options)) { global $databases; foreach ($databases as $key => $targets) { foreach ($targets as $target => $info) { $options[$key]["$key:$target"] = "$key > $target"; } } if (count($options) > 1 || count(reset($options)) > 1) { $form['database'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Database'), '#description' => t('Select the database key and target to use for storing indexing information in. ' . 'Cannot be changed after creation.'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => 'default:default', '#required' => TRUE, ); } else { $form['database'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => "$key:$target", ); } $form['min_chars'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Minimum word length'), '#description' => t('The minimum number of characters a word must consist of to be indexed.'), '#options' => drupal_map_assoc(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), '#default_value' => 1, ); } else { $form = array( 'database' => array( '#type' => 'value', '#title' => t('Database'), // Slight hack for the "View server" page. '#value' => $this->options['database'], ), 'database_text' => array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('Database'), '#markup' => check_plain(str_replace(':', ' > ', $this->options['database'])), ), 'min_chars' => array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Minimum word length'), '#description' => t('The minimum number of characters a word must consist of to be indexed.'), '#options' => drupal_map_assoc(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), '#default_value' => $this->options['min_chars'], ), ); } return $form; } public function supportsFeature($feature) { return $feature == 'search_api_facets'; } public function postUpdate() { return $this->server->options != $this->server->original->options; } public function preDelete() { // Only react on real deletes, not on reverts. if ($this->server->hasStatus(ENTITY_IN_CODE)) { return; } if (empty($this->options['indexes'])) { return; } foreach ($this->options['indexes'] as $index) { foreach ($index as $field) { db_drop_table($field['table']); } } } public function addIndex(SearchApiIndex $index) { $this->options += array('indexes' => array()); $indexes = &$this->options['indexes']; if (isset($indexes[$index->machine_name])) { // Easiest and safest method to ensure all of the index' data is properly re-added. $this->removeIndex($index); } if (empty($index->options['fields']) || !is_array($index->options['fields'])) { // No fields, no work. $indexes[$index->machine_name] = array(); $this->server->save(); return $this; } $prefix = 'search_api_db_' . $index->machine_name. '_'; $indexes[$index->machine_name] = array(); foreach ($index->getFields() as $name => $field) { $table = $this->findFreeTable($prefix, $name); $this->createFieldTable($index, $field, $table); $indexes[$index->machine_name][$name]['table'] = $table; $indexes[$index->machine_name][$name]['type'] = $field['type']; $indexes[$index->machine_name][$name]['boost'] = $field['boost']; } $this->server->save(); } /** * Helper method for finding free table names for fields. * * MySQL 5.0 imposes a 64 characters length limit for table names, PostgreSQL * 8.3 only allows 63 characters. Therefore, always return a name at most 63 * characters long. */ protected function findFreeTable($prefix, $name) { // A DB prefix might further reduce the maximum length of the table name. $maxlen = 63; list($key, $target) = explode(':', $this->options['database'], 2); if ($db_prefix = Database::getConnection($target, $key)->tablePrefix()) { $maxlen -= drupal_strlen($db_prefix); } $base = $table = drupal_substr($prefix . drupal_strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '_', $name)), 0, $maxlen); $i = 0; while (db_table_exists($table)) { $suffix = '_' . ++$i; $table = drupal_substr($base, 0, $maxlen - drupal_strlen($suffix)) . $suffix; } return $table; } /** * Helper method for creating the table for a field. */ protected function createFieldTable(SearchApiIndex $index, $field, $name) { $table = array( 'name' => $name, 'module' => 'search_api_db', 'fields' => array( 'item_id' => array( 'description' => 'The primary identifier of the item.', 'not null' => TRUE, ), ), ); // The type of the item_id field depends on the ID field's type. $id_field = $index->datasource()->getIdFieldInfo(); $table['fields']['item_id'] += $this->sqlType($id_field['type'] == 'text' ? 