links.Timeline.html 101 KB

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  160. | <a href="../files.html">File Index</a></div>
  161. <hr />
  162. <h2>Classes</h2>
  163. <ul class="classList">
  164. <li><i><a href="../symbols/_global_.html">_global_</a></i></li>
  165. <li><a href="../symbols/Array.html">Array</a></li>
  166. <li><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html">links.Timeline</a></li>
  167. <li><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.StepDate.html">links.Timeline.StepDate</a></li>
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  170. <!-- end publish.classesIndex -->
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  172. <div id="content">
  173. <!-- ============================== class title ============================ -->
  174. <h1 class="classTitle">
  175. Class links.Timeline
  176. </h1>
  177. <!-- ============================== class summary ========================== -->
  178. <p class="description">
  179. <br /><i>Defined in: </i> <a href="../symbols/src/timeline.js.html">timeline.js</a>.
  180. </p>
  181. <!-- ============================== constructor summary ==================== -->
  182. <table class="summaryTable" cellspacing="0" summary="A summary of the constructor documented in the class links.Timeline.">
  183. <caption>Class Summary</caption>
  184. <thead>
  185. <tr>
  186. <th scope="col">Constructor Attributes</th>
  187. <th scope="col">Constructor Name and Description</th>
  188. </tr>
  189. </thead>
  190. <tbody>
  191. <tr>
  192. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  193. <td class="nameDescription" >
  194. <div class="fixedFont">
  195. <b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#constructor">links.Timeline</a></b>(container)
  196. </div>
  197. <div class="description"></div>
  198. </td>
  199. </tr>
  200. </tbody>
  201. </table>
  202. <!-- ============================== properties summary ===================== -->
  203. <!-- ============================== methods summary ======================== -->
  204. <table class="summaryTable" cellspacing="0" summary="A summary of the methods documented in the class links.Timeline.">
  205. <caption>Method Summary</caption>
  206. <thead>
  207. <tr>
  208. <th scope="col">Method Attributes</th>
  209. <th scope="col">Method Name and Description</th>
  210. </tr>
  211. </thead>
  212. <tbody>
  213. <tr>
  214. <td class="attributes">&lt;static&gt; &nbsp;</td>
  215. <td class="nameDescription">
  216. <div class="fixedFont">links.Timeline.<b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#.addEventListener">addEventListener</a></b>(element, action, listener, useCapture)
  217. </div>
  218. <div class="description">Add and event listener.</div>
  219. </td>
  220. </tr>
  221. <tr>
  222. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  223. <td class="nameDescription">
  224. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#addGroup">addGroup</a></b>(groupName)
  225. </div>
  226. <div class="description">Add a group.</div>
  227. </td>
  228. </tr>
  229. <tr>
  230. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  231. <td class="nameDescription">
  232. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#addItem">addItem</a></b>(itemData)
  233. </div>
  234. <div class="description">Add a new item.</div>
  235. </td>
  236. </tr>
  237. <tr>
  238. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  239. <td class="nameDescription">
  240. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#addItems">addItems</a></b>(items)
  241. </div>
  242. <div class="description">Add new items.</div>
  243. </td>
  244. </tr>
  245. <tr>
  246. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  247. <td class="nameDescription">
  248. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#applyRange">applyRange</a></b>(start, end, zoomAroundDate)
  249. </div>
  250. <div class="description">Apply a visible range.</div>
  251. </td>
  252. </tr>
  253. <tr>
  254. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  255. <td class="nameDescription">
  256. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#cancelAdd">cancelAdd</a></b>()
  257. </div>
  258. <div class="description">Cancel creation of a new item
  259. This method can be called insed an event listener which catches the "new"
  260. event.</div>
  261. </td>
  262. </tr>
  263. <tr>
  264. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  265. <td class="nameDescription">
  266. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#cancelChange">cancelChange</a></b>()
  267. </div>
  268. <div class="description">Cancel a change item
  269. This method can be called insed an event listener which catches the "change"
  270. event.</div>
  271. </td>
  272. </tr>
  273. <tr>
  274. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  275. <td class="nameDescription">
  276. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#cancelDelete">cancelDelete</a></b>()
  277. </div>
  278. <div class="description">Cancel deletion of an item
  279. This method can be called insed an event listener which catches the "delete"
  280. event.</div>
  281. </td>
  282. </tr>
  283. <tr>
  284. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  285. <td class="nameDescription">
  286. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#changeItem">changeItem</a></b>(index, itemData)
  287. </div>
  288. <div class="description">Edit an item</div>
  289. </td>
  290. </tr>
  291. <tr>
  292. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  293. <td class="nameDescription">
  294. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#checkResize">checkResize</a></b>()
  295. </div>
  296. <div class="description">Check if the timeline is resized, and if so, redraw the timeline.</div>
  297. </td>
  298. </tr>
  299. <tr>
  300. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  301. <td class="nameDescription">
  302. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#collision">collision</a></b>(item1, item2, margin)
  303. </div>
  304. <div class="description">Test if the two provided items collide
  305. The items must have parameters left, right, top, and bottom.</div>
  306. </td>
  307. </tr>
  308. <tr>
  309. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  310. <td class="nameDescription">
  311. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#confirmDeleteItem">confirmDeleteItem</a></b>(index)
  312. </div>
  313. <div class="description">Delete an item after a confirmation.</div>
  314. </td>
  315. </tr>
  316. <tr>
  317. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  318. <td class="nameDescription">
  319. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#createEventBox">createEventBox</a></b>(content)
  320. </div>
  321. <div class="description">Create an event in the timeline, with (optional) formatting: inside a box
  322. with rounded corners, and a vertical line+dot to the axis.</div>
  323. </td>
  324. </tr>
  325. <tr>
  326. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  327. <td class="nameDescription">
  328. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#createEventDot">createEventDot</a></b>(content)
  329. </div>
  330. <div class="description">Create an event in the timeline: a dot, followed by the content.</div>
  331. </td>
  332. </tr>
  333. <tr>
  334. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  335. <td class="nameDescription">
  336. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#createEventRange">createEventRange</a></b>(content)
  337. </div>
  338. <div class="description">Create an event range as a beam in the timeline.</div>
  339. </td>
  340. </tr>
  341. <tr>
  342. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  343. <td class="nameDescription">
  344. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#createItem">createItem</a></b>(itemData)
  345. </div>
  346. <div class="description">Create an item object, containing all needed parameters</div>
  347. </td>
  348. </tr>
  349. <tr>
  350. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  351. <td class="nameDescription">
  352. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#deleteAllItems">deleteAllItems</a></b>()
  353. </div>
  354. <div class="description">Delete all items</div>
  355. </td>
  356. </tr>
  357. <tr>
  358. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  359. <td class="nameDescription">
  360. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#deleteGroups">deleteGroups</a></b>()
  361. </div>
  362. <div class="description">Delete all groups</div>
  363. </td>
  364. </tr>
  365. <tr>
  366. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  367. <td class="nameDescription">
  368. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#deleteItem">deleteItem</a></b>(index)
  369. </div>
  370. <div class="description">Delete an item</div>
  371. </td>
  372. </tr>
  373. <tr>
  374. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  375. <td class="nameDescription">
  376. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#draw">draw</a></b>(data, options)
  377. </div>
  378. <div class="description">Main drawing logic.</div>
  379. </td>
  380. </tr>
  381. <tr>
  382. <td class="attributes">&lt;static&gt; &nbsp;</td>
  383. <td class="nameDescription">
  384. <div class="fixedFont">links.Timeline.<b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#.filterImageUrls">filterImageUrls</a></b>(elem, urls)
  385. </div>
  386. <div class="description">Recursively retrieve all image urls from the images located inside a given
  387. HTML element</div>
  388. </td>
  389. </tr>
  390. <tr>
  391. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  392. <td class="nameDescription">
  393. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#findGroup">findGroup</a></b>(group)
  394. </div>
  395. <div class="description">Find a group by its name.</div>
  396. </td>
  397. </tr>
  398. <tr>
  399. <td class="attributes">&lt;static&gt; &nbsp;</td>
  400. <td class="nameDescription">
  401. <div class="fixedFont">links.Timeline.<b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#.getAbsoluteLeft">getAbsoluteLeft</a></b>(elem)
  402. </div>
  403. <div class="description">Retrieve the absolute left value of a DOM element</div>
  404. </td>
  405. </tr>
  406. <tr>
  407. <td class="attributes">&lt;static&gt; &nbsp;</td>
  408. <td class="nameDescription">
  409. <div class="fixedFont">links.Timeline.<b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#.getAbsoluteTop">getAbsoluteTop</a></b>(elem)
  410. </div>
  411. <div class="description">Retrieve the absolute top value of a DOM element</div>
  412. </td>
  413. </tr>
  414. <tr>
  415. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  416. <td class="nameDescription">
  417. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#getCurrentTime">getCurrentTime</a></b>()
  418. </div>
  419. <div class="description">Get current time.</div>
  420. </td>
  421. </tr>
  422. <tr>
  423. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  424. <td class="nameDescription">
  425. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#getCustomTime">getCustomTime</a></b>()
  426. </div>
  427. <div class="description">Retrieve the current custom time.</div>
  428. </td>
  429. </tr>
  430. <tr>
  431. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  432. <td class="nameDescription">
  433. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#getData">getData</a></b>()
  434. </div>
  435. <div class="description">Return the original data table.</div>
  436. </td>
  437. </tr>
  438. <tr>
  439. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  440. <td class="nameDescription">
  441. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#getGroupFromHeight">getGroupFromHeight</a></b>(height, )
  442. </div>
  443. <div class="description">Find the group from a given height in the timeline</div>
  444. </td>
  445. </tr>
  446. <tr>
  447. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  448. <td class="nameDescription">
  449. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#getItem">getItem</a></b>(index)
  450. </div>
  451. <div class="description">Retrieve the properties of an item.</div>
  452. </td>
  453. </tr>
  454. <tr>
  455. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  456. <td class="nameDescription">
  457. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#getItemIndex">getItemIndex</a></b>(element)
  458. </div>
  459. <div class="description">Find the item index from a given HTML element
  460. If no item index is found, undefined is returned</div>
  461. </td>
  462. </tr>
  463. <tr>
  464. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  465. <td class="nameDescription">
