## History - v1.7.1 - October 4 2011 - Added a new native adapter which is framework agnostic (can be used with, or without any framework) - Provided bundled files - Added RightJS adapter - Updated supported browser listing - Added sessionStorage support in core instead of optional Amplify.js Store support - Fixed issue with state id generation growing slower over time - Closes #104, #95, #102, #92, #81, #90, #94, #93, #91, #67, #83, #54, #45 - v1.7.0 - April 1 2011 - Added `History.enabled` property (refer to usage section). This reflects whether or not History.js is enabled for our particular browser. For instance, if we have not included support for a HTML4 browser and we are accessing through a HTML4 browser then `History.enabled` will be `false`. - Added (optional but recommended) Data Persistance and Synchronisation Support thanks to [AppendTo's](http://appendto.com/) [Amplify.js](http://amplifyjs.com/) (refer to installation and compatibility sections for details) - Made HTML5 SUIDs more transparent - [Reported](https://github.com/balupton/history.js/issues#issue/34) by [azago](https://github.com/azago) and [Mark Jaquith](http://markjaquith.com/) - Fixed Session Storage Issue - Reported by a whole bunch of different people; [one](https://github.com/balupton/history.js/issues#issue/36), [two](https://github.com/balupton/history.js/issues#issue/37), [three](http://getsatisfaction.com/balupton/topics/history_js_1_6_losing_state_after_manual_page_reload) - Fixed URL Encoding Issue - [Reported](https://github.com/balupton/history.js/issues/#issue/33) by [Rob Madole](http://robmadole.com/) - Disabled support for IE6,7,8 when using the Prototype Adapter (there is nothing we can do about this, it is due to a bug in the prototype library) - [Reported](https://github.com/balupton/history.js/issues#issue/39) by [Sindre Wimberger](http://sindre.at/) - URLs in the State Hashes for HTML4 Browsers are now even shorter - [Discussion](https://github.com/balupton/history.js/issues#issue/28) - Fixed a issue with the MooTools Adapter and JSON with IE7 and IE8 - v1.6.0 - March 22 2011 - Added Zepto adapter thanks to [Matt Garrett](http://twitter.com/#!/matthewgarrett) - The readme now references the supported versions of the libraries we use - Updated vendors to the most recent versions. jQuery 1.5.1 and Mootools 1.3.1 - Reverted versions of Safari iOS prior to version 4.3 to be HTML4 browsers, Safari iOS 4.3 is a HTML5 browser - Refined code in History.js and its adapters - Fixed issue with extra state being inserted on Safari 5 requiring an extra click on the back button to go home - [Reported](https://github.com/balupton/history.js/issues#issue/17) by [Rob Madole](http://robmadole.com/) - Fixed issue with Safari 5 and Safari iOS 4 sometimes failing to apply the state change under busy conditions - Solution conceived with [Matt Garrett](http://twitter.com/matthewgarrett) - Fixed issue with HTML4 browsers requiring a query-string in the urls of states - [Reported](https://github.com/balupton/history.js/issues#issue/26) by [azago](https://github.com/azago) - Fixed issue with HTML4 browsers requiring title in the states in order to use state data - [Reported](https://github.com/balupton/history.js/issues#issue/25) by [Jonathan McLaughlin](http://system-werks.com/) - Fixed issue with HTML4 browsers failing is a state is pushed/replaced twice in a row - [Reported](https://github.com/balupton/history.js/issues#issue/17) by [Joey Baker](http://byjoeybaker.com/) - **B/C BREAK:** The `statechange` event now only fires if the state has changed; it no longer fires on page initialisation. This is following the [Firefox 4 History API Changes](http://hacks.mozilla.org/2011/03/history-api-changes-in-firefox-4/) which we agree with - this breaks standard, but makes more sense. - v1.5.0 - February 12 2011 - Moved to UglifyJS instead of Google Closure - Split HTML4 functionality from HTML5 functionality - Installation details have changed (the filenames are different) - v1.4.1 - February 10 2011 - Added HTML History API Support for Safari 5 and Safari iOS 4.2.1 - Cleaned code a bit (mostly with unit tests) - v1.4.0 - February 10 2011 - Unit Testing now uses [QUnit](http://docs.jquery.com/Qunit) - Corrected Safari 5 Support - Now uses queues instead of timeouts - This means the API works exactly as expected, no more need to wrap calls in timeouts - Included a Subscribe Form in the Demo for Version Updates via Email - Small updates to Documentation - v1.3.1 - February 4 2011 - Improved Documentation - v1.3.0 - January 31 2011 - Support for cleaner HTML4 States - v1.2.1 - January 30 2011 - Fixed History.log always being called - [reported by dlee](https://github.com/balupton/history.js/issues/#issue/2) - Re-Added `History.go(index)` support - v1.2.0 - January 25 2011 - Support for HTML4 States in HTML5 Browsers (added test) - Updates of Documentation - v1.1.0 - January 24 2011 - Developed a series of automated test cases - Fixed issue with traditional anchors - Fixed issue with differing replaceState functionality in HTML4 Browsers - Fixed issue with Google Chrome artefacts being carried over to the initial state - Provided `onstatechange` and `onanchorchange` events - v1.0.0 - January 22 2011 - Supported `History.pushState` and `History.replaceState` degradation - Supported jQuery, MooTools and Prototype Frameworks