#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import random occurences = ["What are the demands","There are no demands","The demands","Impossible demands", "Impossible demand","We demand the impossible","Impossible to demand"] democracy = "democracy" democracy_majuscule = democracy.upper() print(democracy_majuscule) liste = list( democracy ) random.shuffle( liste ) democracy_shuffled = ''.join( liste ) print(democracy_shuffled) # read stopwords from file & save them in a list # read from file with open("occupy.txt", "r") as source: # for each line txt = source.readline() print(txt) new_txt = txt.replace(democracy, democracy_shuffled) print(new_txt) # clean returns #line = line.strip() #print(line) #split sentences into words #words = line.split() #for each words ... #for word in words: #print("words:", words) #print(" ".join(words)) #replace what are the demands sentence = occurences[0] print("sentence:", sentence) sentence.replace("What are the demands"," what are the demands ") print(sentence) #replace there are no demands sentence = occurences[1] #sentence.replace("there are no demands","therearenodemands") #print(sentence) #reverse order sentence = occurences[4,5,7] #chaine = "impossible demands, impossible demand, impossible to demand" #chaine = chaine [::-1] #print(chaine) # passer en majuscule sentence = occurences[6] #sentence = sentence.upper() #print(sentence) # écrire la nouvelle liste comme chaîne de caractères dans un fichier texte #with open('export.txt', 'w') as f: #f.write(script1)