'string' : $id_field['type']); if (isset($table['fields']['item_id']['length'])) { // A length of 255 is overkill for IDs. 50 should be more than enough. $table['fields']['item_id']['length'] = 50; } $type = search_api_extract_inner_type($field['type']); if ($type == 'text') { $table['fields']['word'] = array( 'description' => 'The text of the indexed token.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'not null' => TRUE, ); $table['fields']['score'] = array( 'description' => 'The score associated with this token.', 'type' => 'float', 'not null' => TRUE, ); $table['primary key'] = array('item_id', 'word'); $table['indexes']['word'] = array(array('word', 10)); } else { $table['fields']['value'] = $this->sqlType($type); $table['fields']['value'] += array('description' => "The field's value for this item."); if ($type != $field['type']) { // This is a list type. $table['fields']['value']['not null'] = TRUE; $table['primary key'] = array('item_id', 'value'); } else { $table['primary key'] = array('item_id'); } $table['indexes']['value'] = $table['fields']['value'] == 'varchar' ? array(array('value', 10)) : array('value'); } $set = $this->setDb(); db_create_table($name, $table); //Some DBMSs will need a character encoding and collation set. global $databases; list($key, $target) = explode(':', $this->options['database'], 2); $db_driver = $databases[$key][$target]['driver']; switch ($db_driver) { case 'mysql': db_query("ALTER TABLE {{$name}} CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_bin'")->execute(); break; // @todo Add fixes for other DBMSs. case 'oracle': case 'pgsql': case 'sqlite': case 'sqlsrv': break; } if ($set) { $this->resetDb(); } } protected function sqlType($type) { $type = search_api_extract_inner_type($type); switch ($type) { case 'string': case 'uri': return array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255); case 'integer': case 'duration': case 'date': // 'datetime' sucks. This way, we just convert every input into a timestamp. return array('type' => 'int'); case 'decimal': return array('type' => 'float'); case 'boolean': return array('type' => 'int', 'size' => 'tiny'); default: throw new SearchApiException(t('Unknown field type @type. Database search module might be out of sync with Search API.', array('@type' => $type))); } } public function fieldsUpdated(SearchApiIndex $index) { $fields = &$this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name]; $new_fields = $index->getFields(); $reindex = FALSE; $cleared = FALSE; $set = $this->setDb(); foreach ($fields as $name => $field) { if (!isset($new_fields[$name])) { db_drop_table($field['table']); unset($fields[$name]); continue; } $old_type = $field['type']; $new_type = $new_fields[$name]['type']; $fields[$name]['type'] = $new_type; $fields[$name]['boost'] = $new_fields[$name]['boost']; $old_inner_type = search_api_extract_inner_type($old_type); $new_inner_type = search_api_extract_inner_type($new_type); if ($old_type != $new_type) { if ($old_inner_type == 'text' || $new_inner_type == 'text' || search_api_list_nesting_level($old_type) != search_api_list_nesting_level($new_type)) { // A change in fulltext or list status necessitates completely // clearing the index. $reindex = TRUE; if (!$cleared) { $cleared = TRUE; $this->deleteItems('all', $index); } db_drop_table($field['table']); $this->createFieldTable($index, $new_fields[$name], $field['table']); } elseif ($this->sqlType($old_inner_type) != $this->sqlType($new_inner_type)) { // There is a change in SQL type. We don't have to clear the index, since types can be converted. db_change_field($field['table'], 'value', 'value', $this->sqlType($new_type) + array('description' => "The field's value for this item.")); $reindex = TRUE; } elseif ($old_inner_type == 'date' || $new_inner_type == 'date') { // Even though the SQL type stays the same, we have to reindex since conversion rules change. $reindex = TRUE; } } elseif (!