commerce_checkout.commerce_checkout_flow.materio_checkout_flow.yml 2.2 KB

  1. uuid: 6909971d-b780-4af3-967c-ae547d9e7926
  2. langcode: en
  3. status: true
  4. dependencies:
  5. module:
  6. - commerce_payment
  7. - commerce_promotion
  8. - commerce_stripe
  9. - email_registration
  10. - materio_commerce
  11. id: materio_checkout_flow
  12. label: 'materio checkout flow'
  13. plugin: multistep_default
  14. configuration:
  15. display_checkout_progress: true
  16. display_checkout_progress_breadcrumb_links: true
  17. panes:
  18. contact_information:
  19. double_entry: false
  20. step: order_information
  21. weight: 0
  22. allow_guest_checkout: true
  23. allow_registration: false
  24. payment_information:
  25. step: order_information
  26. weight: 1
  27. materio_commerce_agree_terms:
  28. path:
  29. route_name: materio_commerce.terms_viewer
  30. route_parameters: { }
  31. link_text: 'Terms and Conditions'
  32. prefix_text: 'I agree with the %terms'
  33. invalid_text: 'You must agree with the %terms before continuing'
  34. new_window: '1'
  35. step: order_information
  36. weight: 2
  37. nid: '1'
  38. review:
  39. step: review
  40. weight: 3
  41. stripe_review:
  42. button_id: edit-actions-next
  43. step: review
  44. weight: 4
  45. payment_process:
  46. capture: true
  47. step: payment
  48. weight: 5
  49. completion_message:
  50. message:
  51. value: "<p class=\"welcom\">[current-user:customer:address:given_name]&nbsp;[current-user:customer:address:family_name] thank you and welcome&nbsp;to <strong>[site:name]</strong>!</p>\r\n\r\n<p class=\"base\">You now have full access to our <a href=\"/base\">8000+ materials</a></p>\r\n\r\n<p class=\"order\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n"
  52. format: wysiwyg
  53. step: complete
  54. weight: 6
  55. order_summary:
  56. view: commerce_checkout_order_summary
  57. step: _sidebar
  58. weight: 7
  59. coupon_redemption:
  60. allow_multiple: false
  61. step: _sidebar
  62. weight: 8
  63. email_registration_login:
  64. allow_guest_checkout: true
  65. allow_registration: false
  66. step: _disabled
  67. weight: 10
  68. email_registration_completion_registration:
  69. step: _disabled
  70. weight: 11
  71. completion_register:
  72. step: _disabled
  73. weight: 12
  74. login:
  75. allow_guest_checkout: true
  76. allow_registration: false
  77. step: _disabled
  78. weight: 13