/** * @file media_vimeo/js/media_vimeo.js */ (function ($) { Drupal.media_vimeo = {}; Drupal.behaviors.media_vimeo = { attach: function (context, settings) { // Check the browser to see if it supports html5 video. var video = document.createElement('video'); var html5 = video.canPlayType ? true : false; // If it has video, does it support the correct codecs? if (html5) { html5 = false; if (video.canPlayType( 'video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"' ) || video.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"')) { html5 = true; } } // Put a prompt in the video wrappers to let users know they need flash if (!FlashDetect.installed && !html5){ $('.media-vimeo-preview-wrapper').each(Drupal.media_vimeo.needFlash); } // Replace all object tags with iframes. if (Drupal.settings && Drupal.settings.media_vimeo) { for (video in Drupal.settings.media_vimeo) { Drupal.media_vimeo.insertEmbed(video); } } } }; Drupal.media_vimeo.needFlash = function () { var id = $(this).attr('id'); var wrapper = $('.media-vimeo-preview-wrapper'); var hw = Drupal.settings.media_vimeo[id].height / Drupal.settings.media_vimeo[id].width; wrapper.html('
' + Drupal.t('You need Flash to watch this video. Get Flash', {'@flash':'http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer'}) + '
'); wrapper.height(wrapper.width() * hw); }; Drupal.media_vimeo.insertEmbed = function (embed_id) { var videoWrapper = $('#' + embed_id + '.media-vimeo-preview-wrapper'); var settings = Drupal.settings.media_vimeo[embed_id]; // Calculate the ratio of the dimensions of the embed. settings.hw = settings.height / settings.width; // Replace the object embed with Vimeo's iframe. This isn't done by the // theme function because Vimeo doesn't have a no-JS or no-Flash fallback. var video = $(''); var src = 'http://player.vimeo.com/video/' + settings.video_id; // Allow other modules to modify the video settings. settings.options = settings.options || {}; $(window).trigger('media_vimeo_load', settings); // Merge Vimeo options (such as autoplay) into the source URL. var query = $.param(settings.options); if (query) { src += '?' + query; } // Set up the iframe with its contents and add it to the page. video .attr('id', settings.id) .attr('width', settings.width) .attr('height', settings.height) .attr('src', src); videoWrapper.html(video); // Bind a resize event to handle fluid layouts. $(window).bind('resize', Drupal.media_vimeo.resizeEmbeds); // For some reason Chrome does not properly size the container around the // embed and it will just render the embed at full size unless we set this // timeout. if (!$('.lightbox-stack').length) { setTimeout(Drupal.media_vimeo.resizeEmbeds, 1); } }; Drupal.media_vimeo.resizeEmbeds = function () { $('.media-vimeo-preview-wrapper').each(Drupal.media_vimeo.resizeEmbed); }; Drupal.media_vimeo.resizeEmbed = function () { var context = $(this).parent(); var video = $(this).children(':first-child'); var hw = Drupal.settings.media_vimeo[$(this).attr('id')].hw; // Change the height of the wrapper that was given a fixed height by the // Vimeo theming function. $(this) .height(context.width() * hw) .width(context.width()); // Change the attributes on the embed to match the new size. video .height(context.width() * hw) .width(context.width()); }; })(jQuery);