@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ export default {
- ...mapState(CommonStore,['cartouch_width'])
+ ...mapState(CommonStore,['cartouch_width']),
+ ...mapState(CommonStore,['paper_symbol_definitions'])
created () {
// console.log(`ConcernementsMapItem ${this.concernement.id} created`, this.canvasMap, this.matterEngine);
@@ -369,11 +370,14 @@ export default {
+ // the main paper group containing all paper graphical items for one concernement
this.paper_main_object = new paper.Group({
pivot: new paper.Point(this.pos),
cid: this.id
- this.paper_main_object.addChild(this.setPaperBoussoleBG());
+ // the sub items for one concernement
+ this.addNewPaperSymbolInstance('boussole_bg');
// this.paper_groups.entites = this.setPaperEntites()
@@ -395,165 +399,12 @@ export default {
- setPaperBoussoleBG(){
- let children = [];
- let ray = this.ray*0.92*this.scale;
- // // // exterieur circle
- // children.push(new paper.Path.Circle({
- // center: [this.pos.x, this.pos.y],
- // radius: ray,
- // strokeWidth: 2
- // }));
- // // interieur circle
- // children.push(new paper.Path.Circle({
- // center: [this.pos.x, this.pos.y],
- // radius: this.ray/2*this.scale,
- // strokeWidth: 2
- // }));
- // cercles pointillés
- for (let i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
- let sw = i === 4 || i === 8 ? 2 : 1;
- let da = i === 4 || i === 8 ? null : [5,5];
- children.push(new paper.Path.Circle({
- center: [this.pos.x, this.pos.y],
- radius: ray/8*i,
- strokeColor: '#fff',
- strokeWidth: sw,
- dashArray: da
- }));
- }
- // axes
- // vertical
- children.push(new paper.Path.Line({
- from: [this.pos.x, this.pos.y - ray],
- to: [this.pos.x, this.pos.y + ray],
- strokeColor: '#fff',
- strokeWidth: 2
- }));
- // horizontal
- children.push(new paper.Path.Line({
- from: [this.pos.x - ray, this.pos.y],
- to: [this.pos.x + ray, this.pos.y],
- strokeColor: '#fff',
- strokeWidth: 2
- }))
- // fleches
- // haute
- children.push(new paper.Path({
- segments: [
- [this.pos.x - (8*this.scale), this.pos.y - ray + (8*this.scale)],
- [this.pos.x, this.pos.y - ray],
- [this.pos.x + (8*this.scale), this.pos.y - ray + (8*this.scale)],
- ],
- strokeWidth: 2,
- strokeColor: '#fff',
- }));
- // milieu
- children.push(new paper.Path({
- segments: [
- [this.pos.x - (8*this.scale), this.pos.y + (8*this.scale)],
- [this.pos.x, this.pos.y],
- [this.pos.x + (8*this.scale), this.pos.y + (8*this.scale)],
- ],
- strokeWidth: 2,
- strokeColor: '#fff',
- }));
- // PLUS
- // horizontal
- children.push(new paper.Path.Line({
- from: [this.pos.x + ray - (5 * this.scale), this.pos.y - ray],
- to: [this.pos.x + ray + (5 * this.scale), this.pos.y - ray],
- strokeWidth: 8,
- strokeColor: '#fff',
- }))
- // vertical
- children.push(new paper.Path.Line({
- from: [this.pos.x + ray, this.pos.y - ray - (5 * this.scale)],
- to: [this.pos.x + ray, this.pos.y - ray + (5 * this.scale)],
- strokeWidth: 8,
- strokeColor: '#fff',
- }))
- // MOINS
- // horizontal
- children.push(new paper.Path.Line({
- from: [this.pos.x - ray - (5 * this.scale), this.pos.y - ray],
- to: [this.pos.x - ray + (5 * this.scale), this.pos.y - ray],
- strokeWidth: 8,
- strokeColor: '#fff',
- }))
- let fontsize = 4;
- let fontFamily = "public_sans";
- children.push(new paper.PointText({
- point: [this.pos.x + 4.5, this.pos.y - ray - 5],
- content: `entités qui menacent \u2194 entités qui maintiennent`,
- fontSize: fontsize,
- fontFamily: fontFamily,
- justification: 'center',
- fillColor: '#000',
- }))
- children.push(new paper.PointText({
- point: [this.pos.x - ray - 5, this.pos.y + 1],
- content: "axe d'intensité",
- fontSize: fontsize,
- fontFamily: fontFamily,
- justification: 'right',
- fillColor: '#000',
- }))
- children.push(new paper.PointText({
- point: [this.pos.x + ray + 5, this.pos.y - 3],
- content: "situation future\n\u2195\nsituation actuelle",