$reindex && $new_inner_type == 'text' && $field['boost'] != $new_fields[$name]['boost']) { $multiplier = $new_fields[$name]['boost'] / $field['boost']; db_update($field['table'], $this->query_options) ->expression('score', 'score * :mult', array(':mult' => $multiplier)) ->execute(); } unset($new_fields[$name]); } $prefix = 'search_api_db_' . $index->machine_name. '_'; // These are new fields that were previously not indexed. foreach ($new_fields as $name => $field) { $reindex = TRUE; $table = $this->findFreeTable($prefix, $name); $this->createFieldTable($index, $field, $table); $fields[$name]['table'] = $table; $fields[$name]['type'] = $field['type']; $fields[$name]['boost'] = $field['boost']; } if ($set) { $this->resetDb(); } $this->server->save(); return $reindex; } public function removeIndex($index) { $id = is_object($index) ? $index->machine_name : $index; if (!isset($this->options['indexes'][$id])) { return; } $set = $this->setDb(); foreach ($this->options['indexes'][$id] as $field) { db_drop_table($field['table']); } if ($set) { $this->resetDb(); } unset($this->options['indexes'][$id]); $this->server->save(); } public function indexItems(SearchApiIndex $index, array $items) { if (empty($this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name])) { throw new SearchApiException(t('No field settings for index with id @id.', array('@id' => $index->machine_name))); } $indexed = array(); $set = $this->setDb(); foreach ($items as $id => $item) { try { if ($this->indexItem($index, $id, $item)) { $indexed[] = $id; } } catch (Exception $e) { // We just log the error, hoping we can index the other items. watchdog('search_api_db', check_plain($e->getMessage()), NULL, WATCHDOG_WARNING); } } if ($set) { $this->resetDb(); } return $indexed; } protected function indexItem(SearchApiIndex $index, $id, array $item) { $fields = $this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name]; $fields_updated = FALSE; $txn = db_transaction('search_api_indexing', $this->query_options); try { foreach ($item as $name => $field) { // Sometimes index changes are not triggering the update hooks // correctly. Therefore, to avoid DB errors, we re-check the tables // here before indexing. if (empty($fields[$name]['table']) && !$fields_updated) { unset($this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name][$name]); $this->fieldsUpdated($index); $fields_updated = TRUE; $fields = $this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name]; } if (empty($fields[$name]['table'])) { watchdog('search_api_db', "Unknown field !field: please check (and re-save) the index's fields settings.", array('!field' => $name), WATCHDOG_WARNING); continue; } $table = $fields[$name]['table']; $boost = $fields[$name]['boost']; db_delete($table, $this->query_options) ->condition('item_id', $id) ->execute(); // Don't index null values if($field['value'] === NULL) { continue; } $type = $field['type']; $value = $this->convert($field['value'], $type, $field['original_type'], $index); if (search_api_is_text_type($type, array('text', 'tokens'))) { $words = array(); foreach ($value as $token) { // Taken from core search to reflect less importance of words later // in the text. // Focus is a decaying value in terms of the amount of unique words // up to this point. From 100 words and more, it decays, to e.g. 0.5 // at 500 words and 0.3 at 1000 words. $focus = min(1, .01 + 3.5 / (2 + count($words) * .015)); $value = &$token['value']; if (is_numeric($value)) { $value = ltrim($value, '-0'); } elseif (drupal_strlen($value) < $this->options['min_chars']) { continue; } $value = drupal_strtolower($value); $token['score'] *= $focus; if (!isset($words[$value])) { $words[$value] = $token; } else { $words[$value]['score'] += $token['score']; } } if ($words) { $query = db_insert($table, $this->query_options) ->fields(array('item_id', 'word', 'score')); foreach ($words as $word) { $query->values(array( 'item_id' => $id, 'word' => $word['value'], 'score' => $word['score'] * $boost, )); } $query->execute(); } } elseif (search_api_is_list_type($type)) { $values = array(); if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $v) { if ($v !