Bachir Soussi Chiadmi a81d97708c generate thumbs with imagemagick; js lightbox 8 lat temu
dist a81d97708c generate thumbs with imagemagick; js lightbox 8 lat temu
examples a81d97708c generate thumbs with imagemagick; js lightbox 8 lat temu
src a81d97708c generate thumbs with imagemagick; js lightbox 8 lat temu
.bower.json a81d97708c generate thumbs with imagemagick; js lightbox 8 lat temu a81d97708c generate thumbs with imagemagick; js lightbox 8 lat temu
Gruntfile.js a81d97708c generate thumbs with imagemagick; js lightbox 8 lat temu
LICENSE a81d97708c generate thumbs with imagemagick; js lightbox 8 lat temu a81d97708c generate thumbs with imagemagick; js lightbox 8 lat temu
bower.json a81d97708c generate thumbs with imagemagick; js lightbox 8 lat temu
package.json a81d97708c generate thumbs with imagemagick; js lightbox 8 lat temu


The original lightbox script. Eight years later — still going strong!

Lightbox is small javascript library used to overlay images on top of the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.

For demos and usage instructions, visit

by Lokesh Dhakar


Actively being worked on

  • Maintenance. Geting open Issues and PRs number down. Not working on new features for v2.x.

Features NOT on the roadmap

The goal of this script from it's beginnings till today is to to provide a better image viewing experience.

  • HTML or video content. If you need to show html or video content, I recommend googling for an alternative script as there are many options.
  • Social sharing buttons.

v3.0 - In Brainstorming Phase


  • Add touch gesture support.
  • Exploring using tilt gesture on mobile devices with extra-wide images.
  • If user attempts to go forward when at end of image set, animation (shake?) indicating the end or option to close Lightbox.
  • Make sure right-click/long pressing works to access the image's context menu.


  • Allow vertical centering.
  • Update sizing on window resize.
  • Should the dev be able to choose the position of the caption, close button, and nav controls?
  • Optimize layout for mobile.
  • Optimize layout for screens of varying densities.
  • Should the close button still live in the bottom right corner?


  • Evaluate start, end, and transition animations.
  • Rewrite animations for performance and flexibility.


  • Use inline SVG for UI elements.


  • Review if and how images should be preloaded


  • Should opening lightbox update the url? and should this url be parsed on page load to show Lightbox automatically?
  • Review alt attributes.
  • Review ARIA roles.
  • Review constrast ratios.
  • Review keyboard input and tabbing.
  • Review click/touch target size.
  • Test with screen reader.


  • Do not initialize automatically and allow multiple instances.
  • Add event handlers.
  • Allow setting options on the fly.
  • Allow the setting of options from HTML?
  • Allow instantiation with jQuery plugin syntax.
  • Evaluate preloading and caching.
  • Evaluate droppping jQuery requirement.
  • Allow placement inside of a specified element? Orig feature requester was dealing with iframe.


v2.9.0 - 2016-10-30

  • [Fix] Allow loading of lightbox.js anywhere on page. Prev requirement was at the end of the body tag. Commit
  • [Add] Add imageFadeDuration option. Commit
  • [Change] Right-clicking image now shows context menu for image. Commit
  • [Change] Allow controlling of image border with a simpler css border vs a parent container padding hack. Commit

v2.8.2 - 2015-12-13

  • [Add] npm support. npm install --save lightbox2
  • [Add] Add option to disable vertical scrolling #487 Thanks blacksunshineCoding
  • [Fix] When horizontal scrolling is on page the overlay is not covering entire page #485 Thanks @manuel-io
  • [Change] Add css minify task to Gruntfile.js and removedlegacy css vendor prefixes for border-radius. #470 Thanks ajerez

v2.8.1 - 2015-07-09

  • [Fix] Change AMD jQuery require statement to use all lowercase. #464 Thanks @vtforester

v2.8.0 - 2015-06-29

  • [Add] UMD support (AMD, CommonJS, fallback to global export).#461
  • [Add] option method for setting options. #461
  • [Add]

v2.7.4 - 2015-06-23

  • [Change] Revert jquery dep version to 2.x from 1.x. Added note to Lightbox page about using jQuery 1.x to get IE6, 7, and 8 support.
  • [Fix] Preserve author and license comments from lightbox.js in minified files.

v2.7.3 - 2015-06-22

  • [Add] Barebone HTML file with examples /examples/index.html.
  • [Add] jquery.lightbox.js which concatenates jQuery and Lightbox. This is for those who are Bower averse or want an extra easy install.

v2.7.2 - 2015-06-16

  • [Add] maxWidth and maxHeight options added #197
  • [Add] Enable target attribute in caption links #299
  • [Change] Switched to The MIT License from Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  • [Change] Add CSS and images to bower.json main property.
  • [Change] Dropped version property from bower.json. #453
  • [Change] Use src -> dist folder structure for build.
  • [Fix] Remove empty src attribute from img tag #287
  • [Fix] Correct grammatical error in comment #224
  • [Fix] Clear the jquery animation queue before hiding the .lb-loader #309
  • [Remove] Remove releases's zips from repo.

v2.7.1 - 2014-03-30

  • [Fix] Enable links in captions

v2.7.0 - 2014-03-29

  • [Add] Support for data-title attribute for the caption. - Thanks @copycut
  • [Add] New option to enable always visible prev and next arrows
  • [Change] Rewrite Coffeescript code into plain ole Javascript
  • [Change] Updated jQuery to v1.10.2
  • [Fix] prev/next arrows not appearing in IE9 and IE 10 - Thanks @rebizu
  • [Fix] Support wrap around option w/keyboard actions. Thanks @vovayatsyuk

v2.6.0 - 2013-07-06

  • [Add] Added wraparound option
  • [Add] Added fitImagesInViewport option - now mobile friendly
  • [Add] Added showImageNumber label
  • [Add] Compatibility with html5shiv
  • [Add] Html5 valid using new data-lightbox attribute
  • [Add] Compatibility with hmtl5shiv and modernizr
  • [Add] Support jquery 1.9+
  • [Change] Move reference to loading and close images into css
  • [Change] Cache jquery objects

v2.5.0 - 2012-04-11

  • [Change] Switch to jQuery from Prototype and Scriptaculous
  • [Change] Switch from Javacript to Coffeescript
  • [Change] Switch from CSS to SASS
  • [Add] Repo created on Github

How to deploy

  • Update version number in src/lightbox.js
  • Update Changelog with release date
  • grunt build
  • Push to Github repo
  • Create a new Github release along with tag. Naming convention for both v2.8.1