/* * jQuery.clickNScroll v1.0 * * Copyright (c) 2010 Joshua Faulkenberry * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * Joshua Faulkenberry * * $Date: 2010-10-25 18:55:27 -0700 (Mon, 25 Oct 2010) $ * $Revision: 5 $ */ (function($){ jQuery.extend({ mouse: { x: 0, y: 0 }, clickNScroll: { mousedown:false, emaX: 0, emaY: 0 } }); jQuery.fn.extend({ clickNScroll: function(options) { var ops = $.extend({ allowHiliting:false, acceleration:.65, deceleration:.85, decelRate:64, reverse:false, rightMouse:false, allowThrowing:true, throwOnOut:true }, options || {}); return this.each(function(){ var $this = $(this).data("options", ops); if(!ops.allowHiliting) { if (jQuery.browser.msie) { $this.get(0).onselectstart = function () { return false; }; } else { $this.get(0).onmousedown = function(e){e.preventDefault()} } } $this.mousedown(function(e) { $.clickNScroll.mousedown = $this; }).mouseup(function(e) { if(ops.allowThrowing) sling($(this)); $.clickNScroll.mousedown = false; }).mouseout(function(e) { var from = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement; if (!from || from.nodeName == "HTML") { if($.clickNScroll.mousedown && ops.allowThrowing && ops.throwOnOut) sling($(this)); $.clickNScroll.mousedown = false; } }) }); } }); function sling($this) { var ops = $this.data("options"), changeX = ($.clickNScroll.emaX)*ops.deceleration, changeY = ($.clickNScroll.emaY)*ops.deceleration; if((changeX < .01 && changeX > -.01) || (changeY < .01 && changeY > -.01)) {return;} move($this, changeX, changeY); setTimeout(function() { sling($this); }, 1000/ops.decelRate); } function move($this, changeX, changeY) { if(($.clickNScroll.emaX < 0 && changeX > 0) || ($.clickNScroll.emaX > 0 && changeX < 0)) $.clickNScroll.emaX = 0; if(($.clickNScroll.emaY < 0 && changeY > 0) || ($.clickNScroll.emaY > 0 && changeY < 0)) $.clickNScroll.emaY = 0; var ops = $this.data("options"), amntX = ops.acceleration * changeX + (1 - ops.acceleration) * $.clickNScroll.emaX, amntY = ops.acceleration * changeY + (1 - ops.acceleration) * $.clickNScroll.emaY, scrollRight = $this[0].scrollWidth ? $this[0].scrollWidth - $this[0].clientWidth : $this[0].body.scrollWidth - $this[0].body.clientWidth, scrollBottom = $this[0].scrollHeight ? $this[0].scrollHeight - $this[0].clientHeight : $this[0].body.scrollHeight - $this[0].body.clientHeight; if(($this.scrollLeft() <= 0 && changeX <= 0) || ($this.scrollLeft() >= scrollRight && changeX >= 0)) {} else $this.scrollLeft($this.scrollLeft() + (amntX)); if(($this.scrollTop() <= 0 && changeY <= 0) || ($this.scrollTop() >= scrollBottom && changeY >= 0)) {} else $this.scrollTop($this.scrollTop() + (amntY)); $.clickNScroll.emaX = amntX; $.clickNScroll.emaY = amntY; } $(document).mousemove(function(e) { if($.clickNScroll.mousedown) { var $this = $.clickNScroll.mousedown, ops = $this.data("options"); if(ops.rightMouse && e.button != 2) return; else if(!ops.rightMouse && e.button == 2) return; var changeX = e.pageX - $.mouse.x, changeY = e.pageY - $.mouse.y; if(!ops.reverse) { changeX = 0-changeX; changeY = 0-changeY; } move($this, changeX, changeY); } $.mouse = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY }; }); })(jQuery);