@@ -1323,14 +1323,19 @@ export default {
console.log(`bringToCenter dist:${dist}, x_force:${x_force}, friction air:${fa}`);
} else { // in the ceneter zone let items floats freely
+ let fa = 0.01;
let velocity = Matter.Body.getVelocity(this.body);
- let velocityx = Math.abs(velocity.x);
- // map a range of numbers to another range of numbers
- // INFO https://stackoverflow.com/a/46462321
- let velocity_range = [50, 1000];
- let fa_range = [0,3];
- let fa = fa_range[0] + (velocityx - velocity_range[0]) * (fa_range[1] - fa_range[0]) / (velocity_range[1] - velocity_range[0]);
- console.log(`bringToCenter velocity.x:${velocity.x}, fa:${fa}`);
+ if (velocity.x) {
+ let velocityx = Math.abs(velocity.x);
+ // map a range of numbers to another range of numbers
+ // INFO https://stackoverflow.com/a/46462321
+ let velocity_range = [50, 1000];
+ let fa_range = [0,3];
+ fa = fa_range[0] + (velocityx - velocity_range[0]) * (fa_range[1] - fa_range[0]) / (velocity_range[1] - velocity_range[0]);
+ console.log(`bringToCenter velocityx:${velocityx}, fa:${fa}, velocity`, velocity);
+ } else {
+ console.warn(`bringToCenter no velocity`, velocity);
+ }
this.body.frictionAir = fa;
@@ -1354,6 +1359,8 @@ export default {
let dist = dir < 0
? this.pos.x - pseudo_center_x
: pseudo_center_x - this.pos.x;
+ dist = dist > 1000 ? 1000 : dist;
if (dist > this.canvas.width/6) { // apply decreasing forces and increasing friction air only out of center to let the items float in the center zone
// max & min item position
@@ -1495,16 +1502,20 @@ export default {
- onAfterEngineUpdate (event) {
+ respawn() {
// respawn element if outside screen
- // if(this.pos.x <= 0
- // || this.pos.x >= this.canvas.width
- // || this.pos.y <= 0
- // || this.pos.y >= this.canvas.height){
- // this.pos = this.getRandomPos()
- // Matter.Body.setPosition(this.body, {x:this.pos.x, y:this.pos.y});
- // this.setInitBodyVelocity();
- // }
+ if(this.pos.x <= 0
+ || this.pos.x >= this.canvas.width
+ || this.pos.y <= 0
+ || this.pos.y >= this.canvas.height){
+ this.pos = this.getRandomPos()
+ Matter.Body.setPosition(this.body, {x:this.pos.x, y:this.pos.y});
+ this.setInitBodyVelocity();
+ }
+ },
+ onAfterEngineUpdate (event) {
+ this.respawn();
this.paper_main_object.position = this.pos = this.body.position;