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- h1.SUB-name UNI-of ANTI-perfect Mono-love
- h2. Emilie Aurat
- Dans sa pièce La Mégère Apprivoisée, Shakespeare met en scène l'interaction houleuse entre un premier personnage caractériel et un deuxième qui use de flatteries et de contre-sens pour obtenir son contrôle.
- Suivant cette exemple, greffer des préfixes aléatoirement dans les répliques génère un nouveau sens à leur compréhension.
- "And that which spites me more than all these wants
- He does it under name of perfect love"
- And SUB-that PARA-which SUB-spites me UNI-more POST-than all POST-these POST-wants
- He AUTO-does it INTER-under PARA-name of PARA-perfect POST-love
- POST-Thus UNI-have I INTER-politicly SUB-begun my INTER-reign, And CYBER-'tis my UNI-hope to end SUB-successfully. My ANTI-falcon now is SUB-sharp and PARA-passing UNI-empty. And ANTI-till she POST-stoop she UNI-must not be SUB-full-gorg'd, for POST-then she POST-never SUB-looks INTER-upon her POST-lure. SUB-Another way I HOMO-have to man my SUB-haggard, to SUB-make her INTER-come, and UNI-know her AUTO-keeper's INTER-call, POST-that is, to AUTO-watch SUB-her, as we MONO-watch HOMO-these SUB-kites HOMO-that MONO-bate and HOMO-beat, and MONO-will not be MONO-obedient. She eat no HOMO-meat CYBER-to-day, nor CYBER-none HOMO-shall SUB-eat; PARA-last AUTO-night she POST-slept INTER-not, nor POST-to-night she CYBER-shall HOMO-not; as MONO-with the SUB-meat, PARA-some CYBER-undeserved MONO-fault HOMO-I'll CYBER-find MONO-about the PARA-making of the CYBER-bed; and UNI-here MONO-I'll MONO-fling the AUTO-pillow, SUB-there the MONO-bolster, ANTI-this way the INTER-coverlet, MONO-another way the POST-sheets; Ay, and SUB-amid SUB-this PARA-hurly I POST-intend INTER-that all is SUB-done in HOMO-reverend INTER-care of her CYBER-and, in POST-conclusion, she POST-shall ANTI-watch all CYBER-night; and if she MONO-chance to nod HOMO-I'll INTER-rail and SUB-brawl and UNI-with the SUB-clamour INTER-keep her SUB-still SUB-awake. HOMO-This is a way to POST-kill a ANTI-wife SUB-with MONO-kindness, and MONO-thus CYBER-I'll MONO-curb her mad and INTER-headstrong PARA-humour. He HOMO-that POST-knows UNI-better how to CYBER-tame a ANTI-shrew, now let him CYBER-speak; PARA-'tis POST-charity to UNI-show.