  466. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#getSelection">getSelection</a></b>()
  467. </div>
  468. <div class="description">Retrieve the currently selected event</div>
  469. </td>
  470. </tr>
  471. <tr>
  472. <td class="attributes">&lt;static&gt; &nbsp;</td>
  473. <td class="nameDescription">
  474. <div class="fixedFont">links.Timeline.<b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#.getTarget">getTarget</a></b>(event)
  475. </div>
  476. <div class="description">Get HTML element which is the target of the event</div>
  477. </td>
  478. </tr>
  479. <tr>
  480. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  481. <td class="nameDescription">
  482. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#getVisibleChartRange">getVisibleChartRange</a></b>()
  483. </div>
  484. <div class="description">Retrieve the current visible range in the timeline.</div>
  485. </td>
  486. </tr>
  487. <tr>
  488. <td class="attributes">&lt;static&gt; &nbsp;</td>
  489. <td class="nameDescription">
  490. <div class="fixedFont">links.Timeline.<b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#.isArray">isArray</a></b>(obj)
  491. </div>
  492. <div class="description">Check if given object is a Javascript Array</div>
  493. </td>
  494. </tr>
  495. <tr>
  496. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  497. <td class="nameDescription">
  498. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#isSelected">isSelected</a></b>(index)
  499. </div>
  500. <div class="description">Check if an item is currently selected</div>
  501. </td>
  502. </tr>
  503. <tr>
  504. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  505. <td class="nameDescription">
  506. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#move">move</a></b>(moveFactor)
  507. </div>
  508. <div class="description">Move the timeline the given movefactor to the left or right.</div>
  509. </td>
  510. </tr>
  511. <tr>
  512. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  513. <td class="nameDescription">
  514. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#onDblClick">onDblClick</a></b>(event)
  515. </div>
  516. <div class="description">Double click event occurred for an item</div>
  517. </td>
  518. </tr>
  519. <tr>
  520. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  521. <td class="nameDescription">
  522. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#onMouseDown">onMouseDown</a></b>(event)
  523. </div>
  524. <div class="description">Start a moving operation inside the provided parent element</div>
  525. </td>
  526. </tr>
  527. <tr>
  528. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  529. <td class="nameDescription">
  530. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#onMouseMove">onMouseMove</a></b>(event)
  531. </div>
  532. <div class="description">Perform moving operating.</div>
  533. </td>
  534. </tr>
  535. <tr>
  536. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  537. <td class="nameDescription">
  538. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#onMouseUp">onMouseUp</a></b>(event)
  539. </div>
  540. <div class="description">Stop moving operating.</div>
  541. </td>
  542. </tr>
  543. <tr>
  544. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  545. <td class="nameDescription">
  546. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#onMouseWheel">onMouseWheel</a></b>(event)
  547. </div>
  548. <div class="description">Event handler for mouse wheel event, used to zoom the timeline
  549. Code from</div>
  550. </td>
  551. </tr>
  552. <tr>
  553. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  554. <td class="nameDescription">
  555. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#onTouchEnd">onTouchEnd</a></b>(event)
  556. </div>
  557. <div class="description">Event handler for touchend event on mobile devices</div>
  558. </td>
  559. </tr>
  560. <tr>
  561. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  562. <td class="nameDescription">
  563. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#onTouchMove">onTouchMove</a></b>(event)
  564. </div>
  565. <div class="description">Event handler for touchmove event on mobile devices</div>
  566. </td>
  567. </tr>
  568. <tr>
  569. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  570. <td class="nameDescription">
  571. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#onTouchStart">onTouchStart</a></b>(event)
  572. </div>
  573. <div class="description">Event handler for touchstart event on mobile devices</div>
  574. </td>
  575. </tr>
  576. <tr>
  577. <td class="attributes">&lt;static&gt; &nbsp;</td>
  578. <td class="nameDescription">
  579. <div class="fixedFont">links.Timeline.<b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#.preventDefault">preventDefault</a></b>(event)
  580. </div>
  581. <div class="description">Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event.</div>
  582. </td>
  583. </tr>
  584. <tr>
  585. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  586. <td class="nameDescription">
  587. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#recalcConversion">recalcConversion</a></b>()
  588. </div>
  589. <div class="description">Calculate the factor and offset to convert a position on screen to the
  590. corresponding date and vice versa.</div>
  591. </td>
  592. </tr>
  593. <tr>
  594. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  595. <td class="nameDescription">
  596. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#recalcSize">recalcSize</a></b>()
  597. </div>
  598. <div class="description">Recalculate the sizes of all frames, groups, items, axis
  599. After recalcSize() is executed, the Timeline should be redrawn normally</div>
  600. </td>
  601. </tr>
  602. <tr>
  603. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  604. <td class="nameDescription">
  605. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redraw">redraw</a></b>()
  606. </div>
  607. <div class="description">Redraw the timeline
  608. Reloads the (linked) data table and redraws the timeline when resized.</div>
  609. </td>
  610. </tr>
  611. <tr>
  612. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  613. <td class="nameDescription">
  614. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawAxis">redrawAxis</a></b>()
  615. </div>
  616. <div class="description">Redraw the timeline axis with minor and major labels</div>
  617. </td>
  618. </tr>
  619. <tr>
  620. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  621. <td class="nameDescription">
  622. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawAxisCharacters">redrawAxisCharacters</a></b>()
  623. </div>
  624. <div class="description">Create characters used to determine the size of text on the axis</div>
  625. </td>
  626. </tr>
  627. <tr>
  628. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  629. <td class="nameDescription">
  630. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawAxisEndOverwriting">redrawAxisEndOverwriting</a></b>()
  631. </div>
  632. <div class="description">End of overwriting HTML DOM elements of the axis.</div>
  633. </td>
  634. </tr>
  635. <tr>
  636. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  637. <td class="nameDescription">
  638. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawAxisHorizontal">redrawAxisHorizontal</a></b>()
  639. </div>
  640. <div class="description">Redraw the horizontal line and background of the axis</div>
  641. </td>
  642. </tr>
  643. <tr>
  644. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  645. <td class="nameDescription">
  646. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawAxisMajorLine">redrawAxisMajorLine</a></b>(x)
  647. </div>
  648. <div class="description">Create a Major line for the axis at position x</div>
  649. </td>
  650. </tr>
  651. <tr>
  652. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  653. <td class="nameDescription">
  654. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawAxisMajorText">redrawAxisMajorText</a></b>(x, text)
  655. </div>
  656. <div class="description">Create a Major label for the axis at position x</div>
  657. </td>
  658. </tr>
  659. <tr>
  660. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  661. <td class="nameDescription">
  662. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawAxisMinorLine">redrawAxisMinorLine</a></b>(x)
  663. </div>
  664. <div class="description">Create a minor line for the axis at position x</div>
  665. </td>
  666. </tr>
  667. <tr>
  668. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  669. <td class="nameDescription">
  670. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawAxisMinorText">redrawAxisMinorText</a></b>(x, text)
  671. </div>
  672. <div class="description">Create a minor label for the axis at position x</div>
  673. </td>
  674. </tr>
  675. <tr>
  676. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  677. <td class="nameDescription">
  678. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawAxisStartOverwriting">redrawAxisStartOverwriting</a></b>()
  679. </div>
  680. <div class="description">Initialize redraw of the axis.</div>
  681. </td>
  682. </tr>
  683. <tr>
  684. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  685. <td class="nameDescription">
  686. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawContent">redrawContent</a></b>()
  687. </div>
  688. <div class="description">Redraw the content of the timeline: the axis and the items</div>
  689. </td>
  690. </tr>
  691. <tr>
  692. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  693. <td class="nameDescription">
  694. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawCurrentTime">redrawCurrentTime</a></b>()
  695. </div>
  696. <div class="description">Redraw the current time bar</div>
  697. </td>
  698. </tr>
  699. <tr>
  700. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  701. <td class="nameDescription">
  702. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawCustomTime">redrawCustomTime</a></b>()
  703. </div>
  704. <div class="description">Redraw the custom time bar</div>
  705. </td>
  706. </tr>
  707. <tr>
  708. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  709. <td class="nameDescription">
  710. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawDeleteButton">redrawDeleteButton</a></b>()
  711. </div>
  712. <div class="description">Redraw the delete button, on the top right of the currently selected item
  713. if there is no item selected, the button is hidden.</div>
  714. </td>
  715. </tr>
  716. <tr>
  717. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  718. <td class="nameDescription">
  719. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawDragAreas">redrawDragAreas</a></b>()
  720. </div>
  721. <div class="description">Redraw the drag areas.</div>
  722. </td>
  723. </tr>
  724. <tr>
  725. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  726. <td class="nameDescription">
  727. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawFrame">redrawFrame</a></b>()
  728. </div>
  729. <div class="description">Redraw the timeline.</div>
  730. </td>
  731. </tr>
  732. <tr>
  733. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  734. <td class="nameDescription">
  735. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawGroups">redrawGroups</a></b>()
  736. </div>
  737. <div class="description">Redraw the group labels</div>
  738. </td>
  739. </tr>
  740. <tr>
  741. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  742. <td class="nameDescription">
  743. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawItems">redrawItems</a></b>()
  744. </div>
  745. <div class="description">Redraw all items</div>
  746. </td>
  747. </tr>
  748. <tr>
  749. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  750. <td class="nameDescription">
  751. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#redrawNavigation">redrawNavigation</a></b>()
  752. </div>
  753. <div class="description">Create the navigation buttons for zooming and moving</div>
  754. </td>
  755. </tr>
  756. <tr>
  757. <td class="attributes">&lt;static&gt; &nbsp;</td>
  758. <td class="nameDescription">
  759. <div class="fixedFont">links.Timeline.<b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#.removeEventListener">removeEventListener</a></b>(element, action, listener, useCapture)
  760. </div>
  761. <div class="description">Remove an event listener from an element</div>
  762. </td>
  763. </tr>
  764. <tr>
  765. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  766. <td class="nameDescription">
  767. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#repositionItem">repositionItem</a></b>(item, left, right)
  768. </div>
  769. <div class="description">Reposition given item</div>
  770. </td>
  771. </tr>
  772. <tr>
