1. Link 7.x-1.7, 2019-11-14
  2. ------------------------
  3. #3094381 by DamienMcKenna: Add a CHANGELOG.txt file.
  4. #3094370 by DamienMcKenna: Coding standards tidy-up.
  5. #3094307 by DamienMcKenna: Clean up tests a bit.
  6. By DamienMcKenna: Added myself to the maintainers list.
  7. #3041220 by Daniel Korte, nileema.jadhav, Deepak.Sharma, pifagor: False positive
  8. in link_validate_url() function with relative URLs with fragments.
  9. #3038104 by jwilson3, cm0dit, pifagor: Support hashbang (#!) in URLs.
  10. By drumm: Ensure attributes are not strings.
  11. #2654246 by SurfinSpirit, moleCuleFFF, recrit,, whthat,
  12. sdstyles, rajiv.singh, ac, pifagor, dgtlmoon, Chris Matthews, Nishruu: Anchor
  13. and Query urls are not supported.
  14. #2943127 by sean_e_dietrich, kyuubi, Chris Matthews, ShaunLaws, pifagor: Link
  15. field with static title always shows even when no url entered.
  16. #2675568 by pianomansam, Chris Matthews, pifagor: Whether URL and Title entity
  17. properties are required is incorrectly determined.
  18. #2718563 by makbul_khan8, jgalletta, idebr, malcomio, joekers, b.lammers,
  19. pifagor: Use link field widget in custom form.
  20. #1475790 by idebr, quicksketch, donquixote, skessler, jcfiala, stevector, Zach,
  21. bk_bigfish, balumahender, jrao, pifagor, jbitdrop, das-peter: Link should not
  22. modify $item['url'] on node_view() (causes data loss when combined with
  23. Workbench Moderation).
  24. #949604 by boazr, webadpro, zilverdistel, TheRuslan, GaëlG, barraponto,
  25. jhodgdon, diqidoq, jcfiala, Gábor Hojtsy, colan, mErilainen, knalstaaf,
  26. mfernea, pifagor: Static link text cannot be translated.
  27. #1993920 by lwalley, johnnybgoode, Dragan Eror, weri, idebr, Etroid, jcfiala,
  28. jsst, alex_optim, diqidoq, dandaman: Allow tel: links.
  29. #2428185 by das-peter, harsha012, hgoto, recrit, eelkeblok, weseze, nironan,
  30. pifagor, Alex Bukach, diqidoq: Language prefix and relative links broken.
  31. #2974486 by naidim: Title field assumed when it may not exist.
  32. #2966141 by RenatoG: Add translate in help section.
  33. #2574331 by RenatoG, tjhart87: Utilize link target action in rules.
  34. #2653852 by sassafrass, pifagor, NWOM, RenatoG: Token displayed when field is
  35. empty.
  36. #2966082 by RenatoG: Remove unused file for structure.
  37. #2965798 by RenatoG: Update documentation for requirements.
  38. #2965735 by RenatoG: Organize style structure. Create css folder for organizer.
  39. #2965727 by RenatoG: Remove unused / commented code in views/
  40. #2295071 by interX, pifagor: Recursion in field formatter with views.
  41. #2195699 by Dane Powell, pifagor: Generate more creative URLS with
  42. devel_generate.
  43. #2536756 by gareth-davies, pifagor: Unless using the default field formatter,
  44. classes are not transformed into an array which causes a fatal error.
  45. #2916152 by azinck, pifagor: Override title in field formatter.
  46. #2921141 by chishah92, Ambient.Impact, RenatoG: Use a real ellpsis instead of
  47. three dots (...).
  48. #2945199 by salvis, pifagor: drupal_encode_path() is called twice.
  49. #2813057 by klausi, pifagor, John Cook: mailto: link with subject parameter and
  50. upper case letter does not validate.
  51. #2952073 by pifagor: Change correct deskription.
  52. #2930024 by Dylan Donkersgoed, pifagor: file:// links often don't work.
  53. #2948578 by RenatoG: Resolve all items reported by
  54. Link 7.x-1.6, 2019-02-20
  55. ------------------------
  56. Ensure attributes are not strings.
  57. Link 7.x-1.5, 2018-05-13
  58. ------------------------
  59. #2553705 and #2961210 by billywardrop, pifagor, vinmassaro, alex_optim,
  60. alex.mazaltov: Preparation of module version 1.5.
  61. Link 7.x-1.5-beta3, 2018-02-21
  62. ------------------------------
  63. By pifagor: Fixed test.
  64. #2945139: options(&$options) deprecated since views2.
