Browse Source

resizing window is working

bach 4 months ago

+ 2 - 1

@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ body{
+  min-width: 1280px;
+  min-height: 800px;

+ 168 - 33

@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ export default {
     // this.setConcernementMapItem(this.cid, this);
     // this.setConcernementScale(this.cid, this.scale);
     this.mapitem.scale = this.scale;
+    // window.addEventListener('resize', this.onWindowResize.bind(this));
   // mounted() {
   //   console.log(`ConcernementsMapItem ${} mounted`, this.canvasMap.canvas);
@@ -255,6 +257,16 @@ export default {
         // }
       deep: true
+    },
+    // window as been resized
+    map_item_ray: {
+      handler (n, o) {
+        console.log(`map_item_ray updated o: ${o}, n: ${n}`);
+        this.ray = n;
+        this.updateMatterBodyRay();
+        this.updatePaperObjectSize(n,o);
+      },
+      deep: true
   methods: {
@@ -465,25 +477,19 @@ export default {
         let entite_range = [3, 100];
         let ray_range = [this.ray*0.8,this.ray*1.2];
         let ray = ray_range[0] + (this.entites.length - entite_range[0]) * (ray_range[1] - ray_range[0]) / (entite_range[1] - entite_range[0]);
-        this.body_parts = [
-, 0, ray, {
-            // item_type: 'concernement',
-            // id:,
-          })
-        ];
+        // this.body_parts = [
+        //, 0, ray)
+        // ];
         // INFO map a range of numbers to another range of numbers
         let mass_range = [5,15];
         let mass = mass_range[0] + (this.entites.length - entite_range[0]) * (mass_range[1] - mass_range[0]) / (entite_range[1] - entite_range[0]);
         // create the body
-        this.body = Matter.Body.create({
-          parts: this.body_parts,
+        this.body =, 0, ray, {
           item_type: 'concernement',
           frictionAir: 0,
-          // mass: Math.pow(3, this.entites.length),
-          // mass: 10,
           mass: mass,
           restitution: 0.06,
           collisionFilter: {
@@ -520,7 +526,51 @@ export default {
               // }
-        });
+        })
+        // this.body = Matter.Body.create({
+        //   parts: this.body_parts,
+        //   item_type: 'concernement',
+        //   id:,
+        //   frictionAir: 0,
+        //   // mass: Math.pow(3, this.entites.length),
+        //   // mass: 10,
+        //   mass: mass,
+        //   restitution: 0.06,
+        //   collisionFilter: {
+        //     group: -1
+        //   },
+        //   plugin: {
+        //     attractors: [
+        //       // // there is a built in helper function for Newtonian gravity!
+        //       // // you can find out how it works in index.js
+        //       MatterAttractors.Attractors.gravity
+        //       // function(bodyA, bodyB) {
+        //       //   var force = {
+        //       //     x: (bodyA.position.x - bodyB.position.x) * 1e-6,
+        //       //     y: (bodyA.position.y - bodyB.position.y) * 1e-6
+        //       //   }
+        //       //   // apply force to both bodies
+        //       //   Matter.Body.applyForce(bodyA, bodyA.position, force);
+        //       //   Matter.Body.applyForce(bodyB, bodyB.position, Matter.Vector.neg(force));
+        //       // }
+        //       // INFO
+        //       // function (bodyA, bodyB){
+        //       //   // use Newton's law of gravitation
+        //       //   var bToA = Matter.Vector.sub(bodyB.position, bodyA.position),
+        //       //       distanceSq = Matter.Vector.magnitudeSquared(bToA) || 0.0001,
+        //       //       normal = Matter.Vector.normalise(bToA),
+        //       //       magnitude = -MatterAttractors.Attractors.gravityConstant * (bodyA.mass * bodyB.mass / distanceSq),
+        //       //       force = Matter.Vector.mult(normal, magnitude);
+        //       //   // to apply forces to both bodies