  773. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  774. <td class="nameDescription">
  775. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#screenToTime">screenToTime</a></b>(x)
  776. </div>
  777. <div class="description">Convert a position on screen (pixels) to a datetime
  778. Before this method can be used, the method calcConversionFactor must be
  779. executed once.</div>
  780. </td>
  781. </tr>
  782. <tr>
  783. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  784. <td class="nameDescription">
  785. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#selectItem">selectItem</a></b>(index)
  786. </div>
  787. <div class="description">Select an item by its index</div>
  788. </td>
  789. </tr>
  790. <tr>
  791. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  792. <td class="nameDescription">
  793. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#setAutoScale">setAutoScale</a></b>(enable)
  794. </div>
  795. <div class="description">Enable or disable autoscaling</div>
  796. </td>
  797. </tr>
  798. <tr>
  799. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  800. <td class="nameDescription">
  801. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#setCurrentTime">setCurrentTime</a></b>(time)
  802. </div>
  803. <div class="description">Set current time.</div>
  804. </td>
  805. </tr>
  806. <tr>
  807. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  808. <td class="nameDescription">
  809. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#setCustomTime">setCustomTime</a></b>(time)
  810. </div>
  811. <div class="description">Set custom time.</div>
  812. </td>
  813. </tr>
  814. <tr>
  815. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  816. <td class="nameDescription">
  817. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#setData">setData</a></b>(data)
  818. </div>
  819. <div class="description">Set data for the timeline</div>
  820. </td>
  821. </tr>
  822. <tr>
  823. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  824. <td class="nameDescription">
  825. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#setGroups">setGroups</a></b>(data)
  826. </div>
  827. <div class="description">Set the groups available in the given dataset</div>
  828. </td>
  829. </tr>
  830. <tr>
  831. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  832. <td class="nameDescription">
  833. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#setOptions">setOptions</a></b>(options)
  834. </div>
  835. <div class="description">Set options for the timeline.</div>
  836. </td>
  837. </tr>
  838. <tr>
  839. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  840. <td class="nameDescription">
  841. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#setScale">setScale</a></b>(scale, step)
  842. </div>
  843. <div class="description">Set a custom scale.</div>
  844. </td>
  845. </tr>
  846. <tr>
  847. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  848. <td class="nameDescription">
  849. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#setSelection">setSelection</a></b>(selection)
  850. </div>
  851. <div class="description">Select an event.</div>
  852. </td>
  853. </tr>
  854. <tr>
  855. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  856. <td class="nameDescription">
  857. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#setSize">setSize</a></b>(width, height)
  858. </div>
  859. <div class="description">Set a new size for the timeline</div>
  860. </td>
  861. </tr>
  862. <tr>
  863. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  864. <td class="nameDescription">
  865. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#setVisibleChartRange">setVisibleChartRange</a></b>(start, end, redraw)
  866. </div>
  867. <div class="description">Set a new value for the visible range int the timeline.</div>
  868. </td>
  869. </tr>
  870. <tr>
  871. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  872. <td class="nameDescription">
  873. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#setVisibleChartRangeAuto">setVisibleChartRangeAuto</a></b>()
  874. </div>
  875. <div class="description">Change the visible chart range such that all items become visible</div>
  876. </td>
  877. </tr>
  878. <tr>
  879. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  880. <td class="nameDescription">
  881. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#setVisibleChartRangeNow">setVisibleChartRangeNow</a></b>()
  882. </div>
  883. <div class="description">Adjust the visible range such that the current time is located in the center
  884. of the timeline</div>
  885. </td>
  886. </tr>
  887. <tr>
  888. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  889. <td class="nameDescription">
  890. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#stackCalculateFinal">stackCalculateFinal</a></b>(items)
  891. </div>
  892. <div class="description">Adjust vertical positions of the events such that they don't overlap each
  893. other.</div>
  894. </td>
  895. </tr>
  896. <tr>
  897. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  898. <td class="nameDescription">
  899. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#stackEvents">stackEvents</a></b>(animate)
  900. </div>
  901. <div class="description">Stack the items such that they don't overlap.</div>
  902. </td>
  903. </tr>
  904. <tr>
  905. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  906. <td class="nameDescription">
  907. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#stackEventsCheckOverlap">stackEventsCheckOverlap</a></b>(items, itemIndex, itemStart, itemEnd)
  908. </div>
  909. <div class="description">Check if the destiny position of given item overlaps with any
  910. of the other items from index itemStart to itemEnd.</div>
  911. </td>
  912. </tr>
  913. <tr>
  914. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  915. <td class="nameDescription">
  916. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#stackMoveOneStep">stackMoveOneStep</a></b>(currentItems, finalItems)
  917. </div>
  918. <div class="description">Move the events one step in the direction of their final positions</div>
  919. </td>
  920. </tr>
  921. <tr>
  922. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  923. <td class="nameDescription">
  924. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#stackMoveToFinal">stackMoveToFinal</a></b>(currentItems, finalItems)
  925. </div>
  926. <div class="description">Move the events from their current position to the final position</div>
  927. </td>
  928. </tr>
  929. <tr>
  930. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  931. <td class="nameDescription">
  932. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#stackOrder">stackOrder</a></b>(items)
  933. </div>
  934. <div class="description">Order the items in the array this.items.</div>
  935. </td>
  936. </tr>
  937. <tr>
  938. <td class="attributes">&lt;static&gt; &nbsp;</td>
  939. <td class="nameDescription">
  940. <div class="fixedFont">links.Timeline.<b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#.stopPropagation">stopPropagation</a></b>(event)
  941. </div>
  942. <div class="description">Stop event propagation</div>
  943. </td>
  944. </tr>
  945. <tr>
  946. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  947. <td class="nameDescription">
  948. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#timeToScreen">timeToScreen</a></b>(time)
  949. </div>
  950. <div class="description">Convert a datetime (Date object) into a position on the screen
  951. Before this method can be used, the method calcConversionFactor must be
  952. executed once.</div>
  953. </td>
  954. </tr>
  955. <tr>
  956. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  957. <td class="nameDescription">
  958. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#trigger">trigger</a></b>(event)
  959. </div>
  960. <div class="description">fire an event</div>
  961. </td>
  962. </tr>
  963. <tr>
  964. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  965. <td class="nameDescription">
  966. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#unselectItem">unselectItem</a></b>()
  967. </div>
  968. <div class="description">Unselect the currently selected event (if any)</div>
  969. </td>
  970. </tr>
  971. <tr>
  972. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  973. <td class="nameDescription">
  974. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#updateData">updateData</a></b>(index, values)
  975. </div>
  976. <div class="description">Update the original data with changed start, end or group.</div>
  977. </td>
  978. </tr>
  979. <tr>
  980. <td class="attributes">&nbsp;</td>
  981. <td class="nameDescription">
  982. <div class="fixedFont"><b><a href="../symbols/links.Timeline.html#zoom">zoom</a></b>(zoomFactor, zoomAroundDate)
  983. </div>
  984. <div class="description">Zoom the timeline the given zoomfactor in or out.</div>
  985. </td>
  986. </tr>
  987. </tbody>
  988. </table>
  989. <!-- ============================== events summary ======================== -->
  990. <!-- ============================== constructor details ==================== -->
  991. <div class="details"><a name="constructor"> </a>
  992. <div class="sectionTitle">
  993. Class Detail
  994. </div>
  995. <div class="fixedFont">
  996. <b>links.Timeline</b>(container)
  997. </div>
  998. <div class="description">
  999. </div>
  1000. <dl class="detailList">
  1001. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1002. <dt>
  1003. <span class="light fixedFont">{Element}</span> <b>container</b>
  1004. </dt>
  1005. <dd>The DOM element in which the Timeline will
  1006. be created. Normally a div element.</dd>
  1007. </dl>
  1008. </div>
  1009. <!-- ============================== field details ========================== -->
  1010. <!-- ============================== method details ========================= -->
  1011. <div class="sectionTitle">
  1012. Method Detail
  1013. </div>
  1014. <a name=".addEventListener"> </a>
  1015. <div class="fixedFont">&lt;static&gt;
  1016. <span class="light">links.Timeline.</span><b>addEventListener</b>(element, action, listener, useCapture)
  1017. </div>
  1018. <div class="description">
  1019. Add and event listener. Works for all browsers
  1020. </div>
  1021. <dl class="detailList">
  1022. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1023. <dt>
  1024. <span class="light fixedFont">{Element}</span> <b>element</b>
  1025. </dt>
  1026. <dd>An html element</dd>
  1027. <dt>
  1028. <span class="light fixedFont">{string}</span> <b>action</b>
  1029. </dt>
  1030. <dd>The action, for example "click",
  1031. without the prefix "on"</dd>
  1032. <dt>
  1033. <span class="light fixedFont">{function}</span> <b>listener</b>
  1034. </dt>
  1035. <dd>The callback function to be executed</dd>
  1036. <dt>
  1037. <span class="light fixedFont">{boolean}</span> <b>useCapture</b>
  1038. </dt>
  1039. <dd></dd>
  1040. </dl>
  1041. <hr />
  1042. <a name="addGroup"> </a>
  1043. <div class="fixedFont">
  1044. <span class="light">{Object}</span>
  1045. <b>addGroup</b>(groupName)
  1046. </div>
  1047. <div class="description">
  1048. Add a group. When the group already exists, no new group is created
  1049. but the existing group is returned.
  1050. </div>
  1051. <dl class="detailList">
  1052. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1053. <dt>
  1054. <span class="light fixedFont">{String}</span> <b>groupName</b>
  1055. </dt>
  1056. <dd>the name of the group</dd>
  1057. </dl>
  1058. <dl class="detailList">
  1059. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1060. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> groupObject</dd>
  1061. </dl>
  1062. <hr />
  1063. <a name="addItem"> </a>
  1064. <div class="fixedFont">
  1065. <b>addItem</b>(itemData)
  1066. </div>
  1067. <div class="description">
  1068. Add a new item.
  1069. </div>
  1070. <dl class="detailList">
  1071. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1072. <dt>
  1073. <span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> <b>itemData</b>
  1074. </dt>
  1075. <dd>Object containing item properties:<br>
  1076. {Date} start (required),
  1077. {Date} end (optional),
  1078. {String} content (required),
  1079. {String} group (optional)</dd>
  1080. </dl>
  1081. <hr />
  1082. <a name="addItems"> </a>
  1083. <div class="fixedFont">
  1084. <b>addItems</b>(items)
  1085. </div>
  1086. <div class="description">
  1087. Add new items.
  1088. </div>
  1089. <dl class="detailList">
  1090. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1091. <dt>
  1092. <span class="light fixedFont">{<a href="../symbols/Array.html">Array</a>}</span> <b>items</b>
  1093. </dt>
  1094. <dd>An array containing Objects.