  65. #2945137: Unused variables.
  66. #2945133: Warning: Method call uses 2 parameters, but method signature uses 1
  67. parameters.
  68. #2945131: Fix coding standards module.
  69. #2945128: Fix coding standard test parts
  70. #2901656 and #2210297 by nightwalkr, mfernea: validates that the input on the
  71. URL field actually exists as a path alias. Theme_link_formatter_link_default()
  72. doesn't work with classes defined in a preprocess function.
  73. #2216399 by jemond: Provide Formatter to remove http:// or https:// from URL.
  74. #1836632 by jmart: Double HTML escaping when using plain_title formatter.
  75. By nileema.jadhav: Modification for bug fixes related to HTML entities in title
  76. and no protocol for url display format.
  77. #2480723 by krystalcode, naidim, rrrob, sumitmadan, Argus, diqidoq, RenatoG,
  78. jbitdrop: Avoid warning in diff integration for links without title.
  79. #2911860 by RenatoG: Fix tests items results.
  80. By RenatoG: Fix tests.
  81. #2244041 by alberto56, RenatoG: Undefined index: widget in link.module on line
  82. 1341.
  83. #2743401 by RenatoG, MHuebner: Use parent directory in internal url.
  84. #2897563 by RenatoG: Fix Coding Standards, Best Practices and Insert
  85. Documentation in Comments for Tests.
  86. #2897348 by RenatoG: Update documentation in README file for nre template of
  88. #2897332 by RenatoG: Fix all items of Code Review for Link.
  89. #2166459 by j0rd, mstef: Notice: Undefined index: error_element in
  90. link_field_widget_error() (line 328 of link.module).
  91. Link 7.x-1.5-beta2, 2017-07-25
  92. ------------------------------
  93. #2889683 by Yago Elias, RenatoG: Protocol-less URLs should be cleaned for use.
  94. #2558497 by joachim, RenatoG: property type for 'url' entity metadata property
  95. should not be 'url'.
  96. #2299657 by RenatoG, egfrith, ChuChuNaKu, idebr, jtsnow, rootwork,
  97. kristiaanvandeneynde, GoddamnNoise, Leeteq, jcfiala, Remon, drumm, tobiberlin,
  98. brantwynn, klonos, Vacilando, quicksketch, mikeytown2, samuel.mortenson,
  99. brice_gato, katjam, kenorb, ultimike, Graber, rv0, othermachines, r0nn1ef,
  100. DamienMcKenna, doraf, jmart, reptilex, Berliner-dupe, jp.stacey, JonMcL: Allow
  101. any TLD because site admins can never keep up with ICANN.
  102. #2499165 by jcnventura, RenatoG: Validate all latin accented chars.
  103. #1295132 by Scyther, RenatoG: Unnecessary variables in link.install.
  104. #1335424 by claudiu.cristea, RenatoG: Title as a select.
  105. #2612176 by FluxSauce, pcambra, RenatoG: PHP Fatal error: Class
  106. 'MigrateFieldHandler' not found.
  107. #2693731 by Antonnavi, RenatoG: Tokens replaced on "Static title" when "Allow
  108. user-entered tokens" not enabled.
  109. Link 7.x-1.5-beta1, 2017-01-14
  110. ------------------------------
  111. #2140087 by olofjohansson, maximpodorov, mistermoper, RenatoG: Allow '0' as the
  112. link title.
  113. #1418762 by num37, RenatoG, rvilar, jcfiala, randyhook: Provide default title
  114. when title is optional.
  115. #2553705 by Trav84, aguilarm, michaelfavia, reshma.i, RenatoG, roopeshnaik:
  116. Static Title does not show up when using 'Optional URL' + 'Static Title' with
  117. an empty URL.
  118. #2323441 by paolomainardi, sumitmadan, SylvainM, brockfanning, rob_johnston,
  119. RenatoG, mikeryan: [Patch] Migrate language argument array handling.
  120. #2299657 by egfrith, RenatoG, ChuChuNaKu, idebr, jtsnow, rootwork,
  121. kristiaanvandeneynde, GoddamnNoise, Leeteq, jcfiala, Remon, drumm, tobiberlin,
  122. brantwynn, klonos, Vacilando, quicksketch, mikeytown2, samuel.mortenson,
  123. brice_gato, katjam, kenorb, ultimike, Graber, rv0, othermachines, r0nn1ef,
  124. DamienMcKenna, doraf, jmart, reptilex, jp.stacey, JonMcL: Allow any TLD
  125. because site admins can never keep up with ICANN.
