var assert = require('assert'), sass = process.env.NODESASS_COV ? require('../lib-cov/extensions') : require('../lib/extensions'); describe('runtime parameters', function() { var pkg = require('../package'), // Let's use JSON to fake a deep copy savedArgv = JSON.stringify(process.argv), savedEnv = JSON.stringify(process.env); afterEach(function() { process.argv = JSON.parse(savedArgv); process.env = JSON.parse(savedEnv); delete pkg.nodeSassConfig; }); describe('configuration precedence should be respected', function() { describe('SASS_BINARY_NAME', function() { beforeEach(function() { process.argv.push('--sass-binary-name', 'aaa'); process.env.SASS_BINARY_NAME = 'bbb'; process.env.npm_config_sass_binary_name = 'ccc'; pkg.nodeSassConfig = { binaryName: 'ddd' }; }); it('command line argument', function() { assert.equal(sass.getBinaryName(), 'aaa_binding.node'); }); it('environment variable', function() { process.argv = []; assert.equal(sass.getBinaryName(), 'bbb_binding.node'); }); it('npm config variable', function() { process.argv = []; process.env.SASS_BINARY_NAME = null; assert.equal(sass.getBinaryName(), 'ccc_binding.node'); }); it('package.json', function() { process.argv = []; process.env.SASS_BINARY_NAME = null; process.env.npm_config_sass_binary_name = null; assert.equal(sass.getBinaryName(), 'ddd_binding.node'); }); }); describe('SASS_BINARY_SITE', function() { beforeEach(function() { process.argv.push('--sass-binary-site', ''); process.env.SASS_BINARY_SITE = ''; process.env.npm_config_sass_binary_site = ''; pkg.nodeSassConfig = { binarySite: '' }; }); it('command line argument', function() { var URL = ''; assert.equal(sass.getBinaryUrl().substr(0, URL.length), URL); }); it('environment variable', function() { process.argv = []; var URL = ''; assert.equal(sass.getBinaryUrl().substr(0, URL.length), URL); }); it('npm config variable', function() { process.argv = []; process.env.SASS_BINARY_SITE = null; var URL = ''; assert.equal(sass.getBinaryUrl().substr(0, URL.length), URL); }); it('package.json', function() { process.argv = []; process.env.SASS_BINARY_SITE = null; process.env.npm_config_sass_binary_site = null; var URL = ''; assert.equal(sass.getBinaryUrl().substr(0, URL.length), URL); }); }); describe('SASS_BINARY_PATH', function() { beforeEach(function() { process.argv.push('--sass-binary-path', 'aaa_binding.node'); process.env.SASS_BINARY_PATH = 'bbb_binding.node'; process.env.npm_config_sass_binary_path = 'ccc_binding.node'; pkg.nodeSassConfig = { binaryPath: 'ddd_binding.node' }; }); it('command line argument', function() { assert.equal(sass.getBinaryPath(), 'aaa_binding.node'); }); it('environment variable', function() { process.argv = []; assert.equal(sass.getBinaryPath(), 'bbb_binding.node'); }); it('npm config variable', function() { process.argv = []; process.env.SASS_BINARY_PATH = null; assert.equal(sass.getBinaryPath(), 'ccc_binding.node'); }); it('package.json', function() { process.argv = []; process.env.SASS_BINARY_PATH = null; process.env.npm_config_sass_binary_path = null; assert.equal(sass.getBinaryPath(), 'ddd_binding.node'); }); }); }); describe.skip('Sass Binary Cache', function() { var npmCacheDir; before(function() { npmCacheDir = process.env.npm_config_cache; }); beforeEach(function() { delete process.env.npm_config_sass_binary_cache; }); it('npm config variable', function() { var overridenCachePath = '/foo/bar/'; process.env.npm_config_sass_binary_cache = overridenCachePath; assert.equal(sass.getCachePath(), overridenCachePath); }); it('With no value, falls back to NPM cache', function() { assert.equal(sass.getCachePath(), npmCacheDir); }); }); }); // describe('library detection', function() { // it('should throw error when libsass binary is missing.', function() { // var sass = require(extensionsPath), // originalBin = sass.getBinaryPath(), // renamedBin = [originalBin, '_moved'].join(''); // assert.throws(function() { // fs.renameSync(originalBin, renamedBin); // sass.getBinaryPath(true); // }, /The `libsass` binding was not found/); // fs.renameSync(renamedBin, originalBin); // }); // });