@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ export default {
// this.getSalientPoints()
- this.sailentEntites = this.concernement.sailentEntites = this.getJarvisEnvelopeConvexe()
+ this.sailentEntites = this.concernement.sailentEntites = this.getJarvisEnvelopeConvexeEntites(this.entites)
// define init position of the item
this.pos = this.getRandomPos();
@@ -305,10 +305,8 @@ export default {
// console.log(`this.salientPoints ${this.concernement.id}`, this.salientPoints);
- getJarvisEnvelopeConvexe(){
+ getJarvisEnvelopeConvexeEntites(entites){
let sailentEntites = [];
- let entites = this.concernement.revisions_byid[this.concernement.active_revision].entites;
- // console.log(`getJarvisEnvelopeConvexe ${this.id}`, this.entites.length);
// https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/convex-hull-using-jarvis-algorithm-or-wrapping/
// find the most left point
let l, min_x = null;
@@ -328,19 +326,6 @@ export default {
// console.log(`do while ${this.id}`, p);
// Add current point to result
let entite = entites[p];
- // let farest = {
- // alpha: entite.display.alpha,
- // ray: entite.display.ray,
- // pos: {
- // x: (entite.display.ray) * Math.cos(entite.display.alpha * (Math.PI/180)),
- // y: (entite.display.ray) * Math.sin(entite.display.alpha * (Math.PI/180))
- // }
- // };
- // this.salientPoints.push(farest);
- // sailentEntites.push({
- // alpha: entite.display.alpha,
- // ray: entite.display.ray
- // });
// Search for a point 'q' such that
@@ -587,7 +572,7 @@ export default {
- this.getJarvisEnvelopeConvexe();
+ this.getJarvisEnvelopeConvexeEntites(this.concernement.revisions_byid[this.concernement.revision_id].entites);
// remove contours if already exists
if (this.paper_main_object.children.contours) {
@@ -647,10 +632,6 @@ export default {
// console.log(`vma x:${vma.x}, y:${vma.y}`);
const pad = 4; // exterior padding
// the final padded point
- // const pa = [
- // this.pos.x+(a.x+vma.x*pad)*this.scale,
- // this.pos.y+(a.y+vma.y*pad)*this.scale
- // ]
const pa = [
@@ -824,6 +805,7 @@ export default {
return g;
+ // console.log('_ _ _ _ setPaperEntitesProximiteReferences')
let g = new paper.Group({
pivot: new paper.Point(this.pos),
name: 'entites_proximites_references'
@@ -841,6 +823,7 @@ export default {
x: this.pos.x + entite.display.pos.x * this.scale,
y: this.pos.y + entite.display.pos.y * this.scale
+ // console.log(`entite_pos x:${entite_pos.x}, y:${entite_pos.y}`);
// use paper symbol
let instance = new paper.SymbolItem(this.paper_symbol_definitions['entite']);
instance.name = 'entite';
@@ -860,24 +843,24 @@ export default {
name: 'ref_entite_proximite'
+ let allEntiteRefConcernementContourEntites = [];
let beta = 360 / entite.entite.proximite.length;
let ray = 5;
let e=0;
entite.entite.proximite.forEach(entite_ref => {
- console.log(`${entite_ref.id}, ${entite_ref.title}`, this.allEntitesById[entite_ref.id]);
+ // console.log(`${entite_ref.id}, ${entite_ref.title}`, this.allEntitesById[entite_ref.id]);
// create the entite ref paper point
let ref_instance = new paper.SymbolItem(this.paper_symbol_definitions['entite']);
ref_instance.name = 'entite_ref';
- // x: (entite.display.ray) * Math.cos(entite.display.alpha * (Math.PI/180)),
- // y: (entite.display.ray) * Math.sin(entite.display.alpha * (Math.PI/180))
let entite_ref_pos = {
x: entite_pos.x + ray * Math.cos((beta*e) * (Math.PI/180)),
y: entite_pos.y + ray * Math.sin((beta*e) * (Math.PI/180)),
+ // console.log(`entite_ref_pos x:${entite_ref_pos.x}, y:${entite_ref_pos.y}`);
ref_instance.position = new paper.Point(entite_ref_pos);
// ref_instance.scale(this.scale);
@@ -887,20 +870,38 @@ export default {
ref_instance.is_symbol_instance = true;
