simplenews.settings.yml 2.7 KB

  1. hash_expiration: 86400
  2. newsletter:
  3. format: html
  4. priority: 3
  5. receipt: false
  6. from_address:
  7. from_name: materiO’
  8. subscriber:
  9. sync_fields: true
  10. subscription:
  11. use_combined: multiple
  12. confirm_subscribe_subject: 'Confirmation for [simplenews-newsletter:name] from [site:name]'
  13. confirm_subscribe_unsubscribed: "We have received a request to subscribe [simplenews-subscriber:mail] to the [simplenews-newsletter:name] newsletter on [site:name] website at [site:url]. To confirm please use the link below. \n\n [simplenews-subscriber:subscribe-url]"
  14. confirm_subscribe_subscribed: 'We have received a request to subscribe [simplenews-subscriber:mail] to the [simplenews-newsletter:name] newsletter on [site:name] website at [site:url]. However, this email is already subscribed to this newsletter. If you intended to unsubscribe please visit our site: [site:url]'
  15. confirm_unsubscribe_subscribed: "We have received a request to remove the [simplenews-subscriber:mail] from the [simplenews-newsletter:name] mailing list on [site:name] website at [site:url]. To confirm please use the link below.\r\n\r\n[simplenews-subscriber:unsubscribe-url]"
  16. confirm_unsubscribe_unsubscribed: 'We have received a request to remove the [simplenews-subscriber:mail] from the [simplenews-newsletter:name] mailing list on [site:name] website at [site:url]. However, this email is not subscribed to this mailing list. If you intended to subscribe please visit our site at [site:url]'
  17. confirm_combined_subject: 'Confirmation for [site:name]'
  18. confirm_combined_body: "We have received a request for the following subscription changes for [simplenews-subscriber:mail] at [site:url]:\r\n\r\n[changes-list]\r\n\r\nTo confirm please use the link below.\r\n\r\n[simplenews-subscriber:combined-url]"
  19. confirm_combined_body_unchanged: "We have received a request for the following subscription changes for [simplenews-subscriber:mail] at [site:url]:\r\n\r\n[changes-list]\r\n\r\nNo confirmation necessary because all requested changes equal the current state."
  20. confirm_combined_line_subscribe_unsubscribed: 'Subscribe to [simplenews-newsletter:name]'
  21. confirm_combined_line_subscribe_subscribed: 'Already subscribed to [simplenews-newsletter:name]'
  22. confirm_combined_line_unsubscribe_subscribed: 'Unsubscribe from [simplenews-newsletter:name]'
  23. confirm_combined_line_unsubscribe_unsubscribed: 'Already unsubscribed from [simplenews-newsletter:name]'
  24. confirm_subscribe_page: ''
  25. confirm_unsubscribe_page: ''
  26. tidy_unconfirmed: 0
  27. mail:
  28. use_cron: true
  29. throttle: 200
  30. spool_progress_expiration: 3600
  31. spool_expire: 1
  32. debug: true
  33. source_cache: null
  34. _core:
  35. default_config_hash: cy-hJPYCnfCsuUZA7VDoAwssKhRJCa8N88iJTaWiims