symfony_mailer.mailer_policy.simplenews.validate.yml 676 B

  1. uuid: 89614f60-ecc8-4286-80b3-47b771f8423e
  2. langcode: en
  3. status: true
  4. dependencies:
  5. module:
  6. - simplenews
  7. _core:
  8. default_config_hash: 5Oh2xuv7tqN5i5bnfKD00U_BBPkar6m2je0uO0SQNc4
  9. id: simplenews.validate
  10. configuration:
  11. email_from:
  12. addresses:
  13. -
  14. value:
  15. display: ''
  16. email_body:
  17. content:
  18. value: "<p>We have received a request to manage your subscriptions for [simplenews-subscriber:mail] at <a href=\"[site:url]\">[site:name]</a>.\r\nPlease use this link to <a href=\"[simplenews-subscriber:manage-url]\">proceed</a>.</p>"
  19. format: email_html
  20. email_subject:
  21. value: 'Manage your subscriptions at [site:name]'