  126. #1909788 by mthomas, jesss, csc4, Kpolymorphic, RenatoG: Add an entity token for
  127. the display_url.
  128. #2650956 by loopduplicate, amitmaity, karsumit94, RenatoG: Code standards are
  129. not followed for array modified in 2367069.
  130. #2299657 by egfrith, RenatoG, ChuChuNaKu, idebr, jtsnow, rootwork,
  131. kristiaanvandeneynde, GoddamnNoise, Leeteq, jcfiala, Remon, drumm, tobiberlin,
  132. brantwynn, klonos, Vacilando, quicksketch, mikeytown2, samuel.mortenson,
  133. brice_gato, katjam, kenorb, ultimike, Graber, rv0, othermachines, r0nn1ef,
  134. DamienMcKenna, doraf, jmart, reptilex, Berliner-dupe, jp.stacey, JonMcL,
  135. peter-majmesku: Allow any TLD because site admins can never keep up with
  136. ICANN.
  137. #2299657 by egfrith, ChuChuNaKu, RenatoG, idebr, jtsnow, rootwork, Leeteq,
  138. kristiaanvandeneynde, GoddamnNoise, tobiberlin, Remon, drumm, jcfiala, klonos,
  139. brantwynn, quicksketch, mikeytown2, samuel.mortenson, brice_gato, Vacilando,
  140. katjam, kenorb, ultimike, Graber, rv0, DamienMcKenna, doraf, jmart, reptilex,
  141. jp.stacey, JonMcL: Allow any TLD because site admins can never keep up with
  142. ICANN.
  143. #2890057 by RenatoG: All content of file commented "" should be
  144. use @codingStandardsIgnoreFile tag.
  145. #2299657 by egfrith, ChuChuNaKu, RenatoG, idebr, jtsnow, Leeteq, GoddamnNoise,
  146. tobiberlin, kristiaanvandeneynde, Remon, jcfiala, rootwork, drumm, klonos,
  147. brice_gato, quicksketch, brantwynn, mikeytown2, Vacilando, reptilex,
  148. samuel.mortenson, DamienMcKenna, ultimike, Graber, rv0, doraf, jp.stacey,
  149. kenorb, jmart, JonMcL, katjam: Allow any TLD because site admins can never
  150. keep up with ICANN.
  151. #2890013 by RenatoG: Fix codings standards for Link.
  152. #2889755 by RenatoG: Fixed Best practice in Drupal.
  153. #2566443 by ohthehugemanatee, RenatoG: Broken description text when used through
  154. Form API.
  155. #2888582 by RenatoG: Resolved unused variables in install file.
  156. #2723993 by dhruveshdtripathi, rahul.shinde, jeevanbhushetty, RenatoG: help hook
  157. is not there.
  158. #2578521 by kala4ek, arialvix, soapboxcicero, ervit, RenatoG: Validation error.
  159. #2888510 by RenatoG: Create tip for token on install.
  160. #2888480 by RenatoG: Fixed documentation links in new window target "blank".
  161. #2888461 by RenatoG: Clear variable "link_extra_domains" on uninstall.
  162. #2843813 by idebr, klausi, michael_wojcik, clemens.tolboom: Fix failing tests
  163. due to missing 'administer fields' permission.
  164. Link 7.x-1.4, 2016-01-14
  165. ------------------------
  166. UPC-99: Apply patch: link-field_link_validate_overrites_langcode-2632728.patch
  167. #2470377 by rhclayto: Adding a class with underscores, the class gets rendered
  168. with hyphens
  169. #609560 by Boobaa: Provide token for hostname
  170. #2470968: Add README.txt
  171. #2247261 by heddn, sumitmadan: URLs are not validated
  172. #2513706 by rrfegade: Spelling errors in D7
  173. #2055111 by joelpittet, mikeytown2: skip over re-loading entities for tokens in
  174. link field attributes unless there's a token to process.
  175. #2367069 by jcfiala:Fixed entity_token for link after node_view was called.
  176. Added setup function to LinkValidateUrlLight to enable link module, which was
  177. failing qa testbot.
  178. #2364673 by jcfiala: Replaced drupal_html_class() with
  179. drupal_clean_css_identifier() so that link field classes are not forced to
  180. lower case.
