# Browserslist Browserslist logo by Anton Lovchikov Library to share target browsers between different front-end tools. It is used in: * [Autoprefixer] * [babel-preset-env] (external config in `package.json` or `browserslist` files supported in 2.0) * [eslint-plugin-compat] * [stylelint-no-unsupported-browser-features] * [postcss-normalize] All tools that rely on Browserslist will find its config automatically, when you add the following to `package.json`: ```json { "browserslist": [ "> 1%", "last 2 versions" ] } ``` Or in `.browserslistrc` config: ```yaml # Browsers that we support > 1% Last 2 versions IE 10 # sorry ``` Developers set browsers list in queries like `last 2 version` to be free from updating browser versions manually. Browserslist will use [Can I Use] data for this queries. Browserslist will take browsers queries from tool option, `browserslist` config, `.browserslistrc` config, `browserslist` section in `package.json` or environment variables. You can test Browserslist queries in [online demo]. Sponsored by Evil Martians [stylelint-no-unsupported-browser-features]: https://github.com/ismay/stylelint-no-unsupported-browser-features [eslint-plugin-compat]: https://github.com/amilajack/eslint-plugin-compat [babel-preset-env]: https://github.com/babel/babel-preset-env [postcss-normalize]: https://github.com/jonathantneal/postcss-normalize [Autoprefixer]: https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer [online demo]: http://browserl.ist/ [Can I Use]: http://caniuse.com/ ## Tools * [browserslist-useragent] check browser by user agent string to match Browserslist target browsers query. * Run `npx browserslist` in your project directory to see project’s target browsers. This CLI tool is built-in and available in any project with Autoprefixer. [browserslist-useragent]: https://github.com/pastelsky/browserslist-useragent ## Queries Browserslist will use browsers query from one of this sources: 1. Tool options. For example `browsers` option in Autoprefixer. 2. `BROWSERSLIST` environment variable. 3. `browserslist` config file in current or parent directories. 3. `.browserslistrc` config file in current or parent directories. 4. `browserslist` key in `package.json` file in current or parent directories. **We recommend this way.** 5. If the above methods did not produce a valid result Browserslist will use defaults: `> 1%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR`. You can specify the versions by queries (case insensitive): * `last 2 versions`: the last 2 versions for each browser. * `last 2 Chrome versions`: the last 2 versions of Chrome browser. * `> 5%`: versions selected by global usage statistics. `>=`, `<` and `<=` work too. * `> 5% in US`: uses USA usage statistics. It accepts [two-letter country code]. * `> 5% in alt-AS`: uses Asia region usage statistics. List of all region codes can be found at [`caniuse-lite/data/regions`]. * `> 5% in my stats`: uses [custom usage data]. * `extends browserslist-config-mycompany`: take queries from `browserslist-config-mycompany` npm package. * `ie 6-8`: selects an inclusive range of versions. * `Firefox > 20`: versions of Firefox newer than 20. `>=`, `<` and `<=` work too. * `iOS 7`: the iOS browser version 7 directly. * `Firefox ESR`: the latest [Firefox ESR] version. * `unreleased versions` or `unreleased Chrome versions`: alpha and beta versions. * `last 2 major versions` or `last 2 iOS major versions`: all minor/patch releases of last 2 major versions. * `since 2013`: all versions released since year 2013 (also `since 2013-03` and `since 2013-03-10`). * `not ie <= 8`: exclude browsers selected by previous queries. You can add `not ` to any query. ### Debug Run `npx browserslist` in project directory to see what browsers was selected by your queries. ```sh $ npx browserslist and_chr 61 and_ff 56 and_qq 1.2 and_uc 11.4 android 56 baidu 7.12 bb 10 chrome 62 edge 16 firefox 56 ios_saf 11 opera 48 safari 11 samsung 5 ``` ### Notes Browserslist works with separated versions of browsers. You should avoid queries like `Firefox > 0`. Multiple criteria are combined as a boolean `OR`. A browser version must match at least one of the criteria to be selected. All queries are based on the [Can I Use] support table, e.g. `last 3 iOS versions` might select `8.4, 9.2, 9.3` (mixed major and minor), whereas `last 3 Chrome versions` might select `50, 49, 48` (major only). [`caniuse-lite/data/regions`]: https://github.com/ben-eb/caniuse-lite/tree/master/data/regions [two-letter country code]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements [custom usage data]: #custom-usage-data [Can I Use]: http://caniuse.com/ ### Browsers Names are case insensitive: * `Android` for Android WebView. * `Baidu` for Baidu Browser. * `BlackBerry` or `bb` for Blackberry browser. * `Chrome` for Google Chrome. * `ChromeAndroid` or `and_chr` for Chrome for Android * `Edge` for Microsoft Edge. * `Electron` for Electron framework. It will be converted to Chrome version. * `Explorer` or `ie` for Internet Explorer. * `ExplorerMobile` or `ie_mob` for Internet Explorer Mobile. * `Firefox` or `ff` for Mozilla Firefox. * `FirefoxAndroid` or `and_ff` for Firefox for Android. * `iOS` or `ios_saf` for iOS Safari. * `Opera` for Opera. * `OperaMini` or `op_mini` for Opera Mini. * `OperaMobile` or `op_mob` for Opera Mobile. * `QQAndroid` or `and_qq` for QQ Browser for Android. * `Safari` for desktop Safari. * `Samsung` for Samsung Internet. * `UCAndroid` or `and_uc` for UC Browser for Android. ## `package.json` If you want to reduce config files in project root, you can specify browsers in `package.json` with `browserslist` key: ```json { "private": true, "dependencies": { "autoprefixer": "^6.5.4" }, "browserslist": [ "> 1%", "last 2 versions" ] } ``` ## Config File Browserslist config should be named `.browserslistrc` or `browserslist` and have browsers queries split by a new line. Comments starts with `#` symbol: ```yaml # Browsers that we support > 1% Last 2 versions IE 8 # sorry ``` Browserslist will check config in every directory in `path`. So, if tool process `app/styles/main.css`, you can put config to root, `app/` or `app/styles`. You can specify direct path in `BROWSERSLIST_CONFIG` environment variables. ## Shareable Configs You can use the following query to reference an exported Browserslist config from another package: ```json "browserslist": [ "extends browserslist-config-mycompany" ] ``` For security reasons, external configuration only supports packages that have the `browserslist-config-` prefix. npm scoped packages are also supported, by naming or prefixing the module with `@scope/browserslist-config`, such as `@scope/browserslist-config` or `@scope/browserslist-config-mycompany`. If you don’t accept Browserslist queries from users, you can disable the validation by using the `dangerousExtend` option: ```js browserslist(queries, { path, dangerousExtend: true }) ``` Because this uses `npm`'s resolution, you can also reference specific files in a package: ```json "browserslist": [ "extends browserslist-config-mycompany/desktop", "extends browserslist-config-mycompany/mobile" ] ``` When writing a shared Browserslist package, just export an array. `browserslist-config-mycompany/index.js`: ```js module.exports = [ 'last 2 versions', 'ie 9' ] ``` ## Environment Variables If some tool use Browserslist inside, you can change browsers settings by [environment variables]: * `BROWSERSLIST` with browsers queries. ```sh BROWSERSLIST="> 5%" gulp css ``` * `BROWSERSLIST_CONFIG` with path to config file. ```sh BROWSERSLIST_CONFIG=./config/browserslist gulp css ``` * `BROWSERSLIST_ENV` with environments string. ```sh BROWSERSLIST_ENV="development" gulp css ``` * `BROWSERSLIST_STATS` with path to the custom usage data for `> 1% in my stats` query. ```sh BROWSERSLIST_STATS=./config/usage_data.json gulp css ``` * `BROWSERSLIST_DISABLE_CACHE` if you want to disable config reading cache. ```sh BROWSERSLIST_DISABLE_CACHE=1 gulp css ``` [environment variables]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_variable ## Environments You can also specify different browser queries for various environments. Browserslist will choose query according to `BROWSERSLIST_ENV` or `NODE_ENV` variables. If none of them is declared, Browserslist will firstly look for `development` queries and then use defaults. In `package.json`: ```js "browserslist": { "production": [ "last 2 version", "ie 9" ], "development": [ "last 1 version" ] } ``` In `.browserslistrc` config: ```ini [production] last 2 version ie 9 [development] last 1 version ``` ## Custom Usage Data If you have a website, you can query against the usage statistics of your site: 1. Import your Google Analytics data into [Can I Use]. Press `Import…` button in Settings page. 2. Open browser DevTools on [Can I Use] and paste this snippet into the browser console: ```js var e=document.createElement('a');e.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,'+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(localStorage['usage-data-by-id'])[localStorage['config-primary_usage']])));e.setAttribute('download','stats.json');document.body.appendChild(e);e.click();document.body.removeChild(e); ``` 3. Save the data to a `browserslist-stats.json` file in your project. Of course, you can generate usage statistics file by any other method. File format should be like: ```js { "ie": { "6": 0.01, "7": 0.4, "8": 1.5 }, "chrome": { … }, … } ``` Note that you can query against your custom usage data while also querying against global or regional data. For example, the query `> 1% in my stats, > 5% in US, 10%` is permitted. [Can I Use]: http://caniuse.com/ ## Webpack If you plan to use Browserslist on client-side (e. g., tools like CodePen) Browserslist could take big part of your bundle — about 150 KB. But the biggest part of this size will be region usage statistics, which could be useless for you. You can use `IgnorePlugin` in webpack to cut it: ```js const webpackConfig = { … plugins: [ new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/caniuse-lite\/data\/regions/) ] } ``` This plugin will reduce Browserslist size from 150 KB to 6 KB. But you loose `> 1% in US` queries support. ## JS API ```js var browserslist = require('browserslist'); // Your CSS/JS build tool code var process = function (source, opts) { var browsers = browserslist(opts.browsers, { stats: opts.stats, path: opts.file, env: opts.env }); // Your code to add features for selected browsers } ``` Queries can be a string `"> 5%, last 1 version"` or an array `['> 5%', 'last 1 version']`. If a query is missing, Browserslist will look for a config file. You can provide a `path` option (that can be a file) to find the config file relatively to it. For non-JS environment and debug purpose you can use CLI tool: ```sh browserslist "> 1%, last 2 versions" ``` ## Coverage You can get total users coverage for selected browsers by JS API: ```js browserslist.coverage(browserslist('> 1%')) //=> 81.4 ``` ```js browserslist.coverage(browserslist('> 1% in US'), 'US') //=> 83.1 ``` Or by CLI: ```sh $ browserslist --coverage "> 1%" These browsers account for 81.4% of all users globally ``` ```sh $ browserslist --coverage=US "> 1% in US" These browsers account for 83.1% of all users in the US ``` ## Internal caches Browserslist caches the configuration it reads from `package.json` and `browserslist` files, as well as knowledge about the existence of files, for the duration of the hosting process. To clear these caches, use: ```js browserslist.clearCaches(); ``` To disable the caching altogether, set the `BROWSERSLIST_DISABLE_CACHE` environment variable.