@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ export default {
opacity: 0,
tween: null,
body: null,
+ body_parts: [],
constraint: null
@@ -140,18 +141,19 @@ export default {
// MatterAttractors.Attractors.gravityConstant = -5;
// Create parts of the body : main big circle & entities
- var parts = [
+ this.body_parts = [
Matter.Bodies.circle(0, 0, this.ray, {
item_type: 'concernement',
id: this.concernement.id,
+ // Create parts of the body : entities
for (let i = 0; i < this.entites.length; i++) {
// parts.push(Matter.Bodies.circle(this.pos.x+this.entites[i].display.pos.x, this.pos.y+this.entites[i].display.pos.y, 15, {
// item_type: 'entite',
// id: this.entites[i].id
// }))
- parts.push(Matter.Bodies.circle(this.entites[i].display.pos.x, this.entites[i].display.pos.y, 0.8, {
+ this.body_parts.push(Matter.Bodies.circle(this.entites[i].display.pos.x, this.entites[i].display.pos.y, 0.8, {
item_type: 'entite',
id: this.entites[i].entite.id,
cid: this.concernement.id,
@@ -159,10 +161,12 @@ export default {
isSensor: true
+ // Create parts of the body : besoins and responses
+ this.createBesoinsBodyParts();
// create the body
this.body = Matter.Body.create({
- parts: parts,
+ parts: this.body_parts,
item_type: 'concernement',
id: this.concernement.id,
frictionAir: 0,
@@ -200,6 +204,45 @@ export default {
Matter.Events.on(this.matterEngine, "afterUpdate", this.onAfterEngineUpdate);
+ createBesoinsBodyParts(){
+ let res_fields = ['qui','quoi','ou','avec'];
+ let arc = (360 / 16); // unit arc
+ let r = (this.ray * this.scale)/5; // unit ray
+ let br = r - r/3; // besoin ray
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.concernement.besoins.length; i++) {
+ let start_a = arc * i; // angle depart (for reponses)
+ let center_a = start_a + arc/2; // angle central
+ let x = Math.cos(center_a*(Math.PI/180)) * br;
+ let y = Math.sin(center_a*(Math.PI/180)) * br;
+ this.body_parts.push(Matter.Bodies.circle(x, y, 0.8, {
+ item_type: 'besoin',
+ id: this.concernement.besoins[i].id,
+ cid: this.concernement.id,
+ isSensor: true
+ }));
+ let res_arc = arc / (1 + this.concernement.besoins[i].reponses.length); // unit arc for responses depending responses number
+ for (let j = 0; j < this.concernement.besoins[i].reponses.length; j++) {
+ let res_a = start_a + res_arc * (j+1); // angle for response line
+ for (let f = 0; f < res_fields.length; f++) {
+ if(this.concernement.besoins[i].reponses[j][res_fields[f]]){
+ let rr = this.ray * this.scale - r*f - r/2; // reponse field ray
+ let rx = Math.cos(res_a*(Math.PI/180)) * rr;
+ let ry = Math.sin(res_a*(Math.PI/180)) * rr;
+ this.body_parts.push(Matter.Bodies.circle(rx, ry, 0.8, {
+ item_type: 'reponse',
+ id: this.concernement.besoins[i].reponses[j].id,
+ bid: this.concernement.besoins[i].id,
+ cid: this.concernement.id,
+ isSensor: true
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
return {
x: this.ray/2 + Math.random()*(this.canvas.width - this.ray),
@@ -592,49 +635,29 @@ export default {
- let res_fields = ['qui','quoi','ou','avec'];
- let arc = (360 / 16); // unit arc
- let r = (this.ray * this.scale)/5; // unit ray
- let br = r - r/3; // besoin ray
- for (let i = 0; i < this.concernement.besoins.length; i++) {
- // TODO make besoins and reponses interactives
- let start_a = arc * i; // angle depart (for reponses)
- let center_a = start_a + arc/2; // angle central
- let x = Math.cos(center_a*(Math.PI/180)) * br;
- let y = Math.sin(center_a*(Math.PI/180)) * br;
- this.ctx.beginPath();
- this.ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
- // this.ctx.arc(this.pos.x + x, this.pos.y + y, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
- this.drawDiamond(this.pos.x + x, this.pos.y + y, 4);
- this.ctx.fill();
- let res_arc = arc / (1 + this.concernement.besoins[i].reponses.length); // unit arc for responses depending responses number
- // loop through reponses
- for (let j = 0; j < this.concernement.besoins[i].reponses.length; j++) {
- let res_a = start_a + res_arc * (j+1); // angle for response line
- // loop through fields qui, quoi, où, avec
- for (let f = 0; f < res_fields.length; f++) {
- if(this.concernement.besoins[i].reponses[j][res_fields[f]]){
- let rr = this.ray * this.scale - r*f - r/2; // reponse field ray
- let rx = Math.cos(res_a*(Math.PI/180)) * rr;
- let ry = Math.sin(res_a*(Math.PI/180)) * rr;
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.body.parts.length; i++) {
+ if (this.body.parts[i].item_type === 'besoin' || this.body.parts[i].item_type === 'reponse') {
+ let part = this.body.parts[i];
+ switch (part.item_type) {
+ case 'besoin':
+ this.ctx.beginPath();
+ this.ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
+ this.drawDiamond(part.position.x, part.position.y, 4);
+ this.ctx.fill();
+ break;
+ case 'reponse':
this.ctx.fillStyle = "#eee";
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
this.ctx.lineWidth = 1;
// this.ctx.arc(this.pos.x + rx, this.pos.y + ry, 2*(f+1), 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
- this.drawDiamond(this.pos.x + rx, this.pos.y + ry, 5);
+ this.drawDiamond(part.position.x, part.position.y, 5);
- this.ctx.stroke();
- }
+ this.ctx.stroke();
+ break;