== NULL) { $values[$v] = TRUE; } } $values = array_keys($values); } else { $values[] = $value; } if ($values) { $insert = db_insert($table, $this->query_options) ->fields(array('item_id', 'value')); foreach ($values as $v) { $insert->values(array( 'item_id' => $id, 'value' => $v, )); } $insert->execute(); } } elseif (isset($value)) { db_insert($table, $this->query_options) ->fields(array( 'item_id' => $id, 'value' => $value, )) ->execute(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $txn->rollback(); throw $e; } return TRUE; } protected function convert($value, $type, $original_type, SearchApiIndex $index) { if (search_api_is_list_type($type)) { $type = substr($type, 5, -1); $original_type = search_api_extract_inner_type($original_type); $ret = array(); if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $v) { $v = $this->convert($v, $type, $original_type, $index); // Don't add NULL values to the return array. Also, adding an empty // array is, of course, a waste of time. if (isset($v) && $v !== array()) { $ret = array_merge($ret, is_array($v) ? $v : array($v)); } } } return $ret; } if (!isset($value)) { // For text fields, we have to return an array even if the value is NULL. return search_api_is_text_type($type, array('text', 'tokens')) ? array() : NULL; } switch ($type) { case 'text': $ret = array(); foreach (preg_split('/[^\p{L}\p{N}]+/u', $value, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $v) { if ($v) { $ret[] = array( 'value' => $v, 'score' => 1.0, ); } } $value = $ret; // FALL-THROUGH! case 'tokens': while (TRUE) { foreach ($value as $i => $v) { // Check for over-long tokens. $score = $v['score']; $v = $v['value']; if (drupal_strlen($v) > 50) { $words = preg_split('/[^\p{L}\p{N}]+/u', $v, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (count($words) > 1 && max(array_map('drupal_strlen', $words)) <= 50) { // Overlong token is due to bad tokenizing. // Check for "Tokenizer" preprocessor on index. if (empty($index->options['processors']['search_api_tokenizer']['status'])) { watchdog('search_api_db', 'An overlong word (more than 50 characters) was encountered while indexing, due to bad tokenizing. ' . 'It is recommended to enable the "Tokenizer" preprocessor for indexes using database servers. ' . 'Otherwise, the service class has to use its own, fixed tokenizing.', array(), WATCHDOG_WARNING); } else { watchdog('search_api_db', 'An overlong word (more than 50 characters) was encountered while indexing, due to bad tokenizing. ' . 'Please check your settings for the "Tokenizer" preprocessor to ensure that data is tokenized correctly.', array(), WATCHDOG_WARNING); } } $tokens = array(); foreach ($words as $word) { if (drupal_strlen($word) > 50) { watchdog('search_api_db', 'An overlong word (more than 50 characters) was encountered while indexing: %word.
' . 'Database search servers currently cannot index such words correctly – the word was therefore trimmed to the allowed length.', array('%word' => $word), WATCHDOG_WARNING); $word = drupal_substr($word, 0, 50); } $tokens[] = array( 'value' => $word, 'score' => $score, ); } array_splice($value, $i, 1, $tokens); continue 2; } } break; } return $value; case 'string': case 'uri': // For non-dates, PHP can handle this well enough if ($original_type == 'date') { return date('%c', $value); } if (drupal_strlen($value) > 255) { throw new SearchApiException(t('A string value longer than 255 characters was encountered. ' . "Such values currently aren't supported by the database backend.")); } return $value; case 'integer': case 'duration': case 'decimal': return 0 + $value; case 'boolean': return $value ? 1 : 0; case 'date': if (is_numeric($value) || !$value) { return 0 + $value; } return strtotime($value); default: throw new SearchApiException(t('Unknown field type @type. Database search module might be out of sync with Search API.', array('@type' => $type))); } } public function deleteItems($ids = 'all', SearchApiIndex $index = NULL) { if (!