  1095. The objects must have the following parameters:
  1096. {Date} start,
  1097. {Date} end,
  1098. {String} content with text or HTML code,
  1099. {String} group</dd>
  1100. </dl>
  1101. <hr />
  1102. <a name="applyRange"> </a>
  1103. <div class="fixedFont">
  1104. <b>applyRange</b>(start, end, zoomAroundDate)
  1105. </div>
  1106. <div class="description">
  1107. Apply a visible range. The range is limited to feasible maximum and minimum
  1108. range.
  1109. </div>
  1110. <dl class="detailList">
  1111. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1112. <dt>
  1113. <span class="light fixedFont">{Date}</span> <b>start</b>
  1114. </dt>
  1115. <dd></dd>
  1116. <dt>
  1117. <span class="light fixedFont">{Date}</span> <b>end</b>
  1118. </dt>
  1119. <dd></dd>
  1120. <dt>
  1121. <span class="light fixedFont">{Date}</span> <b>zoomAroundDate</b>
  1122. </dt>
  1123. <dd>Optional. Date around which will be zoomed.</dd>
  1124. </dl>
  1125. <hr />
  1126. <a name="cancelAdd"> </a>
  1127. <div class="fixedFont">
  1128. <b>cancelAdd</b>()
  1129. </div>
  1130. <div class="description">
  1131. Cancel creation of a new item
  1132. This method can be called insed an event listener which catches the "new"
  1133. event. Creation of the new the event will be undone.
  1134. </div>
  1135. <hr />
  1136. <a name="cancelChange"> </a>
  1137. <div class="fixedFont">
  1138. <b>cancelChange</b>()
  1139. </div>
  1140. <div class="description">
  1141. Cancel a change item
  1142. This method can be called insed an event listener which catches the "change"
  1143. event. The changed event position will be undone.
  1144. </div>
  1145. <hr />
  1146. <a name="cancelDelete"> </a>
  1147. <div class="fixedFont">
  1148. <b>cancelDelete</b>()
  1149. </div>
  1150. <div class="description">
  1151. Cancel deletion of an item
  1152. This method can be called insed an event listener which catches the "delete"
  1153. event. Deletion of the event will be undone.
  1154. </div>
  1155. <hr />
  1156. <a name="changeItem"> </a>
  1157. <div class="fixedFont">
  1158. <b>changeItem</b>(index, itemData)
  1159. </div>
  1160. <div class="description">
  1161. Edit an item
  1162. </div>
  1163. <dl class="detailList">
  1164. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1165. <dt>
  1166. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>index</b>
  1167. </dt>
  1168. <dd></dd>
  1169. <dt>
  1170. <span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> <b>itemData</b>
  1171. </dt>
  1172. <dd>Object containing item properties:<br>
  1173. {Date} start (required),
  1174. {Date} end (optional),
  1175. {String} content (required),
  1176. {String} group (optional)</dd>
  1177. </dl>
  1178. <hr />
  1179. <a name="checkResize"> </a>
  1180. <div class="fixedFont">
  1181. <b>checkResize</b>()
  1182. </div>
  1183. <div class="description">
  1184. Check if the timeline is resized, and if so, redraw the timeline.
  1185. Useful when the webpage is resized.
  1186. </div>
  1187. <hr />
  1188. <a name="collision"> </a>
  1189. <div class="fixedFont">
  1190. <span class="light">{boolean}</span>
  1191. <b>collision</b>(item1, item2, margin)
  1192. </div>
  1193. <div class="description">
  1194. Test if the two provided items collide
  1195. The items must have parameters left, right, top, and bottom.
  1196. </div>
  1197. <dl class="detailList">
  1198. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1199. <dt>
  1200. <span class="light fixedFont">{Element}</span> <b>item1</b>
  1201. </dt>
  1202. <dd>The first item</dd>
  1203. <dt>
  1204. <span class="light fixedFont">{Element}</span> <b>item2</b>
  1205. </dt>
  1206. <dd>The second item</dd>
  1207. <dt>
  1208. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>margin</b>
  1209. </dt>
  1210. <dd>A minimum required margin. Optional.
  1211. If margin is provided, the two items will be
  1212. marked colliding when they overlap or
  1213. when the margin between the two is smaller than
  1214. the requested margin.</dd>
  1215. </dl>
  1216. <dl class="detailList">
  1217. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1218. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{boolean}</span> true if item1 and item2 collide, else false</dd>
  1219. </dl>
  1220. <hr />
  1221. <a name="confirmDeleteItem"> </a>
  1222. <div class="fixedFont">
  1223. <b>confirmDeleteItem</b>(index)
  1224. </div>
  1225. <div class="description">
  1226. Delete an item after a confirmation.
  1227. The deletion can be cancelled by executing .cancelDelete() during the
  1228. triggered event 'delete'.
  1229. </div>
  1230. <dl class="detailList">
  1231. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1232. <dt>
  1233. <span class="light fixedFont">{int}</span> <b>index</b>
  1234. </dt>
  1235. <dd>Index of the item to be deleted</dd>
  1236. </dl>
  1237. <hr />
  1238. <a name="createEventBox"> </a>
  1239. <div class="fixedFont">
  1240. <b>createEventBox</b>(content)
  1241. </div>
  1242. <div class="description">
  1243. Create an event in the timeline, with (optional) formatting: inside a box
  1244. with rounded corners, and a vertical line+dot to the axis.
  1245. </div>
  1246. <dl class="detailList">
  1247. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1248. <dt>
  1249. <span class="light fixedFont">{string}</span> <b>content</b>
  1250. </dt>
  1251. <dd>The content for the event. This can be plain text
  1252. or HTML code.</dd>
  1253. </dl>
  1254. <hr />
  1255. <a name="createEventDot"> </a>
  1256. <div class="fixedFont">
  1257. <b>createEventDot</b>(content)
  1258. </div>
  1259. <div class="description">
  1260. Create an event in the timeline: a dot, followed by the content.
  1261. </div>
  1262. <dl class="detailList">
  1263. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1264. <dt>
  1265. <span class="light fixedFont">{string}</span> <b>content</b>
  1266. </dt>
  1267. <dd>The content for the event. This can be plain text
  1268. or HTML code.</dd>
  1269. </dl>
  1270. <hr />
  1271. <a name="createEventRange"> </a>
  1272. <div class="fixedFont">
  1273. <b>createEventRange</b>(content)
  1274. </div>
  1275. <div class="description">
  1276. Create an event range as a beam in the timeline.
  1277. </div>
  1278. <dl class="detailList">
  1279. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1280. <dt>
  1281. <span class="light fixedFont">{string}</span> <b>content</b>
  1282. </dt>
  1283. <dd>The content for the event. This can be plain text
  1284. or HTML code.</dd>
  1285. </dl>
  1286. <hr />
  1287. <a name="createItem"> </a>
  1288. <div class="fixedFont">
  1289. <span class="light">{Object}</span>
  1290. <b>createItem</b>(itemData)
  1291. </div>
  1292. <div class="description">
  1293. Create an item object, containing all needed parameters
  1294. </div>
  1295. <dl class="detailList">
  1296. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1297. <dt>
  1298. <span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> <b>itemData</b>
  1299. </dt>
  1300. <dd>Object containing parameters start, end
  1301. content, group.</dd>
  1302. </dl>
  1303. <dl class="detailList">
  1304. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1305. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> item</dd>
  1306. </dl>
  1307. <hr />
  1308. <a name="deleteAllItems"> </a>
  1309. <div class="fixedFont">
  1310. <b>deleteAllItems</b>()
  1311. </div>
  1312. <div class="description">
  1313. Delete all items
  1314. </div>
  1315. <hr />
  1316. <a name="deleteGroups"> </a>
  1317. <div class="fixedFont">
  1318. <b>deleteGroups</b>()
  1319. </div>
  1320. <div class="description">
  1321. Delete all groups
  1322. </div>
  1323. <hr />
  1324. <a name="deleteItem"> </a>
  1325. <div class="fixedFont">
  1326. <b>deleteItem</b>(index)
  1327. </div>
  1328. <div class="description">
  1329. Delete an item
  1330. </div>
  1331. <dl class="detailList">
  1332. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1333. <dt>
  1334. <span class="light fixedFont">{int}</span> <b>index</b>
  1335. </dt>
  1336. <dd>Index of the item to be deleted</dd>
  1337. </dl>
  1338. <hr />
  1339. <a name="draw"> </a>
  1340. <div class="fixedFont">
  1341. <b>draw</b>(data, options)
  1342. </div>
  1343. <div class="description">
  1344. Main drawing logic. This is the function that needs to be called
  1345. in the html page, to draw the timeline.
  1346. A data table with the events must be provided, and an options table.
  1347. </div>
  1348. <dl class="detailList">
  1349. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1350. <dt>
  1351. <span class="light fixedFont">{google.visualization.DataTable}</span> <b>data</b>
  1352. </dt>
  1353. <dd>The data containing the events for the timeline.
