#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Write sentence as string sentence = "Je vois La Vie en rose... Tu vois Le Ciel en vert!" # Print sentence print("phrase originale:", sentence) # Convert sentence in one word (remove spaces) #one_word = sentence.strip(" ") #print("sans les espaces:", one_word) # define new word as list new_word = [] # Convert sentence in list of words words = sentence.split() #print(words) # For each word in word list for word in words: # remove capital letters (string operation) #word = word.lower() # Clean punctuation (string operation) #word = word.strip(" ;''?:,()!.\").”-") # add word to new word list new_word.append(word) #new_letter = [] #letter = words.split() #print(letter) # Write words as one, without spaces print("phrase sans espaces:", "".join(new_word))