registerTypes(array('entity')); } /** * Make the destination field visible. */ public function fields() { return array( 'pathauto' => t('Pathauto: Perform aliasing (set to 0 to prevent alias generation during migration'), ); } public function prepare($entity, stdClass $row) { if (isset($entity->pathauto)) { if (!isset($entity->path)) { $entity->path = array(); } elseif (is_string($entity->path)) { // If MigratePathEntityHandler->prepare() hasn't run yet, support // the alias (set as $entity->path as a string) being formatted properly // in the path alias array. $path = $entity->path; $entity->path = array(); $entity->path['alias'] = $path; } $entity->path['pathauto'] = $entity->pathauto; if (!isset($entity->path['alias'])) { $entity->path['alias'] = ''; } unset($entity->pathauto); } } } /* * Implementation of hook_migrate_api(). */ function pathauto_migrate_api() { $api = array( 'api' => 2, 'destination handlers' => array('PathautoMigrationHandler'), ); return $api; }