#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # this programme compare a text in french and its translation in englishe and liste the common words . nm =0 with open("JVFR.txt", "r") as textFr: for line in textFr: line=line.strip() mots=line.split() for mot in mots : mot=mot.strip(" ;''?:,()!.\").”-") nm=nm+1 print(mot) print(nm) nw=0 with open("JVEN.txt", "r") as textEn: for line in textEn: line=line.strip() words=line.split() for word in words : nw=nw+1 #print(word) print(nw) #for mot in mots : #print(mot) nb=0 for word in words: #print(word) word = word.strip(" ;''?:,()!.\").”-") for mot in mots: #print(mot) #mot = mot.strip(" ;''?:,()!.\").”-") if word == mot : nb= nb+1 print(word) print("nombres des mots anglais identiques =" , nb)