+        //       //   Matter.Body.applyForce(bodyA, bodyA.position, Matter.Vector.neg(force));
+        //       //   Matter.Body.applyForce(bodyB, bodyB.position, force);
+        //       // }
+        //     ]
+        //   }
+        // });
         Matter.Body.setPosition(this.body, this.pos);
         // add init velocity
@@ -543,6 +593,17 @@ export default {
         y: -delta + Math.random()*delta*2
+    updateMatterBodyRay(){
+      console.log('updateMatterBodyRay',this.ray, this.body);
+      let entite_range = [3, 100];
+      let ray_range = [this.ray*0.8,this.ray*1.2];
+      let new_ray = ray_range[0] + (this.entites.length - entite_range[0]) * (ray_range[1] - ray_range[0]) / (entite_range[1] - entite_range[0]);
+      let old_ray = this.body.circleRadius;
+      let scale = new_ray/old_ray;
+      Matter.Body.scale(this.body, scale, scale);
+      // Matter.Body.set(this.body, 'circleRadius', ray);
+      console.log(`this.body circleRadius ${this.body.circleRadius}`);
+    },
@@ -579,9 +640,52 @@ export default {
       // if (this.concernement.has_doleance) {
       //   this.addNewPaperSymbolInstance('doleance_icon', false, 0.7);
       // }
+    async updatePaperObjectSize(n,o){
+      await nextTick();
+      // INFO we redraw the points with the new ray AND sacle the backgrounds ... would it be simplier to only resize the whole mapitem ???
+      // window has been resized
+      // if open
+      if (this.is_open) {
+        // move to the new position
+        // INFO we need to change position first for the contours to be redraw in the right place
+        this.pos = this.paper_main_object.position = {
+          x: (this.canvas.width - this.cartouch_width) / 2,
+          y: this.canvas.height / 2
+        };
+        this.constraint.pointA = this.pos;
+        Matter.Body.setPosition(this.body, this.pos);
+        // reset the paper contents with paper symbols redrew by MapConcernements.vue
+        this.setPaperContents();
+        // scale
+        // let s = this.getOpeningAvailableScale();
+        // this.paper_main_object.scale(1 / this.scale);
+        // this.paper_main_object.scale(s);
+      }
+      // in any case
+      // delet the old contours
+      let clearables = ['contours'];
+      clearables.forEach(child_name => {
+        if (this.paper_main_object.children[child_name]) {
+          this.paper_main_object.children[child_name].remove();
+        }
+      });
+      // rebuild the contours with the new ray
+      this.parseEntityPointsValues()
+      this.sailentEntites = this.concernement.sailentEntites = this.getJarvisEnvelopeConvexeEntites(this.entites)
+      // redraw the contours
+      this.paper_main_object.addChild(this.setPaperContour());
+    },
     * called by openClose() function
@@ -650,7 +754,6 @@ export default {
     addNewPaperSymbolInstance(name, back, scale){
       let instance = new paper.SymbolItem(this.paper_symbol_definitions[name]); // , {x:0,y:0} = name;
-      // instance.pivot = new paper.Point({x:0,y:0});
       instance.position = this.pos;
       let s = scale ? this.scale * scale : this.scale;
@@ -2003,6 +2106,16 @@ export default {
       }, 100);
     // OPEN / CLOSE (with tween)
+    getOpeningAvailableScale(){
+// calcul opened size regarding window size and surounding contents
+        let header = document.querySelector('header#header');
+        let header_height = header.clientHeight;
+        let map_nav = document.querySelector('nav#map-nav');
+        let map_nav_height = map_nav.clientHeight;
+        let s_h = (this.canvas.height - header_height - map_nav_height) / (this.ray*2*1.15);
+        let s_w = (this.canvas.width - this.cartouch_width) / (this.ray*2*1.7);
+        return Math.min(s_h, s_w)
+    },
     openClose(open) { // async 
       // await nextTick(); // not working
       console.log(`ConcernementsMapItem ${} openClose: ${open}`);
@@ -2015,14 +2128,7 @@ export default {
