var lifecycle = { teardown: function () { $.cookie.defaults = {}; delete $.cookie.raw; delete $.cookie.json; $.each($.cookie(), $.removeCookie); } }; module('read', lifecycle); test('simple value', function () { expect(1); document.cookie = 'c=v'; equal($.cookie('c'), 'v', 'should return value'); }); test('empty value', function () { expect(1); // IE saves cookies with empty string as "c; ", e.g. without "=" as opposed to EOMB, which // resulted in a bug while reading such a cookie. $.cookie('c', ''); equal($.cookie('c'), '', 'should return value'); }); test('not existing', function () { expect(1); strictEqual($.cookie('whatever'), undefined, 'return undefined'); }); test('RFC 2068 quoted string', function () { expect(1); document.cookie = 'c="\\"\\\\\\""'; equal($.cookie('c'), '"\\"', 'should decode RFC 2068 quoted string'); }); test('decode', function () { expect(1); document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(' c') + '=' + encodeURIComponent(' v'); equal($.cookie(' c'), ' v', 'should decode key and value'); }); test('decode pluses to space for server side written cookie', function () { expect(1); document.cookie = 'c=foo+bar'; equal($.cookie('c'), 'foo bar', 'should convert pluses back to space'); }); test('raw = true', function () { expect(2); $.cookie.raw = true; document.cookie = 'c=%20v'; equal($.cookie('c'), '%20v', 'should not decode value'); // see $.cookie('c', 'foo=bar'); equal($.cookie('c'), 'foo=bar', 'should include the entire value'); }); test('json = true', function () { expect(1); $.cookie.json = true; if ('JSON' in window) { $.cookie('c', { foo: 'bar' }); deepEqual($.cookie('c'), { foo: 'bar'}, 'should parse JSON'); } else { ok(true); } }); test('not existing with json = true', function () { expect(1); $.cookie.json = true; if ('JSON' in window) { equal($.cookie('whatever'), null, 'should return null'); } else { ok(true); } }); asyncTest('malformed cookie value in IE (#88, #117)', function() { expect(1); // Sandbox in an iframe so that we can poke around with document.cookie. var iframe = $('')[0]; $(iframe).on('load', function() { start(); if (iframe.contentWindow.ok) { equal(iframe.contentWindow.testValue, 'two', 'reads all cookie values, skipping duplicate occurences of "; "'); } else { // Skip the test where we can't stub document.cookie using // Object.defineProperty. Seems to work fine in // Chrome, Firefox and IE 8+. ok(true, 'N/A'); } }); document.body.appendChild(iframe); }); test('return all cookies', function() { $.cookie('c', 'v'); $.cookie('foo', 'bar'); deepEqual($.cookie(), { c: 'v', foo: 'bar' }, 'should return all cookies'); $.each($.cookie(), $.removeCookie); $.cookie.json = true; $.cookie('c', { foo: 'bar' }); deepEqual($.cookie(), { c: { foo: 'bar' } }, 'should return all cookies with JSON parsed'); }); module('write', lifecycle); test('String primitive', function () { expect(1); $.cookie('c', 'v'); equal($.cookie('c'), 'v', 'should write value'); }); test('String object', function () { expect(1); $.cookie('c', new String('v')); equal($.cookie('c'), 'v', 'should write value'); }); test('value "[object Object]"', function () { expect(1); $.cookie('c', '[object Object]'); equal($.cookie('c'), '[object Object]', 'should write value'); }); test('number', function () { expect(1); $.cookie('c', 1234); equal($.cookie('c'), '1234', 'should write value'); }); test('expires option as days from now', function() { expect(1); var sevenDaysFromNow = new Date(); sevenDaysFromNow.setDate(sevenDaysFromNow.getDate() + 7); equal($.cookie('c', 'v', { expires: 7 }), 'c=v; expires=' + sevenDaysFromNow.toUTCString(), 'should write the cookie string with expires'); }); test('expires option as Date instance', function() { expect(1); var sevenDaysFromNow = new Date(); sevenDaysFromNow.setDate(sevenDaysFromNow.getDate() + 7); equal($.cookie('c', 'v', { expires: sevenDaysFromNow }), 'c=v; expires=' + sevenDaysFromNow.toUTCString(), 'should write the cookie string with expires'); }); test('invalid expires option (in the past)', function() { expect(1); var yesterday = new Date(); yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1); $.cookie('c', 'v', { expires: yesterday }); equal($.cookie('c'), null, 'should not save already expired cookie'); }); test('return value', function () { expect(1); equal($.cookie('c', 'v'), 'c=v', 'should return written cookie string'); }); test('defaults', function () { expect(2); $.cookie.defaults.path = '/foo'; ok($.cookie('c', 'v').match(/path=\/foo/), 'should use options from defaults'); ok($.cookie('c', 'v', { path: '/bar' }).match(/path=\/bar/), 'options argument has precedence'); }); test('raw = true', function () { expect(1); $.cookie.raw = true; equal($.cookie('c', ' v').split('=')[1], ' v', 'should not encode'); }); test('json = true', function () { expect(1); $.cookie.json = true; if ('JSON' in window) { $.cookie('c', { foo: 'bar' }); equal(document.cookie, 'c=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({ foo: 'bar' })), 'should stringify JSON'); } else { ok(true); } }); module('removeCookie', lifecycle); test('deletion', function() { expect(1); $.cookie('c', 'v'); $.removeCookie('c'); equal(document.cookie, '', 'should delete the cookie'); }); test('return', function() { expect(2); strictEqual($.removeCookie('c'), false, "return false if the cookie wasn't found"); $.cookie('c', 'v'); strictEqual($.removeCookie('c'), true, 'return true if the cookie was found'); }); test('with options', function() { expect(3); var originalCookie = $.cookie; var callCount = 0; $.cookie = function() { callCount++; if (callCount === 1) { // see equal(arguments.length, 1, 'look up cookie instead of accidently writing a new'); return 'cookie'; // act as if a cookie was found... } if (callCount === 2) { equal(arguments[2].foo, 'bar', 'pass along options when deleting cookie'); } }; $.removeCookie('c', { foo: 'bar' }); equal(callCount, 2); $.cookie = originalCookie; });