  181. Added tests to test entity_token token with link.
  182. Link 7.x-1.3, 2014-10-21
  183. ------------------------
  184. By jcfiala: Various small fixes to pass coder review.
  185. #2351223 by Xano: Improve field validation error message.
  186. #2350253 by genjohnson: Fixed Link with ! (exclamation) in URL query returns
  187. "not a valid URL".
  188. #1483494 by vinmassaro, cord1: Notice: Undefined index: url in _link_process()
  189. (line 345 of ../link.module).
  190. #1955976 by chOP, erikhopp, idebr, d.clarke | Jim Cutler: Added Allow relative
  191. paths with validation.
  192. #2117099 by tim.plunkett: Expose attributes as property info.
  193. #1930430 by benjifisher: Fixed Migration integration misses title attribute for
  194. mutiple-valued link fields.
  195. #97766 by tanepiper, heddn, timbrandin, droath, alanburke, Digidog: Class
  196. attribute field option for each dataset in link widget.
  197. #1266474 by redndahead, franz, RobLoach, jcfiala, markabur: Use field label as
  198. the label for the title field
  199. #2036645 by lex0r: restricting the explode to 2 items when breaking apart
  200. querystrings helps prevent problems with unescaped = characters in the data.
  201. #2223571 by jcfiala: Included new tld that had been included into the 6.x-2.x
  202. branch.
  203. #1836632 by jcfiala:Removed double-encoding of titles when url not specified in
  204. link field.
  205. #1980736 by Cottser: Allow child elements of the link field to be rendered.
  206. Link 7.x-1.2, 2013-11-24
  207. ------------------------
  208. #1866632 by mohamadaliakbari,poiu:Adding rtl support to the link field.
  209. #1928116 by jcfiala: Added field variable to variables for link formatter
  210. functions in hook_theme.
  211. #2141643:Applying changes suggested by coder
  212. #2043001 by zhuber:Add xxx to list of top level domains.
  213. #2036115 by Samvel:Validation of link field was not being properly passed
  214. through to hook_field_widget_error().
  215. #1616752 by Taran2L:Period in names of querystring items was being replaced with
  216. underscores.
  217. #2123277 by zhuber:Link devel generate was applying titles to links with no
  218. title set.
  219. #1936784 by jeffam, illmasterc: Ampersands were being escaped in urls.
  220. #1784862 by aaronbauman: Added dialog switch to code displaying available
  221. tokens.
  222. #1914286 by facine: Fixes Title value in link_field_update_instance undefined
  223. error.
  224. #1918850 by jsacksick: Prevents undefined variable messages in
  225. link_i18n_string_list_field_alter().
  226. Link 7.x-1.1, 2013-02-09
  227. ------------------------
  228. By jcfiala: Fixed broken token tests - setUp on LinkBaseTestClass was broken.
  229. #949604 by zilverdistel: Added i18n support for the static link text field
  230. option.
  231. #1909314 by Simon Georges: Removing link.install from the files[]
  232. array.
  233. By jcfiala: Removed all places where #markup was being set to a theme function
  234. output with #theme.
  235. #1674284 by sun, jcfiala: Cleaning up the code to Drupal standards, this time
  236. with the tests.
  237. #1674284 by sun, jcfiala: Cleaning up the code to Drupal standards.
  238. By hass:Fixing a string in the target argument handler to be t-compatible.
  239. By hackwater: Fixed minor typo which spelled automatically wrong.
  240. #1458502 by eugene.brit:Fixing Undefined index: target in _link_sanitize()
  241. #1010850 by benjifisher: Update MigrateFieldHandler to work with migrate-7.x-2.4
  242. and later.
  243. #1889918 by jcfiala,Boobaa: Changed the bad url error message to include the
  244. field's label.
  245. #1179944 by jcfiala, mr.york: Added variable_get calls so that the list of TLD
  246. that pass validation can be set by admins.
  247. #1766150 by jcfiala: Blank urls will no longer be treated the same as links to
  248. <front>.
  249. #1686024 by Alan D.: Added implementation of hook_field_diff_view().
  250. #1715246 by Haza, jcfiala: Fixed strict warning when loading entity for token
  251. use, also fixed problem with the title attribute not being handeld properly.
  252. #1309768 by jcfiala: Made URL label of url-only link fields invisible instead of
  253. removing it, to be 508 compliant.
  254. #1645640 by barraponto:Fixing <front> links as well as double-printing of
  255. querystring.
  256. By jcfiala: Fixed how possible tokens are displayed when setting up a link field
  257. - had been using a variable which was not defined in that scope.