  1354. Object DataTable is defined in
  1355. google.visualization.DataTable</dd>
  1356. <dt>
  1357. <span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> <b>options</b>
  1358. </dt>
  1359. <dd>A name/value map containing settings for the
  1360. timeline. Optional.</dd>
  1361. </dl>
  1362. <hr />
  1363. <a name=".filterImageUrls"> </a>
  1364. <div class="fixedFont">&lt;static&gt;
  1365. <span class="light">links.Timeline.</span><b>filterImageUrls</b>(elem, urls)
  1366. </div>
  1367. <div class="description">
  1368. Recursively retrieve all image urls from the images located inside a given
  1369. HTML element
  1370. </div>
  1371. <dl class="detailList">
  1372. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1373. <dt>
  1374. <span class="light fixedFont">{HTMLElement}</span> <b>elem</b>
  1375. </dt>
  1376. <dd></dd>
  1377. <dt>
  1378. <span class="light fixedFont">{String[]}</span> <b>urls</b>
  1379. </dt>
  1380. <dd>Urls will be added here (no duplicates)</dd>
  1381. </dl>
  1382. <hr />
  1383. <a name="findGroup"> </a>
  1384. <div class="fixedFont">
  1385. <span class="light">{Object}</span>
  1386. <b>findGroup</b>(group)
  1387. </div>
  1388. <div class="description">
  1389. Find a group by its name.
  1390. </div>
  1391. <dl class="detailList">
  1392. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1393. <dt>
  1394. <span class="light fixedFont">{String}</span> <b>group</b>
  1395. </dt>
  1396. <dd></dd>
  1397. </dl>
  1398. <dl class="detailList">
  1399. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1400. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> a group object or undefined when group is not found</dd>
  1401. </dl>
  1402. <hr />
  1403. <a name=".getAbsoluteLeft"> </a>
  1404. <div class="fixedFont">&lt;static&gt;
  1405. <span class="light">{number}</span>
  1406. <span class="light">links.Timeline.</span><b>getAbsoluteLeft</b>(elem)
  1407. </div>
  1408. <div class="description">
  1409. Retrieve the absolute left value of a DOM element
  1410. </div>
  1411. <dl class="detailList">
  1412. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1413. <dt>
  1414. <span class="light fixedFont">{Element}</span> <b>elem</b>
  1415. </dt>
  1416. <dd>A dom element, for example a div</dd>
  1417. </dl>
  1418. <dl class="detailList">
  1419. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1420. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{number}</span> left The absolute left position of this element
  1421. in the browser page.</dd>
  1422. </dl>
  1423. <hr />
  1424. <a name=".getAbsoluteTop"> </a>
  1425. <div class="fixedFont">&lt;static&gt;
  1426. <span class="light">{number}</span>
  1427. <span class="light">links.Timeline.</span><b>getAbsoluteTop</b>(elem)
  1428. </div>
  1429. <div class="description">
  1430. Retrieve the absolute top value of a DOM element
  1431. </div>
  1432. <dl class="detailList">
  1433. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1434. <dt>
  1435. <span class="light fixedFont">{Element}</span> <b>elem</b>
  1436. </dt>
  1437. <dd>A dom element, for example a div</dd>
  1438. </dl>
  1439. <dl class="detailList">
  1440. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1441. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{number}</span> top The absolute top position of this element
  1442. in the browser page.</dd>
  1443. </dl>
  1444. <hr />
  1445. <a name="getCurrentTime"> </a>
  1446. <div class="fixedFont">
  1447. <span class="light">{Date}</span>
  1448. <b>getCurrentTime</b>()
  1449. </div>
  1450. <div class="description">
  1451. Get current time. The time can have an offset from the real time, when
  1452. the current time has been changed via the method setCurrentTime.
  1453. </div>
  1454. <dl class="detailList">
  1455. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1456. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{Date}</span> time</dd>
  1457. </dl>
  1458. <hr />
  1459. <a name="getCustomTime"> </a>
  1460. <div class="fixedFont">
  1461. <span class="light">{Date}</span>
  1462. <b>getCustomTime</b>()
  1463. </div>
  1464. <div class="description">
  1465. Retrieve the current custom time.
  1466. </div>
  1467. <dl class="detailList">
  1468. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1469. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{Date}</span> customTime</dd>
  1470. </dl>
  1471. <hr />
  1472. <a name="getData"> </a>
  1473. <div class="fixedFont">
  1474. <span class="light">{google.visualization.DataTable | Array}</span>
  1475. <b>getData</b>()
  1476. </div>
  1477. <div class="description">
  1478. Return the original data table.
  1479. </div>
  1480. <dl class="detailList">
  1481. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1482. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{google.visualization.DataTable | Array}</span> data</dd>
  1483. </dl>
  1484. <hr />
  1485. <a name="getGroupFromHeight"> </a>
  1486. <div class="fixedFont">
  1487. <span class="light">{Object}</span>
  1488. <b>getGroupFromHeight</b>(height, )
  1489. </div>
  1490. <div class="description">
  1491. Find the group from a given height in the timeline
  1492. </div>
  1493. <dl class="detailList">
  1494. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1495. <dt>
  1496. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>height</b>
  1497. </dt>
  1498. <dd>Height in the timeline</dd>
  1499. <dt>
  1500. <span class="light fixedFont">{boolean}</span> <b></b>
  1501. </dt>
  1502. <dd></dd>
  1503. </dl>
  1504. <dl class="detailList">
  1505. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1506. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> group The group object, or undefined if out of range</dd>
  1507. </dl>
  1508. <hr />
  1509. <a name="getItem"> </a>
  1510. <div class="fixedFont">
  1511. <span class="light">{Object}</span>
  1512. <b>getItem</b>(index)
  1513. </div>
  1514. <div class="description">
  1515. Retrieve the properties of an item.
  1516. </div>
  1517. <dl class="detailList">
  1518. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1519. <dt>
  1520. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>index</b>
  1521. </dt>
  1522. <dd></dd>
  1523. </dl>
  1524. <dl class="detailList">
  1525. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1526. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> properties Object containing item properties:<br>
  1527. {Date} start (required),
  1528. {Date} end (optional),
  1529. {String} content (required),
  1530. {String} group (optional)</dd>
  1531. </dl>
  1532. <hr />
  1533. <a name="getItemIndex"> </a>
  1534. <div class="fixedFont">
  1535. <span class="light">{Number}</span>
  1536. <b>getItemIndex</b>(element)
  1537. </div>
  1538. <div class="description">
  1539. Find the item index from a given HTML element
  1540. If no item index is found, undefined is returned
  1541. </div>
  1542. <dl class="detailList">
  1543. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1544. <dt>
  1545. <span class="light fixedFont">{Element}</span> <b>element</b>
  1546. </dt>
  1547. <dd></dd>
  1548. </dl>
  1549. <dl class="detailList">
  1550. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1551. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> index</dd>
  1552. </dl>
  1553. <hr />
  1554. <a name="getSelection"> </a>
  1555. <div class="fixedFont">
  1556. <span class="light">{<a href="../symbols/Array.html">Array</a>}</span>
  1557. <b>getSelection</b>()
  1558. </div>
  1559. <div class="description">
  1560. Retrieve the currently selected event
  1561. </div>
  1562. <dl class="detailList">
  1563. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1564. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{<a href="../symbols/Array.html">Array</a>}</span> sel An array with a column row, containing the row number
  1565. of the selected event. If there is no selection, an
  1566. empty array is returned.</dd>
  1567. </dl>
  1568. <hr />
  1569. <a name=".getTarget"> </a>
  1570. <div class="fixedFont">&lt;static&gt;
  1571. <span class="light">{Element}</span>
  1572. <span class="light">links.Timeline.</span><b>getTarget</b>(event)
  1573. </div>
  1574. <div class="description">
  1575. Get HTML element which is the target of the event
  1576. </div>
  1577. <dl class="detailList">
  1578. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1579. <dt>
  1580. <span class="light fixedFont">{MouseEvent}</span> <b>event</b>
  1581. </dt>
  1582. <dd></dd>
  1583. </dl>
  1584. <dl class="detailList">
  1585. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1586. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{Element}</span> target element</dd>
  1587. </dl>
  1588. <hr />
  1589. <a name="getVisibleChartRange"> </a>
  1590. <div class="fixedFont">
  1591. <span class="light">{Object}</span>
  1592. <b>getVisibleChartRange</b>()
  1593. </div>
  1594. <div class="description">
  1595. Retrieve the current visible range in the timeline.
  1596. </div>
  1597. <dl class="detailList">
  1598. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1599. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> An object with start and end properties</dd>
  1600. </dl>
  1601. <hr />
  1602. <a name=".isArray"> </a>
  1603. <div class="fixedFont">&lt;static&gt;
  1604. <span class="light">{Boolean}</span>
  1605. <span class="light">links.Timeline.</span><b>isArray</b>(obj)
  1606. </div>
  1607. <div class="description">
  1608. Check if given object is a Javascript Array
  1609. </div>
  1610. <dl class="detailList">
  1611. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1612. <dt>
  1613. <span class="light fixedFont">{*}</span> <b>obj</b>
  1614. </dt>
  1615. <dd></dd>
  1616. </dl>
  1617. <dl class="detailList">
  1618. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1619. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{Boolean}</span> isArray true if the given object is an array</dd>
  1620. </dl>
  1621. <hr />
  1622. <a name="isSelected"> </a>
  1623. <div class="fixedFont">
  1624. <span class="light">{boolean}</span>
  1625. <b>isSelected</b>(index)
  1626. </div>
  1627. <div class="description">
  1628. Check if an item is currently selected
  1629. </div>
  1630. <dl class="detailList">
  1631. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1632. <dt>
  1633. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>index</b>
  1634. </dt>
  1635. <dd></dd>
  1636. </dl>
  1637. <dl class="detailList">
  1638. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1639. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{boolean}</span> true if row is selected, else false</dd>
  1640. </dl>
  1641. <hr />
  1642. <a name="move"> </a>
  1643. <div class="fixedFont">
  1644. <b>move</b>(moveFactor)
  1645. </div>
  1646. <div class="description">
  1647. Move the timeline the given movefactor to the left or right. Start and end
  1648. date will be adjusted, and the timeline will be redrawn.