-        // calcul opened size regarding window size and surounding contents
-        let header = document.querySelector('header#header');
-        let header_height = header.clientHeight;
-        let map_nav = document.querySelector('nav#map-nav');
-        let map_nav_height = map_nav.clientHeight;
-        let s_h = (this.canvas.height - header_height - map_nav_height) / (this.ray*2*1.15);
-        let s_w = (this.canvas.width - this.cartouch_width) / (this.ray*2*1.7);
-        let s = Math.min(s_h, s_w)
+        let s = this.getOpeningAvailableScale();
         // create once the opening tweening
         this.tween = new Tween.Tween({s: this.scale, x: this.pos.x, y: this.pos.y, o: 0})
@@ -2074,8 +2180,7 @@ export default {
             // record new scale
             this.prev_scale = this.scale;
-            this.scale = obj.s;
-            this.mapitem.scale = this.scale;
+            this.scale = this.mapitem.scale = obj.s;
             this.opacity = obj.o;
             // console.log('tween update obj.s', obj.s);
             this.pos = {x:obj.x, y:obj.y};
@@ -2448,7 +2553,10 @@ export default {
       // apply a force in direction of one side or an other depending of the start position
       // the force is exponentialy inversed proportional to the distance from the side
       // INFO logarithmic force : 
-      // TODO cartouch width should change regarding actual cartouch is opened or not (and how many cartouch are opened) 
+      // cartouch width should change regarding actual cartouch is opened or not (and how many cartouch are opened) 
+      // TODO force is proportional to window size
       // X
       let pseudo_center_x = this.opened_concernement 
         ? (this.canvas.width - this.cartouch_width) / 2
@@ -2545,15 +2653,17 @@ export default {
-    respawn() {
+    checkOverflow() {
       // respawn element if outside screen
-      let respanw = false;
-      if(this.pos.x <= 0){ this.pos.x = 50; respanw=true;}
-      if(this.pos.x >= this.canvas.width){ this.pos.x = this.canvas.width - 50; respanw=true;}
-      if(this.pos.y <= 0){ this.pos.y = 50; respanw=true;}
-      if(this.pos.y >= this.canvas.height){ this.pos.y = this.canvas.height - 50; respanw=true;}
-      if (respanw) {
-        // this.pos = respanw_pos;
+      let pad = 1;
+      let circleray = this.body.circleRadius+pad*1.1;
+      let respawn = false;
+      if(this.pos.x <= pad){ this.pos.x = circleray; respawn=true;}
+      if(this.pos.x >= this.canvas.width-pad){ this.pos.x = this.canvas.width - circleray; respawn=true;}
+      if(this.pos.y <= pad){ this.pos.y = circleray; respawn=true;}
+      if(this.pos.y >= this.canvas.height-pad){ this.pos.y = this.canvas.height - circleray; respawn=true;}
+      if (respawn) {
+        // this.pos = respawn_pos;
         Matter.Body.setPosition(this.body, {x:this.pos.x, y:this.pos.y});
         // this.setInitBodyVelocity();
         Matter.Body.setVelocity(this.body, {x:0,y:0});
@@ -2561,7 +2671,7 @@ export default {
     onAfterEngineUpdate (event) {
-      this.respawn();
+      this.checkOverflow();
       this.paper_main_object.position = this.pos = this.body.position;
@@ -2575,8 +2685,33 @@ export default {
       // }
+      // DEBUG
+      // this.debugDrawMatterBodyCircle();
+      // END DEBUG
+    // onWindowResize(event){
+    //   // console.log('mapitem onWindowResize', event, this);
+    // },
+    debugDrawMatterBodyCircle(){
+      if (this.paper_main_object.children['debug_circle']) {
+        this.paper_main_object.children['debug_circle'].remove();
+      }
+      let debugcircle = new paper.Path.Circle({
+        center: this.pos,
+        // radius: this.ray,
+        radius: this.body.circleRadius,
+        strokeColor: '#f00',
+        strokeWidth: 1,
+        name: 'debug_circle'
+      })
+      this.paper_main_object.addChild(debugcircle)
+    }
   render() {
     // console.log('render()', this.ctx);

