core.base_field_override.commerce_promotion.commerce_promotion.description.yml 491 B

  1. uuid: 4c4d32da-e167-4429-a6a8-e64919f1fd4d
  2. langcode: fr
  3. status: true
  4. dependencies:
  5. module:
  6. - commerce_promotion
  7. id: commerce_promotion.commerce_promotion.description
  8. field_name: description
  9. entity_type: commerce_promotion
  10. bundle: commerce_promotion
  11. label: Description
  12. description: 'Additional information about the promotion to show to the customer'
  13. required: false
  14. translatable: false
  15. default_value:
  16. -
  17. value: ''
  18. default_value_callback: ''
  19. settings: { }
  20. field_type: string_long