$index) { if (empty($this->options['indexes'])) { return; } $set = $this->setDb(); foreach ($this->options['indexes'] as $index) { foreach ($index as $fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { db_truncate($field['table'], $this->query_options)->execute(); } } } if ($set) { $this->resetDb(); } return; } if (empty($this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name])) { return; } $set = $this->setDb(); foreach ($this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name] as $field) { if (is_array($ids)) { db_delete($field['table'], $this->query_options) ->condition('item_id', $ids, 'IN') ->execute(); } else { db_truncate($field['table'], $this->query_options)->execute(); } } if ($set) { $this->resetDb(); } } public function search(SearchApiQueryInterface $query) { $time_method_called = microtime(TRUE); $set = $this->setDb(); $index = $query->getIndex(); if (empty($this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name])) { throw new SearchApiException(t('Unknown index @id.', array('@id' => $index->machine_name))); } $fields = $this->options['indexes'][$index->machine_name]; $keys = &$query->getKeys(); $keys_set = (boolean) $keys; $keys = $this->prepareKeys($keys); if ($keys && !(is_array($keys) && count($keys) == 1)) { $fulltext_fields = $query->getFields(); if ($fulltext_fields) { $_fulltext_fields = $fulltext_fields; $fulltext_fields = array(); foreach ($_fulltext_fields as $name) { if (!isset($fields[$name])) { throw new SearchApiException(t('Unknown field @field specified as search target.', array('@field' => $name))); } if (!search_api_is_text_type($fields[$name]['type'])) { throw new SearchApiException(t('Cannot perform fulltext search on field @field of type @type.', array('@field' => $name, '@type' => $fields[$name]['type']))); } $fulltext_fields[$name] = $fields[$name]; } $db_query = $this->createKeysQuery($keys, $fulltext_fields, $fields); if (is_array($keys) && !empty($keys['#negation'])) { $db_query->addExpression(':score', 'score', array(':score' => 1)); } } else { $msg = t('Search keys are given but no fulltext fields are defined.'); watchdog('search_api_db', $msg, NULL, WATCHDOG_WARNING); $this->warnings[$msg] = 1; } } elseif ($keys_set) { $msg = t('No valid search keys were present in the query.'); $this->warnings[$msg] = 1; } if (!isset($db_query)) { $db_query = db_select($fields['search_api_language']['table'], 't', $this->query_options); $db_query->addField('t', 'item_id', 'item_id'); $db_query->addExpression(':score', 'score', array(':score' => 1)); } $filter = $query->getFilter(); if ($filter->getFilters()) { $condition = $this->createFilterCondition($filter, $fields, $db_query); if ($condition) { $db_query->condition($condition); } } $db_query->addTag('search_api_db_search'); $time_processing_done = microtime(TRUE); $results = array(); $count_query = $db_query->countQuery(); $results['result count'] = $count_query->execute()->fetchField(); if ($results['result count']) { if ($query->getOption('search_api_facets')) { $results['search_api_facets'] = $this->getFacets($query, clone $db_query); } $query_options = $query->getOptions(); if (isset($query_options['offset']) || isset($query_options['limit'])) { $offset = isset($query_options['offset']) ? $query_options['offset'] : 0; $limit = isset($query_options['limit']) ? $query_options['limit'] : 1000000; $db_query->range($offset, $limit); } $sort = $query->getSort(); if ($sort) { foreach ($sort as $field_name => $order) { if ($order != 'ASC' && $order != 'DESC') { $msg = t('Unknown sort order @order. Assuming "ASC".', array('@order' => $order)); $this->warnings[$msg] = $msg; $order = 'ASC'; } if ($field_name == 'search_api_relevance') { $db_query->orderBy('score', $order); continue; } if ($field_name == 'search_api_id') { $db_query->orderBy('item_id', $order); continue; } if (!isset($fields[$field_name])) { throw new SearchApiException(t('Trying to sort on unknown field @field.', array('@field' => $field_name))); } $field = $fields[$field_name]; if (search_api_is_list_type($field['type'])) { throw new SearchApiException(t('Cannot sort on field @field of a list type.', array('@field' => $field_name))); } if (search_api_is_text_type($field['type'])) { throw new SearchApiException(t('Cannot sort on fulltext field @field.', array('@field' => $field_name))); } $alias = $this->getTableAlias($field, $db_query); $db_query->orderBy($alias . '.value', $order); } } else { $db_query->orderBy('score', 'DESC'); } $result = $db_query->execute(); $time_queries_done = microtime(TRUE); foreach ($result as $row) { $results['results'][$row->item_id] = array( 'id' => $row->item_id, 'score' => $row->score, ); } } else { $time_queries_done = microtime(TRUE); $results['results'] = array(); } $results['warnings'] = array_keys($this->warnings); $results['ignored'] = array_keys($this->ignored); if ($set) { $this->resetDb(); } $time_end = microtime(TRUE); $results['performance'] = array( 'complete' => $time_end - $time_method_called, 'preprocessing' => $time_processing_done - $time_method_called, 'execution' => $time_queries_done - $time_processing_done, 'postprocessing' => $time_end - $time_queries_done, ); return $results; } /** * Helper method for removing unnecessary nested expressions from keys. */ protected function prepareKeys($keys) { if (is_scalar($keys)) { $keys = $this->splitKeys($keys); return is_array($keys) ? $this->eliminateDuplicates($keys) : $keys; } elseif (!$keys) { return NULL; } $keys = $this->eliminateDuplicates($this->splitKeys($keys)); $conj = $keys['#conjunction']; $neg = !empty($keys['#negation']); foreach ($keys as $i => &$nested) { if (is_array($nested)) { $nested = $this->prepareKeys($nested); if ($neg == !empty($nested['#negation'])) { if ($nested['#conjunction'] == $conj) { unset($nested['#conjunction'], $nested['#negation']); foreach ($nested as $renested) { $keys[] = $renested; } unset($keys[$i]); } } } } $keys = array_filter($keys); if (($count = count($keys)) <= 2) { if ($count < 2 || isset($keys['#negation'])) { $keys = NULL; } else { unset($keys['#conjunction']); $keys = array_shift($keys); } } return $keys; } /** * Helper method for splitting keys. */ protected function splitKeys($keys) { if (is_scalar($keys)) { $proc = drupal_strtolower(trim($keys)); if (is_numeric($proc)) { return ltrim($proc, '-0'); } elseif (drupal_strlen($proc) < $this->options['min_chars']) { $this->ignored[$keys] = 1; return NULL; } $words = preg_split('/[^\p{L}\p{N}]+/u', $proc, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (count($words) > 1) { $proc = $this->splitKeys($words); $proc['#conjunction'] = 'AND'; } return $proc; } foreach ($keys as $i => $key) { if (element_child($i)) { $keys[$i] = $this->splitKeys($key); } } return array_filter($keys); } /** * Helper method for eliminating duplicates from the search keys. */ protected function eliminateDuplicates($keys, &$words = array()) { foreach ($keys as $i => $word) { if (!element_child($i)) { continue; } if (is_scalar($word)) { if (isset($words[$word])) { unset($keys[$i]); } else { $words[$word] = TRUE; } } else { $keys[$i] = $this->eliminateDuplicates($word, $words); } } return $keys; } /** * Helper method for creating a SELECT query for given search keys. * * @return SelectQueryInterface * A SELECT query returning item_id and score (or only item_id, if * $keys['#negation'] is set). */ protected function createKeysQuery($keys, array $fields, array $all_fields) { if (!is_array($keys)) { $keys = array( '#conjunction' => 'AND', $keys, ); } $or = db_or(); $neg = !empty($keys['#negation']); $conj = $keys['#conjunction']; $words = array(); $nested = array(); $negated = array(); $db_query = NULL; $mul_words = FALSE; $not_nested = FALSE; foreach ($keys as $i => $key) { if (!element_child($i)) { continue; } if (is_scalar($key)) { $words[] = $key; } elseif (empty($key['#negation'])) { if ($neg) { // If this query is negated, we also only need item_ids from // subqueries. $key['#negation'] = TRUE; } $nested[] = $key; } else { $negated[] = $key; } } $subs = count($words) + count($nested); $not_nested = ($subs <= 1 && count($fields) == 1) || ($neg && $conj == 'OR' && !$negated); if ($words) { if (count($words) > 1) { $mul_words = TRUE; foreach ($words as $word) { $or->condition('word', $word); } } else { $word = array_shift($words); } foreach ($fields as $name => $field) { $table = $field['table']; $query = db_select($table, 't', $this->query_options); if ($neg) { $query->fields('t', array('item_id')); } elseif ($not_nested) { $query->fields('t', array('item_id', 'score')); } else { $query->fields('t'); } if ($mul_words) { $query->condition($or); } else { $query->condition('word', $word); } if (!isset($db_query)) { $db_query = $query; } elseif ($not_nested) { $db_query->union($query, 'UNION'); } else { $db_query->union($query, 'UNION ALL'); } } } if ($nested) { $word = ''; foreach ($nested as $k) { $query = $this->createKeysQuery($k, $fields, $all_fields); if (!