README.txt 1.5 KB

  1. -----------------
  2. FileField Sources Plupload
  3. -----------------
  4. Description
  5. -----------
  6. FileField Sources is a module that enhances the generic file and image upload
  7. fields in Drupal. This module adds Plupload as a source through
  8. Plupload Integration module, and thus enabling multiple file uploads across a
  9. wide range of browsers.
  10. Since FileField Sources does not have its own widget, but rather extends the
  11. core File field and other contributed widgets, this offers great flexibility
  12. in widget selections.
  13. This module is built by New Reach AS. Visit us at
  14. Author: Atle Andersen (atlea)
  15. Installation
  16. ------------
  17. 1) Place this module directory in your modules folder (this will usually be
  18. "sites/all/modules/").
  19. 2) Enable this and required modules within your Drupal site.
  20. 3) Add or configure an existing file or image field. To configure a typical node
  21. field, visit Admin -> Structure -> Content types and click "manage fields"
  22. on a type you'd like to modify. Add a new file field or edit an existing one.
  23. While editing the file or image field, you'll have new options available
  24. under a "File sources" fieldset. You can enable the Multi upload (Plupload)
  25. source for that particular field.
  26. Make sure the field can have more than one file. See "Number of values".
  27. 4) Create a piece of content that uses your file field and try it out.
  28. Support
  29. -------
  30. Please file bug reports in the FileField Sources Plupload issue queue.
  31. Do not use the forums or send bug reports via e-mail.