  1649. For example, try moveFactor = 0.1 or -0.1
  1650. </div>
  1651. <dl class="detailList">
  1652. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1653. <dt>
  1654. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>moveFactor</b>
  1655. </dt>
  1656. <dd>Moving amount. Positive value will move right,
  1657. negative value will move left</dd>
  1658. </dl>
  1659. <hr />
  1660. <a name="onDblClick"> </a>
  1661. <div class="fixedFont">
  1662. <b>onDblClick</b>(event)
  1663. </div>
  1664. <div class="description">
  1665. Double click event occurred for an item
  1666. </div>
  1667. <dl class="detailList">
  1668. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1669. <dt>
  1670. <span class="light fixedFont">{event}</span> <b>event</b>
  1671. </dt>
  1672. <dd></dd>
  1673. </dl>
  1674. <hr />
  1675. <a name="onMouseDown"> </a>
  1676. <div class="fixedFont">
  1677. <b>onMouseDown</b>(event)
  1678. </div>
  1679. <div class="description">
  1680. Start a moving operation inside the provided parent element
  1681. </div>
  1682. <dl class="detailList">
  1683. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1684. <dt>
  1685. <span class="light fixedFont">{event}</span> <b>event</b>
  1686. </dt>
  1687. <dd>The event that occurred (required for
  1688. retrieving the mouse position)</dd>
  1689. </dl>
  1690. <hr />
  1691. <a name="onMouseMove"> </a>
  1692. <div class="fixedFont">
  1693. <b>onMouseMove</b>(event)
  1694. </div>
  1695. <div class="description">
  1696. Perform moving operating.
  1697. This function activated from within the funcion links.Timeline.onMouseDown().
  1698. </div>
  1699. <dl class="detailList">
  1700. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1701. <dt>
  1702. <span class="light fixedFont">{event}</span> <b>event</b>
  1703. </dt>
  1704. <dd>Well, eehh, the event</dd>
  1705. </dl>
  1706. <hr />
  1707. <a name="onMouseUp"> </a>
  1708. <div class="fixedFont">
  1709. <b>onMouseUp</b>(event)
  1710. </div>
  1711. <div class="description">
  1712. Stop moving operating.
  1713. This function activated from within the funcion links.Timeline.onMouseDown().
  1714. </div>
  1715. <dl class="detailList">
  1716. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1717. <dt>
  1718. <span class="light fixedFont">{event}</span> <b>event</b>
  1719. </dt>
  1720. <dd>The event</dd>
  1721. </dl>
  1722. <hr />
  1723. <a name="onMouseWheel"> </a>
  1724. <div class="fixedFont">
  1725. <b>onMouseWheel</b>(event)
  1726. </div>
  1727. <div class="description">
  1728. Event handler for mouse wheel event, used to zoom the timeline
  1729. Code from
  1730. </div>
  1731. <dl class="detailList">
  1732. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1733. <dt>
  1734. <span class="light fixedFont">{event}</span> <b>event</b>
  1735. </dt>
  1736. <dd>The event</dd>
  1737. </dl>
  1738. <hr />
  1739. <a name="onTouchEnd"> </a>
  1740. <div class="fixedFont">
  1741. <b>onTouchEnd</b>(event)
  1742. </div>
  1743. <div class="description">
  1744. Event handler for touchend event on mobile devices
  1745. </div>
  1746. <dl class="detailList">
  1747. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1748. <dt>
  1749. <b>event</b>
  1750. </dt>
  1751. <dd></dd>
  1752. </dl>
  1753. <hr />
  1754. <a name="onTouchMove"> </a>
  1755. <div class="fixedFont">
  1756. <b>onTouchMove</b>(event)
  1757. </div>
  1758. <div class="description">
  1759. Event handler for touchmove event on mobile devices
  1760. </div>
  1761. <dl class="detailList">
  1762. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1763. <dt>
  1764. <b>event</b>
  1765. </dt>
  1766. <dd></dd>
  1767. </dl>
  1768. <hr />
  1769. <a name="onTouchStart"> </a>
  1770. <div class="fixedFont">
  1771. <b>onTouchStart</b>(event)
  1772. </div>
  1773. <div class="description">
  1774. Event handler for touchstart event on mobile devices
  1775. </div>
  1776. <dl class="detailList">
  1777. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1778. <dt>
  1779. <b>event</b>
  1780. </dt>
  1781. <dd></dd>
  1782. </dl>
  1783. <hr />
  1784. <a name=".preventDefault"> </a>
  1785. <div class="fixedFont">&lt;static&gt;
  1786. <span class="light">links.Timeline.</span><b>preventDefault</b>(event)
  1787. </div>
  1788. <div class="description">
  1789. Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event.
  1790. </div>
  1791. <dl class="detailList">
  1792. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1793. <dt>
  1794. <b>event</b>
  1795. </dt>
  1796. <dd></dd>
  1797. </dl>
  1798. <hr />
  1799. <a name="recalcConversion"> </a>
  1800. <div class="fixedFont">
  1801. <b>recalcConversion</b>()
  1802. </div>
  1803. <div class="description">
  1804. Calculate the factor and offset to convert a position on screen to the
  1805. corresponding date and vice versa.
  1806. After the method calcConversionFactor is executed once, the methods screenToTime and
  1807. timeToScreen can be used.
  1808. </div>
  1809. <hr />
  1810. <a name="recalcSize"> </a>
  1811. <div class="fixedFont">
  1812. <span class="light">{boolean}</span>
  1813. <b>recalcSize</b>()
  1814. </div>
  1815. <div class="description">
  1816. Recalculate the sizes of all frames, groups, items, axis
  1817. After recalcSize() is executed, the Timeline should be redrawn normally
  1818. </div>
  1819. <dl class="detailList">
  1820. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  1821. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{boolean}</span> resized Returns true when the timeline has been resized</dd>
  1822. </dl>
  1823. <hr />
  1824. <a name="redraw"> </a>
  1825. <div class="fixedFont">
  1826. <b>redraw</b>()
  1827. </div>
  1828. <div class="description">
  1829. Redraw the timeline
  1830. Reloads the (linked) data table and redraws the timeline when resized.
  1831. See also the method checkResize
  1832. </div>
  1833. <hr />
  1834. <a name="redrawAxis"> </a>
  1835. <div class="fixedFont">
  1836. <b>redrawAxis</b>()
  1837. </div>
  1838. <div class="description">
  1839. Redraw the timeline axis with minor and major labels
  1840. </div>
  1841. <hr />
  1842. <a name="redrawAxisCharacters"> </a>
  1843. <div class="fixedFont">
  1844. <b>redrawAxisCharacters</b>()
  1845. </div>
  1846. <div class="description">
  1847. Create characters used to determine the size of text on the axis
  1848. </div>
  1849. <hr />
  1850. <a name="redrawAxisEndOverwriting"> </a>
  1851. <div class="fixedFont">
  1852. <b>redrawAxisEndOverwriting</b>()
  1853. </div>
  1854. <div class="description">
  1855. End of overwriting HTML DOM elements of the axis.
  1856. remaining elements will be removed
  1857. </div>
  1858. <hr />
  1859. <a name="redrawAxisHorizontal"> </a>
  1860. <div class="fixedFont">
  1861. <b>redrawAxisHorizontal</b>()
  1862. </div>
  1863. <div class="description">
  1864. Redraw the horizontal line and background of the axis
  1865. </div>
  1866. <hr />
  1867. <a name="redrawAxisMajorLine"> </a>
  1868. <div class="fixedFont">
  1869. <b>redrawAxisMajorLine</b>(x)
  1870. </div>
  1871. <div class="description">
  1872. Create a Major line for the axis at position x
  1873. </div>
  1874. <dl class="detailList">
  1875. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1876. <dt>
  1877. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>x</b>
  1878. </dt>
  1879. <dd></dd>
  1880. </dl>
  1881. <hr />
  1882. <a name="redrawAxisMajorText"> </a>
  1883. <div class="fixedFont">
  1884. <b>redrawAxisMajorText</b>(x, text)
  1885. </div>
  1886. <div class="description">
  1887. Create a Major label for the axis at position x
  1888. </div>
  1889. <dl class="detailList">
  1890. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1891. <dt>
  1892. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>x</b>
  1893. </dt>
  1894. <dd></dd>
  1895. <dt>
  1896. <span class="light fixedFont">{String}</span> <b>text</b>
  1897. </dt>
  1898. <dd></dd>
  1899. </dl>
  1900. <hr />
  1901. <a name="redrawAxisMinorLine"> </a>
  1902. <div class="fixedFont">
  1903. <b>redrawAxisMinorLine</b>(x)
  1904. </div>
  1905. <div class="description">
  1906. Create a minor line for the axis at position x
  1907. </div>
  1908. <dl class="detailList">
  1909. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1910. <dt>
  1911. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>x</b>
  1912. </dt>
  1913. <dd></dd>
  1914. </dl>
  1915. <hr />
  1916. <a name="redrawAxisMinorText"> </a>
  1917. <div class="fixedFont">
  1918. <b>redrawAxisMinorText</b>(x, text)
  1919. </div>
  1920. <div class="description">
  1921. Create a minor label for the axis at position x
  1922. </div>
  1923. <dl class="detailList">
  1924. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  1925. <dt>
  1926. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>x</b>
  1927. </dt>
  1928. <dd></dd>
  1929. <dt>
  1930. <span class="light fixedFont">{String}</span> <b>text</b>
  1931. </dt>
  1932. <dd></dd>
  1933. </dl>
  1934. <hr />
  1935. <a name="redrawAxisStartOverwriting"> </a>
  1936. <div class="fixedFont">
  1937. <b>redrawAxisStartOverwriting</b>()
  1938. </div>
  1939. <div class="description">
  1940. Initialize redraw of the axis. All existing labels and lines will be
  1941. overwritten and reused.
  1942. </div>
  1943. <hr />
  1944. <a name="redrawContent"> </a>
  1945. <div class="fixedFont">
  1946. <b>redrawContent</b>()
  1947. </div>
  1948. <div class="description">
  1949. Redraw the content of the timeline: the axis and the items
  1950. </div>
  1951. <hr />
  1952. <a name="redrawCurrentTime"> </a>
  1953. <div class="fixedFont">
  1954. <b>redrawCurrentTime</b>()
  1955. </div>
  1956. <div class="description">
  1957. Redraw the current time bar
  1958. </div>
  1959. <hr />
  1960. <a name="redrawCustomTime"> </a>
  1961. <div class="fixedFont">
  1962. <b>redrawCustomTime</b>()
  1963. </div>
  1964. <div class="description">
  1965. Redraw the custom time bar
  1966. </div>
  1967. <hr />
  1968. <a name="redrawDeleteButton"> </a>
  1969. <div class="fixedFont">
  1970. <b>redrawDeleteButton</b>()
  1971. </div>
  1972. <div class="description">
  1973. Redraw the delete button, on the top right of the currently selected item
  1974. if there is no item selected, the button is hidden.
  1975. </div>
  1976. <hr />
  1977. <a name="redrawDragAreas"> </a>
  1978. <div class="fixedFont">
  1979. <b>redrawDragAreas</b>()
  1980. </div>
  1981. <div class="description">
  1982. Redraw the drag areas. When an item (ranges only) is selected,
  1983. it gets a drag area on the left and right side, to change its width
  1984. </div>
  1985. <hr />
  1986. <a name="redrawFrame"> </a>
  1987. <div class="fixedFont">
  1988. <b>redrawFrame</b>()
  1989. </div>
  1990. <div class="description">
  1991. Redraw the timeline. This needs to be executed after the start and/or
  1992. end time are changed, or when data is added or removed dynamically.
