user.role.authenticated.yml 1.5 KB

  1. uuid: 8cc24bdd-d0ae-466c-81d5-d388e6c851e8
  2. langcode: fr
  3. status: true
  4. dependencies:
  5. config:
  6. - filter.format.wysiwyg
  7. - rest.resource.user_registration
  8. module:
  9. - commerce_checkout
  10. - commerce_order
  11. - commerce_payment
  12. - commerce_product
  13. - config_pages
  14. - eu_cookie_compliance
  15. - field_permissions
  16. - filter
  17. - google_analytics
  18. - graphql
  19. - materio_flag
  20. - profile
  21. - rest
  22. - simplenews
  23. - synonyms_autocomplete
  24. - system
  25. - workflow
  26. _core:
  27. default_config_hash: NlAJ1uthbRfNcM-M7UCYixmpTNgZnkuQKQymrXPv7UY
  28. id: authenticated
  29. label: 'Authenticated user'
  30. weight: -8
  31. is_admin: false
  32. permissions:
  33. - 'access checkout'
  34. - 'access content'
  35. - 'access synonyms entity autocomplete'
  36. - 'create workflow workflow_transition'
  37. - 'display eu cookie compliance popup'
  38. - 'execute materio arbitrary graphql requests'
  39. - 'execute materio persisted graphql requests'
  40. - 'manage own commerce_payment_method'
  41. - 'materio_jsonapi ownroles'
  42. - 'opt-in or out of google analytics tracking'
  43. - 'restful post user_registration'
  44. - 'subscribe to newsletters'
  45. - 'update own customer profile'
  46. - 'use text format wysiwyg'
  47. - 'view body'
  48. - 'view commerce_product'
  49. - 'view field_materiau_images'
  50. - 'view field_short_description'
  51. - 'view field_showroom_files'
  52. - 'view materio_product_type commerce_product'
  53. - 'view own commerce_order'
  54. - 'view own customer profile'
  55. - 'view own profile'
  56. - 'view privacy_policy config page entity'
  57. - 'view terms_of_services config page entity'