+ 6 - 0

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ export default {
   mounted() {
+    window.addEventListener("resize", this.onWindowResize.bind(this));
   // computed: {
   // },
@@ -115,6 +116,8 @@ export default {
       canvasBackgroundTrame.width = canvasBackgroundTrame.parentElement.clientWidth;
       canvasBackgroundTrame.height = canvasBackgroundTrame.parentElement.clientHeight;
       let ctx = canvasBackgroundTrame.getContext('2d');
+      ctx.clearRect(0,0, canvasBackgroundTrame.width, canvasBackgroundTrame.height);
       let step = 1;
       for (let i = 0; i < parseInt(canvasBackgroundTrame.width); i+=step) {
@@ -130,6 +133,9 @@ export default {
+    },
+    onWindowResize () {
+      this.initTrame()

+ 180 - 44

@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ export default {
       // MATTER
       engine: null,
       world: null,
+      walls: null,
       // PAPERJS
       paper: null,
@@ -129,22 +130,14 @@ export default {
     // MATTER
-    let wall_w = 1000;
-    Matter.Composite.add(, [
-        // walls
-        Matter.Bodies.rectangle(canvas_w/2,        -wall_w/2,         canvas_w, wall_w,   { isStatic: true }),   // top
-        Matter.Bodies.rectangle(canvas_w/2,        canvas_h+wall_w/2, canvas_w, wall_w,   { isStatic: true }),   // bottom
-        Matter.Bodies.rectangle(-wall_w/2,         canvas_h/2,        wall_w,   canvas_h, { isStatic: true }),   // left
-        Matter.Bodies.rectangle(canvas_w+wall_w/2, canvas_h/2,        wall_w,   canvas_h, { isStatic: true }),   // right
-        // make the items never goes under menus
-        Matter.Bodies.rectangle(550,          25, 900, 50, { isStatic: true }),  // menu top
-        Matter.Bodies.rectangle(550, canvas_h-15, 900, 30, { isStatic: true })   // menu bottom
-    ]);
+    this.buildMatterWalls();
     // add mouse control
     // this.mouse = Matter.Mouse.create(this.canvasMap.canvas);
+    window.addEventListener("resize", this.onWindowResize.bind(this));
   watch: {
@@ -275,30 +268,128 @@ export default {
-                               'setHoverElmt']),
+                               'setHoverElmt',
+                               'updateMapItemRay']),
     animate () {
       // if (document.hasFocus()) {
         Matter.Engine.update(this.engine, 1);
       // }
-    initPaperSymbols(){
+    buildMatterWalls(){
+      console.log('buildMatterWalls');
+      // remove old walls if exists
+      let oldWallsBody = Matter.Composite.get(, 'walls', 'body');
+      if (oldWallsBody) {
+        console.log('buildMatterWalls oldWallsBody', oldWallsBody);  
+        Matter.Composite.remove(, oldWallsBody);
+      }
+      console.log('buildMatterWalls oldWallsBody after remove', Matter.Composite.get(, 'walls', 'body'));
+      // create walls
+      let canvas_w = this.canvasMap.canvas.width;
+      let canvas_h = this.canvasMap.canvas.height;
+      console.log(`buildMatterWalls canvas_w: ${canvas_w}, canvas_h: ${canvas_h}`);
+      let length = 10000; // set a length long enought that we don't have to redimmension it when window resize
+      let thickness = 1000;
+      let pad = 1;
+      let wallsParts = [
+        // walls
+        // Matter.Bodies.rectangle(x, y, width, height, [options])
+        Matter.Bodies.rectangle(canvas_w/2,        -thickness/2 +pad,         length, thickness,   { label: 'top_wall'}),   // top
+        Matter.Bodies.rectangle(canvas_w/2,        canvas_h+thickness/2 -pad, length, thickness,   { label: 'bottom_wall'}),   // bottom
+        Matter.Bodies.rectangle(-thickness/2 +pad,         canvas_h/2,        thickness,   length, { label: 'left_wall'}),   // left
+        Matter.Bodies.rectangle(canvas_w+thickness/2 -pad, canvas_h/2,        thickness,   length, { label: 'right_wall'}),   // right
+        // make the items never goes under menus
+        // Matter.Bodies.rectangle(500,               25,                1000,      50,       { label: 'menutop_wall'}),  // menu top
+        // Matter.Bodies.rectangle(500,               canvas_h-15,       1000,      30,       { label: 'menubottom_wall'})   // menu bottom
+      ];
+      this.walls = Matter.Body.create({
+        parts: wallsParts,
+        id: 'walls',
+        isStatic: true
+      });
+      Matter.Composite.add(, this.walls);
+      console.log('buildMatterWalls this.walls', this.walls);
+    },
+    updateMatterWalls(){
+      let canvas_w = this.canvasMap.canvas.width;
+      let canvas_h = this.canvasMap.canvas.height;
+      console.log(`buildMatterWalls canvas_w: ${canvas_w}, canvas_h: ${canvas_h}`);