- fontSize: fontsize,
- fontFamily: fontFamily,
- justification: 'left',
- fillColor: '#000',
- }))
- let t1 = new paper.PointText({
- point: [this.pos.x - ray/8*2.3, this.pos.y - ray/8*2.3],
- content: "avec prise",
- fontSize: fontsize,
- fontFamily: fontFamily,
- justification: 'center',
- fillColor: '#000',
- })
- t1.rotate(-45)
- children.push(t1)
- let t2 = new paper.PointText({
- point: [this.pos.x - ray/8*2.95, this.pos.y - ray/8*2.95],
- content: "sans prise",
- fontSize: fontsize,
- fontFamily: fontFamily,
- justification: 'center',
- fillColor: '#000',
- })
- t2.rotate(-45)
- children.push(t2)
- return new paper.Group({
- children: children,
- pivot: new paper.Point(this.pos),
- name: 'boussole_bg',
- locked: true,
- });
+ addNewPaperSymbolInstance(name){
+ let instance = new paper.SymbolItem(this.paper_symbol_definitions[name]);
+ instance.name = name;
+ instance.position = this.pos;
+ instance.scale = this.scale;
+ this.paper_main_object.addChild(instance);
console.log(`setPaperContour ${this.concernement.id}`);
@@ -588,111 +439,6 @@ export default {
const vnao = { x: vma.y, y: -vma.x } // get the ma normal vector Out
const hao = [ vnao.x*hlo, vnao.y*hlo ]; // get the handleOut point
- // - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - /
- if (d) {
- let debug = new paper.Group({
- pivot: new paper.Point(this.pos),
- name: 'debug'
- });
- // B
- debug.addChild(new paper.PointText({
- point: [this.pos.x + b.x, this.pos.y + b.y],
- content: "b",
- fontSize: 10,
- justification: 'center',
- fillColor: 'red'
- }))
- // A
- debug.addChild(new paper.PointText({
- point: [this.pos.x + a.x, this.pos.y + a.y],
- content: "a",
- fontSize: 10,
- justification: 'center',
- fillColor: 'red'
- }))
- // C
- debug.addChild(new paper.PointText({
- point: [this.pos.x + c.x, this.pos.y + c.y],
- content: "c",
- fontSize: 10,
- justification: 'center',
- fillColor: 'red'
- }))
- // N
- debug.addChild(new paper.PointText({
- point: [this.pos.x + n.x, this.pos.y + n.y],
- content: "n",
- fontSize: 10,
- justification: 'center',
- fillColor: 'red'
- }))
- // M
- debug.addChild(new paper.PointText({
- point: [this.pos.x + m.x, this.pos.y + m.y],
- content: "m",
- fontSize: 10,
- justification: 'center',
- fillColor: 'red'
- }))
- // BA
- debug.addChild(new paper.Path.Line({
- from: [this.pos.x + b.x, this.pos.y + b.y],
- to: [this.pos.x + a.x, this.pos.y + a.y],
- strokeWidth: 4,
- strokeColor: 'green',
- // dashArray: [5,5]
- }))
- // CA
- debug.addChild(new paper.Path.Line({
- from: [this.pos.x + c.x, this.pos.y + c.y],
- to: [this.pos.x + a.x, this.pos.y + a.y],
- strokeWidth: 4,
- strokeColor: 'green',
- // dashArray: [5,5]
- }))
- // NA
- debug.addChild(new paper.Path.Line({
- from: [this.pos.x + n.x, this.pos.y + n.y],
- to: [this.pos.x + a.x, this.pos.y + a.y],
- strokeWidth: 2,
- strokeColor: 'blue',
- // dashArray: [5,5]
- }))
- // NC
- debug.addChild(new paper.Path.Line({
- from: [this.pos.x + n.x, this.pos.y + n.y],
- to: [this.pos.x + c.x, this.pos.y + c.y],
- strokeWidth: 2,
- strokeColor: 'orange',
- // dashArray: [5,5]
- }))
- // // MA
- // debug.addChild(new paper.Path.Line({
- // from: [this.pos.x + m.x, this.pos.y + m.y],
- // to: [this.pos.x + a.x, this.pos.y + a.y],
- // strokeWidth: 1,
- // strokeColor: 'red',
- // // dashArray: [5,5]
- // }))
- // // NC
- // debug.addChild(new paper.Path.Line({
- // from: [this.pos.x + n.x, this.pos.y + n.y],
- // to: [this.pos.x + c.x, this.pos.y + c.y],
- // strokeWidth: 1,
- // strokeColor: 'green',
- // dashArray: [5,5]
- // }))
- this.paper_main_object.addChild(debug)
- }
- // - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - /
- // return new paper.Segment({
- // point: [
- // this.pos.x+(a.x)*this.scale,
- // this.pos.y+(a.y)*this.scale
- // ]
- // })
return new paper.Segment({
point: pa,
handleIn: hai,