migrate_plus.migration.d7_taxonomy_term_showroom.yml 2.0 KB

  1. id: d7_taxonomy_term_showroom
  2. label: Taxonomy terms Showroom
  3. migration_group: d7_materio
  4. audit: true
  5. migration_tags:
  6. - Drupal 7
  7. - Content
  8. - Materio
  9. deriver: Drupal\taxonomy\Plugin\migrate\D7TaxonomyTermDeriver
  10. source:
  11. plugin: d7_taxonomy_term_showroom
  12. bundle: showroom
  13. destination:
  14. plugin: entity:taxonomy_term
  15. process:
  16. # If you are using this file to build a custom migration consider removing
  17. # the tid field to allow incremental migrations.
  18. # tid: tid
  19. vid:
  20. plugin: default_value
  21. default_value: showroom
  22. name: name
  23. weight: weight
  24. parent:
  25. plugin: default_value
  26. default_value: 0
  27. changed: timestamp
  28. langcode:
  29. plugin: default_value
  30. default_value: 'und'
  31. field_migration:
  32. plugin: default_value
  33. default_value: 'migration_imported'
  34. field_workflow:
  35. plugin: default_value
  36. default_value: 'workflow_visible'
  37. # tode node showroom
  38. field_website:
  39. plugin: iterator
  40. source: field_website
  41. process:
  42. uri: url
  43. title: title
  44. options: attributes
  45. field_memo: field_memo
  46. field_public_phone: public_phone
  47. field_public_email:
  48. plugin: iterator
  49. source: field_public_email
  50. process:
  51. value: email
  52. # field_address:
  53. # plugin: addressfield
  54. # source: field_address
  55. field_public_address:
  56. plugin: iterator
  57. source: field_public_address
  58. process:
  59. # langcode:
  60. country_code: country
  61. administrative_area: administrative_area
  62. locality: locality
  63. dependent_locality: dependent_locality
  64. postal_code: postal_code
  65. # sorting_code:
  66. address_line1: thoroughfare
  67. # address_line2:
  68. organization: organisation_name
  69. given_name: first_name
  70. # additional_name:
  71. family_name: last_name
  72. # SOURCES
  73. # sub_administrative_area
  74. # premise
  75. # sub_premise
  76. # name_line
  77. # data
  78. description:
  79. plugin: iterator
  80. source: body
  81. process:
  82. value: value
  83. format:
  84. plugin: default_value
  85. default_value: wysiwyg