+      let thickness = 1000;
+      let pad = 10;
+, i) =>{
+        // console.log('p.label', p.label);
+        let pos = false;
+        switch (p.label) {
+          case 'top_wall':
+            pos = Matter.Vector.create(canvas_w/2, -thickness/2 +pad)
+            break;
+          case 'bottom_wall':
+            pos = Matter.Vector.create(canvas_w/2, canvas_h+thickness/2 -pad)
+            break;
+          case 'left_wall':
+            pos = Matter.Vector.create(-thickness/2 +pad, canvas_h/2)
+            break;
+          case 'right_wall':
+            pos = Matter.Vector.create(canvas_w+thickness/2 -pad, canvas_h/2)
+            break;
+          case 'menutop_wall':
+            pos = Matter.Vector.create(500, 25)
+            break;
+          case 'menubottom_wall':
+            pos = Matter.Vector.create(500, canvas_h-15)
+            break;
+        }
+        if(pos){
+          Matter.Body.setPosition(p, pos);
+        }
+      })
+    },
+    onWindowResize(e){
+      // console.log('onWindowResize', e);
+      // get the new size
+      let canvas_w = this.canvasMap.canvas.width = this.canvasMap.canvas.parentElement.clientWidth;
+      let canvas_h = this.canvasMap.canvas.height = this.canvasMap.canvas.parentElement.clientHeight;
+      console.log(`canvas_w: ${canvas_w}, canvas_h: ${canvas_h}`);
+      // apply to paper env
+      // paper.view.viewSize.width = canvas_w;
+      // paper.view.viewSize.height = canvas_h;
+      this.paper.view.viewSize = new paper.Size(canvas_w, canvas_h);
+      // apply to matter env
+      // this.buildMatterWalls();
+      this.updateMatterWalls();
+      // resize the base item ray, this will trigger all the map_items to resize in nextTick()
+      this.updateMapItemRay();
+      // rebuild all the paper symbols with new ray
+      this.initPaperSymbols(true)
+    },
+    initPaperSymbols(update){
       this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('boussole_bg', this.setPaperBoussoleBGSymbol());
       this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('puissanceagir_bg', this.setPaperPuissanceagirBGSymbol());
       // this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('puissanceagir_icon', this.setPaperPuissanceagirICONSymbol());
       this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('doleance_bg', this.setPaperDoleanceBGSymbol());
       // this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('doleance_icon', this.setPaperDoleanceICONSymbol());
-      //
-      this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('entite', this.setPaperEntiteSymbol());
-      this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('entite_hidden', this.setPaperHiddenEntiteSymbol());
-      this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('entite_hover', this.setPaperEntiteHoverSymbol());
-      this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('entite_action_icon', this.setPaperEntiteActionIconSymbol());
-      this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('entite_action', this.setPaperEntiteActionSymbol());
-      this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('entite_action_hover', this.setPaperEntiteActionHoverSymbol());
-      this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('besoin', this.setPaperBesoinSymbol());
-      this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('besoin_hover', this.setPaperBesoinHoverSymbol());
-      this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('reponse', this.setPaperReponseSymbol());
-      this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('reponse_hover', this.setPaperReponseHoverSymbol());
+      if (!update) {
+        this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('entite', this.setPaperEntiteSymbol());
+        this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('entite_hidden', this.setPaperHiddenEntiteSymbol());
+        this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('entite_hover', this.setPaperEntiteHoverSymbol());
+        this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('entite_action_icon', this.setPaperEntiteActionIconSymbol());
+        this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('entite_action', this.setPaperEntiteActionSymbol());
+        this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('entite_action_hover', this.setPaperEntiteActionHoverSymbol());
+        this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('besoin', this.setPaperBesoinSymbol());