  1993. </div>
  1994. <hr />
  1995. <a name="redrawGroups"> </a>
  1996. <div class="fixedFont">
  1997. <b>redrawGroups</b>()
  1998. </div>
  1999. <div class="description">
  2000. Redraw the group labels
  2001. </div>
  2002. <hr />
  2003. <a name="redrawItems"> </a>
  2004. <div class="fixedFont">
  2005. <b>redrawItems</b>()
  2006. </div>
  2007. <div class="description">
  2008. Redraw all items
  2009. </div>
  2010. <hr />
  2011. <a name="redrawNavigation"> </a>
  2012. <div class="fixedFont">
  2013. <b>redrawNavigation</b>()
  2014. </div>
  2015. <div class="description">
  2016. Create the navigation buttons for zooming and moving
  2017. </div>
  2018. <hr />
  2019. <a name=".removeEventListener"> </a>
  2020. <div class="fixedFont">&lt;static&gt;
  2021. <span class="light">links.Timeline.</span><b>removeEventListener</b>(element, action, listener, useCapture)
  2022. </div>
  2023. <div class="description">
  2024. Remove an event listener from an element
  2025. </div>
  2026. <dl class="detailList">
  2027. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2028. <dt>
  2029. <span class="light fixedFont">{Element}</span> <b>element</b>
  2030. </dt>
  2031. <dd>An html dom element</dd>
  2032. <dt>
  2033. <span class="light fixedFont">{string}</span> <b>action</b>
  2034. </dt>
  2035. <dd>The name of the event, for example "mousedown"</dd>
  2036. <dt>
  2037. <span class="light fixedFont">{function}</span> <b>listener</b>
  2038. </dt>
  2039. <dd>The listener function</dd>
  2040. <dt>
  2041. <span class="light fixedFont">{boolean}</span> <b>useCapture</b>
  2042. </dt>
  2043. <dd></dd>
  2044. </dl>
  2045. <hr />
  2046. <a name="repositionItem"> </a>
  2047. <div class="fixedFont">
  2048. <b>repositionItem</b>(item, left, right)
  2049. </div>
  2050. <div class="description">
  2051. Reposition given item
  2052. </div>
  2053. <dl class="detailList">
  2054. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2055. <dt>
  2056. <span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> <b>item</b>
  2057. </dt>
  2058. <dd></dd>
  2059. <dt>
  2060. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>left</b>
  2061. </dt>
  2062. <dd></dd>
  2063. <dt>
  2064. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>right</b>
  2065. </dt>
  2066. <dd></dd>
  2067. </dl>
  2068. <hr />
  2069. <a name="screenToTime"> </a>
  2070. <div class="fixedFont">
  2071. <span class="light">{Date}</span>
  2072. <b>screenToTime</b>(x)
  2073. </div>
  2074. <div class="description">
  2075. Convert a position on screen (pixels) to a datetime
  2076. Before this method can be used, the method calcConversionFactor must be
  2077. executed once.
  2078. </div>
  2079. <dl class="detailList">
  2080. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2081. <dt>
  2082. <span class="light fixedFont">{int}</span> <b>x</b>
  2083. </dt>
  2084. <dd>Position on the screen in pixels</dd>
  2085. </dl>
  2086. <dl class="detailList">
  2087. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  2088. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{Date}</span> time The datetime the corresponds with given position x</dd>
  2089. </dl>
  2090. <hr />
  2091. <a name="selectItem"> </a>
  2092. <div class="fixedFont">
  2093. <b>selectItem</b>(index)
  2094. </div>
  2095. <div class="description">
  2096. Select an item by its index
  2097. </div>
  2098. <dl class="detailList">
  2099. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2100. <dt>
  2101. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>index</b>
  2102. </dt>
  2103. <dd></dd>
  2104. </dl>
  2105. <hr />
  2106. <a name="setAutoScale"> </a>
  2107. <div class="fixedFont">
  2108. <b>setAutoScale</b>(enable)
  2109. </div>
  2110. <div class="description">
  2111. Enable or disable autoscaling
  2112. </div>
  2113. <dl class="detailList">
  2114. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2115. <dt>
  2116. <span class="light fixedFont">{boolean}</span> <b>enable</b>
  2117. </dt>
  2118. <dd>If true or not defined, autoscaling is enabled.
  2119. If false, autoscaling is disabled.</dd>
  2120. </dl>
  2121. <hr />
  2122. <a name="setCurrentTime"> </a>
  2123. <div class="fixedFont">
  2124. <b>setCurrentTime</b>(time)
  2125. </div>
  2126. <div class="description">
  2127. Set current time. This function can be used to set the time in the client
  2128. timeline equal with the time on a server.
  2129. </div>
  2130. <dl class="detailList">
  2131. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2132. <dt>
  2133. <span class="light fixedFont">{Date}</span> <b>time</b>
  2134. </dt>
  2135. <dd></dd>
  2136. </dl>
  2137. <hr />
  2138. <a name="setCustomTime"> </a>
  2139. <div class="fixedFont">
  2140. <b>setCustomTime</b>(time)
  2141. </div>
  2142. <div class="description">
  2143. Set custom time.
  2144. The custom time bar can be used to display events in past or future.
  2145. </div>
  2146. <dl class="detailList">
  2147. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2148. <dt>
  2149. <span class="light fixedFont">{Date}</span> <b>time</b>
  2150. </dt>
  2151. <dd></dd>
  2152. </dl>
  2153. <hr />
  2154. <a name="setData"> </a>
  2155. <div class="fixedFont">
  2156. <b>setData</b>(data)
  2157. </div>
  2158. <div class="description">
  2159. Set data for the timeline
  2160. </div>
  2161. <dl class="detailList">
  2162. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2163. <dt>
  2164. <span class="light fixedFont">{google.visualization.DataTable | array}</span> <b>data</b>
  2165. </dt>
  2166. <dd></dd>
  2167. </dl>
  2168. <hr />
  2169. <a name="setGroups"> </a>
  2170. <div class="fixedFont">
  2171. <b>setGroups</b>(data)
  2172. </div>
  2173. <div class="description">
  2174. Set the groups available in the given dataset
  2175. </div>
  2176. <dl class="detailList">
  2177. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2178. <dt>
  2179. <span class="light fixedFont">{google.visualization.DataTable | array}</span> <b>data</b>
  2180. </dt>
  2181. <dd></dd>
  2182. </dl>
  2183. <hr />
  2184. <a name="setOptions"> </a>
  2185. <div class="fixedFont">
  2186. <b>setOptions</b>(options)
  2187. </div>
  2188. <div class="description">
  2189. Set options for the timeline.
  2190. Timeline must be redrawn afterwards
  2191. </div>
  2192. <dl class="detailList">
  2193. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2194. <dt>
  2195. <span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> <b>options</b>
  2196. </dt>
  2197. <dd>A name/value map containing settings for the
  2198. timeline. Optional.</dd>
  2199. </dl>
  2200. <hr />
  2201. <a name="setScale"> </a>
  2202. <div class="fixedFont">
  2203. <b>setScale</b>(scale, step)
  2204. </div>
  2205. <div class="description">
  2206. Set a custom scale. Autoscaling will be disabled.
  2207. For example setScale(SCALE.MINUTES, 5) will result
  2208. in minor steps of 5 minutes, and major steps of an hour.
  2209. </div>
  2210. <dl class="detailList">
  2211. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2212. <dt>
  2213. <span class="light fixedFont">{links.Timeline.StepDate.SCALE}</span> <b>scale</b>
  2214. </dt>
  2215. <dd>A scale. Choose from SCALE.MILLISECOND,
  2218. <dt>
  2219. <span class="light fixedFont">{int}</span> <b>step</b>
  2220. </dt>
  2221. <dd>A step size, by default 1. Choose for
  2222. example 1, 2, 5, or 10.</dd>
  2223. </dl>
  2224. <hr />
  2225. <a name="setSelection"> </a>
  2226. <div class="fixedFont">
  2227. <span class="light">{boolean}</span>
  2228. <b>setSelection</b>(selection)
  2229. </div>
  2230. <div class="description">
  2231. Select an event. The visible chart range will be moved such that the selected
  2232. event is placed in the middle.
  2233. For example selection = [{row: 5}];
  2234. </div>
  2235. <dl class="detailList">
  2236. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2237. <dt>
  2238. <span class="light fixedFont">{<a href="../symbols/Array.html">Array</a>}</span> <b>selection</b>
  2239. </dt>
  2240. <dd>An array with a column row, containing the row
  2241. number (the id) of the event to be selected.</dd>
  2242. </dl>
  2243. <dl class="detailList">
  2244. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  2245. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{boolean}</span> true if selection is succesfully set, else false.</dd>
  2246. </dl>
  2247. <hr />
  2248. <a name="setSize"> </a>
  2249. <div class="fixedFont">
  2250. <b>setSize</b>(width, height)
  2251. </div>
  2252. <div class="description">
  2253. Set a new size for the timeline
  2254. </div>
  2255. <dl class="detailList">
  2256. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2257. <dt>
  2258. <span class="light fixedFont">{string}</span> <b>width</b>
  2259. </dt>
  2260. <dd>Width in pixels or percentage (for example "800px"
  2261. or "50%")</dd>
  2262. <dt>
  2263. <span class="light fixedFont">{string}</span> <b>height</b>
  2264. </dt>
  2265. <dd>Height in pixels or percentage (for example "400px"
  2266. or "30%")</dd>
  2267. </dl>
  2268. <hr />
  2269. <a name="setVisibleChartRange"> </a>
  2270. <div class="fixedFont">
  2271. <b>setVisibleChartRange</b>(start, end, redraw)
  2272. </div>
  2273. <div class="description">
  2274. Set a new value for the visible range int the timeline.
  2275. Set start to null to include everything from the earliest date to end.
  2276. Set end to null to include everything from start to the last date.
  2277. Example usage:
  2278. myTimeline.setVisibleChartRange(new Date("2010-08-22"),
  2279. new Date("2010-09-13"));
  2280. </div>
  2281. <dl class="detailList">
  2282. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2283. <dt>
  2284. <span class="light fixedFont">{Date}</span> <b>start</b>
  2285. </dt>
  2286. <dd>The start date for the timeline. optional</dd>
  2287. <dt>
  2288. <span class="light fixedFont">{Date}</span> <b>end</b>
  2289. </dt>
  2290. <dd>The end date for the timeline. optional</dd>
  2291. <dt>
  2292. <span class="light fixedFont">{boolean}</span> <b>redraw</b>
  2293. </dt>
  2294. <dd>Optional. If true (default) the Timeline is
  2295. directly redrawn</dd>
  2296. </dl>
  2297. <hr />
  2298. <a name="setVisibleChartRangeAuto"> </a>
  2299. <div class="fixedFont">
  2300. <b>setVisibleChartRangeAuto</b>()
  2301. </div>
  2302. <div class="description">
  2303. Change the visible chart range such that all items become visible
  2304. </div>
  2305. <hr />
  2306. <a name="setVisibleChartRangeNow"> </a>
  2307. <div class="fixedFont">
  2308. <b>setVisibleChartRangeNow</b>()
  2309. </div>
  2310. <div class="description">
  2311. Adjust the visible range such that the current time is located in the center
  2312. of the timeline
  2313. </div>
  2314. <hr />
  2315. <a name="stackCalculateFinal"> </a>
  2316. <div class="fixedFont">
  2317. <b>stackCalculateFinal</b>(items)
  2318. </div>
  2319. <div class="description">
  2320. Adjust vertical positions of the events such that they don't overlap each
  2321. other.