  258. #43870: Cleaned up and conslidated the link formatter tests so that the tests
  259. can run faster.
  260. #438770: Fixed code to align with tests - handling the 'token type' fetching
  261. better and fixing the separate link display to match previous functionality.
  262. #1047444 by Sweetchuck, jcfiala: Updated how tokens are handled so that the
  263. proper token references are used, and not just 'node'.
  264. #1309658 by jcfiala: Small nudge to the views tokens fix to handle problem with
  265. relative links going through url() twice.
  266. #472766 by mstrelan: Added new formatter to display domain as link.
  267. #1710578 by jcfiala: Added code to prevent unnecessary = signs in querystrings.
  268. #1309658 by jcfiala: Rearranged the link code so that the query and fragment are
  269. not separated from the url so that views can access them in a token.
  270. #1290904 by gordon:Moved link processing on save from the hook_field_presave
  271. link to the hook_field_insert/update hook to prevent problem with
  272. field_attach_update.
  273. #1525668 by mikeryan: Removed type-hint of $entity in the migrate prepare
  274. handler.
  275. #1599314 by arpieb: Adding spaces, periods, and parenthesis to internal file
  276. paths.
  277. #1368616 by grndlvl: Fix required marker so it shows if title is not displayed.
  278. #1512954 by jfiala, mikeytown2: Added code to prevent error in
  279. theme_link_formatter_link_plain(), improved use of $link_options array in
  280. theme functions.
  281. #1125766 by jcfiala, David Stosik, Eric_A: Provided default value for link
  282. targets when link field uses user input for target.
  283. #1230256 by yched: Fixed D6 migration (cck_migrate()).
  284. #1218428 by twistor, Digidog: Fixed - Link tests, LinkValidateUrlLight because
  285. link validate_url is called but not available.
  286. #1409980 by luisortizramos, effulgentsia, Digidog: Fixed - Validation error
  287. -Invalid URL- is not reported properly. The corresponding form_set_error()
  288. calls have been fixed.
  289. #1441702 by Digidog: Fixed - Rel attribute should have an option to get
  290. automaticly turned on/off if link is internal/external.
  291. #1418674 by rvilar, Digidog: Fixed - Bad variable concatenation in t() function-
  292. #1321482 by Liam Morland, KarlShea, Summit, Jevedor, Digidog: Fixed -Query
  293. string and fragment are removed, resulting in parts of the URL being lost-
  294. #1066328 by Bevan, jcfiala, dkingofpa, sammys, Digidog: Formatter for use with
  295. url() and Views its -output this field as a link- fields (Absolute url
  296. formatter added).
  297. #1429684 by das-pater: Dont unserialize already unserialized attributes in
  298. _link_load(). The patch contains condition before unserialize in _link_load(),
  299. link_views_handler_argument_target::query() is now compatible to its parent to
  300. avoid php strict notices.
  301. #698438 by tim.plunkett: Added support for Devel Generate
  302. #1010850 by jcfiala, quartsize, raman2385, Bevan, eporama, das-peter,
  303. smithmilner, Digidog: Fixed MigrateFieldHandler to work with Migrate Module.
  304. Link 7.x-1.0, 2011-10-23
  305. ------------------------
  306. #1318850 by Digidog: Fixed completion of special chars for function
  307. link_validate_url() in line 916.
  308. #1199806 by ss81, jcfiala, Digidog: Fixed fatal error when the link URl is equal
  309. to page URL.
  310. #1307788 Feature request by nmc, tars16, Digidog: Fixed Add custom maxlength to
  311. link title text.
  312. #1217396 by WilliamB,noahb,orakili,Digidog: Fixed options multiple-value &
  313. required break input/save and produces error: At least one title or URL must
  314. be entered.
  315. #1036628 by gargoyle,jcfiala,wizonesolutions,Digidog: Fixed to allow more
  316. special chars in url validation for use cases like twitter etc. (f.e.: # , ~ )
  317. #948658 by brenk28, Dave Reid, becw, jcfiala, iMiksu, BTMash, Digidog: Fixed
  318. noticeof Undefined index: title in _link_sanitize() - hopefully, finally.
  319. #1079782 by fago, klausi, drunken monkey, jcfiala, Digidog: Fixed support for
  320. hook_entity_property_info() including search API and Rules. @TODO: needs
  321. simpletests to be submitted for rc1.
  322. Link 7.x-1.0-beta1, 2011-09-26
  323. -------------------------------
  324. #1264208 by lazysoundsystem, Digidog: Fixed recursive serialization of
  325. attributes.