+        this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('besoin_hover', this.setPaperBesoinHoverSymbol());
+        this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('reponse', this.setPaperReponseSymbol());
+        this.addPaperSymbolDefinition('reponse_hover', this.setPaperReponseHoverSymbol());
+      }
       // BOUSSOLE
@@ -317,32 +408,48 @@ export default {
       // cercles
-      for (let i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
-        let sw = i === 4 || i === 8 ? 0.25 : 0.1; // width
-        let da = i === 4 || i === 8 ? null : [5,5]; // dash array
-        if (!da) { // draw only 2 main non-dashed circles
-          children.push(new paper.Path.Circle({
-            center: [pos.x, pos.y],
-            radius: ray/8*i,
-            strokeColor: '#fff',
-            strokeWidth: sw,
-            dashArray: da
-          }));
-        }
-      }
+      // for (let i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
+      //   let sw = i === 4 || i === 8 ? 0.25 : 0.1; // width
+      //   let da = i === 4 || i === 8 ? null : [5,5]; // dash array
+      //   if (!da) { // draw only 2 main non-dashed circles
+      //     children.push(new paper.Path.Circle({
+      //       center: [pos.x, pos.y],
+      //       radius: ray/8*i,
+      //       strokeColor: '#fff',
+      //       strokeWidth: sw,
+      //       dashArray: da
+      //     }));
+      //   }
+      // }
+      // cercle exterieur
+      let ext_circle_factor = 0.915;
+      children.push(new paper.Path.Circle({
+        center: [pos.x, pos.y],
+        radius: ray*ext_circle_factor,
+        strokeColor: '#fff',
+        strokeWidth: 0.25
+      }));
+      // cercle interieur
+      children.push(new paper.Path.Circle({
+        center: [pos.x, pos.y],
+        radius: ray*0.51,
+        strokeColor: '#fff',
+        strokeWidth: 0.25
+      }));
       // axes
       // vertical
       children.push(new paper.Path.Line({
-        from: [pos.x, pos.y - ray],
-        to: [pos.x, pos.y + ray],
+        from: [pos.x, pos.y - ray*ext_circle_factor],
+        to: [pos.x, pos.y + ray*ext_circle_factor],
         strokeColor: '#fff',
         strokeWidth: 0.25
       // horizontal
       children.push(new paper.Path.Line({
-        from: [pos.x - ray, pos.y],
-        to: [pos.x + ray, pos.y],
+        from: [pos.x - ray*ext_circle_factor, pos.y],
+        to: [pos.x + ray*ext_circle_factor, pos.y],
         strokeColor: '#fff',
         strokeWidth: 0.25
@@ -351,9 +458,9 @@ export default {
       // haute
       children.push(new paper.Path({
         segments: [
-          [pos.x - 8, pos.y - ray + 8],
-          [pos.x, pos.y - ray],
-          [pos.x + 8, pos.y - ray + 8],
+          [pos.x - 8, pos.y - ray*ext_circle_factor + 8],
+          [pos.x, pos.y - ray*ext_circle_factor],
+          [pos.x + 8, pos.y - ray*ext_circle_factor + 8],
         strokeWidth: 0.25,
         strokeColor: '#fff',
@@ -1284,6 +1391,7 @@ export default {
       // this.debugDrawConstraints()  
+      // this.debugDrawWalls()
       // // END OF DEBUGGING
@@ -1312,6 +1420,34 @@ export default {
+    },
+    debugDrawWalls(){
+      let wall_rects = this.paper.project.getItem({name: 'wall_rects', class: paper.Group});
+      if (wall_rects) {
+        wall_rects.removeChildren();
+      }else{
+        wall_rects = new paper.Group({
+          pivot: new paper.Point({x:0,y:0}),
+          name: 'wall_rects',
+        });
+      }
+      let wallsbody = Matter.Composite.get(, 'walls', 'body');
+      if (wallsbody) {
+        // console.log('wallsbody',;
+        let children = [];
+, i) => {
+          if(i > 0){
+            // console.log('part', part.label, part.bounds.min);
+            children.push(new paper.Path.Rectangle({
+              from: part.bounds.min,
+              to: part.bounds.max,
+              strokeColor: '#00f',
+              strokeWidth: 2
+            }));
+          }
+        });
+        wall_rects.addChildren(children);
+      }
   beforeUpdate () {

+ 4 - 1

@@ -33,7 +33,10 @@ export const CommonStore = defineStore({
       // console.log(`addPaperSymbolDefinition ${name}`, path);
       // mode can be : terraindevie, proximite, superposition, puissancedagir, action, doleancer
       this.paper_symbol_definitions[name] = new paper.SymbolDefinition(path);
+    },
+    updateMapItemRay(){
+      console.log('Common Store updateMapItemRay');
+      this.map_item_ray = Math.min(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight) * 0.08;