  2322. </div>
  2323. <dl class="detailList">
  2324. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2325. <dt>
  2326. <b>items</b>
  2327. </dt>
  2328. <dd></dd>
  2329. </dl>
  2330. <hr />
  2331. <a name="stackEvents"> </a>
  2332. <div class="fixedFont">
  2333. <b>stackEvents</b>(animate)
  2334. </div>
  2335. <div class="description">
  2336. Stack the items such that they don't overlap. The items will have a minimal
  2337. distance equal to options.eventMargin.
  2338. </div>
  2339. <dl class="detailList">
  2340. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2341. <dt>
  2342. <span class="light fixedFont">{boolean}</span> <b>animate</b>
  2343. </dt>
  2344. <dd>if animate is true, the items are moved to
  2345. their new position animated</dd>
  2346. </dl>
  2347. <hr />
  2348. <a name="stackEventsCheckOverlap"> </a>
  2349. <div class="fixedFont">
  2350. <span class="light">{Object}</span>
  2351. <b>stackEventsCheckOverlap</b>(items, itemIndex, itemStart, itemEnd)
  2352. </div>
  2353. <div class="description">
  2354. Check if the destiny position of given item overlaps with any
  2355. of the other items from index itemStart to itemEnd.
  2356. </div>
  2357. <dl class="detailList">
  2358. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2359. <dt>
  2360. <span class="light fixedFont">{<a href="../symbols/Array.html">Array</a>}</span> <b>items</b>
  2361. </dt>
  2362. <dd>Array with items</dd>
  2363. <dt>
  2364. <span class="light fixedFont">{int}</span> <b>itemIndex</b>
  2365. </dt>
  2366. <dd>Number of the item to be checked for overlap</dd>
  2367. <dt>
  2368. <span class="light fixedFont">{int}</span> <b>itemStart</b>
  2369. </dt>
  2370. <dd>First item to be checked.</dd>
  2371. <dt>
  2372. <span class="light fixedFont">{int}</span> <b>itemEnd</b>
  2373. </dt>
  2374. <dd>Last item to be checked.</dd>
  2375. </dl>
  2376. <dl class="detailList">
  2377. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  2378. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> colliding item, or undefined when no collisions</dd>
  2379. </dl>
  2380. <hr />
  2381. <a name="stackMoveOneStep"> </a>
  2382. <div class="fixedFont">
  2383. <span class="light">{boolean}</span>
  2384. <b>stackMoveOneStep</b>(currentItems, finalItems)
  2385. </div>
  2386. <div class="description">
  2387. Move the events one step in the direction of their final positions
  2388. </div>
  2389. <dl class="detailList">
  2390. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2391. <dt>
  2392. <span class="light fixedFont">{<a href="../symbols/Array.html">Array</a>}</span> <b>currentItems</b>
  2393. </dt>
  2394. <dd>Array with the real items and their current
  2395. positions</dd>
  2396. <dt>
  2397. <span class="light fixedFont">{<a href="../symbols/Array.html">Array</a>}</span> <b>finalItems</b>
  2398. </dt>
  2399. <dd>Array with objects containing the final
  2400. positions of the items</dd>
  2401. </dl>
  2402. <dl class="detailList">
  2403. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  2404. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{boolean}</span> arrived True if all items have reached their final
  2405. location, else false</dd>
  2406. </dl>
  2407. <hr />
  2408. <a name="stackMoveToFinal"> </a>
  2409. <div class="fixedFont">
  2410. <b>stackMoveToFinal</b>(currentItems, finalItems)
  2411. </div>
  2412. <div class="description">
  2413. Move the events from their current position to the final position
  2414. </div>
  2415. <dl class="detailList">
  2416. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2417. <dt>
  2418. <span class="light fixedFont">{<a href="../symbols/Array.html">Array</a>}</span> <b>currentItems</b>
  2419. </dt>
  2420. <dd>Array with the real items and their current
  2421. positions</dd>
  2422. <dt>
  2423. <span class="light fixedFont">{<a href="../symbols/Array.html">Array</a>}</span> <b>finalItems</b>
  2424. </dt>
  2425. <dd>Array with objects containing the final
  2426. positions of the items</dd>
  2427. </dl>
  2428. <hr />
  2429. <a name="stackOrder"> </a>
  2430. <div class="fixedFont">
  2431. <span class="light">{<a href="../symbols/Array.html">Array</a>}</span>
  2432. <b>stackOrder</b>(items)
  2433. </div>
  2434. <div class="description">
  2435. Order the items in the array this.items. The order is determined via:
  2436. - Ranges go before boxes and dots.
  2437. - The item with the left most location goes first
  2438. </div>
  2439. <dl class="detailList">
  2440. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2441. <dt>
  2442. <span class="light fixedFont">{<a href="../symbols/Array.html">Array</a>}</span> <b>items</b>
  2443. </dt>
  2444. <dd>Array with items</dd>
  2445. </dl>
  2446. <dl class="detailList">
  2447. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  2448. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{<a href="../symbols/Array.html">Array</a>}</span> sortedItems Array with sorted items</dd>
  2449. </dl>
  2450. <hr />
  2451. <a name=".stopPropagation"> </a>
  2452. <div class="fixedFont">&lt;static&gt;
  2453. <span class="light">links.Timeline.</span><b>stopPropagation</b>(event)
  2454. </div>
  2455. <div class="description">
  2456. Stop event propagation
  2457. </div>
  2458. <dl class="detailList">
  2459. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2460. <dt>
  2461. <b>event</b>
  2462. </dt>
  2463. <dd></dd>
  2464. </dl>
  2465. <hr />
  2466. <a name="timeToScreen"> </a>
  2467. <div class="fixedFont">
  2468. <span class="light">{int}</span>
  2469. <b>timeToScreen</b>(time)
  2470. </div>
  2471. <div class="description">
  2472. Convert a datetime (Date object) into a position on the screen
  2473. Before this method can be used, the method calcConversionFactor must be
  2474. executed once.
  2475. </div>
  2476. <dl class="detailList">
  2477. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2478. <dt>
  2479. <span class="light fixedFont">{Date}</span> <b>time</b>
  2480. </dt>
  2481. <dd>A date</dd>
  2482. </dl>
  2483. <dl class="detailList">
  2484. <dt class="heading">Returns:</dt>
  2485. <dd><span class="light fixedFont">{int}</span> x The position on the screen in pixels which corresponds
  2486. with the given date.</dd>
  2487. </dl>
  2488. <hr />
  2489. <a name="trigger"> </a>
  2490. <div class="fixedFont">
  2491. <b>trigger</b>(event)
  2492. </div>
  2493. <div class="description">
  2494. fire an event
  2495. </div>
  2496. <dl class="detailList">
  2497. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2498. <dt>
  2499. <span class="light fixedFont">{String}</span> <b>event</b>
  2500. </dt>
  2501. <dd>The name of an event, for example "rangechange" or "edit"</dd>
  2502. </dl>
  2503. <hr />
  2504. <a name="unselectItem"> </a>
  2505. <div class="fixedFont">
  2506. <b>unselectItem</b>()
  2507. </div>
  2508. <div class="description">
  2509. Unselect the currently selected event (if any)
  2510. </div>
  2511. <hr />
  2512. <a name="updateData"> </a>
  2513. <div class="fixedFont">
  2514. <b>updateData</b>(index, values)
  2515. </div>
  2516. <div class="description">
  2517. Update the original data with changed start, end or group.
  2518. </div>
  2519. <dl class="detailList">
  2520. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2521. <dt>
  2522. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>index</b>
  2523. </dt>
  2524. <dd></dd>
  2525. <dt>
  2526. <span class="light fixedFont">{Object}</span> <b>values</b>
  2527. </dt>
  2528. <dd>An object containing some of the following parameters:
  2529. {Date} start,
  2530. {Date} end,
  2531. {String} content,
  2532. {String} group</dd>
  2533. </dl>
  2534. <hr />
  2535. <a name="zoom"> </a>
  2536. <div class="fixedFont">
  2537. <b>zoom</b>(zoomFactor, zoomAroundDate)
  2538. </div>
  2539. <div class="description">
  2540. Zoom the timeline the given zoomfactor in or out. Start and end date will
  2541. be adjusted, and the timeline will be redrawn. You can optionally give a
  2542. date around which to zoom.
  2543. For example, try zoomfactor = 0.1 or -0.1
  2544. </div>
  2545. <dl class="detailList">
  2546. <dt class="heading">Parameters:</dt>
  2547. <dt>
  2548. <span class="light fixedFont">{Number}</span> <b>zoomFactor</b>
  2549. </dt>
  2550. <dd>Zooming amount. Positive value will zoom in,
  2551. negative value will zoom out</dd>
  2552. <dt>
  2553. <span class="light fixedFont">{Date}</span> <b>zoomAroundDate</b>
  2554. </dt>
  2555. <dd>Date around which will be zoomed. Optional</dd>
  2556. </dl>
  2557. <!-- ============================== event details ========================= -->
  2558. <hr />
  2559. </div>
  2560. <!-- ============================== footer ================================= -->
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  2562. Documentation generated by <a href="" target="_blank">JsDoc Toolkit</a> 2.3.2 on Mon Jun 18 2012 09:12:45 GMT+0200 (CEST)
  2563. </div>
  2564. </body>
  2565. </html>