$neg) { $word .= ' '; $var = ':word' . strlen($word); $query->addExpression($var, 'word', array($var => $word)); } if (!isset($db_query)) { $db_query = $query; } elseif ($not_nested) { $db_query->union($query, 'UNION'); } else { $db_query->union($query, 'UNION ALL'); } } } if (isset($db_query) && !$not_nested) { $db_query = db_select($db_query, 't', $this->query_options); $db_query->addField('t', 'item_id', 'item_id'); if (!$neg) { $db_query->addExpression('SUM(t.score)', 'score'); $db_query->groupBy('t.item_id'); } if ($conj == 'AND' && $subs > 1) { $var = ':subs' . ((int) $subs); if (!$db_query->getGroupBy()) { $db_query->groupBy('t.item_id'); } if ($mul_words) { $db_query->having('COUNT(DISTINCT t.word) >= ' . $var, array($var => $subs)); } else { $db_query->having('COUNT(DISTINCT t.word) >= ' . $var, array($var => $subs)); } } } if ($negated) { if (!isset($db_query) || $conj == 'OR') { if (isset($all_fields['search_api_language'])) { // We use this table because all items should be contained exactly once. $table = $all_fields['search_api_language']['table']; } else { $distinct = TRUE; foreach ($all_fields as $field) { $table = $field['table']; if (!search_api_is_list_type($field['type']) && !search_api_is_text_type($field['type'])) { unset($distinct); break; } } } if (isset($db_query)) { // We are in a rather bizarre case where the keys are something like "a OR (NOT b)". $old_query = $db_query; } $db_query = db_select($table, 't', $this->query_options); $db_query->addField('t', 'item_id', 'item_id'); if (!$neg) { $db_query->addExpression(':score', 'score', array(':score' => 1)); } if (isset($distinct)) { $db_query->distinct(); } } if ($conj == 'AND') { foreach ($negated as $k) { $db_query->condition('t.item_id', $this->createKeysQuery($k, $fields, $all_fields), 'NOT IN'); } } else { $or = db_or(); foreach ($negated as $k) { $or->condition('t.item_id', $this->createKeysQuery($k, $fields, $all_fields), 'NOT IN'); } if (isset($old_query)) { $or->condition('t.item_id', $old_query, 'NOT IN'); } $db_query->condition($or); } } return $db_query; } /** * Helper method for finding any needed table for a filter query. */ protected function findTable(array $filters, array $fields) { foreach ($filters as $filter) { if (is_array($filter)) { return $fields[$filter[0]]['table']; } } foreach ($filters as $filter) { if (is_object($filter)) { $ret = $this->findTable($filter->getFilters(), $fields); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } } } /** * Helper method for creating a condition for filtering search results. * * @return QueryConditionInterface */ protected function createFilterCondition(SearchApiQueryFilterInterface $filter, array $fields, SelectQueryInterface $db_query) { $cond = db_condition($filter->getConjunction()); $empty = TRUE; foreach ($filter->getFilters() as $f) { if (is_object($f)) { $c = $this->createFilterCondition($f, $fields, $db_query); if ($c) { $empty = FALSE; $cond->condition($c); } } else { $empty = FALSE; if (!isset($fields[$f[0]])) { throw new SearchApiException(t('Unknown field in filter clause: @field.', array('@field' => $f[0]))); } $field = $fields[$f[0]]; if ($f[1] === NULL) { $query = db_select($field['table'], 't') ->fields('t', array('item_id')); $cond->condition('t.item_id', $query, $f[2] == '<>' || $f[2] == '!=' ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN'); continue; } if (search_api_is_text_type($field['type'])) { $keys = $this->prepareKeys($f[1]); $query = $this->createKeysQuery($keys, array($field), $fields); // We don't need the score. $query_expressions = &$query->getExpressions(); $query_expressions = array(); $cond->condition('t.item_id', $query, $f[2] == '<>' || $f[2] == '!=' ? 