/*! * vinyl-bufferstream | MIT (c) Shinnosuke Watanabe * https://github.com/shinnn/vinyl-bufferstream */ 'use strict'; var BufferStreams = require('bufferstreams'); module.exports = function VinylBufferStream(fn) { if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new TypeError( fn + ' is not a function. The argument to VinylBufferStream constructor must be a function.' ); } return function vinylBufferStream(file, cb) { if (typeof cb !== 'function') { throw new TypeError( cb + ' is not a function. ' + 'The second argument to VinylBufferStream instance must be a function.' ); } if (!file || typeof file.isNull !== 'function') { cb(new TypeError('Expecting a vinyl file object.')); return; } if (file.isNull()) { cb(null, null); return; } if (file.isStream()) { var stream = file.contents.pipe(new BufferStreams(function(none, buf, done) { fn(buf, function(err, result) { done(err, result); if (err) { cb(err); return; } cb(null, stream); }); })); return; } fn(file.contents, cb); }; };