1. Menu Block 7.x-2.3, 2012-02-04
  2. ------------------------------
  3. - #1105372 by mikl, fabsor and JohnAlbin: Add menu tree ctools content type to D7
  4. - #1425342 by JohnAlbin and Dave Reid: Menu block fails with Drupal core 7.12; remove work-around for core bug #942782.
  5. - #1243978 by Dave Reid: Fixed menu_block_export_menu() items were not translatable since they were not located in menu_block_export.module.
  6. - #1243978 by Dave Reid: Fixed menu_block_menu() items were not translatable since they were not located in menu_block.module.
  7. - by Dave Reid: Moved menu_block_menu_alter() to so that it doesn't cause a module hook cache miss.
  8. - #1155052 by Dave Reid: Fixed errors if block module is not enabled.
  9. - #1162038 by Dave Reid: Fixed 'Add menu block' local action only appears on default theme.
  10. - #1114722 by dropcube: Fixed i18n menu support
  11. - #1154122 by Dave Reid: Moved block module hook implementations to menu_block.module to prevent problems with hook implementation caching.
  12. - #1078806 by Dave Reid: Fixed string untranslated warning from coder.
  13. - #1139530 by Dave Reid: Add a base form ID of block_add_block_form to menu_block_add_block_form so other modules can properly and easily alter it.
  14. - #1139522 by Dave Reid: Fixed fatal error with current page menu trees.
  15. Menu Block 7.x-2.2, 2011-03-09
  16. ------------------------------
  17. - #1086376: Custom menu fix doesn't work for new installations
  18. Menu Block 7.x-2.1, 2011-02-06
  19. ------------------------------
  20. - #1051988: Fix wrong path in menu_block_help()
  21. - #1050766: Improve usability of "Parent item" UI
  22. - #1050040 by AgentRickard: Remove performance-killing variable_set() calls on non-admin pages
  23. Menu Block 7.x-2.0, 2011-01-11
  24. ------------------------------
  25. - #1022478: Add "Edit book outline" contextual link for book menu blocks
  26. - #1022428: Contextual links for all menu blocks disappear if book menu_block used
  27. - #1017142: except for one menu, all other menus (including books) never receive an active trail
  28. - #1017122 by becw, mfer and JohnAlbin: Core bug work-around: add active trail to custom menus
  29. - Always show core menu blocks if they are in a region
  30. - #993998 by tgf: Core menu suppression broken
  31. - #993998 by jackinloadup: Delete links misplaced on menu list form
  32. - #958166 by Simon Georges and JohnAlbin: secondary-menu removed from core; replace with user-menu
  33. - #825132: Performance problem on sites with many books
  34. - #945714 by pedrochristopher: theme override misidentified in README
  35. - #593126: hook_get_menus() causes conflicts with Menu Access, og_menu, etc
  36. - #825132: Add hook_menu_block_get_sort_menus() for improved performance and UX of book integration
  37. - #957362 by blixxxa: Add Swedish translation
  38. - Fix theme hook suggestions for non-numeric block deltas
  39. Menu Block 7.x-2.0-beta4, 2010-09-29
  40. ------------------------------------
  41. - #891690: Never accept a fix not in patch form. And if you do, test it!
