This module provides some additional features and the ability to set default settings for content type options, such as 'Promoted to front page', 'Display author and date information', etc. Added features: Set default values for common content type settings (see below) - you can still override the defaults per content type 'Save and New' button to add new nodes of the same type right after saving User permissions for content type duplicated on content type add/edit page Set defaults for: Title field Preview button 'Save and New' button 'Save and New' button text Published Promoted to front page Sticky at top of lists Create new revision Display author and date information User permissions This module is basically things that I find I always need to change (or would like to have a default value set instead of Drupal's default) in content types for my development. It is still rough and can use some improvements. Submit any feature requests/bugs to the issue queue! Installation ============ Install as you would any other normal module. Navigate to admin/structure/types/defaults to setup your defaults (this step is not necessary if you like all of Drupal's default settings). When viewing a content type add/edit page you will have the additional options presented to you (listed in 'Added features' above) and your defaults will be applied (if you are creating a new content type and you have setup customized defaults). Maintainer ========== Jacob Neher (bocaj)