+ // create the original concernement contours arround the entite_ref
let ref_cid = this.allEntitesById[entite_ref.id].cid;
- console.log('PROXIMITE ref concernement jarvis_envelope_convexe', this.concernementsByID[ref_cid].sailentEntites);
+ // console.log('PROXIMITE ref concernement jarvis_envelope_convexe', this.concernementsByID[ref_cid].sailentEntites);
let ref_concernement = this.concernementsByID[ref_cid];
+ // define the right scale
+ let scale = 0.05;
let points = [];
ref_concernement.sailentEntites.forEach(ent => {
x: (ent.display.ray) * Math.cos(ent.display.alpha * (Math.PI/180)),
y: (ent.display.ray) * Math.sin(ent.display.alpha * (Math.PI/180))
+ // - - //
+ // concat all the contours points for general contours arround all contours :/ :( (that's a very clear description)
+ let p = {
+ x: entite_ref_pos.x - entite_pos.x + (ent.display.ray * Math.cos(ent.display.alpha * (Math.PI/180)))*scale,
+ y: entite_ref_pos.y - entite_pos.y + (ent.display.ray * Math.sin(ent.display.alpha * (Math.PI/180)))*scale
+ }
+ console.log(`p x:${p.x}, y:${p.y}`);
+ allEntiteRefConcernementContourEntites.push({
+ display:{
+ ray: Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p.x,2)+Math.pow(p.y,2)),
+ alpha: parseFloat(Math.atan2(p.y,p.x) * (180/Math.PI)).toFixed(2)
+ }
+ })
+ // - - //
- // define the right scale
- let scale = 0.05;
// convert points to rouded and padded segments props
let segments = this.getPaddedRoundedSegments(points, scale)
// create "real" Paper Segments from previous segments props
@@ -921,18 +922,74 @@ export default {
strokeColor: '#fff',
strokeWidth: 1,
pivot: new paper.Point(this.pos),
- cid: this.cid
+ cid: ref_concernement.id
+ contrs.sendToBack();
+ }); // end of loop on proximite for each main entite
+ // // debug
+ // allEntiteRefConcernementContourEntites.forEach(e => {
+ // let p = paper.Path.Circle({
+ // pivot: new paper.Point({x:0,y:0}),
+ // center: [
+ // entite_pos.x + (e.display.ray * Math.cos(e.display.alpha * (Math.PI/180))),
+ // entite_pos.y + (e.display.ray * Math.sin(e.display.alpha * (Math.PI/180)))
+ // ],
+ // radius: 0.3,
+ // fillColor: '#00F',
+ // strokeColor: 'rgba(0,0,255,0.05)',
+ // strokeWidth:2
+ // })
+ // ref_g.addChild(p);
+ // })
+ // general contour arround proximité
+ // console.log('allEntiteRefConcernementContourEntites', allEntiteRefConcernementContourEntites);
+ let genContoursEntite = this.getJarvisEnvelopeConvexeEntites(allEntiteRefConcernementContourEntites);
+ // console.log('genContoursEntite', genContoursEntite);
+ let points = [];
+ genContoursEntite.forEach(ent => {
+ points.push({
+ x: ent.display.ray * Math.cos(ent.display.alpha * (Math.PI/180)),
+ y: ent.display.ray * Math.sin(ent.display.alpha * (Math.PI/180))
+ })
+ })
+ console.log('points', points);
+ let scale = 0.8;
+ // convert points to rouded and padded segments props
+ let segments = this.getPaddedRoundedSegments(points, scale)
+ // create "real" Paper Segments from previous segments props
+ let paper_segments = [];
+ segments.forEach(seg => {
+ paper_segments.push(new paper.Segment({
+ point: [entite_pos.x+seg.point[0]*scale, entite_pos.y+seg.point[1]*scale],
+ // point: [seg.point[0], seg.point[1]],
+ handleIn: seg.handleIn,
+ handleout: seg.handleOut
+ }))
+ // create the paper path with previous segments
+ const genContrs = new paper.Path({
+ name: 'gen_contours',
+ segments: paper_segments,
+ fillColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.4)',
+ // selected: true,
+ strokeColor: '#fff',
+ strokeWidth: 1,
+ pivot: new paper.Point(this.pos),
+ // cid: this.cid
+ });
+ ref_g.addChild(genContrs);
+ genContrs.sendToBack();
- }
+ ref_g.sendToBack();
+ } // end of loop on entite wich have proximite
return g;