_layout.scss 2.0 KB

  1. body, html{
  2. position: relative;
  3. width: 100%;
  4. height:100%;
  5. font-family: sans-serif;
  6. font-style: normal;
  7. margin:0;
  8. padding:0;
  9. }
  10. body{
  11. overflow-x:hidden;
  12. }
  13. div.dialog-off-canvas-main-canvas{
  14. width: 100vw;
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  16. display: flex;
  17. flex-direction: column;
  18. }
  19. body.toolbar-horizontal.toolbar-themes.toolbar-no-tabs{
  20. padding-top: 24px!important;
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  22. %grided-width{
  23. margin:0 auto;
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  28. $upbp: $bp + $colw + $m;
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  30. width:$bp - $m;
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  32. $bp: $upbp;
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  34. // outline:1px blue solid;
  35. // &>*{
  36. // outline:1px red solid;
  37. // }
  38. }
  39. // _ _ _
  40. // | || |___ __ _ __| |___ _ _
  41. // | __ / -_) _` / _` / -_) '_|
  42. // |_||_\___\__,_\__,_\___|_|
  43. header[role="banner"]{
  44. flex:0 0 auto;
  45. background-color: #fff;
  46. // overflow: visible;
  47. // position: fixed;
  48. // z-index: 20;
  49. width:100vw;
  50. // height: $header_height;
  51. .wrapper{
  52. @extend %grided-width;
  53. // box-sizing:border-box;
  54. background-color: #fff;
  55. &:after{
  56. content:"";
  57. clear:both;
  58. display: block;
  59. }
  60. .header-block{
  61. min-height: 15px;
  62. font-size: 0;
  63. &.header-right{
  64. text-align: right;
  65. }
  66. &>*{
  67. display: inline-block;
  68. vertical-align:top;
  69. font-size: $base_font_size;
  70. text-align: left;
  71. }
  72. }
  73. }
  74. }
  75. // __ __ _
  76. // | \/ |__ _(_)_ _
  77. // | |\/| / _` | | ' \
  78. // |_| |_\__,_|_|_||_|
  79. main[role="main"]{
  80. flex:1 1 auto;
  81. overflow-y: auto;
  82. overflow-x: hidden;
  83. >.scroller{
  84. width:100vw;
  85. >.wrapper{
  86. @extend %grided-width;
  87. display: flex;
  88. flex-direction: row-reverse;
  89. #content-left{
  90. flex-basis: $column_width*2+$column_goutiere;
  91. // width:$column_width*2+$column_goutiere;
  92. >*{
  93. width:$column_width*2+$column_goutiere;
  94. }
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  96. #content-center{
  97. flex-basis: $column_width*10+$column_goutiere*9;
  98. }
  99. }
  100. }
  101. }