composer.json 11 KB

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  203. "drupal/core": {
  204. "migrate_drupal getsetting on null" : "",
  205. "language negociation exeption" : "",
  206. "Cannot save translated nodes after upgrading to 8.8 due to invalid path":"",
  207. "ConfigImporter->checkOp()": "",
  208. "Entity view/form mode formatter/widget settings have no translation UI 1": "",
  209. "Entity view/form mode formatter/widget settings have no translation UI 2": "",
  210. "Register a user without email verification should still send an email": ""
  211. },
  212. "drupal/email_registration": {
  213. "allow email login through REST": ""
  214. },
  215. "drupal/field_group": {
  216. "undefined index name 18" : "",
  217. "undefined index name 16" : ""
  218. },
  219. "drupal/stripe": {
  220. "Stripe is a web service and should be in system.admin_config_services": ""
  221. },
  222. "drupal/address": {
  223. "Integrate Address with Search API": ""
  224. },
  225. "drupal/flag": {
  226. "remove flag hooks to allow site to be accessible again": "./patches/flag-commenthooks.patch"
  227. },
  228. "drupal/graphql": {
  229. "Invalid translation language": "./patches/graphql-fix-invalid-translation-language.patch"
  230. },
  231. "drupal/pwa": {
  232. "Manifest doesn't have a maskable icon": ""
  233. },
  234. "drupal/term_reference_tree": {
  235. "Term Reference Tree: Re-implement Track List": ""
  236. }
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