  42. Menu Block 7.x-2.0-beta3, 2010-09-29
  43. ------------------------------------
  44. - #891698 by Chris Gillis: Incorrect link to configuration page
  45. - #891690 by Chris Gillis: Undefined function db_fetch_array
  46. - Updated menu_block_get_title() to return a renderable array
  47. - Add #bid context to menu_link theme hook
  48. Menu Block 7.x-2.0-beta2, 2010-04-16
  49. ------------------------------------
  50. - Add ability to suppress core's standard menu blocks on block admin page
  51. - #693302: Add simple bulk export module
  52. - Fixed import of exportable menu_blocks
  53. - Fixed bug causing missing "delete" link for menu blocks
  54. - Fixed configure link on modules page
  55. Menu Block 7.x-2.0-beta1, 2010-03-26
  56. ------------------------------------
  57. - #693302: Add API for exportable menu_blocks
  58. - #749838: Port to Drupal 7
  59. Menu Block 6.x-2.3, 2010-03-24
  60. ------------------------------
  61. - #739282: Users with "administer menu" privileges can exploit XSS vulnerability
  62. - #343061 by sun and JohnAlbin: CSS styling breaks form layout
  63. - #345552 by Dmitriy.trt: Inconsistent display of starting level set to children
  64. of active item
  65. - #474784: Menu title as link is incorrectly always marked as in active trail
  66. - #540842 by JohnAlbin and agentrickard: Add option to use current page's
  67. selected menu
  68. - #580348: Add administrative title to config form to help organize blocks
  69. - #350029: Add theme hook suggestions for all theme function calls
  70. - #741284 by JohnAlbin, sdboyer, and hefox: Add "menu tree" content types to
  71. Chaos Tools/Panels.
  72. - #741284 by JohnAlbin and hefox: Add menu_block_get_config() and
  73. menu_block_configure_form() to make the configuration form reusable by
  74. separating it from the Block API functions.
  75. - #553842 by apodran and JohnAlbin: split() is deprecated in PHP 5.3
  76. - #398888: "exanded" elements of a menu-item-rooted tree aren't expanded
  77. - #703968 by hefox and JohnAlbin: Add menu_tree_build() to allow reuse of tree
  78. building code outside of blocks
  79. - Refactored API for menu_block_get_title() and menu_block_set_title()
  80. - Added HOOK_menu_block_tree_alter() to allow direct tree manipulation
  81. - by Denes Szabo and Zoltan Balogh: Added Hungarian translation
  82. - Make default menu be "Primary links" instead of "Navigation"
  83. - #378206 by sbordage: Added French translation
  84. - #345419: Add option for menu title as link
  85. - #347805: Add delta to variables and classes in menu-block-wrapper.tpl
  86. Menu Block 6.x-2.2, 2008-12-16
  87. ------------------------------
  88. - #342498: Give unique class to depth-limited leaves that have children
  89. - #341436: Depth-limited leaves that have children get "collapsed" icon
  90. - #341345: WSOD on "Add menu block" page with some PHP versions
  91. Menu Block 6.x-2.1, 2008-12-01
  92. ------------------------------
  93. - #300086: Add option to make starting level follow active menu item
  94. - #340868: Clean up display of block configuration options
  95. - #300094: Add option to sort active trail to top of menu tree
  96. - #328238 by gorbeia: Add support for i18n menu translation
  97. - #331934: Add option to select parent item of menu tree
  98. - #330978: Add hook_get_menus() and implement Book module integration
  99. - #331935: Replace admin/by-module hack with README.txt
  100. - #332974: Collapsed menu items get "leaf" class when using "depth" option
  101. - #333988: Create template for menu-block-wrapper
  102. - #331933 by sun: Help links are displayed if Help module is disabled
  103. - #338263: Migration from 5.x-1.x to 6.x-2.x is broken
  104. - #305267: Menu blocks incorrectly cached per role
  105. Menu Block 6.x-2.0, 2008-08-25
  106. ------------------------------
  107. - Added extensive documentation help text
  108. - Added extended classes to menu trees
  109. - Menu block's administrative interface now matches the block module's standard
  110. add, configure, and delete interface
  111. - #266230: Port Menu block to D6
  112. Menu Block 5.x-2.0, 2008-11-24
  113. ------------------------------
  114. - #304675: Port 6.x admin interface to 5.x
  115. - Added missing dependency on menu module
  116. Menu Block 5.x-1.0, 2008-08-05
  117. ------------------------------
  118. - Simplified block configuration
  119. Menu Block 5.x-0.9, 2008-08-05
  120. ------------------------------
  121. - #266223: Add option to limit the depth of the tree to an arbitrary level
  122. - Added block config to specify whether to expand all children
  123. - Added settings to enable specific menu blocks