import LazyResult from './lazy-result'; import * as postcss from './postcss'; import Result from './result'; export default class Processor implements postcss.Processor { /** * Contains the current version of PostCSS (e.g., "5.0.19"). */ version: '5.0.19'; /** * Contains plugins added to this processor. */ plugins: postcss.Plugin[]; constructor(plugins?: (typeof postcss.acceptedPlugin)[]); /** * Adds a plugin to be used as a CSS processor. Plugins can also be * added by passing them as arguments when creating a postcss instance. */ use(plugin: typeof postcss.acceptedPlugin): this; /** * Parses source CSS. Because some plugins can be asynchronous it doesn't * make any transformations. Transformations will be applied in LazyResult's * methods. * @param css Input CSS or any object with toString() method, like a file * stream. If a Result instance is passed the processor will take the * existing Root parser from it. */ process(css: string | { toString(): string; } | Result, options?: postcss.ProcessOptions): LazyResult; private normalize(plugins); }