(function($){ Drupal.behaviors.editmenuAttach = { attach: function(context, settings) { // If detect pop-ups setting is enabled and we are in a pop-up window if (settings.editmenu.detectPopup && window.opener) { return; } if ($('body').hasClass('editmenu-enabled')) { return; } $('body').addClass('editmenu-enabled'); // get the element to add the menu to var element = settings.editmenu.element; if ($(element).length == 0) { // this happens when you open a pop-up or a different theme // that does not have such an element or the named element // just does not exist in the first place. return; } var menu = $(editmenu); switch (settings.editmenu.placement) { case 'prepend': $(menu).prependTo(element); break; case 'append': $(menu).appendTo(element); break; case 'replace': $(element).html(menu); break; } var animation = {}; animation[settings.editmenu.effect] = 'toggle'; // Build menu $(menu) .find('#editmenu') .superfish({ pathClass: 'current', animation: animation, delay: settings.editmenu.hideDelay, speed: settings.editmenu.effectSpeed, autoArrows: false }) .find(">li:has(ul)") .mouseover(function(){ $("ul", this).bgIframe(); }) .find("a") .focus(function(){ $("ul", $(".nav>li:has(ul)")).bgIframe(); }) .end() .end() .find("a") .removeAttr('title'); $('#editmenu').children('li.expanded').addClass('root'); } }; })(jQuery); /* Copyright (c) 2006 Brandon Aaron (http://brandonaaron.net) * Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) * and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses. * * $LastChangedDate: 2007-07-21 18:45:56 -0500 (Sat, 21 Jul 2007) $ * $Rev: 2447 $ * * Version 2.1.1 */ (function($){$.fn.bgIframe=$.fn.bgiframe=function(s){if($.browser.msie&&/6.0/.test(navigator.userAgent)){s=$.extend({top:'auto',left:'auto',width:'auto',height:'auto',opacity:true,src:'javascript:false;'},s||{});var prop=function(n){return n&&n.constructor==Number?n+'px':n;},html='