  326. #1218422 by Dave Reid, twistor, Digidog: Fixed tests files: strict warnings
  327. about static getInfo and parameters for setUp(), whitespace, and file
  328. structure.
  329. #1038444 by Dave Reid, Digidog: Fixed 3 issues plus #required on title prevents
  330. submission. All issues have been fixed with patch of Dave Reid from January.
  331. Patch manually retrieved for latest 7.x-1.x by Digidog.
  332. #1105816 by thekevinday, jcfiala, Digidog: Fixed improper use of db_type by
  333. committing patch of thekevinday at comment-5028534.
  334. #335281 by thePanz, jcfiala, stella, Digidog: committed patch by stella
  335. #comment-4929778 for title attribute support.
  336. #519416 by jcfiala: Added the plain text display of just the link title, which
  337. was available in 6.x but had not been added to 7.x yet.
  338. By jcfiala: Added slight changes to how links are validated to bring them in
  339. line withvalid_url().
  340. #1148864 by jcfiala: Re-enabled the ability to turn off url validation.
  341. #1063764 by bdragon,jcfiala: Renamed all field formatters to start with 'link_'
  342. so they will be unique.
  343. #1078254 by jcfiala: added a hook_update_n call that copies settings from the
  344. field to the instance.
  345. #1126384 by burki: Started using field_widget_instance to get link field
  346. settings in link_field_process, which is more standard than hunting in the
  347. for it.
  348. #1125384 by Rob Loach: Changed url length in link_field_schema to not use the
  349. constant which is not always defined.
  350. #1043348 by jcfiala: Finished updating the formatting code so that querystrings
  351. and fragments of urls work as in 6.x-2.x.
  352. #438770 by jcfiala: Adding test that makes sure the 'plain url' formatter is
  353. working properly with the basic case.
  354. #1043348 by jcfiala: First pass at fixing problems with raw urls
  355. ending up as index.php? Need more testing/fixing with
  356. fragments and querystrings - not complete.
  357. #1056364 by the_phi: Checking that ['settings']['enable_tokens'] exists before
  358. the value is compared.
  359. #1078736 by jcfiala: Added empty handler for hook_link_form_settings to make
  360. ield Permissions work.
  361. Link 7.x-1.0-alpha3, 2011-02-07
  362. -------------------------------
  363. bug report #1008562 by jcfiala: Looking into URL, as link error caused me to
  364. realize that the _link_sanitize was being called in the wrong place - now
  365. called on link_field_prepare_view.
  366. bug report by jcfiala: Fixed error from missing index by changing ['required']
  367. to ['required'].
  368. bug report #1026040 by pcambra: Updated token help to use the updated token
  369. module and token display.
  370. bug report #1033112 by Dave Reid: Removing extra lines from
  371. task #970392 by jcfiala: Added content_migrate_field_alter and
  372. content_migrate_instance_alter hooks to link.module to help with upgrading
  373. from D6 to D7.
  374. feature request #1012372 by jcfiala: Tried using
  375. hook_field_instance_settings_form to allow per-instance settings. Also,
  376. re-added a bunch of old tests from 6.x.
  377. Link 7.x-1.0-alpha2, 2010-12-13
  378. -------------------------------
  379. task #960062 by jcfiala: Added package of 'fields' to the file.
  380. task #997270 by jcfiala: Removed content in, and added file
  381. references to the link_views_handler files in for better views
  382. integration.
  383. By jcfiala: Added more code to attribute test.
  384. By jcfiala: Edited the two test files so that simpletests run without error,
  385. although they don't test nearly enough.
  386. bug report #952656 by Dave_Reid: Moved hook_field_schema() to link.install,
  387. other small tweaks to remove old references.
  388. bug report #948628 by brenk28, bec: Fixing setting references in and removing
  389. calls to see if token is enabled.
  390. Link 7.x-1.0-alpha1, 2010-12-07
  391. -------------------------------
  392. #955214 by alex_b,jcfiala: Fixed problem where a url with a querystring caused
  393. fatal errors.
  394. #956182 by jmiccolis, bec, Bevan: Theme fixing for the theme_link_field
  395. #696678 by tristanoneil: Link module now showing basic functionality - still not
  396. done, but better.
  397. #696678 by Garrett Albright: Initial attempt at updating Link module to Drupal 7
  398. - does not really work but is a start.
  399. By dropcube: First working copy of the 7.x version.