'NOT IN' : 'IN'); } else { $alias = $this->getTableAlias($field, $db_query, search_api_is_list_type($field['type'])); $cond->condition($alias . '.value', $f[1], $f[2]); } } } return $empty ? NULL : $cond; } /** * Helper method for adding a field's table to a database query. * * @param array $field * The field information array. The "table" key should contain the table * name to which a join should be made. * @param SelectQueryInterface $db_query * The database query used. * @param $newjoin * If TRUE, a join is done even if the table was already joined to in the * query. */ protected function getTableAlias(array $field, SelectQueryInterface $db_query, $newjoin = FALSE) { if(!$newjoin) { foreach ($db_query->getTables() as $alias => $info) { $table = $info['table']; if (is_scalar($table) && $table == $field['table']) { return $alias; } } } return $db_query->join($field['table'], 't', 't.item_id = %alias.item_id'); } /** * Helper method for getting the facet values for a query. */ protected function getFacets(SearchApiQueryInterface $query, SelectQueryInterface $db_query) { // We only need the id field, not the score. $fields = &$db_query->getFields(); unset($fields['score']); if (count($fields) != 1 || !isset($fields['item_id'])) { $this->warnings[] = t('Error while adding facets: only "item_id" field should be used, used are: @fields.', array('@fields' => implode(', ', array_keys($fields)))); return array(); } $expressions = &$db_query->getExpressions(); $expressions = array(); $db_query->distinct(); if (!$db_query->preExecute()) { return array(); } $args = $db_query->getArguments(); $table = db_query_temporary((string) $db_query, $args, $this->query_options); $fields = $this->options['indexes'][$query->getIndex()->machine_name]; $ret = array(); foreach ($query->getOption('search_api_facets') as $key => $facet) { if (empty($fields[$facet['field']])) { $this->warnings[] = t('Unknown facet field @field.', array('@field' => $facet['field'])); continue; } $field = $fields[$facet['field']]; $missing_count = 0; $select = db_select($table, 't'); $alias = $this->getTableAlias($field, $select, TRUE); $select->addField($alias, search_api_is_text_type($field['type']) ? 'word' : 'value', 'value'); $select->addExpression('COUNT(DISTINCT t.item_id)', 'num'); $select->groupBy('value'); $select->orderBy('num', 'DESC'); $limit = $facet['limit']; if ((int) $limit > 0) { $select->range(0, $limit); } if ($facet['min_count'] > 1) { $select->having('num >= :count', array(':count' => $facet['min_count'])); } if ($facet['missing']) { // The "missing" facet is defined by the table not having any entries // for those items. We therefore need to execute an additional query, // counting the items which do not have any entries in the field table. if ($facet['missing']) { $inner_query = db_select($field['table'], 't1') ->fields('t1', array('item_id')); $missing_count = db_select($table, 't'); $missing_count->addExpression('COUNT(item_id)'); $missing_count->condition('item_id', $inner_query, 'NOT IN'); $missing_count = $missing_count->execute()->fetchField(); $missing_count = $missing_count >= $facet['min_count'] ? $missing_count : 0; } } $terms = array(); foreach ($select->execute() as $row) { if ($missing_count && $missing_count > $row->num) { $terms[] = array( 'count' => $missing_count, 'filter' => '!', ); $missing_count = 0; if ($limit && count($terms) == $limit) { break; } } $terms[] = array( 'count' => $row->num, 'filter' => isset($row->value) ? '"' . $row->value . '"' : '!', ); } if ($missing_count && (!$limit || count($terms) < $limit)) { $terms[] = array( 'count' => $missing_count, 'filter' => '!', ); } $ret[$key] = $terms; } return $ret; } /** * Helper method for setting the database to the one selected by the user. */ protected function setDb() { if (!isset($this->previous_db)) { list($key, $target) = explode(':', $this->options['database'], 2); $this->previous_db = db_set_active($key); if (!isset($this->query_options)) { $this->query_options = array('target' => $target); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Helper method for resetting the original database. */ protected function resetDb() { if (isset($this->previous_db)) { db_set_active($this->previous_db); $this->previous_db = NULL; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } }