; return $stripe; } /** * Create a stripe based on a taxonomy term. */ function calendar_taxonomy_stripe(&$entity) { $term_colors = isset($this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_taxonomy']) ? $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_taxonomy'] : array(); if (empty($term_colors)) { return; } $terms = array(); if ($this->options['colors']['legend'] == 'taxonomy') { $term_field_name = $this->options['colors']['taxonomy_field']; if ($term_field = field_get_items($this->view->base_table, $entity->entity, $term_field_name)) { foreach ($term_field as $delta => $items) { foreach ($items as $item) { $terms[] = $item['tid']; } } } } if (empty($terms)) { return; } if (!(isset($entity->stripe))) { $entity->stripe = array(); $entity->stripe_label = array(); } if (count($terms)) { foreach ($terms as $tid) { $term_for_entity = taxonomy_term_load($tid); if (!array_key_exists($term_for_entity->tid, $term_colors)) { continue; } $stripe = $term_colors[$term_for_entity->tid]; $stripe_label = $term_for_entity->name; $entity->stripe[] = $stripe; $entity->stripe_label[] = $stripe_label; } } else { $entity->stripe[] = ''; $entity->stripe_label[] = ''; } return; } /** * Create a stripe based on group. */ function calendar_group_stripe(&$entity) { $colors_group = isset($this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_group']) ? $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_group'] : array(); if (empty($colors_group)) { return; } if (!function_exists('og_get_entity_groups')) { return; } $groups_for_entity = og_get_entity_groups($this->view->base_table, $entity); if (!(isset($entity->stripe))) { $entity->stripe = array(); $entity->stripe_label = array(); } if (count($groups_for_entity)) { foreach ($groups_for_entity as $gid => $group_name) { if (!array_key_exists($gid, $colors_group)) { continue; } $stripe = $colors_group[$gid]; $stripe_label = $group_name; $entity->stripe[] = $stripe; $entity->stripe_label[] = $stripe_label; } } else { $entity->stripe[] = ''; $entity->stripe_label[] = ''; } return; } }