@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ export default {
+ 'allMapItems_byid',
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ export default {
created () {
- console.log('ConcernementMapItem', this.mapitem);
+ console.log('ConcernementMapItem created', this.mapitem);
// this.id = this.superposition_id ? `${this.cid}___${this.superposition_id}` : this.cid;
this.id = this.mapitem.id;
this.concernement = this.mapitem.concernement;
@@ -1722,15 +1723,33 @@ export default {
if (this.opened_concernement) {
// console.log("try to push aside", this.opened_concernement.opened_mapitem_id, this.id, this.opened_concernement.superposed_mapitem_id_by_mapitem_id[this.opened_concernement.opened_mapitem_id]);
// console.log(this.id, this.opened_concernement.superposed_mapitem_id_by_mapitem_id[this.opened_concernement.opened_mapitem_id].indexOf(this.id));
- if (
- // this.opened_concernement.id !== this.cid &&
- this.opened_concernement.opened_mapitem_id !== this.id
- // && (!this.opened_concernement.all_superposed_concernements_id || this.opened_concernement.all_superposed_concernements_id.indexOf(this.id) < 0)
- && (!this.opened_concernement.superposed_mapitem_id_by_mapitem_id
- || !this.opened_concernement.superposed_mapitem_id_by_mapitem_id[this.opened_concernement.opened_mapitem_id] // when we are not in superposition mode
- || this.opened_concernement.superposed_mapitem_id_by_mapitem_id[this.opened_concernement.opened_mapitem_id].indexOf(this.id) < 0) // this mapitem is not superposed to the opened mapitem
- ) {
- this.pushAside()
+ if (this.opened_concernement.opened_mapitem_id !== this.id) {
+ // push all aside mapitems not superposed the the opened mapitem
+ let pushaside = true;
+ // BUT NOT push aside mapitems superposed to superposed mapitems
+ // opened_mapitem <-- superposed_mapitems <-- superposed_mapitem
+ if (this.opened_concernement.superposed_mapitem_id_by_mapitem_id
+ && this.opened_concernement.superposed_mapitem_id_by_mapitem_id[this.opened_concernement.opened_mapitem_id])
+ { // if opened mapitem has superposed mapitems
+ let superposed_ids = this.opened_concernement.superposed_mapitem_id_by_mapitem_id[this.opened_concernement.opened_mapitem_id]
+ if (superposed_ids.indexOf(this.id) >= 0) { //this mapitem is directly superposed to the opened mapitem
+ pushaside = false;
+ } else { // else we look for second stage of the rockette ... superposed to superposed to opened
+ superposed_ids.forEach(mapitem_id => { // for each superposed map_item, check if this mapitem is in their superposed
+ let mapitem = this.allMapItems_byid[mapitem_id]; // get the superposed (stage 1) mapitem
+ mapitem.superposition_ids.forEach(sup_id => { // for each superposed (stage 2) of the superposed (stage 1)
+ if (this.mapitem.superposition_ids.indexOf(sup_id) >= 0) {
+ pushaside = false;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (pushaside) {
+ this.pushAside()
+ }
} else if (!this.is_hover){
if (this.map_mode === 'proximite'